Archive for July, 2012

Who the Hicks Are II

In Who the Hicks Are I discussed how Mantra Thinking shows us that the greatest crimes are not committed by Dramatic Villains but by attitudes that no one later gets upset about.

My first example was that of Doctor Jenner.

When discussing Dr. Jenner, the first sentence is always “People noticed that in a smallpox epidemic, the milking girls didn’t get the disease.” Then prattle on about how Dr. Jenner decided he would find out WHY the milking girls didn’t get it.

Usual thinking starts right there. Mantra Thinking grabs hold of the first sentence: “If people knew that milking girls didn’t get this disease, why did hundreds of years pass until Doctor Jenner began to ask why they didn’t?

While victims of smallpox begged in the streets, scholars learned Latin and Greek and looked at Galen and Aristotle, the latter of whom insisted that men had more teeth than women.

Paracelsus and Newton were two of the giants of their age. Both of them spent a lot more time on truly mad mysticism and on finding the Philosopher’s Stone than he did on what he is now famous for. Paracelsus was practicing medicine, but his only excuse for doing so was that people found out he CURED things.

When the doctors drove him out of another town because his Latin was bad and he had no degree, he retorted that he had used the paper degree to better purpose long ago. We are surprised that Paracelsus, of all people, would look for truth in the wrong place, in mysticism.

Newton surprises us even more. The man who explained the entire universe to us was looking in the wrong place for Truth.

This is a mystery to educated people because educated people are nincompoops. If Paracelsus had the kind of reputation for curing people that milking maids had for smallpox, why weren’t the Great Intellectuals looking at HIM instead of their Latin texts?

If Newton had dedicated his life to finding Wisdom in dead languages, he would have ignored gravity.

The real idiots here are the people who do not see that this Renaissance crap was incredibly and criminally stupid. No, not just a mistake.

And that is the whole point of Mantra Thinking. When Intellectuals make the same mistake again and again, and you learn nothing from it, that shows a mental weakness far more disturbing than the horrible Mistake That Saved Smallpox itself.



Who the Hicks Are

In the Canterbury Tales, a peasant complains to the priest about the fact that he is unintelligent and unhealthy, and the priest is an obviously hale and smart man. He then goes on to bemoan the fact that the best men in any community seemed to be the priests, so that the only men who breed are the lesser men.

He goes on to bemoan loudly the fact that as this keeps us, generation after generation of Englishmen, growing dumber and weaker.

Chaucer broke all the rules because he wrote in English when French was the Only True Tongue in England. He said what only peasants would say.

And as soon as he did, he pointed out an old peasant who was bemoaning dysgenics.

Dysgenics became, centuries later, a theme for Intellectuals. But then it wasn’t called own breeding or some common word. It became a GREEK word, which made it intellectual.

Most people would agree with that and say it is Fashion that makes Intellectuals miss pretty well everything that doesn’t come dressed in Greek or Latin or French.

To them it is a shortcoming. To me it is a crime. To other people it is merely not seeing things clearly. To me it is babbling idiocy.

And to me it is a crime.

What if a PEASANT missed vital point that was expressed in GREEK?

What if peasants totally missed out on dysgenics for fifteen hundred years because the Bards never discussed it?

This is not just raving, this is Mantra Thinking.

I have pointed out before that long before Doctor Jenner was born, it had been noted that, in the midst of smallpox epidemics, the girls who milked the cows didn’t get the disease.

Nobody noticed this but peasant gossips. It never even began to occur to any University Doctor to find out WHY the milking girls didn’t get it. They studied Galen In Greek.
These FACTS are known generally. But I am not speaking of KNOWLEDGE, I am speaking of a WAY OF THINKING.

Anyone else will read what I wrote, and his reaction will be pleasant, Uppah Claaass chuckle at the foolishness of scholars.

We are talking about people who allowed millions to die and tens of millions to be horribly disfigured by a preventable disease. It was a crime, and to be understating about it, it was at least a misdemeanor.

I do not look at passive-aggressive condescension to white genocide in an indulgent Uppah class way. I look at the way a professional Jew looks at the Passive-aggressive stance tens of millions of Germans took on Nazi anti-Semitism, “Why should I care?”

But in this case it is WHITES who are being passive-aggressive about the survival of WHITES.

It is almost impossible for others to learn the word in a Mantra way.

I could say that tens of millions of children made hideous, crippled or dead was the direct results of “Intellectualism.”

Who would understand it?

More important, who would be able to think that way when ANOTHER horror caused by “routine” attitudes was exposed?



Dr. Jenner and Mantra Thinking

I have trouble instantly coming up with examples. But a very good example of “Why is this information produced?” occurred to me.

We used to say that the fashion industry was run by queers. This was one of those Lowah Clahss remarks that was not true. Then came AIDS. The fashion makers were nearly wiped out.

Then, about twenty years ago, Barbara Walters started talking about “Why is it that gay men especially have such talent when it comes to designing?” If she had said that twenty years before, she would have been a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. But after the AIDS epidemic, it was no longer a question about who were designers.

So the information manufactured had to be “Yes, gays ARE the fashion industry. So why are they so GIFTED?”

If you find white men dominating, the required discussion is how they are discriminating to keep out non-whites.

We all KNOW that. But I can’t even get BUGS people to THINK that way.

Ok, what would a consistently well-paid have said on the same subject in the 1960s, before AIDS?

I can tell you exactly. He would give a smirk and say “I know what the Lowah Class says about how it’s all queers in the fashion industry.”

Then he would announce that “They did a study and found that fashion has the lowest percentage of homosexuals of almost anything>“

I heard them say it!


