Archive for June 3rd, 2012

Repeating Coach Definition

I hope beefcake is used to me giving everybody a hard time. It’s as close as a coach gets to “Welcome to the club!”

To beefcake’s proposal on how to handle the term “white,” he was getting complicated, so I said “Bullshit.”

Please note that this is not an announcement that The Guru hath pronounced upon this as the leavings of cattle.

Bob just said “Bullshit.”

Humpty Dumpty says he started this wording discussion and expands on it and wanted a Final Papal Decree on it from Bob.

The judge of all our efforts is not the Coach.

The judge is the score board.

How does it WORK?

Out there on the field.

My job here is to get YOU ready to judge things out in the field. After generations of competing egos and Leaders on our side, this is a very difficult concept to get used to.

Please note that, like other coaches, I haven’t been out in the field for YEARS. I certainly haven’t been in a field where the other side, or our side, has had the Mantra repeated to them.

I’ve dodged censorship, but not bots. The BNP years ago was very complimentary and astonished about my getting a book with the Mantra and a lot more in it past the British Censors.

But your dodging the bots and dealing with all the suppression is exciting and fascinating.

Try it and report on the RESULTS.

While I became a coach, our entire non-movement spent all its time talking about how to answer things, and no one but me was out there finding out what WORKED. And when they saw my stuff working in the real world, they just went back and theorized. My results on the scoreboard never even occurred to anybody as important until people like Lord Nelson came around.

No, I do NOT want to judge your discussion, except for a “bullshit” now and then, and that’s just my opinion.

I want to hear reports from the front. If you got a theory, TRY it.
