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Ole! And Mantra Thinking

Posted by Bob on February 6th, 2012 under Coaching Session

WW informed us that a major Spanish nationalist group now has the slogan, “Anti-Racist is a Code Word for Anti-White.”

This was great news, so I responded with the Vivas! and an Ole! You would expect it in Spanish, a language in which, believe it or not, I was once fluent.

WW pointed out to me that Ole! is stereotypical, though the rest was OK.

This caused me to THINK. I have spoken Spanish in probably a dozen countries over the years. When I was nine or ten I was to visit a family in Havana by myself, and I already been there before.

It occurred to me that, as WW pointed out, I had never heard a Spanish-speaking person use the word “Ole!

My reaction to this was, I think, very relevant to understanding what Mantra Thinking is.

A normal person would have been a bit upset at having used a term so mindlessly, resolved not to do it again, and gone on. A normal person might have defended himself by consulting Google, where I am sure you can find statements that real Spanish-speakers seldom say anything BUT Ole!

Or I could have tried to impress you with quotes from writers on the general subject of language.

I can’t define Mantra Thinking, but this is a seminar, so I could use this example to see if I can illustrate it.

First of all, I was IMPRESSED by this correction. According to WW, I have ignored a basic reality in a language that has been important to me for over sixty years.

Mantra Thinking consists to great extent of RETHINKING. The problem in our world is what “everybody knows.” So, while seeing the open cheating STILL being done, now openly, by the global warmers I was deeply impressed to find that, because of a very, very simple mix-up, Napoleon has always famously been called “short,” whereas he was 5’6” or so, average for his day.

The Mantra itself is simply noting that all that Love and Brotherhood and ”mixing of the races” has absolutely nothing to do with the ultimate fate of any race but the white one.

Going back to one’s basic thinking is far more profitable than doing a search and writing a tome on stereotypes. If you go back and rethink, beginning with your childhood thinking, you are dealing with how your whole mind has worked from the start.

WW made me rethink what I had taken for granted almost all my life. As I say, I just then realized I had never heard a Spanish-speaking person use the word Ole! It showed me again how vulnerable I am to stereotypes, despite any real experience.

This is the kind of rethinking I had to do about the Weakest Generation, to whose endless chest-beating I had been subject almost since I was born.

A commenter here would probably make this into a worldview on languages or brainwashing. What it made me do was go back over my lifetime’s thinking, AGAIN. Every time I fool myself that something everybody knows is so wrong it’s a bad joke, examples like Ole! occur to me.

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch on 02/06/2012 - 6:30 am

    Take it you never went to a bullfight. You would have heard it there. Mostly when a good pass has been made, not at the kill. It is a crowd word. Don’t recall ever hearing an individual using it in any sort of conversation from my years in Spain. That would be unusual, at least that is where the cobwebs that make up my memory of those brandied days lead to.

  2. #2 by Dave on 02/06/2012 - 9:12 am

    This is why being swept into conventional ways of behaving and thinking is a form of sleepwalking.

    To sleepwalk is to ride upon a conveyor of non-thought, which is actually a form of death.

    We are fighting sleepwalkers and that is what the anti-whites are, sleepwalkers.

  3. #3 by shari on 02/06/2012 - 11:46 am

    One Race means NO Whites.

  4. #4 by ANOTHERWHITERABBIT on 02/06/2012 - 11:48 am

    good point but in the wake of fighting the anti white sleepwalkers I hope to wake up some of the white ones. when you have what you have known as truth for so long and then get shown the truth it does rack the brain a little. funny Bob how you said you could of made an arguement for it with google or some other way to defend the word ole instead you accepted the truth reflected on it made the change and moved on. I sure wish it was that easy beating anti whites with the truth is so much more difficult

  5. #5 by WW on 02/06/2012 - 1:47 pm

    Bob, I’m really IMPRESSED. I didn’t remember that comment!

    I’m SO SORRY to make you and off-topic question but it’s really important to me:

    As you probably read, I have been using the Mantra thinking on a Spanish forum (there are ALWAYS more than 2,500 users on-line). This has been the first time I have used the Mantra thinking in Spanish in a discussion. I have already used Mini Mantras and even made up other Mini Mantras. I’m proud of the results and many people gave me thumbs up and sent me PMs.

    However, I feel that saying “Yes, the policies that are been using in White countries will be used all over the world” sounds a little…distant, if you know what I mean.

