Archive for January 8th, 2013
The Center is Collapsing
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 01/08/2013
The paycheck right will not resign anytime soon, and after the 2014 election they will announce, as they did after 2010, that they are sill relevant.
But the center collapsing is of historical importance. Kerensky jumped into that gap for a few months after the fall of the Czar. The socialist German government set up by the revolt that unseated the Kaiser was replaced by a German kind of Normalcy under Hindenburg.
That German Normalcy collapsed with the election of 1932, when, between them, Nazis and Communists held a majority in the German Parliament, the Reichstag.
So the next stage is on its way.
And only we know it. Reality will be completely covered for at least four years.
So now we may concentrate on brilliant predictions of exactly what is going to happen or you can listen closely, VERY closely, to the advice of Ole Bob, who has been here before.

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