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Repeating Coach Definition

Posted by Bob on June 3rd, 2012 under Coaching Session

I hope beefcake is used to me giving everybody a hard time. It’s as close as a coach gets to “Welcome to the club!”

To beefcake’s proposal on how to handle the term “white,” he was getting complicated, so I said “Bullshit.”

Please note that this is not an announcement that The Guru hath pronounced upon this as the leavings of cattle.

Bob just said “Bullshit.”

Humpty Dumpty says he started this wording discussion and expands on it and wanted a Final Papal Decree on it from Bob.

The judge of all our efforts is not the Coach.

The judge is the score board.

How does it WORK?

Out there on the field.

My job here is to get YOU ready to judge things out in the field. After generations of competing egos and Leaders on our side, this is a very difficult concept to get used to.

Please note that, like other coaches, I haven’t been out in the field for YEARS. I certainly haven’t been in a field where the other side, or our side, has had the Mantra repeated to them.

I’ve dodged censorship, but not bots. The BNP years ago was very complimentary and astonished about my getting a book with the Mantra and a lot more in it past the British Censors.

But your dodging the bots and dealing with all the suppression is exciting and fascinating.

Try it and report on the RESULTS.

While I became a coach, our entire non-movement spent all its time talking about how to answer things, and no one but me was out there finding out what WORKED. And when they saw my stuff working in the real world, they just went back and theorized. My results on the scoreboard never even occurred to anybody as important until people like Lord Nelson came around.

No, I do NOT want to judge your discussion, except for a “bullshit” now and then, and that’s just my opinion.

I want to hear reports from the front. If you got a theory, TRY it.

  1. #1 by Gar5 on 06/03/2012 - 9:56 am

    I don’t say “I’m pro-White”. I say “I’m against genocide, especially my own”. That puts me on the moral high-ground, also anti-Whites can’t spin it around and say “You should be pro-everyone.”

    The only thing I’m there to do is label anti-Whites for their actions of genocide and question them.

  2. #2 by beefcake on 06/03/2012 - 11:32 am

    Its all good Bob. We got thick skin here at bugs.

    I hope you’re just as used to me calling you; old goose who still lays golden eggs.

    I’m not going to complicate it by talking about the difference between a goose and gander.

    Being effective is not determined just by “because Bob said so”, nor would you want it that way.

    Being effective is to use what works.

    Only way to know that is to TRY it, and take note of the RESULTS, and you will then know which version works best.

  3. #3 by six gun on 06/03/2012 - 12:21 pm

    The trouble is do we always know what works and what is right?
    How do you know the RESULTS?
    Ah I gave that anti-White what for, but we are not interested in the anti-Whites, we are interested in helping ordinary White people.

    I have been affected by some things I’ve read but the author will never know.
    I am here so the Mantra had some effect.
    BUGS can live in their bubble, thinking they are changing things for the better.
    But the best way to find out is to ask.

    I genuinely ask the board, what is the objective evidence that:
    Things are changing?
    Things are changing for the better?
    What exactly in the output is changing the score up in lights?
    We should have some evidence, some sort of “audit.”
    This might sound like some sort of heresy but what a tragedy if in a few years time we discovered no significant progress had been made.

    • #4 by dungeoneer on 06/03/2012 - 5:33 pm

      “How do you know the RESULTS?”


      • #5 by six gun on 06/04/2012 - 7:44 am

        Observation of what?
        You whooped the ass of a dumb old anti-White?
        You changed the minds and hearts of 10 000 decent White folk and they are now true Nationalists?
        It’s anecdotal evidence.
        If you had proof it was the second I would burst into tears with joy.

        Action —> Reaction.
        Measure the Reaction and adjust the Action to maximise the subsequent Reaction.

  4. #6 by Dave on 06/03/2012 - 1:08 pm

    Six Gun,

    The “progress” is in our becoming professionals.

    The difference between a professional and an amateur is that professionals comply with standards, while amateurs seem to think getting the job done any old way is satisfactory.

