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Chicken Bob

Posted by Bob on October 20th, 2012 under Coaching Session

My proposal for what to do to anti-whites is paid informers, who will always get a percentage of the money we take from anti-whites and their heirs because of information they give us. So we will have people combing the records for records of every anti-white action.

What is funny to me is this scheme was attacked for being too “soft.” The attacker(s) banged their chests and said that they would hold tribunals and prosecute the bad guys and string them up.

It reminds me of the years when the Mantra was constantly attacked on Stormfront by people who weren’t going to sit around and work in the “unreal world” of computer. They were going out there and take the streets and conquer the worldPhotobucket

Same difference. My objection is not to the violence, my objection is the simple fact that they ain’t going to do a damned thing.

I have been there when my side won. In 1981 everyone who had been doing nothing but attacking liberals and moderates suddenly had the government dumped in their laps. On most things, they were clueless.

One thing that stood out was how fast those who had been screaming for many years on the outside lost their ardor when they got on the inside. The first thing the Reagan top-level appointees did was dump those who were serious.

I was the last person to sign off on Federal civil service staffing before the Director. I wanted to do what every other administration in history did: get our people into the permanent civil service, so when we went out of office we would still have lots of contacts.

I was forbidden to do that. I was forbidden to give anybody on our side information or contacts for getting into those thousands of positions that regularly opened up! I could have put in hundreds who had vet pref alone.

No, Reagan’s Director said, “We are here to clean out the swamp, not to join the alligators.”

Cute. But among other things that assumes is that “we” would leave office with a wholly cleaned out government. As soon as Bush took office in 1989 he got rid of every single Reagan presidential appointee, top to bottom!

So I have observed how cowardly a formerly dedicated group becomes when it actually takes office.

At such a time, everybody who used to be a fanatic is jockeying for position. In the real world, you need a SEPARATE, self-perpetuating means of doing all the stuff you shouted you were going to do.

I’m not soft. I just know what I’m doing.

  1. #1 by Sentinel on 10/20/2012 - 7:17 am

    We can either beat anti-Whites at their own game… Or effectively become them.

    The choice is obvious if it’s understood.

  2. #2 by c-bear on 10/20/2012 - 7:17 am

    The lunatic fringe… we would all like to get rid of it. Sent by our enemies. The over-the-top-zealous bully (and somewhat retarded) Skinhead. The guy spitting in top coat pocket during church service . The guy trying to convince people to attack public figures. The guy with the freaky short abomination of a military haircut, displaying giant swastikas on ill-fittting and battered clothes, screaming “Seig Heil” as he preforms a bow-legged and pigeon-toed goose step for the television. The lunatic fringe is always our enemy. Weather they were there with the personal intent to demoralize or not.

    The question I pose is this: How do we get rid of them? I’ve ran them off time and time again over the years. There never seems to be a shortage of newly recruited rejects though. Many come to us because they are rejects, and seeing the crazies the mainstream media put on the TV to portray us, they figure they’ll be accepted. I also am certain many of them are sent (If I was in the ADL I’d do exactly the same).

    We do a pretty good job here on BUGS keeping it clean though. It takes all of us. BUGS is my home page. Like any other home, good housekeeping is essential. I’ve vowed to address my jewaholism. Others have eased up on the foul language. That doesn’t make us chickens. It makes us useful.

    • #3 by Daniel Genseric on 10/20/2012 - 8:48 am

      This sounds borderline anti-white, C-bear.

      Some unsolicited advice:

      Does the shepherd blame the sheep should he drive them off a cliff?

      You don’t get to choose who people were/are, what they look like, or how or who they pray to in “church”. This especially rings true on the ‘net.

      You either get their help or you do NOT. You can either accept it or you can reject it. But, judging by the numbers, you should take all the real BUGSters – doing what you ask – that you can get. You should take their help now as an admission that what they were in a former life, didn’t work. They shouldn’t have to say it as, last time I checked, we aren’t holding Confession here.

