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Space Travel Began With the Lie that Ended It

Posted by Bob on September 5th, 2011 under Coaching Session

“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

That canned statement for the first man to land on the moon is the epitaph for manned space travel.

People are always pointing out that the Chinese came very close to reaching Europe. before Europe got to China. People are always pointing out that the Chinese came up with our most revolutionary inventions earlier than we did.

What China saw as Wisdom was Confucius pontificating under a tree while children passed out from hunger within sight of him.

One historian points out that Europeans fished on the American shore and set up Old Norse villages in Canada LONG before Columbus. He said “Europe didn’t colonize American then because it didn’t NEED America then. China did not come close to going to Europe, not because of technology but because it didn’t WANT to.

China traded with Europe through White India.

Once you get on Capitol Hill you see how hopeless the space program is.

All money bills must originate in the House. It is the subcommittee chairman and the ranking Republican who had a veto over programs they really didn’t like. In the House, NASA expenditures came under a subcommittee called HUD- Independent Agencies.

NASA was one of those independent agencies.

Every year the chairman and a ranking member agree that their constituencies, invariably inner city constituencies in both cases, need those tens or hundreds of billions controlled by HUD, and they are there to help hand it out.

In the middle of THAT, how much do you think they want to send to Mars?

I saved the space telescope, but, there is no Bob Whitaker up there now.

Space travel is the epitome of the Aryan Ideal.

Mankind doesn’t want it.

  1. #1 by Gavin on 09/05/2011 - 6:31 am

    “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

    Why “mankind”? Why not “primate kind”? Chimps had as much to do with it as the Asians and Africans did.

    “Oh!” the white liberal would say “but blacks paid some taxes that funded NASA!” or some other nonsense.

    Well then why not “mammal kind”? Horses and cows have contributed LOTS of the building of America and the American economy. Should they then get a share of the moon landing? What about plants? The provided lots to the economy in wood and food etc….

    SOMETHING put Neil Armstrong on the moon, it wasn’t plants, it wasn’t cows and it wasn’t Africans, Asians etc…

    It was a genepool, OUR genepool.

    I personally couldn’t have done it but I belong to what did put him on the moon.

    The same way my kidney can’t see but it is part of the same organism as my eyes which can.

  2. #2 by BoardAd on 09/05/2011 - 9:54 am

    Monkeys were essential to early space flight.

    Albert I – IV, Gordo, Able and Baker, and HAM the Chimp were all test subjects. Some were fitted with sensors to test their reaction to the forces of launching and reentry, and HAM proved it was possible to preform tasks in space.

  3. #3 by OldBlighty on 09/05/2011 - 10:09 am

    “People are always pointing out that the Chinese came very close to reaching Europe.”

    Isn’t it odd how they feel it always necessary to make excuses for non-Whites? No one feels it necessary to make excuses for Whites. Why are they always making excuses for non-Whites? Do the excuse makers really believe their, “We are all the same.” mantra?

    “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

    I remember seeing archival footage of a man in the street interview, from the 1970s. It was filmed not long after they had been to the Moon a few times.

    The ‘journalist”, no lets call him an activist, was asking people, “Why are we spending so much money on space travel, when there are so many people that need help here on Earth?”

    Like most people I had no idea what he was doing, until I started visiting Bob Whitaker’s blog:

    They were pushing a Mantra of stagnation.

    “He said “Europe didn’t colonize American then because it didn’t NEED America then. China did not come close to going to Europe, not because of technology but because it didn’t WANT to.’

    I think I am slowly starting to understand Mantra thinking. Part of it, is making connections they don’t want you to make and boiling them down to their bare essentials.

    Case in point, a few days ago it occurred to me that slavery ended around the same time as the Industrial Revolution. So now I am thinking slavery ended, not because the majority of people felt guilty, but because it was not needed anymore. White Ingenuity ended slavery, not White Guilt.

    • #4 by Genseric on 09/05/2011 - 10:29 am

      I think I am slowly starting to understand Mantra thinking. Part of it, is making connections they don’t want you to make and boiling them down to their bare essentials.

      Just don’t do it in public or in the company of those you wish NOT to embarrass or confound. They don’t LIKE IT.

    • #5 by Genseric on 09/05/2011 - 10:41 am

      So now I am thinking slavery ended, not because the majority of people felt guilty, but because it was not needed anymore. White Ingenuity ended slavery, not White Guilt.

      In my opinion, Lincoln’s substitution of “All Men Were Created Equal” in lieu of “to ourselves and our posterity” Ended Slavery. It did the trick. The side effects of his original intent are WHAT is perpetuating The Myth.

      White ingenuity, as always, answered back. This time with a resounding “We didn’t NEED it (slavery) anyways.”

    • #6 by Gavin on 09/05/2011 - 11:30 am

      “Why are we spending so much money on space travel, when there are so many people that need help here on Earth?”

      They have no claim on me.

      To the stars!

  4. #7 by Dave on 09/05/2011 - 11:19 am

    The irony is that Mankind is now demanding Germany rule Europe, and the Germans are declining the offer.

    I guess it gets too hard to ignore that the Germans, using 100 year old technology except for fuel injection and some electronics, like to lolly gag around building Mercedes autos, which for them is merely a trivial means to obtain some foreign cash, while if they built a plant and instructed Africans in detail, a chimpanzee would write the Grand March from Aida before one auto rolled off the line.

    But hey, that’s Mankind.

    In another irony, the Democrats and Republicans are now whining about “Infrastructure” and how darn important it is that we all have “Infrastructure”. They believe that somehow “Infrastructure” is going to get twenty-five million Mexicans off of food stamps.

    It is that “Mankind” thing again.

  5. #8 by Epiphany on 09/05/2011 - 12:45 pm

    They are now dismantling Britain, where the Industrial Revolution had begun in the first place. The English are rejecting their own traditional history. Soon, the Industrial Age will end where it all began!

  6. #9 by BGLass on 09/05/2011 - 4:52 pm

    @ …They were pushing a Mantra of stagnation.

    … it occurred to me that slavery ended around the same time as the Industrial Revolution. So now I am thinking slavery ended, not because the majority of people felt guilty, but because it was not needed anymore…white ingenuity ended slaves, not guilt….’

    This mantra of stagnation is sometimes hard to spot, b/c they call themselves “progressives,” and use the word “development” over and over. But it is “selective” progressing and selective “developing.”

    Was talking to a public employee about his home which is where a productive farm used to be and how proud he is of living in such a development. The farm was productive, but he is not.

    the industrial rev brought eli whitney and the cotton gin, but in this new age, elites seem to think we need not make or produce anything, much less do it more efficiently.

  7. #10 by Epiphany on 09/05/2011 - 6:37 pm

    The greatest mistake the British ever made, was to give up her colonial empire in Africa and Asia. What were they thinking?

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