    The Establishment (which is actually a dictatorship) has hordes and hordes of different factions of political amateurs in opposition. Since these political amateurs evidence no real capability, the Establishment can safely ignore them and accordingly, the Establishment safely ignores them.

    The Establishment cannot ignore an opposition with capability. THAT HAS TO BE A PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION. If the Establishment ignores (refuses to engage) a professional opposition, it does so at its own peril.

    What makes BUGS different from other pro-white organizations? Number one: WE HAVE A SLOGAN!!!


    Rule number one of political professionalism: You stick with your slogan through thick and thin. You repeat your slogan endlessly. You NEVER let anybody forget your slogan.

    That slogan has to last years. It has to last decades. It has to last centuries. That is how important a slogan is.

    Don’t look for benchmarks of “progress”. BUGS is not a “being in becoming”. To the contrary, BUGS has become! BUGS has become through its slogan!

    A slogan is an instantaneous cellular-level transformation. ANYBODY who hears the slogan, “Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White Countries for Everybody” undergoes an INSTANTANEOUS CELLULAR-LEVEL TRANSFORMATION.

    If you don’t think the fact that we have a slogan scares the living hell out of the political pros out there, you have another think coming. That tells them we are professionals. That tells them at some point, they WILL BE FORCED to engage with us.

    Our job is to insinuate our slogan into as many political platforms as possible. There is no organization in society that is not a potential political platform. Every organization that exists whether it is political, professional, business or ecclesiastic is a potential platform for our slogan.

  5. #7 by Harumphty Dumpty on 06/03/2012 - 2:00 pm

    Judging by six gun’s and Dave’s posts, this may be a very interesting thread!

    @Coach Bob: Thanks very much for responding.

    I want to mention another matter that surprised an experienced bugser I reported it to, and that’s the success that several of us had in getting SF’ers to use the term “anti-white” on SF’s principle thread on the Tinley Park restaurant attack. We hung out on that SF thread for several days, and anytime someone popped up and said “anti,” or “antifa,” or anything except “anti-white,” we corrected them, and with one tiny exception we got no talk-back but instead got co-operation that was total and was friendly!

    Beefcake showed up and added the fine idea of referring to the group that carried out the attack, “Anti-Racist Action,” as “Anti-White Action”…I took up that idea eagerly, but I can’t recall how much success we had with that…I think we had some.

    But otherwise our admonishments to refer to anti-whites as “anti-whites” were completely followed. Apparently this particular item is very easy for SF’ers to understand and follow once it’s explained to them.

    Of course, unless the other bugsers tending that thread have stayed there, I imagine there’s been a relapse by now. I have limited time and energy, and of course our manpower here is limited, and I’m not sure how important the white sites are, although they seem important to me…after all, they are the route by which most of us ended up here, no?

    I’ve collected a lot of the posts we used on that SF thread here

    I think there’s useful material there for other bugsers to use in similar situations on white sites, and it may also be helpful to link the thread.

    Beefcake also has a good summary of the material in his podcast
    Beefcake elucidates delightfully some additional important points! (Virtually always a real pleasure to listen to Beefcake’s podcasts…his friendly remonstrances provide me much needed R and R at the same time that they instruct me immensely!)
    On the particular issue Bob refers to in today’s blog, it was while involved in the above that my brain was set on fire by Linux Lewis’ suggestion in a discussion several of us were having about the term “pro-white,”

    why not just say WHITE?.

    “Nothing evokes the hatred that fills anti-White hearts so much as seeing a White in possession of the moral high ground.”

    I immediately started pushing that idea on one of the SF threads about the restaurant attack, and the moderator Kayden who had begun that SF thread then changed the thread’s name from

    White Nationalist meeting attacked in Chicago suburb


    Peaceful White meeting attacked in Chicago suburb

    I thought that was a huge improvement.

