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The Unchangeable Faith

Posted by Bob on November 4th, 2012 under Coaching Session

With history changing daily because of scientific advances and discoveries, let me point something out, as usual, that no one else ever mentions.

In a changing technology, every history of every science routinely discusses theories that were discredited by advances in the field being discussed.

Except PC Theology.

According to our accepted doctrine, no Politically Correct stand has ever been reversed because new discoveries made it obsolete. The Doctrine is exactly the same as it was half a century ago, a century ago.

Hence The Silence. When Political Correctness loses an argument, that argument disappears from the record. If anybody saw what the sophisticated, Politically Correct argument on heredity versus environment was in the 1950s, he would laugh their backside off.

Nothing was hereditary in the 1950s. Anyone who said that ANYTHING was hereditary was anaziwhowantedtokillsixmillionjews, and the extent of this superstition would be hideously embarrassing to the our established faith.Photobucket

So nobody mentions it if he wants to make a living.

Also in the 1950s the very definition of “modern” was “Karl Marx” and the Webbs, founders of the British Labor Party. The British Labor Party was absolutely, and on every campus, The Wave of the Future.

Psychiatry, by which was meant Freudian psychiatry which depended entirely on talk, was the most modern of the moderns. Tests showed it had no effect whatever on actual cases, so the APA reacted by denouncing tests, the way teachers’ unions do today.

I’ve been here before.

Once again, let me repeat: We go along with The Silence. No one will ever know that the “modern” teachers’ union fight is just a repeat of psychiatrists’ fight against testing half a century ago.


Because of the Silence.

Mommy Professor has always been wrong about everything.

Mommy Professor makes himself look as childish and stupid as he is.

This is another vital function respectable conservatives perform for our established faith. They never mention all the other things our PC faith has been silly about. Not just wrong, but SILLY.

You cannot take down our established religion unless you EXPOSE in short, straight English.

  1. #1 by Epiphany on 11/04/2012 - 6:21 am

    It is no use going to college or university anymore. All they teach is Marxist drivel in any event!

  2. #2 by premiseblog on 11/04/2012 - 6:15 pm

    So Ice People will function just as well as Sun People in a cold country?

  3. #3 by Harumphty Dumpty on 11/04/2012 - 7:39 pm

    This from a history textbook I used in college in the early 1960s:

    “Modern anthropology…Its beginnings went back to the work of the American Franz Boas…One of their discoveries was that differences between cultures were due to environmental factors rather than to inherent biological factors, and that there was no basis for the belief–so dear to many people before 1914–in ‘superior’ and ‘inferior’ races.”

    page 499, The Course of Civilization Vol. 2, by Strayer, Gatzke, Harbison, 1961.

    I’ve never read the arguments that Boas and his followers used to support that assertion (I was astonished to see that my old textbook called it a “discovery”), but in Ruth Benedict’s Patterns of Culture there seemed to me to be more that undercut the assertion than supported it. If anyone is familiar with the supports that were offered for that assertion, I’d appreciate a few reading recommendations.

    • #4 by Fred_Richthofen on 11/04/2012 - 10:44 pm

      Franz Boaz started from the assumption that race and culture were the same thing.

      He did some sort of nonsensical experiments where he attempted to prove that skull shape was the result of environment and not heredity.

      He found that Eastern European skulls became like Western European skulls when the individual was born in America.

      I had known about this before, but Kevin MacDonald really talked about how silly it actually was (he mentions it in “A People That Shall Dwell Alone” and “The Culture of Critique”)

      Try not to get sick when you look up the following website. It covers some of the “evidence” that Boaz found.

      Put in your search engine: PBS RACE THE POWER OF AN ILLUSION

  4. #6 by Iceknight on 11/05/2012 - 12:46 am

    Love the use of the word SILLY when talking to anti-Whites. Far more effective than any swear word or crude insult. It just underlines the utter level of contempt in which we hold their intellectual ideas and viewpoints.

    All BUGSters should regularly use the word SILLY! Drives the anti-Whites wild!

  5. #7 by Simmons on 11/05/2012 - 12:10 pm

  6. #8 by Simmons on 11/05/2012 - 12:21 pm

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