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Debating Anti-Whites 101

Posted by Lord Nelson on August 24th, 2012 under Coaching Session

Remember: —-> Ask the questions! —-> Take control! —-> Point (repeatedly) to the crime being committed —-> Nail these sick brainwashed Anti-White bast@rds!

Translation: —-> Attack! —-> Attack! —-> Attack!

Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White.

  1. #1 by steadiness on 08/24/2012 - 8:36 pm

    words and phrases that piss them off:
    * anti-white
    * genocide
    * diversities, x% diverse
    * naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews
    * hierarchy of victimhood
    * anti-white violence as cultural enrichment
    * eschatology of social progress
    * hatefact

    Is there a better way of phrasing ‘hierarchy of victimhood’?

  2. #2 by elcyCesreveR on 08/24/2012 - 8:47 pm

    Yeah I know where i messed up.

    he was just looking for a soapbox and not a debate

  3. #3 by elcyCesreveR on 08/24/2012 - 8:48 pm

    i know where i messed up.

    but whatdya do when you are debating someone who wants a soapbox rather than a dialogue/debate

    I probably need to try to stop being so politically correct 🙂 L-O-L

    I’d like to see others give it a whirl… i’ll give you guys a few months or im calling dibs on Ignatiev

    • #4 by steadiness on 08/24/2012 - 11:18 pm

      they always want a soapbox not a debate. But if you can get a few words in edgewise, you can make their reams of politically correct drivel sound as ridiculous to anyone as it sounds to you.

  4. #5 by Jason on 08/24/2012 - 9:33 pm

    Lord Nelson is a commander that can communicate! Thanks for the succinct directions. Perfect.

  5. #6 by Scythian on 08/24/2012 - 10:22 pm

    When we are speaking on behalf of our race, we ARE speaking for our race. When we are not speaking on behalf of our race, we are NOT speaking for our race. ANYBODY who prevents us (“private entities” are not immune) from speaking on behalf of our race IS committing the crime of genocide. The Mantra is undeniable, it is only a matter of enforcement. This ain’t “trash talking”, and I’m not a “prophet”.

  6. #7 by Feu denfer on 08/25/2012 - 8:24 am

    Lord Nelson wrote:
    -“Ask the questions! —-> Take control!”

    Sun Tzu wrote:
    -“Hence that general is skillful in attack whose opponent does not know what to defend”
    -“You can ensure the safety of your defense if you only hold positions that cannot be attacked.”

    We know the anti whites always change their arguments when they run into mantra thinking. But did we ever think about what that actually means? What does it say about the anti white argument when he or she decides to ABANDON an argument?

    Does it not imply that they what to abandon a BAD argument (ALL argument for genocide are of course bad, but some are more easily exposed than others). In military terms, would this not relate to an army retreating to take up a better position elsewhere?


    -“You can ensure the safety of your defense if you only hold positions that cannot be attacked.”

    So what would Sun Tzu advice us to do with an enemy who wants to retreat from a bad position? Sun Tzu would probably say: “BOX HIM IN”. If the enemy is uncomfortable where he is, forcing him to stay put will destroy his moral.

    If the anti whites plays the “slavery card”, BOX HIM IN. Never let him leave for other arguments of being anti white. Rip him apart with question:

    “Why are you deliberately neglecting ALL other slavery in world history to make Whites look more evil than others?”
    “Why are you deliberately neglecting ALL other slavery in world history to make Whites look more evil than others?”
    “Why are you deliberately neglecting ALL other slavery in world history to make Whites look more evil than others?”
    “Why are you deliberately neglecting ALL other slavery in world history to make Whites look more evil than others?”

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