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Join the BUGS Team! Post on the internet along with us to fight White Genocide!


Posted by Bob on November 14th, 2012 under Coaching Session

In a battle with the anti-whites, you have to either tailgate or make your points.

For example, BUGSERS report replies where they have been called names, again, but I have yet to see one single BUGSER who has SAID, “The only replies you ever make are personal insults.”

This is childish, this is the sign of a nut who has lost an argument.

But you have to SAY so.

Rule One is Do NOT tailgate.

Rule 2 is make YOUR point.Photobucket

It is NOT your job to be fair to people who are aiming to destroy you. You are in a vicious battle and the other side goes stomach up, and time and time again I see you ignore the chance to tear out that offered belly.

They constantly make dead wrong statements. You are worried to death you might say something wrong. So you are tempted to spend a lot of your time correcting them.

At the same time you are saving them time they could have to spend correcting YOU.

I have developed a technique where I get them off spending a lot of their time correcting me while I go back to accusing them of the real genocide they have in mind. You can leave the audience seeing clearly that they were correct on the details, but your point about genocide has been made.

TOO and Jared want to look good. We want to make our point. That is a fundamental difference between us. All things being equal, it is better for you to leave a good impression.

But all things are almost NEVER equal.

What matters to us is that people go away from our confrontations with the concept of white genocide firmly in their minds. It helps if it is made very, very clear that the other side only shrieks insults, but above all is the importance for the REASON they do that.

They scream to hide the reality we are forcing on them.

Once again, if you simply seek to answer their arguments, you are tailgating. What you must learn to do is to analyze WHY they are saying what they say and USE it.

The words, “You are justifying genocide” are critical. The word “silly” is critical.

Anything that just serves to make an argument is a defeat for you.


BUGSERS have one supreme advantage: We have no institution. The Occidental Quarterly, Jared, and even David, do.

  1. #1 by Scythian on 11/14/2012 - 3:54 pm

    “They scream to hide the reality we are forcing on them.”

    This is pinpoint, surgical, military-precision. I’ll certainly being using this weapon in the field as well. I’ve made a similar point (albeit in a roundabout less precise way) when addressing anti-whites who call me names: ‘what I (we) have to say (mantra) is not personally meant for you, it’s a world view meant for the internet audience, but I certainly would not hesitate to say it to your face; what you have to say is only meant for me, and you can only say it over the internet, you’d never say it to my face.’

    Anti-white whites are stupid, cowards AND traitors. It never occurs to them that playing it safe – saying what they’re supposed to say under the directives of our established religion can and will become extremely dangerous/detrimental; stupid and/or scared is no excuse.

  2. #2 by AnotherWhiteRabbit88 on 11/14/2012 - 4:46 pm

    I generally just hit them with a different version of mantra with every reply to their pathetic argument. Like a broken record.

    They reply – I hit them with mantra. They reply again – I hit them with another mantra.

    Its quite simple and they usually give up trying to argue quite quickly.

  3. #3 by Conrad on 11/14/2012 - 9:05 pm

    I’d really like to get my hands on a bunch stickers or business cards that say, anti-racist is just a code word for anti-white.

    Jack’s War

  4. #4 by Jason on 11/14/2012 - 10:15 pm

    I have said “all you Anti-Whites do is name call” or “you Anti-Whites can’t argue, so you just name call”. I believe I have seen other BUGSters do that.

    Pointing out to the reading audience that the Anti-White can’t do anything but hurl insults like a 6th grader destroys the Anti-Whites credibility.

    Because they really have nothing else to offer. This give us the moral high ground (yes, you already have the moral high ground but we need to demonstrate that to the public). We are the adults, the Anti-Whites are hateful children.

    Most White people have no idea how to ACT like a properly aggrieved party. It’s as if they don’t think it is possible for a White man to legitimately claim an injustice has been done to him.

    We must teach them how again.

  5. #5 by Jmcaul on 11/15/2012 - 1:56 am

    I know this isn’t the place for this and I apologize in advance but I can find no other way ti address this here. That being said, how do I contact the webmaster here? The Porch Talk link above is somehow configured to redirect mobile phones (iPhones in particular) to a mobile site which has THEN been hijacked to a mobile porn site. I can click on porch talk from my computer and pull up the list of Bobs mp3 audio recordings to listen to. I want to be able to listen on my phone while I am in the grocery store, driving, etc.
    Every time I try to access Porch Talk using my iPhone, the URL gets overridden and takes me to a mobile porn site. Someone has hijacked Porch Talk for safari browsers. Can the webmaster PLEASE fix this? Thank you! The other tabs work fine on my phone. It just occurred to me the hijacking may have been done to bobs older, established linked collection of mp3 audio files.

  6. #7 by The Old Man of the Mountain on 11/16/2012 - 1:02 pm

    A lot of individuals are AFRAID to put their own name on a public document, due to FEAR of the belligerent Washington Government.

    That fear itself is proof enough of why we should get out of the union.

    They should be a lot more afraid for their own Children remaining in a Federal Union that has NO FUTURE for White Children!

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