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What BUGS Does Next is What It’s Done Before

Posted by Bob on November 17th, 2012 under Coaching Session

I have mentioned many times that Mussolini almost missed the March on Rome that put him in power.

Karl Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto because he thought the Paris Communes were the beginning of World Revolution.

Trotsky thought World Revolution was under way with the October Revolution in 1917. One reason Stalin beat Trotsky was because Old Joe was happy just to be the new Czar.

Hitler thought his best chance for power lay in the Putsch in 1923. Five years later the NSDAP was down to 250,000 votes in an electorate of around thirty million.

In the post-election realization of 2012, some of us are speculating on what the Republican Party should do.

No harm done. After sixty years of experience, the idea that Republicans will do anything but what they have done appeals to my sense of humor.

Mussolini was a master politician.

In 1921 if you had asked Mussolini the probability that he would simply join a march on Rome on his behalf and take over, he would have laughed in your face.

Which is why he almost missed the march.

Huey Long, who knew real politics like few ever have, said that being a political leader meant seeing which way the people were headed and getting in front. Which is good humor, but how do you know which way they’re heading?

Getting out in front doesn’t work. It is well known that those who took a stand early for American Independence were shoved out of the way completely when those who had remained respectable, like George Washington, took over the cause.

In 1932, right after the November election Germany, Time Magazine declared that it was “absolutely certain” that the Kaiser would be returned to power. In fact, Belgium had already made an official diplomatic protest at the idea.

Obviously this guy Hitler was just a cat’s paw for the other “monarchists.” The official experts had no idea that Hitler would not follow the Sam Adams precedent, and he would KEEP his Revolution for himself.

Mussolini had kept Italy’s King as his front. Hitler didn’t even bother with that.

I know politics very well. I do not look for a harbinger anywhere in the immediate wake of the realizing that America’s transition is done and that it IS racial.

We got The Message out just in time. That job is still far from complete.

But for God’s sake avoid hooking our wagon onto some movement or other. Our conservative days are over.

When the time comes, the vehicle will, too.

  1. #1 by Jason on 11/17/2012 - 6:30 am

    Speaking of where we are at, I’ll be curious if Bob and others think Mark Steyn made the allusion to genocide with regards to Whites that I think he did. I posted the excerpt on “The Cave” article below. Maybe I am reading too much into it, but it sure likes like he is tiptoeing up to the edge of it, which would be huge if true. But maybe I’m just over eager.

    • #2 by premiseblog on 11/17/2012 - 4:14 pm

      I 100% am certain, from the paragraphical phrasing and placement of truths, that Mark Steyn in paraphrasing the Mantra. Mark Steyn read the mantra, and spaced it out. He as decided to be a Creativist, not a Conservative. Can you conserve destruction?

      The Mantra is working. It is like a cat, and slinks around the internet (the world).
      Once the TruthCat is out of the bag, it is very hard to put back in the bag! Much less to put in the bath! We need Claws and fur.

      All BUGSers should attempt t put their cats in the bag.
      Then try to give the cat a bath. Be sure to wash to behind the ears and on the stomach.
      Report on the results.

      There is much to learn from our former Gods.

      • #3 by premiseblog on 11/17/2012 - 4:30 pm

        I cannot edit, nor request deletion.

        Thus, I will absolve myself by stating my desired summation.
        The broken edit function is depriving us hand-raisers of the the soul of wit!

        I am certain Mark Steyn read and paraphrased the Mantra. The phrase structure of the Mantra is reflected in the structure of the essay.
        Compare: “Mantra Steyn”

        “Mantra Whitaker”

        The ORIGINAL source of course, we must always remember,
        is reality.

        Putting cats in bags is very difficult and time-consuming.
        Even worse: Time to give the cat a bath!
        Claws and Fur!!

        Something about tigers prompted this…..
        Can we get rid of Plato already?

        ‘The Cave’ , a great philosophical work:

  2. #4 by elcyCesreveR on 11/17/2012 - 7:33 am

    Bob is right, and i do it all the time as far as thinking there is hope in the conservative right… it was a tough breakup and im just now learning to move on lol.

    I’ll tell you guys, I just posted a mantra on a viral youtube video (6 million views in 2 days). I had one person attack me, then out of nowhere there were several commenters who started using mantra talking points to shut this person down. They weren’t missing a beat either.

    Although I am new to this compared to many of you, I have come across a few times where a person or 2 would support it, but I have never seen it remotely to the degree that I just experienced… ever.

    • #5 by Undercover Lover on 11/17/2012 - 11:33 am

      It’s really quite exciting. Lately I’ve been getting alot more positive responses and subscribers to my youtube account (Not that I care about subscribers but I do only have mantra videos on my account).

