Adelheim : Reporting from the front, just an update for you Bob.
One anti-white magazine in Sweden (tiny one, but I think it is in print) was writing about what they called the «Mantra Movement» in Sweden.
They wrote that the Mantra Movement said “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.” They described several things we say.
They are starting to respond to our work here in Sweden. The anti-whites can’t ignore us in Sweden. It is interesting because we have not had this effort put forward
In Norway. I see the difference between where we have been pushing and where we have not been pushing.
In Sweden the pro-whites are more and more using the term anti-white. And the anti-whites themselves are beginning to write about us on their sites and denying that what is happening is genocide.
In Norway we have almost none of this.
They even said that “An anti-racist manifestation last summer” was cancelled because they felt the pressure from the Swedish swarm.
Even though the anti-whites think there is a whole ‘movement’ and a large swarm of bugsters in Sweden, there are in fact only a handful people that are actively pushing the mantra. A proof that it only takes a few to spread a message.
More and more people are indirectly starting to use the terminology in various sites and forums, as well as blogs and other media.

#1 by OldBlighty on 01/21/2013 - 7:44 am
It blows my mind how few it can take to change the world. Bob taught me that.
#2 by minervia on 01/21/2013 - 10:56 am
Adelheim – AWESOME update! It is so very exciting!
I quote Jmcaul, “I find what we do now, using the tools (Bob) has provided to be NOT grinding or soul-rotting but rather this is exhilarating, affirming, edifying, rewarding and exciting.” I could not agree more. It is a VERY exciting time, and THANKS to BOB, for his YEARS of grinding to come up with the perfect arsenal for us!
#3 by Kanintass on 01/21/2013 - 11:02 am
Very interesting indeed! =)
Worth to visit for our non-scandinavian friends =)
“Should you discuss with them objectively, you have to watch out for their traps, how they try to turn anti-racist arguments to be racist against whites. Otherwise, the hint that you simply block them and throw their attempts to debate in an appropriate place, in the trash.” 😉
The author claims to be a former pro-white that has switched sides and is writing under pseudonym. If that’s true it might explain his very good insight in what we’re doing…
#4 by Simmons on 01/21/2013 - 11:04 am
In Norway they must love complexity since their own act of dissidence required a 1000 page preamble monologue where one sentence would have sufficed.
Our own AMPWs revel in their complex thoughts as well, but I guess that is what prisoners do in times of duress.
#5 by dungeoneer on 01/21/2013 - 5:47 pm
Hey Simmons,
You said a couple of proficient mantra users could clear out the anti-white Kossians in a week but was that without headlines like this:
#6 by Simmons on 01/22/2013 - 10:58 am
I hate you, I just skimmed the entire thread and its painful trying to read the posts by so many kiddy libs trying to say something by not saying something just to stay within the bounds of the cult, painful. Of course the only one who was allowed to be an adult was a black man who thinks “sameness” would be a tragedy and he wants to remain black in a world for black people, of course he would, he is sane.
#7 by Kanintass on 01/21/2013 - 11:08 am
Very interesting indeed! =)
Worth to visit for our non-scandinavian friends =)
Should you discuss with them objectively, you have to watch out for their traps, how they try to turn anti-racist arguments to be racist against whites. Otherwise, the hint that you simply block them and throw their attempts to debate in an appropriate place, in the trash. 😉
The author claims to be a former pro-white that has switched sides and is writing under pseudonym. If that’s true it might explain his very good insight in what we’re doing…
#8 by Lord Nelson on 01/22/2013 - 11:59 am
“The author claims to be a former pro-white that has switched sides and is writing under pseudonym. If that’s true it might explain his very good insight in what we’re doing”
The author is nothing but a brainwashed Anti-White idiot. And all we are actually doing is pointing out the TRUTH! OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER Again!
The only trickery comes from the Anti-Whites and their Genocidal agenda against one particular ethnic/racial group.
The reality that even Scandinavian countries are being targeted for mass Immigration & Assimilation, should make this fact plainly obvious to anyone who is still capable of thinking for themselves.
Anti-Racist ‘REALLY IS’ just a code word for Anti-White! 😉
#9 by dungeoneer on 01/21/2013 - 11:08 am
Sharp work from the Mantra Scandinavian team!
#10 by Kanintass on 01/21/2013 - 11:10 am
* Third paragraph should be within “” it’s a quote
failed to edid…
#11 by dungeoneer on 01/21/2013 - 11:24 am
Adelheim: “They even said that “An anti-racist manifestation last summer” was cancelled because they felt the pressure from the Swedish swarm. ”
“Manifestation” sounds like it should be “event” or “meeting” etc
#12 by Jmcaul on 01/21/2013 - 11:17 am
Congratulations, this is excellent news! Even though, as you say, there are only a handful ‘actively’ pushing the mantra, you better believe there is a MULTITUDE quietly watching, agreeing with and supporting it. My guess is they will not always remain so quiet and that’s what REALLY has the anti-Whites nervous (as they should be.)
#13 by Mediakrig on 01/21/2013 - 11:57 am
What makes it so hard to stop the Swedish mantra group, is that the pro-Whites have their own media, thanks to all the pro-whites being locked out of the old media It is thus much about getting already sympathetic people to post on message, rather than continue with strategies that they have seen does not work.
In Norway it is different, because we have not had immigration as long, and we are also free to post (self-censored arguments) in the old-media. There have for instance just been a huge public debate about Norwegian culture, and how it needs protection. In Sweden the media says Swedes and Swedish culture don’t exists.
There is also a difference in the kind of immigrants Norway and Sweden gets. Sweden is exporting young Swedes to Norway, and get’s third world immigrants in return. Norway gets brown people too, but the biggest immigrant group in Norway are Poles, then Swedes, and first as number three do you get Pakistanis.
