Archive for October 5th, 2011

Anti-Whites Should Never TELL the Public What Rubes They Are

One thing you can really get out of reading back over BUGS, to the extent I am right, is how things really WORK.

For example all this cheating on facts, as in the brazen case of Global Warming. We all know that, in the gigantic competition for research grants, the first thing any person does if he ever wants a grant is to vet his research for Political Correctness.

But most people never DISCUSS this.

A research grant means a career. A single publication in a journal is worth tens of thousands of dollars to anyone in research and it is life and death to a professor.

We know that, but no one ever TALKS about it.

People are pushing books on secret conspiracies, but the REAL conspiracies, the ones right out in the open, are completely ignored.

We all know that any research project which promises to back something Politically Correct is ninety percent of the way to being granted. It WILL be published.

Why is it that no one who discusses what is going on ever MENTIONS this?

How can you deal with reality if you ignore it?

Those who were cooking the facts on Global Warming were astonished when their open planning to suppress contrary information was such a scandal. Where the hell had the dumbass public BEEN all this time?

A generation ago Arthur Fleming was astonished when his Civil Rights Commission was reported by, of all people, Time Magazine for cooking the figures on integration. His orders had been, “Show it works.”

Fleming, like the Global Warming types, had assumed that everybody knew that any research was to prove their point. He was astonished at the reaction when he just said so.

Don’t tell the dumbasses, and you can be sure no one will say what any idiot should know.
