When Linda Evans announced that she would get no more parts because she was an outspoken conservative, National Review charged in to defend Hollywood against any charges of discrimination. Nobody gets more excited defending the left than respectable conservatives do.
The fact is that a Marxist MUST hire only his own kind. Lenin never had to do a day’s work. Revolution was a full-time job, and revolutionaries were REQUIRED to marry for money when the Party needed it.
It is amazing what little even those who talk about “a Marxist analysis” know about Marxism.
Marxism states as it first principle that EVERYTHING is political. Any power you have is to be used to advance the Party.
Hiring entirely by merit has the same place in the moral scheme of a Marxist as performing abortions does in the moral scheme of a conservative Catholic.
Carleton Putnam was the founder of Delta Airlines. If we had been Marxists, he would have given my aviation negotiations career a huge boost, since he knew I had been on our side of saving our race for decades.
The side that takes its politics seriously wins.
In fact, I believe that my being in his industry would be a factor against giving me any recommendation, so he could prove to himself he was impartial.
In almost every industry you are not allowed to use company money to push a political cause. Yet all through the years I have heard leftists announce that they were careful to put a “social message” into their work.
Obviously my question was, “Why the hell would I want to go an entertainment which is political?”
That was before I understood Marxist morality. One who says that wants the other Marxists to know he is doing his part.
They probably smile when they see National Review kissing liberal ass on their obvious political hiring.
But for once I think the leftist morality is the correct one. If one side hires for their side and the other side brags about screwing its political comrades, there is almost no way, in the long run, that the group that thinks politics is a game can possibly win.
#1 by Gavin on 09/08/2011 - 6:53 am
What is this “impartial” nonsense?!?!?!?!
The world is PARTIAL!
Trying to be “impartial” in a PARTIAL world is idiotic and evil.
Purposely ignoring those who can help our race is NOT SOMETHING TO BRAG ABOUT.
We have a situation where white children are being ATTACKED in schools, our women are being raped, we are being abused and humiliated in the media and there is a GENOCIDE going on against us and some fool would betray his own people by not helping them in any way he can?!?!?
That is EVIL. When facing the situation we are facing, not doing everything in your power to help build a better future for white children is EVIL. There is no justification for abandoning and betraying your fellow pro-whites.
The only “merit” is what someone will do for our people, for our children. Anyone who puts profit over the survival of our people is evil.
Evil is being done to us, evil is being done to our children. It is treason to betray your fellow pro-whites. That is my morality. If your actions puts profits or papers or ANYTHING above the survival and wellbeing of white children, you cannot consider yourself a moral person.
#2 by Genseric on 09/08/2011 - 8:57 am
Everyone has a bias and human equality is a cultural Marxist construct.
“They scream about how they are unbiased towards minorities. They scream that they will do ANYTHING to hire more minorities. They scream that ‘All Men Are Created Equal.’ They scream that White men are the ONLY racistmonsterstoeverwalktheEarth. They scream that they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.”
What’s that, you’re a White rabbit?
You’re hired,
#3 by Dave on 09/08/2011 - 10:21 am
The plague of militant politics has swept the world into a spiral. Let’s not call it a downward spiral, more a riptide that sweeps everyone into a PLIGHT.
It is peculiar and misunderstood that militant politics are tame dog activities. The feral dogs never really participate. Feral dogs are just there in the shadows, like they always are.
But PLIGHT increases the climate for vengeance. Try as they may the militants can’t politicize PLIGHT because of its feral nature. It is just one of those facets of human existence that can’t be negotiated even to turn it into a war.
The tame dogs are flummoxed. They are always looking for a resolution that can’t happen. The confidence that they are in charge is fake.
So their dreams just drift away, along with everything else they take for granted. The stone they rely on just doesn’t sit there. It flies out and LANDS, to become a skipping stone, creating serial ripples that spiral into an encounter that consumes them.
And the feral dogs remain in the shadows, feared, but not really participating.
#4 by Genseric on 09/08/2011 - 5:03 pm
So, do you consider practical politics to be ‘tame dog activities’ or militant politics?
What would be one example of what you refer to as ‘feral dogs?’
#5 by Dave on 09/08/2011 - 7:26 pm
It all depends on who the practitioner is and their motives. Feral dogs are desperate people and they act out of desperation. The Mantra is desperate.
Tame dogs, in contrast, don’t know what desperation is. Tame dogs apply philosophy to desperation. That is what Marxism is, academic philosopy applied to desperation.
People like Semmelweis, in contrast, acted out desperation. Untold thousands of people were dying simply because physicians wouldn’t wash their hands. No philosophy there at all.
We whites are having both our heritage and posterity stolen. We are being attacked both internally and externally. Our situation is increasingly desperate.