      They do call it ‘personal growth’ for a reason. So, please stop spitting in their faces and help them grow by showing them the way. Not where they have been. And if you absolutely must spit, at least pick someone who has been “fudging” it up for 40 years with countless manuals and how-to-guides to a white future. At least make it some highly-credentialed, semi-Respectable who INSISTS on laboring about and clinging to some Movement that never really got off the ground.

      Try blaming those leading our people rather than those who have been lead astray .

      • #4 by c-bear on 10/20/2012 - 11:02 am

        Just for clarity let me put in different words. I don’t think I got off what I was meaning to say. Every one of those instances I mentioned were people I knew who were either turn-coats or government informants, or both. These people were purposely sent in either by the FBI or the SPLC with the purpose and intent of demoralizing the group.
        if someone is outwardly promoting violence, common sense would dictate that they are dangerous. My advice is to stay away from them.

        • #5 by Peter Cottontail on 10/20/2012 - 11:16 am

          They aren’t OUR group. This is not No Child Left Behind. We aren’t going to wait for people who claim to be pro-White to behave in a certain way. Our responsibility is to force a discussion on our genocide. Until then, fretting about people in costumes is a waste of energy.

          • #6 by c-bear on 10/20/2012 - 11:27 am

            Just for clarity let me put in different words. I don’t think I got off what I was meaning to say. Every one of those instances I mentioned were people I knew who were either turn-coats or government informants, or both. These people were purposely sent in either by the FBI or the SPLC with the purpose and intent of demoralizing the group.
            if someone is outwardly promoting violence, common sense would dictate that they are dangerous. My advice is to stay away from them.

    • #7 by premiseblog on 10/20/2012 - 1:19 pm


      The worldwide Jewish establishment has good in it, but at the root, there is an evil tendency towards Babylonian Paganism.

      I do not support “Jewaholism”. I hold true the article of faith here that blaming Jooz for racial stupidity is inane.

      There are supporters of Babylon in all races and faiths. Those who hold power are often Jews. Thus, being anti-establishment becomes “anti-semitism” — which is actually anti-Babylonianism.

      Understand this, and you will understand the instinctual validity of many of those from the “lunatic fringe”.

      Being anti-Babylon is like being “anti-winter”.
      ANTI-SEMITIC is code word for ANTI-BABYLON.

      Winter will come, Babylon will always be there, it is just your job to resist it in every generation.

    • #8 by Dick_Whitman on 10/20/2012 - 5:35 pm


      I find the people you describe as being annoying and harmful to our cause as well. The anti-Whites have operatives whose only job is to act this part. Like you I wish they would go away.

      But there is little we can do about it while remaining law-abiding. All we can do is differentiate ourselves to such a degree that it’s obvious that we are not those people.

      Hopefully the better ones among the freak-show types will see the harm they are doing and join us. Unfortunately, for the time being, these people will be around and there is little we can do abut. Even if all the freakshow-types came to their senses and stopped their counterproductive behavior, the anti-Whites will see to it that these people will be around to contaminate us (remember Hal Turner).

      So don’t worry about stuff you/we can’t control. The Roman Legions (and all armies in history) had factors that were out of their control (such as weather or climate) but they marched-on regardless.

      March on!

  3. #9 by Jason on 10/20/2012 - 9:03 am

    Bob, please continue to give more thought (and instructions) as to what to do and what to look out for if a White movement suddenly arises.

    Everyone talks about battles against Anti-Whites, but most of us (at least me) wouldn’t know what to do if we suddenly found ourselves winning.

    I don’t want White spokesmen who are the equivalent of Bush because then we still lose. I don’t want Weasel Whites or Yuppie Types worming their way into leadership positions. If things happened suddenly, I could see “moderate” White leaders rising up and grabbing power.

    The one thing I can think of is to demand leaders who acknowledge the reality of White Genocide.

