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Short One Short One Short One

Posted by Bob on March 4th, 2012 under Coaching Session

A Mantra Rule: Doubt someone who says he has a high IQ if he can’t spell it.

  1. #1 by Gator61 on 03/04/2012 - 8:12 am

    I don’t like this one Bob. I am a terrable speller and yet when my Eye Kew was tested the high score shocked me.

    • #2 by Gar5 on 03/04/2012 - 8:59 am

      I think what Bob is subtly saying, is that someone who loudly boasts a high IQ score, but in the real world can’t actually think independently are just plain silly.

      It’s like the Mommy Professors who claim to be all knowing with all their Mommy Professor gold stars and such, but normal people AS A HOBBY prove them wrong every day.

  2. #3 by Bob on 03/04/2012 - 9:15 am

    Gator 61, go out and git sumbody to lrn u ur ledders!

  3. #4 by Simmons on 03/04/2012 - 10:25 am

    The higher the IQ the less ability to overcome the brainwashing. We have yet to find anyone of any brains who can name an Asian or African country where they want to create a blended humanity.

    These same brains can create 8 minute long anti-White YT vids, but they cannot answer any questions, none.

  4. #5 by Simmons on 03/04/2012 - 10:42 am

    Lord Nelson tell us what are we going to do if the anti-whites acknowledge this website and we are beseiged and even the respectables join in on denouncing BUGs and the Mantra.

    Should we disband and scatter so we don’t look like a “cult?”

    Since we don’t want to sound like a cult should we or should we not approach other pro-whites?

    But you do bring up an interesting point I should not tell any anti-Whites that BUGs exist and leave them the impression that we are basically just lone wolfer individuals, I can see the martial arts’ strategy in play there.

  5. #6 by stradivari on 03/04/2012 - 1:15 pm

    I have a high IQ and ADD, so I do have trouble spelling, and for that matter memory in general.

    Simmons makes a great point about brainwashing. In my experience smart kids are more easily indoctrinated, because they learn the doctrine easier.

    • #7 by Simmons on 03/04/2012 - 1:59 pm

      Yeah I could list so many examples of white libs breaking down into fits it would bore us all to death. The simplest questions asking them to explain something they advocate and voila, a breakdown.

  6. #8 by HVRabbit on 03/04/2012 - 9:47 pm

    My IQ floats between 102-106 Depending on who’s giving the test & what person I’m copying the answers from..
    @Simmons am I missing something here? Some Cults light candles, chant, & on occasion sacrifice a Virgin. Anti-Whites that bring their battles here will eventually strip naked & show us just what their true intentions are which is “Trying to Justify White Genocide” & as far as denouncing Mantra even the “Respectable” can’t say 2 + 2 = something other than 4 w/ a Straight face. Just remember, you ARE the Mantra.

  7. #9 by BGLass on 03/05/2012 - 8:54 am

    IQ tests symbolic thinking/ grasping unusual relationships– and the twisted connections one has to make so anti-whiteness makes sense for whites requires a) wanting to make a case for it b/c you just hate whites or b) having advanced capacities for symbolic thinking, so the bizarre narrative appear interesting and unusual…smart. (Also a big dose of feeling “less than” so a person will want to be “pleasing,” and prone to trust “expert teachers,” one reason a preponderance of public figures seem to “rise to stardom” after having washed up on shore as refugees, or being homeless, or whatever the cinderella story– very grateful, willing and hungry).

    One of the reasons all the “sex ed” seems pushed on kids, from the RCC, to the “Sex Czars” of Bela Kun, to Kinsey, etc— seems to be to create an initial “narcissistic injury” —a sense of badness– that makes a person “less than” then more easily manipulated. Another avenue to the mentality of the Weakest Generation– the ‘being broken means I’m really tough.”

    The lower middle class –teachers, preachers, media, advertising, social workers— those not in the “elite” but whose job it was to train new generations in the narrative of the system got hit particularly hard, imo. Gramsci’s ‘infiltration of institutions” was targeted at them mostly, getting them to teach a narrative against their own life, children, etc. was the main trick. A bit above average but decent people and not brilliant. The Mommy Profs.

  8. #10 by exerces on 03/14/2012 - 10:36 pm

    If they can’t see our point, they need to get into the eye queue.

    Although as the other post said, and as I have thought many many times, the point is not the immediate interlocutor. It’s those who happen by.

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