    A good discussion of this whole idea IMO…I especially recommend Coniglio’s post at the very top of page 2, in which his last paragraph is very important….is here:

    As Coach Bob says, the proof is in the pudding, and there’s no pudding yet. I don’t know how we’d judge the benefit or lack of benefit on white sites (how do we judge the benefit or lack thereof of Kayden’s change of name of that thread?)…I don’t see how we could expect any empirical results to be visible there.

    But in bugser posts in the mainstream, those of us interested in introducing as subliminally as possible, just matter-of-factly in the background (which is certainly all I recommend doing) the use of “white” when we mean “white and pro-white,” can see what response if any that elicits from anti-whites, and whether the way we are able to handle their response aids or impedes spreading our message about white genocide. As with everything anti-whites say, we want to turn any response from them into a furtherance of our message about white genocide, and if after a suitable period of experimentation we find we can’t do that easily when we use “white” matter-of-factly to mean “white and pro-white,” then those of us carrying out the experiment should give it up.

    To be honest, I don’t think I’d even thought about using this idea in mainstream bugser posts when I was initially pushing the idea so heavily…I was totally caught up in what I was doing on SF and I was thinking in terms of white sites.

    It seems to me a worthwhile goal on its face if the white movement as a whole, including us, could appropriate the term “white” as meaning “white and pro-white,” and by usage imbue the word “white” with that meaning.

    As Coniglio wrote,

    It is what we had before the genocide began and we need to get it back.

    • #8 by Harumphty Dumpty on 06/03/2012 - 2:57 pm


      It seems to me a worthwhile goal on its face for the white movement as a whole, including us, to appropriate the term “white” as meaning “white and pro-white,” and by usage imbue the word “white” with that meaning.

      (I won’t post anymore here today, but I didn’t want to leave my meaning cloudy)

  6. #9 by Iceknight on 06/03/2012 - 2:10 pm

    Early days folks, but I think we might have stumbled upon something really significant here.

    This was just posted on one of my videos by a well known anti-White when using the term “White and NORMAL”

    >>”White and NORMAL people” White people are normal people and most of us oppose you uncivilised ugly stupid slave minded racist failures.
    Sunnybangle 6 hours ago<<

    Notice how the anti-White is trying to claim the authority of speaking on behalf of all White people? This is why it's so important to wrestle away any legitimacy from them as representatives of our group. I've since responded describing myself as 'White'.

    Will be test driving the term 'White' over the coming weeks to see how effective it is, but looking very promising at this stage.

    • #10 by six gun on 06/04/2012 - 4:31 pm

      Oh man – this video’s postings are carnage. Such fun.

  7. #11 by six gun on 06/03/2012 - 6:33 pm

    This is a quiet day so I will make a reply to that which has been put to me.
    Might as well have a gloves off session:

    “Six Gun,
    The “progress” is in our becoming professionals.”

    Well that is a form of progress.
    But who says you are, or we are professionals?
    Being a “professional” is a status of achievement.
    Achievement is something that is measurable against absolutes.
    Against what are we measured?
    What are the measurable achievements?

    The achievement of our goals?
    What are our goals? – to stop and reverse the process of White genocide.
    To affect the hearts and minds of White people, which in turn stops and reverses the process of White genocide.

    How do you know you are affecting the hearts and minds of White people in a way that achieves the primary goal?

    You have got to evidence this.
    Beefcake said in at least one of his podcasts there was evidence that the frequency of internet Mantra talk was going up significantly. For me this was fantastic news. But this is simply rhetoric unless it is fleshed out with hard data on display.

    “The difference between a professional and an amateur is that professionals comply with standards, while amateurs seem to think getting the job done any old way is satisfactory.
    The Establishment (which is actually a dictatorship) has hordes and hordes of different factions of political amateurs in opposition.
    Since these political amateurs evidence no real capability, the Establishment can safely ignore them and accordingly, the Establishment safely ignores them.
    The Establishment cannot ignore an opposition with capability.”