    • #10 by Daniel Genseric on 10/20/2012 - 9:20 am

      “Bob Whitaker speaks for US!”

      It is just a matter of time before the right person occupying a control point sees what we are doing and jumps out in front. As we gain traction in the politisphere, we will be cast aside.

      Sarah Palin did it with the Tea Party and look what happened. We need to make sure we guard against the wrong person whenever possible. We need to help ensure they ACTUALLY speak for us and stand against white genocide.

      Warning signs that the Mantra is working:

      -People insist Mantra terminology has ALWAYS been an integral part of the political lexicon.

      -“White Nationalists” scream that the people touting it and the very thing which led to their relevance is “unstable and not respectable.” They are losing political capital and REAL capital.

      -Writers you have NEVER heard of begin and continue to use our terminology. Writers/reporters/infotainers you have heard of begin hedging their bets.

      -Intellectuals begin warming to the simple truth that has now passed them by.

      -White advocates you have never heard of begin using the Mantra and act as if they have never heard of Bob or BUGS.

      -Old guard BUGSters begin disappearing – figuratively and, god forbid, literally.

      • #11 by Jason on 10/20/2012 - 9:31 am

        Laying it out like that, I am not as bothered by new White Spokesmen if they fully use Mantra points, even stealing from us , especially the truth of White Genocide (although I think it is very important Bob and the Mantra get full credit, or we will be forever vulnerable).

        I think my main fear – I am brainstorming a bit here – would be spokesmen arising, who claim to be pro-White (and maybe are in some sense), but they do NOT accept the concept of White Genocide.

        Is acceptance of White Genocide THE litmus test? Forgive me if everyone’s already been down this thought-path before.

        • #12 by Daniel Genseric on 10/20/2012 - 9:51 am

          Questions to ask ANYBODY:

          “Are you pro-white or are you pro-white genocide?”

          “Do you believe massive immigration and forced assimilation of and with tens of millions of non-Asians in only Asian countries and EVERY Asian country constitutes genocide?”

          “Do you agree that whites should also be free of persecution and genocide?

          “Why is genocide a crime until it happens to whites?”

          “If America is so “free,” then why aren’t whites free to live and work together?”

          “If America “Celebrates Diversity,” then why aren’t Europeans allowed to immigrate and assimilate?”

          “If America is so “Tolerant,” then why aren’t white countries tolerated?”

        • #13 by Peter Cottontail on 10/20/2012 - 11:20 am

          Jason, this is one reason ole Bob instills “mantra thinking”. Search some of Bob’s old article re mantra thinking and some of your questions will be answered.

      • #14 by premiseblog on 10/20/2012 - 1:11 pm


        I appreciate your concern for White Genocide.
        Let us assume that this becomes accepted.

        You need to establish WHO is doing the White Genocide.
        Many people, including myself, still see it as White Suicide.

        If it is mostly people of the White Race responsible for the White Genocide, then this is White Suicide.

        Please give me a good argument to counter this, because otherwise your “White Genocide” movement will never get off the ground.

        This is very important, as the ACTOR, the KILLER of the Whites are WHITE PEOPLE. Self-hating White people.

        You cannot build a whole movement on a PASSIVE actor.
        White Genocide. WHO is the Genocider, they will ask.

        And don’t say “pink rabbits”.

        • #15 by Scythian on 10/20/2012 - 2:44 pm

          That’s like saying if you killed your family and then yourself, your family committed “suicide”.

          The people who have put forth policies that IS the ongoing program of white genocide and the people who openly support said policies are “passive actors”? The “who done it” is the easy part, and they are desperately trying to prevent us from awaking people to ‘what’s being done’.

          What if whites were given a chance to set up a ‘whites only’ city or reservation within every white majority country and have their own immigration policy? How many whites do you think would send in an application? Irrespective of time, how many whites would have to sign up for this idea before YOU stop calling it “suicide” and start calling it GENOCIDE?

