We are a group of suppressed American dissidents asking Russia to have solidarity with us.
Russia is the only majority white country that does not grovel at the feet of the United States and its European Union.
The question comes up regularly over here: “Is Eastern Europe ready for immigration yet?” It is demanded of every country in Europe and America that it literally change its complexion, that they bring in tens of millions of third world immigrants.
This question is never asked of Japan or Taiwan, but it is demanded of equally crowded European countries like the Netherlands and Belgium.
No one mentions the reason because we all know it: Europe and America are a majority white.
It is an automatic demand made on ONLY white countries. Massive third world immigration and assimilation is a demand made on ALL white countries.
The cry is “Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, and white countries for EVERYBODY!
We dissidents make a declaration of this, called our Mantra, which is blocked as rigidly as any dissident was blocked in the Soviet Union.
We ask Russia to throw this genocidal demand back into the faces of the American and European establishments.
#1 by dungeoneer on 09/26/2011 - 6:38 am
Все говорят, что существует РАСОВАЯ проблема. Все говорят, что эта РАСОВАЯ проблема будет решена когда массы людей из стран третьего мира переселятся в КАЖДУЮ белую страну, и при том ТОЛЬКО в белые страны.
Нидерланды и Бельгия столь же перенаселены как Япония или Тайвань, но никто не говорит, что Япония или Тайвань решат эту РАСОВАЯ проблему пуская к себе миллионы людей из стран третьего мира и “ассимилируясь” с ними.
Все говорят, что окончательное решение РАСОВОЙ проблемы это КАЖДОЙ белой стране – и ТОЛЬКО белым странам – “ассимилироваться” путем смешанных браков со всеми теми небелыми пришельцами.
Что было бы если б я сказал, что РАСОВАЯ проблема может быть решена только если сотни миллионов нечёрных людей будут переселены в КАЖДУЮ чёрную страну и ТОЛЬКО в чёрные страны?
Как долго бы заняло каждому понять, что я не говорю о РАСОВОЙ проблеме, а говорю об окончательном решении проблемы ЧЁРНЫХ?
И как долго бы заняло любому нормальному чёрному человеку заметить это и только какой безумный чёрный человек не возражал бы против этого?
Но если я говорю очевидную правду о продолжающейся программе геноцида против моей расы, белой расы, то либералы и консерваторы соглашаются, что я мол являюсь нацистом, который хочет убить шесть миллионов евреев.
Они говорят, что они антирасисты, но кто они на самом деле – это антибелые.
Антирасист это кодовое слово означающее антибелый.
Они содействуют геноциду белых.
Article I: The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish.
Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group
#2 by Genseric on 09/26/2011 - 7:58 am
May God have mercy on their souls.
For no man is likely to shed a tear at their funerals. In their defense, they fought and died for what they held to be Self-Evident and True. Those who opposed them were just and feared not. For it is they, the vanguard warrior few, who birthed this new nation. In this new nation white children the World over were given a home.
And like the Phoenix, theirs is a nation reborn.
#3 by Bob on 09/26/2011 - 10:51 am
What I wanted was for you to suggest how we can send this to the Russian Government.
Isn’t ANYBODY interested?
#4 by H.Avenger on 09/26/2011 - 11:15 am
This is the link to send electronic messages to Medvedev.
Just click the big red box that says send letter and the lower right. Then it is self explanatory.
Bob, Putin is running again and will be “formally” taking over in 6 months . So maybe we should do a similar post with his name at the top in the future.
#5 by Bob on 09/26/2011 - 11:18 am
I need to get the url on the bottom of it,but this may get us some publicity if we do it right.
It’s about time RUSSIANS started helping AMERICAN dissidents for a change
#6 by Lord Nelson on 09/26/2011 - 12:27 pm
Of course I am interested. This is exactly what we should be doing. Also, Vladimir Putin is another to send this to. If you need signatures then I will put name to it. (And yes I mean my real name. Not Lord Nelson)
#7 by shari on 09/26/2011 - 2:10 pm
I can do that much as well.