    We come round to who says we are capable?
    Capable of achieving what?
    Capable of changing the hearts and minds of the White people in such a way that White genocide is halted?
    You need evidence – so you come back round to my original questions.

    “THAT HAS TO BE A PROFFESIONAL ORGANIZATION. If the Establishment ignores (refuses to engage) a professional opposition, it does so at its own peril.
    If the Establishment ignores any organisation capable of and achieving relevant goals in does so at its peril.”

    Back round to my questions. “capable of and achieving relevant goals.” Great; but if you don’t know in hard data terms what your goals are and if you are hitting those targets how do you know if you are achieving anything. How you might improve or modify your message?
    You don’t.

    “What makes BUGS different from other pro-white organizations? Number one: WE HAVE A SLOGAN!!!”

    We have a slogan – so did Buzz Lightyear – “To infinity … and beyond!”

    Rule number one of political professionalism: You stick with your slogan through thick and thin. You repeat your slogan endlessly. You NEVER let anybody forget your slogan.
    That slogan has to last years. It has to last decades. It has to last centuries. That is how important a slogan is.”


    I hear people saying we should stick with the Mantra as is/was 2 weeks ago.
    That slogan isn’t in the Mantra!

    “Don’t look for benchmarks of “progress”. BUGS is not a “being in becoming”. To the contrary, BUGS has become! BUGS has become through its slogan!”

    “BUGS has become through its slogan!” – the slogan that isn’t in the published Mantra.

    No the only thing that matters at the end of the day is progress. No progress, No point.

    Liberté, égalité, fraternité,
    Overthrow of the French monarchy and installation of the Republic.

    Which one was of critical importance?

    You can say both. At the end of the day which one was important?

    “A slogan is an instantaneous cellular-level transformation. ANYBODY who hears the slogan, “Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White Countries for Everybody” undergoes an INSTANTANEOUS CELLULAR-LEVEL TRANSFORMATION.”

    Evidence that statement.
    Hmmm you come back to my original questions.

    “If you don’t think the fact that we have a slogan scares the living hell out of the political pros out there, you have another think coming. That tells them we are professionals. That tells them at some point, they WILL BE FORCED to engage with us.
    Our job is to insinuate our slogan into as many political platforms as possible. There is no organization in society that is not a potential political platform. Every organization that exists whether it is political, professional, business or ecclesiastic is a potential platform for our slogan.”

    Great, if the slogan were on every internet page on the planet. I would be naive to imagine that would not have a very profound effect.

    So my questions were

    What is the objective evidence that as a result of the work of BUGS:
    Things are changing? –
    Answer – Don’t know
    Things are changing for the better? –
    Answer – Don’t know
    What exactly in the output is changing the score up in lights? –
    Answer – Don’t know.
    We should have some evidence, some sort of “audit.”
    Answer – Not done.

    • #12 by dungeoneer on 06/03/2012 - 6:46 pm


      Come on Sixgun,you know what the deal is here at BUGS,fewer words.

      I told you that we can see our stuff working.

      The message is uncontested because it can`t be,but you feel the need to ask “is this working”?

    • #13 by dungeoneer on 06/03/2012 - 6:52 pm

      How much experience have you got in pushing the mantra SixGun?

      I would`nt be happy arguing about effectiveness with someone who did`nt have a lot of experience actually pushing the mantra under his belt.

      • #14 by six gun on 06/04/2012 - 7:57 am

        I have spent months pushing this message. Getting banned off forums, getting posts pulled, getting videos taken down. Talking to people, listening to podcasts, studying the Mantra, mini-Mantras, taking alternative opinions, encouraging people like Johnny White Rabbit to go on Don Black’s radio show. I’ve been designing tee shirts – I’ve got to get them made now. Get the message off the internet into the real world.

        This has nothing to do with any of that.
        This is basics.
        We are pushing propaganda. Where is the objective evidence – data, hard facts from testing, trialling that what we are doing is maximally effective and works X% of the time?

