Archive for March, 2012

Hearing the Silence: Establishment Versus Internet

There has been an alliance between evangelical Christians and Marxists to censor the Internet in America the way it is censored elsewhere. The evangelicals scream “pornography” and he Marxists scream racism.

But to my astonishment I found that the American web users are actually fairly bright. I thought I would surprise people when I pointed out this Christian Right-Marxist combination years ago, but I was informed that it had been talked about a lot.

I am not used to any part of the public catching onto ANYTHING.

We just had another illustration of the same revival of extinct intelligence on the web.

Listen. Can you hear the silence about it?

When it came up it had chorus of bells and whistles and was in all the commentaries.

“It” was a bill to censor the internet, not for sin or Thought Crime, but for copyright violations. It was featured in commentaries across the establishment press.

Predictably,, a leftist blog that attacks property rights and was all for OWS, came out firmly in favor of protecting the rights of the establishment media. I do not know if the professional preachers held up their end of the coalition to censor the Internet.

Then this bill, which seemed to be running right along, ran into a few million infuriated constituents — that part of the electorate which knows best how to hit Washington with e-mail and it just DIED.

I have already told you how to tell something was favored by the media establishment:

Listen to the silence. When something very public suddenly gets shot down and everything about it is dead silence and the Memory Hole, no discussions of what happened or even reminders that it DID happen in the media or in respectable conservative stuff, what went down was something the mainline media wanted very, very much.



Why I Discussed “The Bob Problem”

You will understand the major lesson of my discussion of “The Bob Problem” with the Mantra if you understand how I have exercised power during my lifetime. What people consider laughable is that I state it baldly.

My method has been described in hundreds of articles here. I PLANT ideas. I can do this in such a way — and it takes work to learn — in such a way that no one can say “This big time writer got this idea from Bob Whitaker.”

My picture was on the front page of the New York Times. People in DC congratulated me about it. But the reason I got my picture there was because I wrote the reporter’s story for him. He was doing a report on the YOUNG Reagan appointees. He put the other two guys’ ages after their names, but my age of forty did not appear.

He had to use me because I had given him almost every single quote he used in the story.

I had done hundreds of press releases by then. More important, I had studied how 1) to come up with ideas that writers could USE and, much harder, 2) I found ways to hand them those ideas in way that even THEY didn’t know they came from me.

So, Presto! Ideas that have changed the world have come from me. To exercise power my way, you have to not only give up all credit for what you do, but you have to become an EXPERT at avoiding credit.

That’s why the Mantra has a Bob Problem. But what that is meant to demonstrate is NOT something critical of pro-white leaders, but to show you why I finally had to get so desperate as to link my own link inextricably to the Mantra.

When you read my stuff, PLEASE read it twice before you comment. This web of ideas is interrelated.

I worked my bohunkus off trying to get the Mantra into Stormfront without its being identified with ME.

When you have written two mainline books and are a senior staffer on Capitol Hill, it can be a real trial keeping anyone from knowing a thing came from you.

But we are dealing with human beings, not angels or devils. An idea a professional writer can take credit for is simply WORTH a lot more than one he has to say he got from somebody else. I was NOT able to do the Mantra my usual very expert way, and it pays the price for that.

Since not taking credit for something is considered such a brag, especially in an ego-driven area like politics, you may think I want credit for NOT taking credit. The IMPORTANT point here is that not only did I eschew credit, I had to become an EXPERT in NOT being accredited with my ideas.

I know my enormous accomplishments. It would sound absurd for me to list or for you to believe them if I did not explain that I had to become an EXPERT at trading credit for power. I wanted POWER. I wanted to change the world.

This sounds like a simple trade-off, but you find that in the real world any method that works in jungle warfare like the competition for power in Washington, DC, is NOT easy.

What you get here is POWER. I hope you will turn it into money and fame, but I was in historically perfect positions to change the world my way in the face of thousands of others who desperately wanted to do the same thing. That takes more than giving up credit and a chance of fame or job offerings.

You START with this tradeoff, but you find that you have to work your butt off and push yourself into exhaustion in learning over years exactly HOW to trade off fame and money for raw, real power.

If all you got out of my Bob Problem article was my talking about Derek or the latest news on the anti-Jews, you need to do some thinking.



The End of White India

The more I read, the more I am amazed by how many things came out of India when it was white. They still call our numbers “Arabic Numerals,” though an educated person who spends his time away from Mommy Professor knows our numbering comes from White India.

There is no way to know how many things came to us from White India, largely because they all appeared to come from the Middle East, which is where all historians, from fundamentalists to Marxists, WANT everything to come from.

Rice, the basis of Chinese culture, came from, guess where? Aquatic rice was developed there and taken into China.

Anti-whites and New Agers want everything to come from Mongoloid China. Yet Kung Fu, a Secret of Ancient China, was developed by a white Indian who is said to have bored a hole in a wall with his BLUE eyes.