#8 by Genseric on 09/26/2011 - 4:09 pm
While communique isn’t my forte, I suggest we promote a petition at The World’s Largest Supremacist Forum. We are sure to garner signatures aplenty there.
If the goal is to just send the letter, then I suggest we might appeal to the Russian consulate in Washington D.C. Then, send it to the Prime Minister as well.
Press the Auf Englisch button, herr Whitaker.
Address: 2641 Tunlaw Road, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20007
Telephone: (202) 939-8907, 939-8913, 939-8918, 939-8911 (Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.
and 2:30 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.)
Fax: (202) 483-7579
Office hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Open to public: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Head of the Consular Division: Sergey K. Ovsyannikov
Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland,
Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia,
Puerto Rico.
EDIT: There are ways to do a digital petition online. I have seen it done for various “propositions” before.” Perhaps others can elucidate further.
#9 by Genseric on 09/26/2011 - 4:31 pm
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
For those who are wanting to know and for quick reference: If it were noon in St. Petersburg, Florida, it would be 8pm in Moscow.
Embassy of Russia in Washington
Embassy of the Russian Federation, 2650 Wisconsin Ave., N.W., Washington D.C., 20007, USA
(8-10-1202) 298-5700, 298-5701, 298-5704
(8-10-1202) 298-5735
Hide details for Consular SectionConsular Section
(8-10-1-202) 939-89-11
(8-10-1-202) 483-75-79; 939-89-19; 939-89-09
#10 by Genseric on 09/26/2011 - 4:51 pm
Perhaps a people sympathetic to our cause, Armenia. Their ministry of foreign affairs and their embassy can be reached at the following link:
Email: armpublic@speakeasy.net
/ 2225 R Street, N.W. Washington D.C. 20008, USA ‘ (202) 319-1976 , fax (202) 319-2982
Republic of Poland Embassy
Czech Republic in D.C.
Georgia Embassy
Hungary Embassy
Ukraine Embassy
Belarus Embassy
#11 by BGLass on 09/26/2011 - 4:56 pm
usually things s/a that go in newspapers. is that possible there?
do they have, like in the u.s., those city papers? Like, it doesn’t cost hardly anything and then citizens there can be apprized of the appeal, or is that stupid?
#12 by James C on 09/26/2011 - 10:15 pm
I replied via Horus’ link, sending a letter to President Medvedev. At least some one in the Kremlin will have to read it.
#13 by Bob on 09/27/2011 - 11:33 am
This is my article submitted for tomorrow:
Back to Basics: This is BUGS, not Stormfront
I got a lot of comments on my petition to Russia yesterday.
A typical on was telling me which exact addressed BOB should go to and push the button, Herr Whitaker.
Another said there was such a thing as an internet petition and BoardAd could look into it.
Other suggested addresses BOB could send it to at embassies.
Another suggested it should be sent to Putin instead which is probably true.
But most of them forget that this is BUGS, not Stormfront.
We don’t JUST suggest that some paid Leader do such and such.
We don’t give it to Bob ort God knows BoardAd who is doing ten times his work here.
We DO it.
Send it to Putin or whoever. Get on Swarm SAY what YOU’VE done.
Get into Swarm and SWARM, for God’s sake.
This is BUGS, not Stormfront.
#14 by H.Avenger on 09/27/2011 - 1:14 pm
Coach, you are being incorrigible this morning. They get all that. This is not 2004. And you do not have to spoon feed us AS MUCH.
“What I wanted was for you to suggest how we can send this to the Russian Government.
Isn’t ANYBODY interested?”
When you ask this on the Blog. You are going to get responses on the Blog. I will copy and paste it for the Swarm as well.
The blog is still not USED to having the BUGS Swarm. That is why I am currently writing an article for BUGS. And I know damn well they are not used to you wanting to send memos to Medvedev! So take it easy. They can actually read your mind……mostly. But some days……….
#15 by shari on 09/27/2011 - 12:43 pm
Okay! I got one sent.
#16 by Genseric on 09/27/2011 - 3:52 pm
I will stick to Swarming. Thanks.
As for the military and diplomatic attache thing? I will leave that up to the professionals. As I already said, “not my forte.”