      I’ve also been asking people who give positive responses if “you’ve heard of white rabbit radio or bobs underground graduate seminar. If you haven’t, you should check them out. We’re a team working to stop white genocide and bring down the anti-white system. “Anti-racist” is a codeword for anti-white.”

  3. #6 by elcyCesreveR on 11/17/2012 - 7:46 am

    Jason :
    I’ll be curious if Bob and others think Mark Steyn made the allusion to genocide with regards to Whites that I think he did. I posted the excerpt on “The Cave” article below

    I just read the excerpt and i don’t see how someone could argue that it ISNT mantraspeak

    • #7 by Jason on 11/17/2012 - 10:09 am

      Well I on his twitter account he has already received tweets claiming it is “the worst thing every written by a human”, and another telling him he should be ashamed! So he is doing something right.

      If any of you can report that link to various sites it might do some good to show this thinking is getting mainstream. I’d post at Freerepublic, but they banned me a while back- LOL. I am trying subtly insert it into various blogs I read.

      If Bob & others agree, I think this provides cover against those who say genocide claim is “crazy” or that it won’t “sell”.

  4. #8 by Simmons on 11/17/2012 - 10:11 am

    Our “leaders” and this includes the bloggers and org. types are Mommy Prof trained. For ex; Mr. Taylor cannot mention the unmentionable all he can do and all he does do is recycle early racial studies, and he does this because those authors were all credible sources compared to us who notice simply that the king has no clothes.

    If you notice all these bloggers and such cannot help but mention their intellectual qualifications, hmmm where did they get them?

    Which is ironic since Bob has the only seminar on Earth that matters, the rest of the world’s education is more comparable to a North Korean POW camp.

  5. #9 by Daniel Genseric on 11/17/2012 - 10:42 am

    And so, this begs the question, Bob, “Can a Conservative be born again?” Can we trust them when they swear they have given up prostitution for good?

    Well, Ann Coulter looks to be blossoming into a beautiful butterfly.

    Yes, I realize I asked and answered.

    • #10 by Daniel Genseric on 11/17/2012 - 10:46 am

      We have O’Reilly playing with “anti-white”. Then, we have a regular guest of Smiley’s, Ann Coulter, doing something even more insidious. She is dabbling with Mantra concepts.

      Should the two ever combine their efforts (Mantra terminology and concepts), the game will be over.

    • #11 by Jason on 11/17/2012 - 10:53 am

      Interesting question. I suppose it depends if the conservative has committed certain mortal sins, such as denying race exists, promoting amnesty or more immigration, or especially attacking those who were pro-White.

      Some obvious ones I would cast into Hell, never to be unlocked: Fred Barnes, Jack Kemp (he’s dead), John McCain, the Bush’s, etc. You get the picture.

      Ann has said some great stuff. She has also said horrible stuff. I guess I’d leave it up to her to see if she can redeem herself.

      I rather enjoy this role of Grand Inquisitor. I pass the scepter back to you, sir.

  6. #16 by Daniel Genseric on 11/17/2012 - 10:52 am

    Tom Bowie, you have mail at Storefront.

  7. #17 by White Dude on 11/17/2012 - 11:53 am

    Mark Steyn is a Jew. Okay, okay, I know that doesn’t matter if he’s pointing out White genocide and we shouldn’t get all caught up on naming the Jew but I just wanted to inform you all in case you didn’t know! I was surprised when I found out. He looks Aryan.

    • #18 by Jason on 11/17/2012 - 11:59 am

      Yeah, I think his wiki page says it’s his paternal great-grandmother was Jewish, so I guess 1/8 Jewish?. But the important thing is that a mainstream writer is using somewhat Mantra-esque terms in a major site. Or so I think, if I’m not seeing reading too much into it.

      • #19 by Daniel Genseric on 11/18/2012 - 1:52 pm

        Guys. WTF does it matter?

        If a relative of yours was assaulted or worse, would you disregard testimony because it was given by a non-white?

        THIS IS WHITE GENOCIDE we are fighting. Sooner or later you are going to have to deal with the idea that there EXISTS moral non-whites.

  8. #21 by steadiness on 11/17/2012 - 1:20 pm

    Agreed about conservatism. Here are my thoughts about it.

    * Social conservatives hate abortions. The Left accuses them of wanting more White babies; they themselves argue that abortions have a disparate impact on Blacks.

    * Social conservatives also hate any kind of eugenics, and agree with the Left that eugenics is bad because Blacks have bad genes.