The eyes of Buddha were “blue as the blue lotus.”

So India still had a VERY white upper class around the time of Christ. There are still things like the steel pillars sitting all throughout India that is at least two thousand years ahead of any such steel appearing in history.

There are still other things like this steel.

The Sanskrit word for “caste” is the word “color.”

The Buddha and his contemporary Wordists rejected the caste system. So did Asoka, the king who spread Buddhist missionaries all the way to Greece.

Even in 1776 Adam Smith described China as desperately poor, but India as even more poor and stagnant. He was comparing them to eighteenth century England, where starvation was still a routine way of death.

If you want a view of the future if we don’t push the Mantra, India gives it to you. When I was young, EVERYTHING horrible was in India. They still had bubonic plague, as was pointed out of all places on Seinfeld.

It is incredible that Buddha and the Kung Fu originator were STILL very white after India had had the Aryan invaders living side-by-side with the colored people there for two thousand years.

But eventually Wordism, in the form of Buddhism and in Hindu “reformers,” managed to produce the brown country that horrified Adam Smith.



The Mantra’s Bob Problem

c-bear writes:

I have a teenage son. He came back from school the other day and recalled a discussion he had with a peer about immigration. The point he brought up was that Irish immigrants actually earned their citizenship, as opposed to the more recent Mexican variety. I explained to him that the main difference between Mexican and Irish immigrants is that the Irish are white. He looked perplexed that I would say something so obvious. I had to explain to him the importance of using the Mantra, that he missed out on the perfect opportunity to go full Mantra. While the kid is racially aware, for which I am grateful, he is still resistant to using the Mantra. This is probably because of pride. The kid is uber intelligent and thinks he should be able to come up with his own talking points. I have explained how practical politics works but once to him. I guess he still needs more work, but he is further ahead on the race issue than I was at his age. He’ll be Swarming soon enough. : )

So the Bear addresses that problem all of us who have used the Mantra out in real battle have: Where does this last-ditch resistance come from?

When Derrick Black called me about the Sevierville convention for me and White Rabbit and Trucker Joe to speak, he told me he had tried every way he could find to find a substitute for the Mantra and for the word “genocide.”

But he did NOT do any explaining as to WHY he had avoided it. We are both professionals, and we both understand this Bob Problem.

One of the basic ways I have exerted power is by avoiding identifying myself with my own ideas. Both Derek and I understand why the identification of the Mantra with me has been a disaster I tried to avoid. I spent a couple of YEARS trying to plant this concept into Stormfront, the way I have planted a hundred others through the years, so it would filter down to a Big Name, or at least a name, that would pick up on it and take it for his own.

I cleared out the friggin‘ Opposing Views, and everybody saw it. They DISCUSSED my beating all the OVs. But nobody wanted to find out HOW I was doing this.

So I had to do what to me was a nightmare: I had to sell the Mantra IN MY OWN NAME.

You would be astonished if you really found out how many things I got through by the opposite means: Developing an idea and then letting it filter in someone else’s name. That’s THEIR incentive.

The effectiveness of my technique is demonstrated by the Bob Problem with the Mantra. I had to become a Coach to push it, and it took YEARS even then. But my usual method is totally destroyed in this case.

Derrick told me how hard he had tried not to use the Mantra, we both understood why so well it didn’t come up. Every professional understands the Mantra’s Bob Problem.



Productive Punishment

Let the summer warriors get their kicks by talking about shooting the anti-whites, or “tribunals,” and such crap.

I have lived with the real punishment, the one that LASTS, and compared to it tribunals and shootings really are minor.

It seems utterly forgotten, but I have repeatedly proposed and you have agreed with, a FINANCIAL punishment. This is CRITICAL. Tribunals and such DO NOT LAST.

Paying informers lasts forever.

This, to me, is logical and, when the time comes, critical.

There will be no statute of limitations. Every Morning, every person and every HEIR of a person who helped the anti-white campaign, however indirectly, will have to wait for the moment when an informer finds proof of his or his ancestor’s joining in this campaign. Informers will still be on this for a hundred years.

Remind you of the Holocaust?

We will give a percentage of the find to informers, and informers will make their living by never letting anyone forget this campaign for white genocide.

A business which EMPLOYS a person who took part in the anti-white campaign and, to a lesser degree, anyone who INHERITED from a person who took part in the white genocide campaign, will be subject to a penalty.

No blood. No violence. Just a reminder, for a century or two, of what rich white people did to us.

You play into their hands when you start raving about tribunals and firing squads and torchlight parades. They LOVE quotes like that. They are in total contrast to the common sense of the Mantra.

But more important, this will perpetuate itself and the memory of white genocide.

It is a bit like the Chinese water torture. Who could guess that drops of water could be more agonizing than the whip.

And the whip eventually kills and the torture ENDS.

Take it from one who has faced this kind of punishment for over half a century. It makes a firing squad look like a wimp solution.
