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Short One

Posted by Bob on February 9th, 2012 under Coaching Session

In the twenty-first century, it is important to remember that you are not talking to YOUR doctor.

You are talking to HIS lawyer.

  1. #1 by Gavin on 02/09/2012 - 6:50 am

    So little of our communication in this era is authentic. Everything is scripted, instead of sitting around listening to the old guys talk, we watch television. In schools you are not talking to a teacher, you are talking to a textbook, an orthodoxy and the teacher’s professor.

    I love hearing an authentic voice and so do many others of my generation. I suspect that is a one of the big qualities that attracts them to Ron Paul.

  2. #2 by Dave on 02/09/2012 - 9:16 am

    There has never been a time in history when there wasn’t some sort of industry that claimed to be a healing industry but was actually a “trafficking in suffering” industry.

    When organized crime controlled the garbage industry in the Tri-State area, garbage rates were twice what they should have been and since organized crime currently controls “medicine” (e.g., the trafficking in suffering industry) medical costs are at least twice what they should be.

    The con comes in discriminatory pricing (different prices according to social status for identical goods and services). Think of the grocery business operated that way: To get groceries you would have to present a “payment guarantee card” with your grocery price status on it, and you would be charged accordingly and if you didn’t have a card (or refused to use one) you would be charged five times the sum of the highest price that the highest priced (adverse status) card holder would pay. The entire grocery business would be transformed into a cash cow cartel for racketeers who endlessly played games with the supposed “fairness” of card systems for payment guarantees. And after they embezzled every dime from the phony partnerships they have with their phony supply chains (that operate through phony prices on phony invoices) to the extent they could no longer stock sufficient groceries, they would claim the system was going broke and needed higher government subsidies due to the “escalating costs” inherent in the ongoing trend of technological innovation resulting in higher quality food. (It is a real head-scratcher to me how people can be so preposterously stupid as to accept this “innovation” argument with respect to medicine, but unfortunately they are that stupid.)

    And as for lawyers and “defensive medicine”, they are just another bunch of rackeeters horning in to get a share of the supply chain embezzlement that has its source in the unnecessary orders for medical goods and services their legal threats generate.

    What does this have to do with Mantra thinking? It has to do with the fact that the public is mostly a public of suckers who let their attention be diverted by plausible lies of race and class conflict and other forms of mystification and who never come to grips with the simple truth: They are being robbed by criminals and racketeers running a giant scam. There is also another simple truth: This robbery is mostly at the expense of white people.

    A criminal scam is pretty much what the ongoing program of the genocide of white people is about except it is the most monstrous and evil scam ever undertaken. Most of the white public is staggering about in a perpetual state of confusion with only a few Mantra thinking soldiers to save them. As few of the white public understand the genocide aimed at them as understand the criminally run “trafficking in suffering industry” that is also aimed at them.

  3. #3 by The Old Man of the Mountain on 02/09/2012 - 3:13 pm

    And the Federal Prison Industry!

    Several Doctors have come up with cancer cures that work, and every one of them was put into the Federal Gulag to discourage any such activity.

    It is illegal to cure any disease, treating is fine, curing will get a Doctor thrown into the Federal Gulag.

    See the thread:

    Cancer is caused by a Vitamin Deficiency, and the Cancer Industry knows it?

    On either White News Now or The White Race website.

  4. #4 by Gavin on 02/09/2012 - 6:27 pm

    The public school system is horrible for this lack of authentic communication. You have a bunch of women in positions of authority paid to repeat orthodoxy to a room full of naturally independent thinking White boys.

    At the first sign of a real disussion or independent thought arising in these boys, they are discouraged from voicing it and told to just concentrate on the orthodoxy.

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