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Mantra Thinking: A Definition?

Posted by Bob on March 3rd, 2012 under Coaching Session

I am going to try a definition of Mantra Thinking out on you. This what seminars are for.

Mantra Thinking is focusing on what everybody KNOWS but nobody SEES.

The Mantra itself consists of pointing out a fact that absolutely everyone knows: Immigration and assimilation are only demanded for white countries, and for all white countries.

Likewise “Why was this information produced?” is at the same time what everyone knows but at the same time what everybody forgets.

For example, I recently read a This Week editorial in which it was said that there have been many tests made which compared low-calorie diets with more protein with equally low calorie diets with high protein, and all the tests showed that low carbohydrates diets mean nothing.

The fact is that we expect an editorial to begin by citing as facts whatever it needs to be true. I don’t just mean BUGERS, I mean everybody. People routinely cite the tests they want to be true.

Everybody KNOWS that just plain lying in an editorial statement is routine, but they don’t SEE it anywhere else.

When Hitler declared war on the United States, there was a giant split on racial theory. Experts almost universally agreed that, while Nordicism was overblown, Boas’ idea that the races were basically equal in innate intelligence, was not only unproven, but laughable.

Boas’ theories were seen as extreme, as were Nordicists. So expert opinion declared that, surprise, surprise, the truth was In THE Middle of Road.

As of May 8, 1945, when Nazi Germany surrendered, Boas became Gospel. The road had been blown up, there was no middle.

Everybody is aware, all the time, that winners write the history books. But even in a grossly obvious case like this, no ever SEES that obvious point.

But if you cannot SEE he difference between “facts” that are determined by force, to such an extent that everybody is HYPNOTISED into believing them, and facts used in a rational debate, you are absolutely in LALA Land.

Non-Mantra thinking is not only “incorrect,” it is actually insane.

National Renaissance talks endlessly about IQ. But don’t hold your breath until someone mentions this obvious Mantra Fact about it.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 03/03/2012 - 10:55 am

    Intellectuals do not ask questions, their cult members then exist to put group punishment upon those that do, and this is just our side. Imagine the mental and emotional pain that the cult kiddy anti-whites must feel? I have been in situations where I asked the right series of questions and the cult present went thru physical pain the emotional stress was so much.

    Here is a safety tip if you are in the presence of blacks and you start asking the right questions, when they take to slurring their words, violence is sure to follow.

    It is called interogation folks.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 03/03/2012 - 11:33 am

    What happened to yesterday’s thread 3/2/2012?

  3. #3 by BGLass on 03/03/2012 - 11:57 am

    Before “English” became “humanities, it was common to teach novels about “first person narration,” and it was taught that the only reason to write (or read) such a work was to explore the unreliability of first person narration. It was a way of teaching cui bono and other life lessons, since you used the book to pick apart the person who was talking, the speaker of the book, the person you assumed (and your teacher told you) had an agenda.

    In humanities, the opposite is true, and there’s nothing more reliable than the first person—now we have these short memoirs of one’s own personal pain, even presidents write these confessional accounts; these are supposed to be taken as “true stories.” This you’re-supposed-to-pretend-it’s-true genre was arrived at through a religious backdoor, by co-opting the religious idea of “bearing witness.” But these are not religious accounts, (applying God to the life) but cases of “first person unreliable narration.” “Who is this speaker?”— used to be the most important question.

    In English, people lied and it was always studied, lol. it was about the silent divulgences, conscious or unconscious, in the narrative. But in humanities, only a “rich elite” lies, and everyone else is “oppressed,” (and the oppressed are always super honest) and that’s that.

    (At the same time, though, the medical industry must argue through psych narratives— that the “oppressed” always replay their past, thus we have “repeat” criminals, which in turn can make it not their “fault,” and so they can be “treated” rather than hung by courts for criminality, a contradiction that can never be mentioned).

