Archive for August 19th, 2012

It Isn’t About Mysticism

In response to my article on Zoroastrianism and St. Paul I got lots of responses about Mysticism and the other pseudosophisticated garbage.

They were so SMART!

The article showed how today’s white self-hatred can be traced back to an Aryan prophet twelve hundred years ago. In the degeneracy of Zoroastrianism we have a total substitute for centuries of tracing our self-hatred, the self-hatred that is killing us, not to tiny border kingdom in the Middle East, but to the same degenerated thinking of Aryans which we have today.

I find this in both of the Testaments we have spent two thousand years on, seeking our politics there.

Well, they ARE there, but you have to see what they really have to say, not remake them into tales that suit your purposes.

“Nobody is as funny as a dumb man who thinks he is smart.” — Oliver Hardy.

I do not want these funny people HERE.

Whenever anyone explains Buddhism or Christianity they make it a story people want to hear.

Actually, it is characteristic of Aryan thinkers that they would ask the basic question, “Is the average life, where there is every kind of pain and very, very few pleasures, worth living?”

By the time of Gautama Buddha, he and every other Aryan Indian knew the answer was No. Buddha’s entire teaching was dedicated to getting off of the Wheel of Life, the rebirth of each of us, forever, in one life after another.

No New Age Buddhist has any hint of this.

The Old Testament makes it very clear that the Jews got their new concept of THEIR God from Persia. Once again, Zoroaster answered the question, “Is this life worth living?” with a No. He dealt with it by a God of This World, an evil world, and the god of the next world, the good one.

This degenerated into total condemnation of every pleasure and even survival in this world. That is what we live with today, This little twist, not “mystical” at all, is the basis of our whole way of thinking today.

I HATE to see OUR commenters sounding like sophomores, “wise fools.”