#17 by Bob on 09/27/2011 - 4:26 pm
OK, Rabbit.
Actually the replies were good and to the point.
The better BUGS folks do, the more impatient I get.
That is, in fact, a common problem with actual sports coaches.
I’ve got to stop that.
This piece will not go in tomorrow.
#18 by Bob on 09/27/2011 - 4:34 pm
Thanks, Shari.
#19 by Bob on 09/27/2011 - 4:49 pm
Genseric, I am not trying to get into high-level statecraft here. I just feel there is some sort of use to be made of this approach.
#20 by Genseric on 09/27/2011 - 5:03 pm
You mean like this, coach?
I was just hoping to get it tied into or embedded into the web site somehow.
Edit:Someone who is better with words and formatting is welcome to edit the current petition or start one of their own.
#21 by Coniglio Bianco on 09/27/2011 - 5:38 pm
If you really want a ‘petition’ against White genocide find some people to help us build an evidence database. If we can make it big enough it will destroy the NWO.
#22 by Genseric on 09/27/2011 - 5:42 pm
‘Coniglio Bianco’
I don’t think that was the goal of what bob suggested in his article. I could be wrong. But, I think he actually wants to start a conversation with/elicit a response from Russia.
They will likely be next on the list should TPTB let massive immigration, White genocide, run unchecked.
#23 by Coniglio Bianco on 09/27/2011 - 6:06 pm
#24 by H.Avenger on 09/27/2011 - 6:50 pm
One thing many will not know about Medvedev is that he met publicly and in private with the infamous Maxim Kalashnikov. That is his pen name. His real name is Vladimir Alexandrovich Kucherenko. He is considered a radical nationalist to say the least. The Russians use such individuals to send messages to the rest of the planet. Basically, Maxim does not write anything by accident.
Maxim Kalashnikov met with Medvedev and had quite a long meeting. This is only briefly mentioned on his Wikipedia. And this was only covered in detail by Radio Free Europe. This meeting did not make the news in America. With one exception of one podcaster who is busy fighting White Rabbit Genocide.
What did they talk about? They discussed ways Russia could take advantage of what is going with “The White Race”. Maxim had written an article saying Russia could own the show if it took advantage of obvious racial problems created by importing non whites into Europe and America. DUHHH! And who knows what else was REALLY talked about.
This was a big deal. You know kinda like the message it sends if the VP of the USA asks Ole Bob to come in and discuss RACIAL ISSUES for a few hours.
So by all means, hit the send button to Medvedev. And don’t forget Putin either. Seeing as Putin has the real power. Either Medvedev has some balls or maybe Putin ordered him to meet with Maxim. Who knows. BUT it did happen.
And I bet dollars to donuts that our enemy got the message. You know the ones who THINK they run the world. And the ones who get actually paid to read what we write on BUGS and listen to WN podcasts. Our enemy might be stupid enough to walk off a cliff into the abyss of WW3. But they ain’t stupid enough to mention what I just mentioned on Major Media Networks in America.
#25 by dungeoneer on 09/27/2011 - 9:50 pm
Sent my letter to the Russian president at 02:46 (UK time) wed 28th sept.
#26 by Bob on 09/27/2011 - 10:19 pm
Lord Nelson, though I appreciate your courage, since we ARE dissidents, it may not be inappropriate for you to use your pseudonym in signing this petition.
What do you think?
#27 by Peter Whiterabbit on 09/27/2011 - 10:23 pm
#28 by Creator on 09/30/2011 - 3:03 am
Sent and signed.
#29 by Harumphty Dumpty on 09/30/2011 - 5:19 pm
Bob’s post #26 above inclines me to just sign with a real-sounding pseudonym and no address, etc. If that is adequate, I wonder if it would be helpful to mention that where the petition is being publicized.
Maybe that’s not necessary…I see that over at Stormfront some peoples’ signatures to the petition are just a first name and last initial, which should suggest to anyone considering signing that that might be sufficient.
#30 by ioannes on 09/30/2011 - 10:06 pm
I just signed and sent my letter.
I am #41.
Thanks for setting this up. It was a great idea.