          • #16 by premiseblog on 10/21/2012 - 3:51 pm

            The top bit,
            ” That’s like saying if you killed your family and then yourself, your family committed “suicide”.”
            is good.

            The “passive actor” charge is on a RACIAL basis.

            Seen as a RACE, Whites are the passive actor. When seen as worthy human beings, not colorless, but of full pink-white-olive color, many hair colors and eyes colors, then we will not be able to be genocided. So I personally always point out, that Whites are very Diverse.
            , not able to be lumped to together as a unified RACE worthy of suicide.

            As a race members of our own kind are committing genocide against the White race, thus in this way it is “passive”. Somewhere in that nugget above, there is an easy reply to the White suicide charge, I think it lies in seeing Whites as COLORFUL HUMAN BEINGS.

            “How many whites would have to sign up for this idea before YOU stop calling it “suicide” and start calling it GENOCIDE?”
            Well, the answer to your question is in how women as a whole view the world. They don’t care about “intention”, “whodunnit” etc, they only see “dominance”. And if the White race, in a flush of degeneracy, flushes itself down the toilet, we are viewed as unfit by our own women.

            Thus, the answer to the “Whites are commiting suicide and that’s alright because its in their nature, so that’s why we don’t like Whites due to their lack of dominance” DOES lie precisely in what you all do here, in FIGHTING your Genocide.

            So you are right — the more the “White Suicide” line gets pushed, the more the White Race is deemed JUSTIFIABLY SUICIDE-ABLE.

            Se here for this attitude: “Germany Does Away with Itself” by Thilo Sarrazin.

            Those who push the JUSTIFIED WHITE SUICIDE line ARE anti-White. As I say here, even I still need convincing reasons to back my brain out of the bullet to the brain.

            This is terrifying indeed, be sure to hit this
            “Genocide not Suicide” premise HARD like you are.

            • #17 by Scythian on 10/23/2012 - 2:28 am

              “Many people, including myself, still see it as White Suicide.”

              “the more the “White Suicide” line gets pushed, the more the White Race is deemed JUSTIFIABLY SUICIDE-ABLE.”

              “Those who push the JUSTIFIED WHITE SUICIDE line ARE anti-White.”
              So you’re anti-white?

              Also, your middle sentence doesn’t make sense; you can’t “suicide” someone else, you can kill/genocide them.

        • #18 by Cleric Preston on 10/20/2012 - 7:03 pm

          Premiseblog, I normally respond to that sort of question on youtube with something like this,

          “It’s over 70 years since WW2 ended and people are still being charged over the ‘holocaust’
          There’s no rush, there will be plenty of time to investigate and claim reparations from everyone involved in this attemp to GENOCIDE us after we have stopped the GENOCIDE
          ‘Anti-racist’ is a codeword for Anti-White ”

          Anti-Whites often try to derail us by wanting to argue over ‘the details’ i.e ‘It’s not the Rothchilds, it’s George Soros’ etc and if you go down that path you can very easily go off message.

        • #19 by Daniel Genseric on 10/20/2012 - 8:38 pm

          That’s all well and fine and I HAVE met the “Whodunnit” crowd among the anti-whites AND the AMPW’s. Countless times.


          Regardless of WHO the offenders are:

          Nobody is confused about what the crime is called when the victims of genocide are Sudanese.

          Nobody is confused about what the crime is called when the victims of genocide are Congolese.

          Nobody is confused about what the crime is called when the victims of genocide are Chinese.

          Nobody is confused about what the crime is called when the victims of genocide are Kurdish.

          Nobody is confused about what the crime is called when the victims of genocide are Shia.

          Nobody is confused about what the crime is called when the victims of genocide are Guatemalan.


          ONLY in every white country is there massive confusion about any program designed to paint an entire race right out of the picture. They say they are anti-racist. They ARE anti-white.

          Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

        • #20 by Jason on 10/20/2012 - 9:01 pm

          If you go out and post the Mantra a few hundred times and engage in online debate, you will be surprised by how seldom the issue of “White suicide” vs White Genocide comes up. Occasionally, someone uses the birth rate canard (you Whites just need to breed more), but we have answers for that that knock it down.

          If you look back through the section on Minis or look at the Bugs Buddy site, you’ll find a lot of these issues have come up before.

          As to who our primary enemy is, I would say, it is Anti-Whites, pure and simple. It is not just one group or race, nor is it every member of any race, nor is it some Illuminati thing. It is those who are Anti-White. And many of them are White. We have trouble seeing this because it is so obvious.

        • #22 by Jmcaul on 10/22/2012 - 4:17 am

          Premise, I reject the notion of white genocide being white suicide due as you say to its being perpetrated mainly by whites. You are not correctly applying mantra thinking here. Bob has answered this point before by identifying self hating whites who are perpetrating genocide on our race as the TRAITORS that they are. THEY are suicidal/homicidal TRAITORS genociding the rest if us against our will. NOT suicide; traitorous, murderous GENOCIDE.

  4. #23 by backbaygrouch on 10/20/2012 - 12:00 pm

    Patronage has legitimate uses. It is amazing that there are idiots who think that a political party or movement can be held together by bubble gum alone. But there are. Some get elected. Some get appointed. Often well meaning, though not without a streak of self righteousness, they are part of the problem. They tend to have inherited incomes. In my observation in politics there is a correlation between commonsense and coming from the wrong side of the tracks.

  5. #24 by premiseblog on 10/20/2012 - 1:24 pm

    I feel the need to address Bob’s proposal, because nobody has directly:
    “My proposal for what to do to anti-whites is paid informers, who will always get a percentage of the money we take from anti-whites and their heirs because of information they give us. So we will have people combing the records for records of every anti-white action.”

    I know who the anti-Whites are in my University. What kind of information would you like me to give, and to what use?

    Shall I begin to convert people on the ground, to show solidarity against those who preach “White Privilegenocide?”

    • #25 by Daniel Genseric on 10/20/2012 - 8:39 pm

      Embarrass them. Report back.

      • #26 by premiseblog on 10/21/2012 - 4:01 pm

        I like to embarass them by claiming that they “dont’ celebrate diversity” .

        If you “celebrate diversity” so much, why don’t you support the right of White individuals to choose to continue their own kind?

        I have a “White Privilegenocide” ninny sitting on the front page of my U-newspaper, I’m thinking she may be a mantra-worthy target.

  6. #27 by Conrad on 10/20/2012 - 3:23 pm

    There are a few things that have been on my mind in regard to our race & its future. Some of the comments on this piece have brought it to my mind. We are in this situation because of our own faulty actions. When we get back into control of our destiny we must institute certain concepts. Eugenics needs to become a standard for us, along with the constant encouragement and application of reason & logic in our daily lives. The laws of nature regarding the evolutionary process is immutable, if a race fails to improve it will be replaced, this is as it should be.
    Also, a positive story of how Mantra thinking can win over peoples minds.
    I was having lunch at work one day this week; some people sitting around the table were discussing the war in Afghanistan as well as other wars. I made the suggestion that the powers that be should encourage huge numbers of Chinese to emigrate to the Arab countries and breed in with them. Eventually, I said, the Arabs will be bred out of existence, their religion would eventually be replaced with Buddhism and the problem would be forever solved.
    I got the usual comments: “Oh you couldn’t do that- that would be genocide!” “They have a right to live their lives as they want to & keep their religion.” One girl said that my plan sounded just like a Nazi sort of idea.
    I asked them, you mean like in England where whites are becoming a minority in London? Or in America where whites are a minority in most of our larger cities? Or in Norway where the number one crime is rape, committed by the Arabs that are being imported into that country. I also mentioned our dwindling numbers world wide since the early 1900”s.
    Really folks, you could have heard a pin drop.

