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Fan Letter to Eric Preston

Posted by Bob on November 15th, 2012 under Coaching Session

Eric Preston’s BUGS article, “They Say There is This Caste Problem…” left me wanting to specifically repeat a point I have made many times before:

White India.

Oriental Buddhists are happy to point out that Gautama Buddha “ had eyes the color of the blue lotus.” The Indian who brought Kung Fu to China was described as drilling a hole in a cave wall with his BLUE eyes.

The name of the caste system in Sanskrit is “color.”

In my youth India was the poorest of the poor, the most hungry people on a starving continent, and very, very brown. Even in 1776 Adam Smith noted that, in a continent famous for starvation, India was the poorest land of all.Photobucket

The entire generation to which Gautama Buddha belonged wanted to end the caste system. They succeeded, and an India that was unique for its desperation even in the continent of ASIA was the result.

India produced our so-called “Arabic” numbering system when it was white. India developed the aquatic rice which has been the basis of the “ancient” civilization of China.

But by the time of Adam Smith the idea that ANYTHING was INVENTED in India was a joke. Hence the “Arabic” numerals and the “Chinese” paddy culture.

China probably also got the wheel from the same source Egypt did, from the Indo-Europeans on the plains, though it came via the Hyksos.

If our mechanical civilization collapses, what will be left for later peoples to find? The fake classical buildings, stone monuments and the like. India has one or two steel relics that are a total puzzle to historians.

Like the whites who first came to America, historians are likely to find that White India was to Asia what the “Scythians” and Persians were to the Middle East.

Historians will do what they have always done. They will find these things and try to ram them into the popular historian framework of their time.

India was white. India was therefore the source of invention. This is a gross violation of Ex Oriente Lux as preached by Victorians and of Political Correctness as preached today.

The only thing wrong with that article was that he didn’t SAY states the ultimate heresy of our time. India got rid of the white race and ended up in a millennial catastrophe.

Or at least he didn’t have the space to state that as Bluntly as I like it done.

So I did it.

  1. #1 by Jason on 11/15/2012 - 6:31 am

    Great article. The exact same process is happening right now in the US, Europe and the world. Except things happen much faster today than- in ancient India.

    By the way, why is it so hard for people today to be as blunt as Bob? I suffer from it at times. Part of it is growing up in a PC culture and trying to explain the context of what I’m saying, because I know whatever I’m about to say will strike people as bizarre.

    But all that gets in the way. Telling the truth is hard. Telling the truth gets you in trouble. Telling the truth works.

  2. #2 by Epiphany on 11/15/2012 - 6:46 am

    India is fascinating just for that reason. I became fascinated with the subcontinent ever since I heard of the Aryan Invasion Theory.

  3. #3 by Tom Bowie on 11/15/2012 - 8:41 am

    Daniel Genseric
    Call Me: (301) 934-1966

    This post is way off topic; way way off topic (Other than it’s about fighting White geNOcide.).

    However I need to make it and for what I think is a very good reason. (I need to make it because I’m an old guy who’s far too computer illiterate to figure out how to contact Daniel Genseric by PM or whatever is used on this board.)
    I have an idea and I need help with it. I also know Daniel Genseric can help me get the ball rolling.

    (Daniel Genseric may also remember my name from Stormfront and my help with )

    Yes, I know what people think about posting phone numbers over the Internet but, I think my idea will do some good and I need the help!

    I figgure this is the fastest way to make contact and possibly the only way I’ll be able to get the help I need for what I have in mind.
    Sometimes you just have to dive right in and get it done.

  4. #4 by Frank on 11/15/2012 - 4:20 pm

    OT, but not …

    Watch this video.

    PURE OST used to configure an “escape strategy”. Pure Gold.

    It’s not about just those sweet-potatoes that are “Swidden Culture”, it’s about WHY sweet-potatoes were useful.

    MY people, who came from and through “Appalachia” and them there hills, have always loved sweet potatoes.

    Did we just love the tasty nutritious goodness, or did we love how they enabled us to ESCAPE?

    This video is NOT “about SE Asian tribes”.

  5. #5 by AnotherWhiteRabbit88 on 11/15/2012 - 7:53 pm

    Hi, who do I contact to submit an article should I write one?

    Thanks in advance..

    • #6 by Jason on 11/15/2012 - 10:55 pm

      You need to contact the admin. I believe you need to request being changed to ‘contributor’ status – then you can post something through the system.

  6. #8 by Jason on 11/15/2012 - 10:58 pm

    I notice that on any article I submit that gets published, whenever someone replies to it I get an email of their post, which apparently includes their email address and their IP address. Can that be changed?

  7. #9 by Bob on 11/16/2012 - 10:30 am

    Jason, I am having the same problem, which floods my email

  8. #10 by Scythian on 11/16/2012 - 12:46 pm

    Whites were just dumb uncouth barbarians who magically just started inventing everything, and coloreds were civilized sophisticates who magically became third world.

    Colonialism may not have been “perfect”, but it made a whole lot more sense than this bizarre world.

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