    * Libertarians want to end social spending, and to not be racist, they want to end disability insurance and other kinds of social spending that Whites with our social trust like to have.

    * Libertarians love outsourcing jobs, and insourcing workers from elsewhere to take jobs also.

    * The Left hasn’t always been anti-White. They chose to be anti-White at some point in the last century; before then, Progressives were patriotic and were champions of eugenics as a long-term public health issue.

    When it came down to it, in the last election, Mitt Romney didn’t have anything to offer Whites, which is why Whites were demoralized and White votes were split 58-39. Whites like liberalism, and liberalism only works with a White population.

    Whether it’s considered to be a paleocon or liberal movement doesn’t matter.

  9. #22 by premiseblog on 11/17/2012 - 4:05 pm

    I thought I would post this entry from Bob’s Old Blog.
    It seems the dam is breaking. God love the torrent!
    “I know politics very well. I do not look for a harbinger anywhere in the immediate wake of the realizing that America’s transition is done and that it IS racial.

    We got The Message out just in time. That job is still far from complete.”

    Did Bob get the message out? This TruthCat may be hard to put bad in the bag, much less in the bath!!! Claws and fur!

    “An old right-winger wrote me that the big question in politics is Socialism. A lot of old-timers are still stuck in that time warp.

    This was my reply:

    Maybe it is because I was an economics professor, but I don’t take economics as seriously as other people do.

    I think white people tend towards capitalism for the same reason the Chinese invent things and do nothing with them while we make revolutions from gunpowder and the printing press.

    We make the printing press work. We get gunpowder and we end up on the moon. The free market is just something else that we make work.

    You are pointing at economic ideas while America is turning brown. It doesn’t matter what economic or political theory a brown country says it believes in, a brown country will be a tyranny and it will live in poverty the minute there are not enough white countries and white people to pull it out.

    Simplistic isn’t it? Simplistic like supply and demand.”

    Now for the direct parallel to Mark Steyn and Ann Coulter’s recent articles. Bravo you two, Mark and Ann! I hope you both can take a stand, and be someone.

    • #23 by Jason on 11/18/2012 - 9:29 pm

      Very good point about the fate of all brown societies. Ideology hardly matters if it turns brown. And beyond that, if none of my people are in the future, why would I care? You might ask that person, even if a society is purely capitalistic, who would care if it was brown and black?

      Same is true for environmental issue or people that get wrapped up in “the Faith”: if there are no White people in the future, who cares about any of those things?

      • #24 by premiseblog on 11/19/2012 - 12:16 pm

        Yes. Despite its travails, we can always remember just how socialism worked the best with the naturally highly productive East Germans and the Estonians.

        So why Socialists keep trying to breed people who make Socialism COMPLETELY disfunctional is beyond me. And beyond them

        if there are no White people in the future, who cares about any of those things?

        Communists are Sado-Masochists. They like the dominance, and enjoy the masochism of destroying themselves. It is because they feel guilty at root about the greatest strength of the White people, which is being extremely productive economically

        It is interesting to hear what Susan Sonntag has to say about Sado-Masochism and naziswhowantokillsixmillionjews

        “Left-wing movements have tended to be unisex, and asexual in their imagery. Right-wing movements, however puritanical and repressi ve the realities they usher in, have an erotic surface. Certainly Nazism is “sexier” than communism.

        The very sexuality of the White Male has been made taboo.

  10. #25 by Conrad on 11/18/2012 - 11:55 am

    I wonder if Jews will ever catch on to the idea that if whites go down – they will go down with us?

  11. #27 by Conrad on 11/18/2012 - 12:00 pm

    It’s clear that the Oligarchs & Plutocrats want a brown, less intelligent people that they can better control and lord over. They have always aimed to control surroundings of the people. If someone wants to control a population you must to some extent have their consent, even if they don’t know it. They want a “happy servitude” so they work to control the entire psychophysical structure. A painless happy concentration camp. Where do you think the LSD experiments came from? I call it genocide. See the book Revolution From Above.

    “Huey Long, who knew real politics like few ever have, said ‘that being a political leader meant seeing which way the people were headed and getting in front.’ Which is good humor, but how do you know which way they’re heading?”
    If you want to know which way the people are going look at where the cowboys are driving them. Better yet, become a cowboy yourself!

    Jack’s War

  12. #28 by Dick_Whitman on 11/18/2012 - 10:14 pm

    Bob predicted that mainstream conservatives would start using mantra concepts and it looks like this is starting to happen. You have to remember that politicos desire power. Politicos are good at noticing what has potential to bring them power.This is a great sign.

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