    Humanities is just about feeling sorry for people, or like you owe people, or whatever, to back up welfare states and so on. In humanities, the goal is just one more sad sack tale— and the audience is supposed to eat it up, all gooey eyed.

    English studies (now written off as “about great white men and their great events” was tougher in questioning speakers.

  4. #4 by Bob on 03/03/2012 - 12:03 pm

    Caught by Simmons!

  5. #5 by Bob on 03/03/2012 - 12:08 pm

    Caught by Simmons! I had just come back from a good family supper when I wrote that, and the next day I decided it was to squishy and for the firt time decided to delete an article from the record.

    I wont try it again.

  6. #6 by Dave on 03/03/2012 - 12:27 pm

    Simmons’ point that Mantra thinking is about interrogation gets right to the heart of it.

    There is an asymmetry between us and our opponents: They have excused themselves from interrogation. This is a marker of tyranny.

    But that is not particularly important to know, except that it is also a marker of weakness.

    In contrast, anything we say will be subject the most excruciating interrogation. I always assume that I will be forced to defend what I say and life never disappoints me.

    I see the interrogator as my ally. He forces me to get my ducks in row. He forces me to really think it through. He forces me to intensely focus.

    The people ruling us today assert that their opinions and actions are so perfect they are exempt from interrogation. That means they are not really in power. They are poseurs and they don’t deserve to be taken seriously.

  7. #7 by Simmons on 03/03/2012 - 12:48 pm

    Let us be honest, at this point the avalanche is just pebbles off the top, and we have not gotten the tailgaters behind us. We have people on our side that hate us and give us the professional silence or they ban us, they have no power. Too bad for them, but we should be kinder to them in a very firm manner (that is real power)

    Yesterday one of our detractors called us pussies here at BUGs and told me this, “when I meet an ‘anti-white’ I’ll punch him.” Notice the key phrase in that sentence? In a few years this young man will think he invented the Mantra himself.

  8. #8 by shari on 03/03/2012 - 1:22 pm

    I took yesterday’s piece as meaning encouragement. If Bob can know that he’s a hero in spite of all the mistakes he knows he’s made, then we all can know as much.

  9. #9 by Genseric on 03/03/2012 - 1:51 pm

    Second-guessing one’s self is a hallmark of the thoughtful and honorable.

    However, it can cross over into folly when the end result is self-censorship.

    Always listening for silence,

  10. #10 by Gavin on 03/03/2012 - 2:02 pm

    A big part of mantra thinking is ignoring words and looking directly at reality.

    Words act as a filter for reality, shaping our perceptions.

    Mantra thinking is about taking off the filter of words and look directly at reality.

  11. #11 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/03/2012 - 2:34 pm

    LMAO! I did NOT notice it until you mentioned it! LMAO!!

    My god, that is so beautiful!

  12. #12 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/03/2012 - 2:39 pm

    I meant the comment I just wrote to be a response to Simmons’ post just above. Sorry.

  13. #13 by Dick_Whitman on 03/03/2012 - 3:05 pm

    “But if you cannot SEE he difference between “facts” that are determined by force, to such an extent that everybody is HYPNOTISED into believing them, and facts used in a rational debate, you are absolutely in LALA Land.” (Bob)

    Yes, anti-White, globalist power depends on force and hypnotism (trillion dollar programming schemes disseminated throughout the media and education systems).

    That’s why they ARE GOING DOWN. All they can do at this point is throw their Hail Mary pass (listen to Follow The White Rabbit for more information).

    This is also why pro-Whites don’t need violence to succeed. WE’RE RIGHT! We are scientifically, philosophically, and morally in the right.

    Anti-racism is a code for anti-White.

  14. #14 by Dick_Whitman on 03/03/2012 - 3:09 pm

    And what is Mantra/BUGS thinking?

    It’s open systems thinking. It’s thinking outside of doctrine and dogma.

    The mantra itself was created to punch through programming, hypnotism, “magic,” and taboos.

    The Mantra is the way out of the anti-White spell.

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