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Only White Virtues are Unique

Posted by Bob on December 22nd, 2012 under Coaching Session

I am one of the few people old enough and traveled enough to have actually seen and SMELLED starvation.

Throughout all races’ history starvation has been a routine way to die.

Today, the only place on earth where mass starvation is permitted is the Peoples’ Democratic Republic of Korea.

Chattel slavery was the basis of every previous Great Civilization. Many people in tenth century
Europe were “unfree,” but chattel slavery simply died during the Dark Ages.

Being bound to the land is not the same thing.

But no historian mentions this disappearance. .Photobucket

Only once in one history book did I see the words. “Slavery disappeared. No one knows how.”

The Silence covers any white lack of starvation or chattel slavery, smallpox, but that is the short list.

I would have to write a volume just to NAME all the things all races took as routine that are so nonexistent as to be a scandal anywhere today.

Leprosy, for instance
There is no sin that whites have ever uniquely committed. Whites may have done more of it simply because whites had more power.

But the idea that there is some unique sin only whites commit rejects the whole basis of the insistence that all people are basically the same, which is the other half of the Creed of anti-whites .


There are no uniquely White Sins, but there are White Virtues by the thousand.

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch on 12/22/2012 - 6:04 am

    Off topic. A Merry Mantrasque Christmas video.

    • #2 by Wm White on 12/22/2012 - 9:25 am

      Now that’s a version of Dickens “A Christmas Carol” I can rejoice too. Whoever made that video “Kudos.”

    • #3 by dungeoneer on 12/22/2012 - 9:54 am

      That`s some mantra gnarliness there, brilliant work.

      Whites are the best people ever to be targeted for genocide, and the anti-whites clumsily admit as much with their grotesquely biased justifications.

  2. #4 by Wm White on 12/22/2012 - 9:35 am

    “. . .the idea that there is some unique sin only whites commit REJECTS the whole basis of the insistence that all people are basically the same, which is the other half of the Creed of anti-whites.”

    I’m sure many of us come across this distortion (time and time again). it is so anti-white and ridiculously ‘one-sided’ it sometimes overwhelms me as to how successfully whites have allowed themselves to be conditioned to accepting a genocidal future for their own white children.

  3. #5 by Conrad on 12/22/2012 - 1:18 pm

    I really like that video. Maybe some could be made for other special occasions, subjects or seasons.
    Jack’s War

  4. #6 by Conrad on 12/22/2012 - 1:19 pm

    Why is this message seen in the comments.

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/whita07/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/wp-ajax-edit-comments/lib/class.core.php on line 470 and defined in /home/whita07/public_html/blog/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990

  5. #7 by Jmcaul on 12/22/2012 - 2:09 pm

    “But the idea that there is some unique sin only whites commit rejects the whole basis of the insistence that all people are basically the same, which is the other half of the Creed of anti-whites .”

    My two surviving brain cells are developing a potential exchange with an antiwhite: “so white people are uniquely bad and harmful but all people are the same? Wait, I’m confused…” Playing dumb can be a great strategy .

  6. #8 by Epiphany on 12/23/2012 - 5:19 am

    Just look at what a Cesspool the Continent of Africa is!

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