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BUGS is Not An “Anyone” Site

Posted by Bob on January 31st, 2012 under Coaching Session

One commenter asked if anyone had looked into disappearing plots in BUGS.

Let me repeat this the hundredth time: BUGS is not a site where “someone” or “anyone” does anything.

“Anyone” is for general purpose bitching, and we don’t need that here.

If you have a proposal, DO it. Stormfront has had at least ten thousand no-question-this-will-conquer-the-world-if-SOMEONE-does-its.

If you will need help, GET IT STARTED and THEN ask for help, telling them what you have accomplished.

We got mixed up and took out a subject a few days ago about 9 AM, along with several comments on it, including White Rabbits.

This not a Jewish Plot. It was a screw up.

I wonder if the people who talk about “someone” have ever done anything themselves

  1. #1 by Coniglio Bianco on 01/31/2012 - 9:19 am

    In this case ‘anyone’ would be the webmaster of this particular establishment. I would have fixed it myself but only those with the security permissions for the site have access.

    The disappearing posts I was referring to are in the comments section. People are spending time writing up posts only to have them filtered out. If you follow the ‘site admin’ link and then go into the replies section and then into the spam folder you should be able to see that there are over sixty comments that are awaiting moderation. All of these are from our regular posters and have been waiting to be published for as long as three months.

  2. #2 by The Old Man of the Mountain on 01/31/2012 - 9:57 am

    I do stuff.

    I usually don’t ask for help, but when I do, I expect to get it.

  3. #3 by Bob on 01/31/2012 - 10:17 am

    Good work, Conglio, SPECIFICS.

  4. #5 by Lord Nelson on 01/31/2012 - 10:19 am

    Good Point Coach!

    This is not a discussion forum. It’s no accident that sites like Stormfront need whole teams of full time moderaters just to keep the thing from tearing apart.

    We have more important things to do here.

  5. #6 by Genseric on 01/31/2012 - 10:57 am

    Were these COMMENTS or posts that actually reported people doing real WORK?

    I think we all know which is more important.

  6. #7 by Coniglio Bianco on 01/31/2012 - 12:04 pm

    They were all posts for the Swarm and virtually all of them were intended to go into the ‘Where did you post the Mantra today’ thread.

    What usually happens is you submit a post but it doesn’t show up. If you re-submit the same post it says ‘duplicate post’ and still doesn’t show up. So you have to change something and then hope it doesn’t get filtered again.

    • #8 by Genseric on 01/31/2012 - 5:13 pm

      I have not experienced this problem unless I try to post tens, if not hundreds, of links all at once.

  7. #9 by ANOTHERWHITERABBIT on 01/31/2012 - 12:18 pm

    Sorry if I was one of the wrenches in the gear works you are talking about. I dont mean to get off topic.

  8. #10 by herrMajor on 01/31/2012 - 4:45 pm

    I am beginning to see what you mean bob, I’m not much of a George Washington myself, I’m far more of a Benedict Arnold.

    I can fight beautifully against this oppressive regime when we are allowed to do it in the open, I’ll do great there.

    But like you say, you can’t play by THEIR RULES. Their rules always set us up on the disadvantage, they make us out to be villains at any point.

    It’s difficult learning to be a clever warrior, but for any pro-white with the mind and heart to DO SOMETHING, it’s not difficult.

    • #11 by Gavin on 01/31/2012 - 5:07 pm

      “I can fight beautifully against this oppressive regime when we are allowed to do it in the open, I’ll do great there.”

      Ok, let’s all just wait until the anti-Whites get up and say “Ok, now we will hear the pro-White point of view.”

      If you are waiting to for your enemy to invite you to attack them you will be waiting a long time.

  9. #12 by ANOTHERWHITERABBIT on 02/01/2012 - 11:31 am

    Gavin everytime an anit white post on the net its an invitation. when we post the link on swarm we are looking for a friend to go to the party as well

  10. #13 by Coniglio Bianco on 02/02/2012 - 10:12 am

    Swarm posts are still going into the spam folder. Isn’t there any way of turning the filter off or allowing people to publish their own comments?

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