Archive for April, 2012

Father Mommy Professor

I never get these things right, but the comments will take care of it.

Hans and Matte conceived “How Whites Took Over America“. White Rabbit, our most experienced internet verbal propagandist, rewrote the English version..

I did an Indian. But I still think I should get ALL the credit.

Someone managed to get it into the most censored of sites, a mainline English student website!

Commenters report that the poor anti-whites in their protected environment couldn’t find ANYTHING to say.

Then it got familiar. I remember that about the first anti-white to take on the Mantra seemed to have come in cold. He was shocked, and he ended up attacking the meaning of he word “crowded!”

The British anti-whites, suddenly faced with heresy to Father Mommy Professor’s Gospel, ended up pointing out that the uniforms whites wore were not authentic and consistent armor.

This is hilarious.


How about the Indians? They were dressed like PLAINS Indians, as every Indian in every main line media story or cartoon is.

I am sure that, back in their intellectual pens, they’ve had time to forget what the real cartoon said, and Father Mommy Professor has told them a whole new version and answered the version he made up.

You will never, never, NEVER get a religious freak to admit he is wrong about anything.



Hand Me Down

In the 1970s one would see a panel of network anchors sitting around and talking with expressions on their faces like they had swallowed a quart of lemon juice. They were bemoaning the growth of cable news, and they said that the “National news professionals” were being overlooked.

They would make a few stabs at neutrality between cable and network, like “Well, they do provide more coverage,” but you could tell their attitude was the Age of the True Professional was over. These were about as convincing as their attempts to claim ideological neutrality.

These claims of ideological fairness regularly took two forms:

1) We have no bias at all, and

2) Of course we are biased. In the Real World, EVERYBODY has biases.

These two opposite comments are very typical of an inbred place, like a university or the national media, where no one is allowed to question what you say. There is no one to demand any logic, so logic withers.

By the 1980s, it was the CABLE networks who were just beginning to bemoan the passing of the True Professional. Now anything put on the news, by Network Television (Tah-TUM!!) or by new “professionals“ at the cable outlets, was being replaced by the work of AMATEURS.

What was worse was that a lot of AMATEURS, like Drudge, were making a lot of MONEY at it. Money they did NOT deserve and that should have gone to Professionals.

And here we are, at BUGS, being ignored by the Big Guys like National Renaissance.

I’m already old, but I wonder who you guys will be denouncing as “amateurs” after you have demonstrated this WORKS and it goes viral?



The Mayflower Compact

Away back when I was coming up, historians were paid to show how America was founded on Plymouth Rock. Back then, one of the Great Documents of American history was the Plymouth Declaration.

Just before America’s real Founding Fathers, the first New Englanders, landed, they got together in an emergency session on board the ship and made this Compact.

Everybody but me, as always, nodded with a blissful smile and went back to sleep.

However, the story of the Mayflower Compact comes out like this. Here were hundreds of people who had set off to settle the New World. They went through hunger, disease, thirst, and storms, crossing the Atlantic. Then an unbelievable emergency arose:

They saw LAND!

This total surprise required them to get together and weave together how they were determined to SETTLE this land.

NO, I mean NO ONE, ever wondered why a group of people who had set off to America to settle the New World were so astonished to run into LAND.

When I set up the Oversight Committee staff for the House, my Associate Director was a Harvard grad from Boston. She was absolutely astonished to learn that Jamestown was actually there before Plymouth! So I am not talking about high school freshmen here. This question about the famous Mayflower Compact was simply never asked.

The Compact was written in emergency conditions, but no one asked why finding land should be an unexpected emergency.

The reason was, of course, that the Pilgrims were headed for a previous settlement, and got lost. The Compact was famous in Boston because it was the charter document of Massachusetts. But when the Compact suddenly became the founding document of the entirety of English America, the question never came up.

It didn’t come up at Harvard. It didn’t come up at other schools that depended on New England money, which after the Civil War, was about everybody.

If the question of WHY the Compact was written is ever raised, one is suddenly facing the question of why those who set out to BEGIN settling the New World were so astonished when they found LAND.

The Academic Silence Treatment is not new.



You Don’t Do Advanced Study Until You GET the Basics

Listen to the silence. There is absolute silence in the media about the fall of the USSR. The fall of the Third Reich is practically still a major news item, going on its seventieth birthday.

There are more reasons for this than the obvious one.

NO establishment wants to remember the fall of the USSR. Today it is impossible even for older people to remember how impossible that seemed in 1980.

A major science fiction book, “The Mote in God’s Eye,” told of a very deep space mission. It was a joint project of the United States and the USSR two centuries from now. That reflected the 1980 mentality.

But what is really ironic is that this book was NOT written by leftists. In fact, JERRY POURNELLE, its co-author, WAS THE MAN WHO SOLD REAGAN ON SDI, the program that caused the USSR to give up, fold up, and die.

Believe me, gang, I know.

The whole Soviet Economic Growth thing and the myth of Soviet Science were absolute, total Big Lies, faithfully taught by Mommy Professor. Threatened with a real piece of real modern science, the USSR panicked. Teddy Kennedy began meeting with them, a last desperate push across the whole American left was made to stop “Star WARS.”

They even made the last Superman movie with Superman demanding the Nuclear Freeze.

A commenter said he wished I would explain what I said how to force the whole world to keep the anti-whites from keeping their assets abroad.

The answer is that he should look at the comments. Most of them are good, but the fact is that I must limit my discussions because the basics are not gotten. You have to stop falling back into slack-jawed silliness before I can even hint at something more complicated.

Look at where this comment took place. I had done an article on how to KEEP the victory years ago, an informer system. Everybody sort of agreed and then began thinking about News and Jews or whatever, and when I reminded you of it, the Machos had never HEARD of it, and they banged on their drums and demanded blood and guts.

In other words, when I DO explain something, I get maybe two comments and total memory blackout from you.

Do you really think I am going to try to delve into such intricacies?

I might try to tell someone young and smart what to do, but all the young and/or smart people who have ANY energy are busy with what we are doing now.

In other words, you have to get a consistent good grade on the present course before you go advanced.

And, as usual, the bottom part of the class is the real drag.




In a comment about my article as to how we can practically get a non-white agreement to our punishing anti-white whites, one commenter asked how do you get non-whites to agree with it.

It helps if one READS the article one is talking about.

We are still dealing with the “Let’s tell the world we are going to have Nazi trials” crowd, but there are a few PRACTICAL problems one might bring up about the informer system. One is mutuality.

All you had to stay out of NAM was walk across the Canadian border. Brazil won’t extradite to a country that has the death penalty. Mexico can do absolutely anything it feels like.

So why won’t those people just take their dollars and run?

The only reason Mexico and Brazil can do anything they want to is because the World War II Generation made us wimps like them.

I am VERY familiar with ways a THE major power can juggle the monetary situation so that any country who messes with you might wish collectively it hadn’t been founded.

This is where ACTUAL toughness actually counts.

No, nobody is going to escape with his cash, or send it out. Not if you have me or someone who listens to me on our team.

OK, let’s get back to wasting time on Macho Tribunals.
