Archive for January 11th, 2013

Readying Ourselves for the Near Future Means DUMPING Conservatism

Saving our race requires a radical solution only because, from the beginning, anti-whites demanded that whites be allowed no escape. This needs to be understood clearly.

With the constant agenda of racial mixing, constant government action and Thought Policing to make sure not one single white can escape the program, the only solution to the White Problem is the disappearance of whites.

All that the Traditional Values crowd wants is that the white race disappear by weddings. And our unthinking response has been to ALLY with them, to PIGGY BACK with them.Photobucket

Suicide by assimilation has been official Catholic policy for centuries. That is the reason that not one Catholic country has ever founded a white country.

It took four hundred years for someone to point this out.

As genetic engineering expands the mere wish to save our race will make it possible. But traditional values types are fanatically against ay such alternative. They have made it bluntly clear that they value ceremonies ONLY.

With the center collapsing, we need to make it clear that we are a new generation. We are simply pro-white, not pro-right.

No more piggy backing. In this new world, even the Conservative Thought Police are beginning to partially to admit that “This has nothing to do with race” is imbecilic. That is a major step forward.

“Demography is Destiny” is a major step forward.

This is developing naturally and steadily, simply because the pretence by which paycheck conservatism has been able to use pro-whites is simply collapsing. At long, long last, racial issues are becoming too clearly racial for this fatal pretense by which the South put aside all its concern for racial survival, and by which South Africans VOTED for their present situation.