    A non-White guy living in Spain said “Oh, we are talking about the UK, that country that still has colonies…”

    What about posting “Israel has still colonies so do you justify…” and adding at the end of the post “There is no problem with justifying this for White people but you will have legal problems if you say yes, so be careful”. I guess this wouldn’t sound as distant as the previous answer.

    I would be thankful if you told me your opinion.

    Thank you, Bob!

    • #6 by backbaygrouch on 02/06/2012 - 4:32 pm

      Does this site have a link?

    • #8 by dungeoneer on 02/06/2012 - 6:41 pm


      A few islands and a chunk of Antarctica run by the anti-white UK government is no justification for the genocide of white children.

      The British Overseas Territories are fourteen territories of the United Kingdom which, although they do not form part of the United Kingdom itself, fall under its jurisdiction.[1] They are remnants of the British Empire that have not acquired independence or have voted to remain British territories. The name “British Overseas Territory” was introduced by the British Overseas Territories Act 2002, and replaced the name British Dependent Territory, which was introduced by the British Nationality Act 1981. Before 1981, the territories were known as Crown colonies.
      Apart from the British Antarctic Territory, which contains only research stations, and the Sovereign Base Areas on Cyprus and the British Indian Ocean Territory, which are military bases, the overseas territories all have permanent populations. Collectively they encompass an approximate land area of 667,018 square miles (1,727,570 km2) (of which the vast majority, 660,000 square miles, is British Antarctic Territory) and a population of approximately 260,000 people.[2][3]


      I`m not ashamed to admit I did`nt know every one of them off the top of my head,so your question was helpful to me.

      As for “Ole!”

      Yes,”as soon as you think” about how the word is overused it is done stereotypically.

      Very Mantra.

  6. #9 by Gavin on 02/06/2012 - 2:33 pm

    I would use Japan as an example and say that Japan has colonies but no one is demanding they submit to genocide by assimilation but this demand is made of EVERY White country and ONLY White countries. The people doing this call themselves “anti-racist.” In reality what they are is anti-White. anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

  7. #10 by WW on 02/06/2012 - 2:53 pm


    I already use it and they justify but it sounds distant. However, if I used Israel, it would add some emotional impact. It’s not to easy to say that for Israel and I can make a threat against them if they do.

    I think this could be a very strong weapon against anti-Whites and I would like what Bob thinks about it.

  8. #11 by dungeoneer on 02/06/2012 - 6:59 pm

    ww:”What about posting “Israel has still colonies so do you justify…”

    It`s best to stay away from the Israel stuff if you can,we want the focus on saving white children not on the jews.

  9. #12 by zogtroll on 02/06/2012 - 9:04 pm

    If they mention colonies then ask them is that why they justify genocide of whites. No need to bring Israel into it.

  10. #13 by Gavin on 02/07/2012 - 12:30 am

    Sometimes things get propagated because they are funny. It’s funyy to think of a Spaniard saying Ole! It’s funny to imagine a Frenchman saying Sacre Bleu! (I used to tease my French friends about this It captures a funny and interesting picture of something that may not even exist in reality but is interesting to think about none the less. That is why things like Ole! and Sacre Bleu! endure.

    • #14 by Gavin on 02/07/2012 - 12:35 am

      In fact on some internet boards I frequent, a common thing is that is said when there is something posted about Jews is Oy Vey! For instance someone will post a thread about some Professional Jew getting all upset that an Indian store is selling Swastika earings and someone will respond: Oy Vey! This is like another holocaust!

      These short little phrases capture something about the character of a people and just by using them you bring up a mental image.

  11. #15 by Gavin on 02/07/2012 - 1:49 am

    Social inertia. Everyone says they do it because everyone says they do it. It’s easier to go with the flow and let the Ole! thing continue, even if you know it to be wrong because opposing it means standing against the social and cultural inertia which takes up some of your energy.

    However once someone take the initiative to oppose the social inertia, it becomes easier and easier for others to oppose it and eventually you get the ball rolling in the other direction and the inertia works for you.

    I have seen this happening with the “atheism” crowd. Christopher Hitchens was good at this sort of thing.

    I see it happening with our points too.

    • #16 by Gavin on 02/07/2012 - 1:56 am

      I read once that when once 10% of a population comes to believe a new idea, that is the tipping point at which it spreads to the entire population.

  12. #17 by Bob on 02/07/2012 - 9:29 am



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