        There are 250 000 members on SF and I try to engender some interest. I struggle to get replies. Most of them are my own bumping the thread.

        Logically I ask where is the hard data, face-to-face test results? We have no second chances.

        William Pierce did some fantastic work. Then he died. Where is his data his message hit home and changed the world? He didn’t change the world nor motivate someone to take up his baton. Why? Why wasn’t it working? Is there objective data to say why? If there is not, why isn’t there?

        • #15 by OldBlighty on 06/04/2012 - 8:15 am

          You have said pro whites taking the moral high ground and winning, instead of playing the roles the anti-whites want us to play and losing, will not satisfy you….

          So can you tell us exactly what evidence you are asking for?

          Also what are you proposing in place of pro whites taking the moral high ground and winning arguments? What real world evidence do you have, that proves your suggestions work?

          Also I would like an answer to my question. I asked it twice and you guys are pretending not to see it. If you keep pretending not to see it, I can only assume you are trolls.

          • #16 by six gun on 06/04/2012 - 8:42 am

            @ Oldblighty – are you asking me these questions?
            I am happy to answer any questions from anyone.

  8. #17 by six gun on 06/03/2012 - 7:01 pm

    I commented on a long post, only half of the post is mine.
    Yes I do feel the necessity to ask the questions.
    I know you don’t have data to answer them or you would or absolutely should hit me with it.
    I would be overjoyed for you to evidence the progress.
    Like I said, I have read material that had a profound effect on me but the author will never know I even read this.

    Here are two of the comments I got back.
    I have put up a few threads of SF trying to get some feedback [some evidence]

    “People who are normally in a MSM-induced coma, are full of fear of what is going on around them. The Mantra is a message that many will recoil from because a few words in it will generate the fear response.”

    “Most people will not get the African analogy, and “anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews” generates a frightened-deer look. I thought one guy was going to run away when I said the Mantra. Remember, we’re dealing with people who have been brainwashed from birth.”

    This is too important to not get as much confirmation the words are right and it is hitting the target.
    I make no apologies for labouring this point.

    • #18 by dungeoneer on 06/03/2012 - 7:22 pm

      I know Dave is worth reading.

      The message is uncontested.Except by newbies such as you here on BUGS who continually worry about the mantra “not being right”

      Those SF comments don`t come from people with much if any expoerience of using the mantra either.

      Stop worrying and get in the trenches.

    • #19 by Genseric on 06/04/2012 - 2:46 am

      The answer you are looking for is quite simple. It lies in the phenomenon otherwise known as “problem, reaction, solution.”

      Surely, I won’t have to explain HOW we arrive at the “STOP White genocide” SOLUTION, will I? We are stating the problem. That is eliciting a reaction. We have the solution. The dam is falling apart, six shooter. Just make sure you have your ‘pumped-up kicks’ ready.

      Also, what is this business about “a profound impact and the author will never know?” We’re here. We are listening (i.e. reading). Elucidate.

      • #20 by six gun on 06/04/2012 - 7:33 am

        I said I have read things and they had a profound impact on me. How can the author know this? Unless I feedback to the author or the author asks me or the work is market researched heavily so by statistics 9 out of 10 readers are profoundly affected or I do something that is observed, measured and recognised as resulting for the author’s work; then the author will never know his work had that profound effect.

        One of the enemies is the media, another is the advertisers. They sure as hell trial, test and have mountains of data that tell them their propaganda works. We know it works. We see its results all around us but it has been gnawing away at the White man’s soul for decades. We don’t have the time or luxury of that.

        We have our message. I asked do we have data PROVING it works. Face-to-face collection data. Not a gut feeling and anecdotal evidence.
        There are no second runs in this one. Time is running out. I will be dead before 2066 but I do not want to die knowing in 2066 my Nation is in ruins and has been overrun by the hordes.

        • #21 by Genseric on 06/04/2012 - 12:31 pm

          I see. You were giving a hypothetical rather than sharing a real world experience.

