Archive for October 2nd, 2012

Master of Meme

A meme is hard to define exactly, but the Mantra is a solid mass of them. A meme is the essence of what Horus calls open system thinking. A meme like “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white” BEGINS the thinking process.

The Golden Rule is a meme. It is very hard, because it requires you to put yourself in other people’s shoes. The Ten Commandments represent a closed system. No thinking involved. The God of the Ten Commandments damned the Tree of Knowledge. He wanted two-legged cattle.Israelites Adoring a False God

Almost all the descendants of the Pilgrims and Puritans became Unitarians. The Old Testament spoke their language, the language of rules, the whole rules, and nothing BUT rules. To them Jesus spoke in riddles.

New England still thinks that way.

It is easy not to put one of the other gods before Yahweh. It is definitely not easy to put yourself in the place of another human being.

I am a master of meme. I figure out what is fundamentally silly about Philosophies other people get paid to Analyze.

But then what?

Discussion continues to consist entirely of horses’ asses talking about crap that would be blown away by a couple of simple sentences. This does not make life fun. A Master of Mime is completely surrounded by idiots his entire life. And that’s when he gets Intellectuals.

I have explained this to people, and they react as if they hadn’t heard a word I said. They tell me what some guy said about that asinine book. Then it’s off to the races, Idiots on Parade, as they list Learned Men and celebrities who spoke about what they thought I said.
