Archive for October 19th, 2011

Ridicule is GREAT!

One commenter told how he knocked down the old myth that Puritans threw infected blankets into Indian enclosures.

I remember when it was a historical “fact” that Genghis Khan did that.

I also heard several times about how the Chinese did that

When you answer something like this, don’t think about what THEY get out of your answer, think about what WE get out of your reply.

Remember that anti-whites are 100% attitude and no facts. On self-righteousness, they make even the PURITANS look modest.

The most effective weapon against them is not corrections, but ridicule. When one reels off the number of villains who are supposed to have used those infected blankets you hit them where it counts, in that unspeakable self-righteousness.

Once again, remember that we are not out to dazzle people with our footwork. They are screaming at our endless repetition of the word “genocide.”

The idea is, if you’ve got them by the cajones, don’t let up on your grip. GOOD, well-placed ridicule gets them where it really hurts

That is not only hitting right where you should, but it is also FUN.

Can you imagine ANYBODY, in times before the Evil White Man got rid of smallpox and plague and leprosy, infecting a blanket and confidently carrying it someplace miles away?

Ah, but I have a good time, thousands of good times, rubbing that one in!