    • #28 by Undercover Lover on 10/20/2012 - 4:46 pm

      “I was having lunch at work one day this week; some people sitting around the table were discussing the war in Afghanistan as well as other wars. I made the suggestion that the powers that be should encourage huge numbers of Chinese to emigrate to the Arab countries and breed in with them. Eventually, I said, the Arabs will be bred out of existence, their religion would eventually be replaced with Buddhism and the problem would be forever solved.
      I got the usual comments: “Oh you couldn’t do that- that would be genocide!” “They have a right to live their lives as they want to & keep their religion.” One girl said that my plan sounded just like a Nazi sort of idea.
      I asked them, you mean like in England where whites are becoming a minority in London? Or in America where whites are a minority in most of our larger cities? Or in Norway where the number one crime is rape, committed by the Arabs that are being imported into that country. I also mentioned our dwindling numbers world wide since the early 1900”s. Really folks, you could have heard a pin drop”

      Just reading that was awesome. I could only imagine what it would have been like in person.

      I think I’m going to try to make a video of that.
      I’ll call it “The Final Solution to Terrorism.”

      • #29 by Undercover Lover on 10/20/2012 - 4:58 pm

        In the meantime I’m going to try using this around the internet:

        “The solution to terrorism is simple. The Powers that Be should encourage huge numbers of Chinese to emigrate to Arab countries and breed in with them. Eventually the Arabs will be bred out of existence, their religion replaced with Buddhism and the problem would be forever solved. — Sounds like genocide? You’re dam right it is. Try replacing “Chinese” with non-white, “Arab” with white, and “Buddhism” with anything. Does that make it not genocide? “Anti-racist” is a codeword for anti-white.”

  7. #30 by Epiphany on 10/20/2012 - 7:13 pm

    Most of what passes as Social Science, these days, is based upon Cultural Marxism!

    • #31 by Daniel Genseric on 10/20/2012 - 8:50 pm

      I think I see where you are coming from. Allow me to respond in kind.

      I have a belly button too! It ALWAYS acquires this troublesome clothing byproduct called “lint”. Most days I pick it out because it is foreign and does not belong there. But from time to time, I try to see if I can pack that baby full enough to knit a sock.

      I have yet to succeed. Any suggestions?

  8. #32 by Jason on 10/21/2012 - 12:14 am

    I am convinced that the reason most AMPWs resist the Mantra is because they don’t believe we are undergoing genocide. I don’t know if detailed education about the legal definition of genocide will do any good or not. I am at an impasse with them. I don’t get the sense repeating statements does much good.

    Has anyone had any success going into deep details with AMPWs? Anyway, most of them seem to think ‘genocide’ is hyperbole.

  9. #33 by Bob on 10/21/2012 - 11:28 am

    Jason, comment 18: Jared just jotted down a reply. Like so many at TOO he threw in a statement he thought would destroy the Mantra. He’s never seen an actual debated using it.

  10. #34 by Undercover Lover on 10/22/2012 - 1:27 pm

    I’m starting to really like this policy idea. I still like the idea of tribunals though for the higher ups. I think it would give an aura of legitamacy (even though part of mantra thinking is to see past all those “auras of legitamacy.”) to our claim for those who write the history books, blogs and whatever.

    I’m just wondering how we get this policy idea into the mainstream. Will it just come out naturally as a result of white people realizing that they were being genocided? Or do we have to spread more specified mantras? A manra demanding that these people be eld accountable?

    • #35 by Daniel Genseric on 10/23/2012 - 12:02 am

      We won’t have to lift a finger once they realize that genocide isn’t just something that happens to non-whites. The people will DEMAND it. It will be our job to kindly and consistently remind those in power what it is that we want. A forever puni$hment, as they cherish and worship money more than life itself.

      Until then:

      Genocide is a crime even when the victims are white.
      Genocide is a crime even when the victims are white.
      Genocide is a crime even when the victims are white.
      Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
      Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
      Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

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