          Try not to Facts and Figures Everything to Death like a news and jews-er would, as Tangible Data is only a fraction of the battle. But, rather seek that which you can measure in the REAL World and spiritually as a White man. Open your eyes and SEE the exchanges between people and HEAR what they are saying and how they are saying it. What they are writing to each other and what topics are broached. Embrace that which you know to be true.

          The World is not quite as beautiful as we have all been Taught to believe, six. However, the answers you look for are there if you are willing to receive them.

          You gotta have a lil’ bit of faith in this battle we call “our struggle.” Without it, we will find that we are lost.

          This battle is measured in decades, not days.

  9. #22 by Harumphty Dumpty on 06/04/2012 - 1:04 am

    @six gun: dungeoneer is right. Try to quit worrying and just be patient while you get some solid experience.
    I could use some comments on what follows. They are just thoughts of mine at this point, and are a repost of a reply I just made to dungeoneer on our working thread.

    @dungeoneer: “2nd Edit: That video is one of our flag videos as well.Just don`t get caught up in whiteness at the cost of white genocide.”

    That thought and one related to it have been much on my mind today, after the initial exhilaration. I’m concerned that the audience may become more interested in the whiteness ploy than in white genocide (and how would we know?!). I’m having some other doubts too, about the wiseness of carrying out the experiment from this site…this wasn’t originally an idea for “swarming,” and Genseric may be right that this is an endangerment to FOCUSing here. Even if those of us interested in this idea were to keep these kinds of posts off this thread, and put them only on the thread I started, newbies will see that thread listed repeatedly in the right margin, and may think it’s part of standard bugs stuff that they are in the middle of learning…in any case it may be a distraction to them. (It’s already a distraction to ME). I’ll post these thoughts and others tomorrow, and maybe people can comment.

    I’m considering asking the management of White GeNOcide Project if the experiment could be carried out using a thread there instead. These are just thoughts at the moment; I may feel differently tomorrow. But I do recognize that I need advice, pleasantly expressed is my strong preference.

    Even on the comment I posted just above,* I feel drawn into uncertain territory:

    “You think your white skin makes you “white”? I guess you really do believe that race is only skin deep.

    Is that a line that has the effect we want on white bystanders? I’m too long parted from their way of thinking to know, but I have doubts. They are trained to think that race IS just skin deep, right?

    *Posted to the working thread earlier:
    “I’m whiter than you are. I didn’t get a tan this summer because of a lack of sunny days.”

    You think your white skin makes you “white”? I guess you really do believe that race is only skin deep.

    You are an anti-white who supports white genocide, and that’s all you are.

    Another bugser and I were giving the idea a whirl today and reported here:

  10. #24 by six gun on 06/04/2012 - 7:17 am

    I do worry. I don’t think needlessly.
    We are in the business of propaganda. We are distributing propaganda. With this propaganda we hope to change the hearts and minds of White people.
    The underlying message in our propaganda is true. The White race is in a spot and if it doesn’t get its act together it is going out of business and sooner than it thinks.
    The BUGS are fully committed to distributing the propaganda.

    There are 250 000 members on SF. I have put up a few threads trying to get a reaction. Trying to get views, opinions, ideas. I saw on one occasion the thread on Marching Songs had many more replies. If I put up a dumb Troll thread like “Black men are better lovers” it would run to dozens of pages. It drives me to distraction.

    If I were running an advertising campaign I would be doing lots of market research. On launch day I would have a stack of data saying we have presented the Mantra to 5000 people. Of these 76% understood the Mantra on first reading. A further 14% on a subsequent reading. 43% said they had learnt about White genocide and would research more. 22% felt emotional or angry on realisation.

    Or 12% of people understood the Mantra. Half of these thought it was a racist message. Only 20% read beyond the first paragraph. 65% in total felt it was racist.