But it is very frustrating that YOU don’t think that way. Instead of Mantra type insights I get too many lectures about how society works and names and stuff.

Another example. In the story of Doctor Jenner and vaccination, it always begins with “Everybody had long seen that cow milking maids didn’t get smallpox.”

Let me repeat that: “Everybody had long seen that cow milking maids didn’t get smallpox.”

Let me repeat that: “Everybody had long seen that cow milking maids didn’t get smallpox.”

George Washington was stricken sterile by the same smallpox that killed his brother. Academic medicine bled him to death when he got pneumonia.

A major portion of each generation was hideously marked by smallpox. Millions died of it.

And everybody knew that “Cow milking maids didn’t get smallpox.”

The did not know that people who read Galen could cure it. They didn’t know that a person who read Greek and could cast your astrological chart could cure it.

“Everybody had long seen that cow milking maids didn’t get smallpox.”

Could somebody PLEASE get off explaining The State of the World to me and tell me what is wrong in the sentences above?



Let’s Concentrate!

International Law says that you owe decent treatment to an enemy who surrenders in uniform. An enemy caught out of uniform can be, like Major Andre, dangled from a tree for up to half an hour while he dies in agony.

But there have been cases where soldiers have been too goddamn stupid to know what the enemy uniform LOOKS like. A person who is that stupid ought to be strung up himself.

People told us all the time that they were dedicated to our destruction. We were just too goddamned stupid to know it.

Acting like a retard is not the same thing as an intellectual error..

Not understanding that another person is being an idiot makes you as retarded as he is.

It is time for us to really face the fact that before the Mantra we were retards.

This means that we not only to confront retards, but we have to go a LOT farther to clean the feeble mindedness out of OURSELVES.

Only a very slow three-year-old takes everything he is told literally. No Jew is going to say, “I was raised on tales of how Evil you are and I want you off the face of the earth!”

If someone says he is for open borders and a “melting pot” in all white countries and only white countries and you don’t understand what he is REALLY saying, I do not want you to be around me and any dangerous machinery. You will never be able to hold your head up as long as you mistake idiocy for intellectual error.

You have a lot more to do than just learn the Mantra.

Your whole MIND has been at a level that should scare you.

Listen to anti-whites and listen to the retards on our side. The anti-whites never say one single thing traitors have not said throughout and before history, “I sold you out because I am for a Higher Cause,” “Why should I be concerned about what you call ‘my’ people?” and “You are a guilty people, and you all deserve what I did to you.”

Good God, gang, these are statements every traitor has made in all history! They are not even gussied up with a LITTLE sophistication.

I keep hammering on the fact that you have GOT to go back and see what idiocy, stupidity, childishness you have fallen for.

And when I say this the only comments are about your profound world view or insight.

This article is about cleaning up your mental act. It is NOT about profound philosophies or wherever your mind is tripping over now.

It is about the fact that seeing the enemy as a different intellect is a DISEASE. What is wrong with what they say is IN what they say, not in your recollection of Nietzsche.

Start with this: Marxism is not an intellectually different point of view. It is saying that if you turn the economy over to a bunch of bureaucrats, it will efficient.

For a century and a half, those who said that were treated as intellectually different.

What kind of mind recognizes an obvious retard as a person who thinks differently, ANOTHER MIND LIKE HIS OWN?

You know what that person is. And it’s time we really concentrated on getting it out of us.

This article is about cleaning up your mental act. It is NOT about profound philosophies or wherever your mind is tripping over now.

This article is about cleaning up your mental act. It is NOT about profound philosophies or wherever your mind is tripping over now.

This article is about cleaning up your mental act. It is NOT about profound philosophies or wherever your mind is tripping over now.

We could use more examples of things like socialism and white genocide which can be destroyed by actually SEEING what they said.

This article is about cleaning up your mental act. It is NOT about profound philosophies or wherever your mind is tripping over now.



News, Like Jews, is for Stormfront

One of the rules BUGS has developed is, “Stay on the offensive.”

The really nice thing about that phrase is that BOB did NOT invent it!

And I would know. One of my major strategies has been to recognize my own exact turn of phrase. It is the only way of telling where I am getting in and, therefore, what is succeeding. Recognizing these tiny turns has been the basis of my strategy for well over half a century.

Who but me would have isolated the most obvious-sounding term, “anti-white?” Who else would have noticed that that term was NEVER used in the mainstream, ANYWHERE. It was ALWAYS “anti-white and anti-Semitic.”

So the victory of O’Reilly using “anti-white” doesn’t have to be explained to anyone inside BUGS.

Yes, he had BLACKS screaming they were anti-white for the year before that. But respectable conservatives always use “anti-white” in the mouths of non-whites, but never never, NEVER has it been uttered in National Review or by Hannity without the required “and anti-Semitic.”

SO I am an expert at recognizing a new term and knowing whether it came from ME.

I get tired all over every time I see another news item anywhere in our pages.

Anybody can read the latest. Only a FEW of us can do the hard job of getting out there and REPORTING on our MESSAGE

We are improving. More and more exchanges, independent of me, go on about the wording we get back and the wording of how we deal with it. News items and enemy speeches are available with billions of dollars behind them. Every news item here helps the enemy.

If someone started talking about how bad whites are, I had to come up with the obvious reply: We are accusing them of genocide, so they seek to JUSTIFY genocide. How many thousands of Jew-obsessed tomes would have to be written to have the effect of that short point?

Stormfront was a major cause of our existence. Stormfront has had news items for years that appear nowhere else. And Stormfront is MUCH bigger than we are.

Render unto BUGS what is Bugs’s and unto SF what is Stormfront’s.
