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The BEST Butter Myth

Posted by Bob on February 4th, 2012 under Coaching Session

The greatest racehorse on earth can sire with the World Champion donkey.

The result will be a sterile mule.

The finest Cola drink mixed with the most expensive beer will produce something that tastes like a particularly putrid sewer.

A black man everybody agrees to be handsome and a beautiful white woman will produce an offspring that looks exactly like what it is, a random mixing of two races.

This “handsome couple” nonsense goes all the way back to Alice in Wonderland, and was old in 1865. At the Tea Party the Hatter complains that his watch is ruined because the March Hare put butter in it.

The Hare meekly replies, “But it was the BEST butter.”

Likewise the “handsome couple” repeats the same old myth. If each of the couple looks good, it is the BEST butter.

  1. #1 by Gar5 on 02/04/2012 - 8:40 am

    The way I think of it is that anti-Whites are playing race algebra.

    They say A + B = AB

    Handsome Black + Beautiful White = Very good looking mullato.

    They also show they believe this with the “It’s not genocide because both races will live on in the child argument”.

    They say A + B = AB

    When in reality Black + White = Mullato

    It does not = BlackWhite.

  2. #2 by shari on 02/04/2012 - 10:38 am

    A Mullato is some body who has been cheated, good looking or not. They are part White, but can’t claim to be White because when they look in the mirror they see something else. A Black can simply say he’s Black, no problem.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 02/04/2012 - 10:44 am

    Whatever the facts are they are not morally superior to whites and have no right to genocide us whatsoever.

    We are a people becoming.

    Our “First Things” begins with the Mantra.

    The intellectuals, neo-confederates, Northwest Republic have all put their carts out there before the horses, and then wonder why they go nowhere.

    Facts are great and all and it is entertaining to debate them endlessly but without a philosophical or moral undergird it is just entertainment.

    We have a right to a physical existence of our own choosing.

  4. #4 by Dave on 02/04/2012 - 12:42 pm

    The white race went to sleep in the 20th century. The white race lost consciousness in the 20th century. To be asleep, to be unconscious during waking hours, is death.

    The white race is still asleep, being swept into death.

    BUGS is merely a groggy fitfulness. It is the fitful stirrings of a few in a strenuous attempt to regain consciousness, glimmers of light perceived to the mind, the barren beginnings of a struggle into wakefulness and against death that may not succeed.

    But what of wakefulness? That is the emergence into rage.

    The nonwhite world doesn’t see this coming. They don’t see how brutality settles into the soul, even in sleep, and the monstrous fierceness of an enraged white race. The nonwhites depend on mercy which will not be forthcoming. They could not be more wrong, because they are entirely wrong about everything and they are especially wrong about the mercy of the white man.

    And the anti-whites whites. They can’t see themselves with their limbs torn from their bodies. They can’t see themselves burning in agony.

    But that SEEING is wakefulness, the emergence into the light, the putting down of unconsciousness and the banishment of sleep.

    But in our somnambulant world, nobody sees this coming.

  5. #5 by ANOTHERWHITERABBIT on 02/04/2012 - 2:09 pm

    the problem is white and black arent both butter one is butter and one is margerine and when you mix them they become crap. or there is pasturized butter and processed butter pasturized would be natural which a black man is naturally a black man and a white women is naturally a white women. we all know pasturized butter is better for you then processed unatural butter

  6. #6 by Scrivener on 02/04/2012 - 2:33 pm

    Scientists ROUTINELY breed rats under controlled circumstances and then apply their findings to humans.

    The fact is, a female rat bread for physical endurance and a male rat bread for intelligence will produce offspring that has neither the intelligence of the father, nor the physical endurance of the mother.

    NO scientist who values his career would DREAM applying such findings to humans.

  7. #7 by H.Avenger on 02/04/2012 - 8:13 pm

    Some old myths die hard…..and take more than a few notables with them. Prior to reading this blog, I would have never known much about foolish theories like Bloodletting. A wonderful procedure people believed would cure diseases.
    Soon this Antiwhite nonsense will be looked at as just another deadly episode of bloodletting. However, we should take note. Foolish beliefs always kill people. And Yes, they kill even “smart” people.

    George Washington is an obvious heavy weight in American history. Everyone knows he died. But most people do not know how he died. He believed in bloodletting.

  8. #9 by rrusston on 02/04/2012 - 8:37 pm

    Often I get the cockapoo argument.

    A cockapoo is a dog, a deliberate cross between a cocker spaniel and a poodle, which is often bred because the pups are popular. Some dog owners feel they are an ideal pet dog, and they might well be. But to create a cockapoo, you have to have two distinct breeding populations, cocker spaniels and poodles. If all cockers and all poodles were exclusively interbred, there would be no cockapoos in twenty years either.

    Breeding a cockapoo to a cockapoo does not give you cockapoo pups. It gives litters of assorted mutts.

    Cockapoo owners usually have their pups sterilized, and don’t care. But dog breeders have to care if they want to be around for even a single human career span.

    Mixed breed pups have no economic value, except for the pet value of specific mixes-and their offspring are worthless.

    Mixing two working breeds of dog rarely results in a working dog, which is why it isn’t done. Every breed of dog, working or otherwise, is the result of decades or centuries or millennia of constant breeding-and constant bloodshed, as the unsuccessful pups were culled. Today they may be sterilized and given away as pets, but historically one drowned or strangled the pups.

    With humans that tends to happen too.

    • #10 by Gavin on 02/04/2012 - 10:10 pm

      Anti-Whites actually try to justify genocide based on what kind of dog they like?

      lol wut?

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