    The message of White genocide is true and real and vital.
    If this were a marketing campaign for dog food it would have been trialled on 100’s of not 1000’s of people WHO CAN TALK BACK TO YOU AND TELL YOU HAVE THEY THINK AND FEEL. Proper feedback, not imagined or the feedback of a handful. They can tell you, I don’t like that word or that line. Women, remember our female BUG, could say they liked another version. Tailored mini Mantras and full Mantras that you have trialled on 1000’s of people and you KNOW from face-to-face contact work.

    I asked have we done this, do we have data that is hard data that the message has been working. Not a general impression which is observer biased b/c we want to believe it is working.

    This is not a campaign on dog food this is the most important issue in the 21st century.

    ps We are White – the enemy are anti-Whites. I would want to see the anti-White as peripheral creatures. We are with the masses, they are with us. I have used pro-White for us. I will quit doing that.

    • #25 by OldBlighty on 06/04/2012 - 7:25 am

      What race do whites turn into, when they advocate white genocide?

      Is anyone going to answer, or should we listen to your silence?

      • #26 by six gun on 06/04/2012 - 8:30 am

        I am not sure if you are asking me – it is a reply to one of my posts. Don’t see what it is to do with that post but anyway. White people who become anti-Whites are still members of the White race. They are mentally different from us but otherwise the same.

        No more posts from me – I have asked my questions and stated my case.

        • #27 by OldBlighty on 06/04/2012 - 8:55 am

          Actually no. I have seen you guys talking to the anti-whites on Youtube.

          You said, “We (pro whites) are white and you (anti-whites) are not white, because whites do not work against their own kind”

          Well that is not true, in the real world is it?

          So again I ask, what race are they, if you are saying they are not white? They will ask that question eventually. Are you going to give them the silent treatment?

          “You must never buy the story that we are anti-white ” – Julius Malema

          white genocide
          About 43,900,000 results (0.37 seconds)

          “white genocide”
          About 190,000 results (0.46 seconds)

          • #28 by six gun on 06/04/2012 - 2:56 pm

            I don’t know if it was people from here but it they were Bob should say Bull sh1t.

            Hasn’t this poster heard of traitors?
            There have been snakes in the grass over all time.
            The worst anti-Whites are those that look like us.

            I saw someone put anti on YT and I told him off.
            Whenever I see BS like this from someone who is clearly advocating for Whites I do not hesitate to put them right. I explain where they are going wrong.

            “Anti” – Anti what? Anti-Freeze, Anti-matter – Anti Mary?
            They are anti-Whites. Never let them forget that fact. Draw them out into the light.
            Have them declare they want White genocide.
            Let the world see them for what they are. Traitors to their own people.

  11. #31 by David Joop on 06/04/2012 - 8:39 am

    This is to Six gun and all others still unsure about the mantra.

    In response to mantra posts and mantra thinking on videos, here are some results from YouTube:


    You are a hero. 



    i agree with your point & find your question very valid.






    These are just comments from a couple of videos.

    I see people using the term ‘anti-white’ a whole lot more and other BUGS terminology too. Even Bill O’Reilly used the term ‘anti-white’ on one of his programs.

    Posting the mantra and mantra thinking is about helping to awaken Whites and also giving confidence to those who are already concerned about the White genocide issue, but don’t have the confidence or know-how to express themselves effectively.

    The mantra shows them how.

    Stay strong. It’s working.

  12. #32 by six gun on 06/04/2012 - 8:47 am

    Thanks David.

  13. #33 by Simmons on 06/04/2012 - 9:00 am

    Six Gun, if I may slightly critique you (but please do not take your ball and go home) from experience. I think everyone goes thru their “intellectual” phase where we try and out smart ourselves, and trust me on this one I wasted more of Bob’s time than anyone else here (frankly being of Southern blood this shames me).

    You want market research, go get market research.

    Some of our friends trying to intellectualize an anti-whites work RRS gentle reminder of Mantra

    • #34 by six gun on 06/04/2012 - 9:34 am

      Yes I have decided this is what I will do.
      I need to do this for my own sanity.

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