Before I quit this explanation, I want to post this Swedish-Norwegian mantra video, and ask lurkers help spread it.
#14 by steadiness on 01/21/2013 - 12:00 pm
some of the stupider liberals, who actually believe what they say about seeking the truth, or maybe it’s some of the wavering liberals, who somehow have survived as liberals this long despite putting the truth first, publish an article about the Mantra.
They should, in their words, ignore it, not dignify hatespeech by commenting on it. Liberalism depends on limiting the debate.
#15 by Frank on 01/21/2013 - 12:55 pm
How long will it be until a lot of Swedes and Norwegians are seen wearing that cool “Undercover Lover” t-shirt with those piercing eyes?
So many undercover lovers are just waiting to pop out into the sunshine!
#16 by Frank on 01/21/2013 - 1:22 pm
Our very own Horus will be the guest on a great radio show this coming Saturday, Jan 26, from 8-11am pacific time.
The show is called “Inside the Eye Live”, and the host is Dennis Fetcho. Fetcho isn’t a “hostile”.
Below is the link to the site that hosts this show. Listen live, or download the archive shortly after the show.
All who love FTWR won’t want to miss this. I don’t know if Fetcho will be taking calls, but if he does, there may be an opportunity for us.
Be there or be square!
#17 by WhiteActivist_123 on 01/21/2013 - 2:45 pm
This is awsome news! Remember we are a relatively small group and we are ALREADY getting into the main stream! We are already putting the anti-Whites to their knees out of fear for us! KEEP spreading the mantra! DON’T STOP. We need to keep pushing to get main stream!
#18 by dungeoneer on 01/21/2013 - 4:21 pm
This is definitely a good time to start living on dried food and tins of beans so you don`t have to waste time cooking and doing the dishes!
#19 by Nordoxen on 01/21/2013 - 5:32 pm
Yes the mantra is growing rapidly in Sweden.
As the report says, the mantra and terminology is being discussed and used, not only in forums and pro-white sites, but even anti-white sites can’t ignore it anymore.
There’s even been a bit mention of it in an article in mainstream media, where they also condemned our facebook group “Krossa antivitismen” (Crush antiwhitism).
The so called “anti-racists” are getting very defensive and don’t really seem to know how to handle the situation, since more and more people and pro-white newsblogs are starting to expose them and using the terminology. Some of them think it is a “Mantra movement” but it’s not a movement nor orgranization. We are only a handful people pushing the mantra in Sweden, myself included. But people are also spreading it indirectly for us.
Here is one example of an “anti-racist” being defensive:
She starts off saying her name and that she is a “antiracist” and then stating that “And anti-racist is NOT a codeword for anti-white!” etc.
You can see in the comment section as well that regular people are using the terminology calling her “anti-vit”, anti-white.
The report also mention a menifestation being canceled last summer. The background story to that is, there was this young swedish woman that got brutally raped by non-whites (like so many others..) and white nationalists planned to demonstrate in her city against rapes etc.
Then the “anti-racists” made a facebook event and planned a counter demonstration “against racism and for diversity” etc.
We were just 2-3 swedish bugsters that went in and exposed them as anti-whites using the terminology and we just pointed out their contradictions. They swiftly deleted our comments but other members saw it and joined in. Even the FATHER of that raped girl joined in and started to condemn the “anti-racists” for abusing this tragedy etc. It didn’t take long until the “antiracists” deleted and cancelled the event.
Once they loose the moral high ground and are starting to be called anti-whites etc they become so demoralized. Like that youtube anti-white girl i linked above.
I predicted some time ago that the mainstream media would bring up the mantra/our talking points this year, not in form of articles but on television. It happened sooner than expected (awesome), and I reckon we will soon see this development in Sweden as well.
Once they start mentioning this in TV, our terminology will truly manifest itself on the publics mind and tongues. And that is WHEN we will really affect the public debate. The wall is already starting to crack. We just have to keep smashing it.
USA, UK, Sweden are the main hot spots right now and these countries may be the first places where we will some actual changes. And that’s because the mantra is being pushed the most in these countries. It works. Plain and simple.
#20 by Jmcaul on 01/21/2013 - 6:51 pm
Nordoxen, I like your post, one correction here if I may, you said ‘once they lose the moral highground…’ They never HAD the moral highground. They just don’t know it. I would replace that ONLY with ‘once they REALIZE they do not HAVE the moral highground (and never did)…’
I do not think we should say or do ANYTHING to ever concede ANY morality to the anti-Whites, past, present or future. Just my 2 cents 🙂
#21 by Elixir on 01/21/2013 - 7:38 pm
Great post! In reference to jmcaul, I am one of the “multitude quietly watching, agreeing with and supporting it”. And know of many others.
While I am here I would just like to say a huge THANK YOU to LORD NELSON for meeting with us and going through some nitty gritty questions we had in relation to the mantra. For beginners some points can be hard to wrap your head around, however you really made it all sound quite straight forward, simple and doable. I am now more confident and eager to enter the battlefield.
Thank you very much for your time Lord Nelson, it was a pleasure to meet such a lovely, generous, “super duper attractive” gentleman that resembles the looks of, who was it again, oh, Orlando Bloom…I think…
#22 by Lord Nelson on 01/22/2013 - 9:12 am
“super duper attractive” gentleman that resembles the looks of, who was it again, oh, Orlando Bloom…I think…”
You remembered the first part okay. But I am sure I said ‘Brad Pit’, not “Orlando Bloom”. And you forgot to mention how very tall I am.
Anyhow! Pleasure to meet yous too, and welcome aboard 🙂
This is a great time to get involved with BUGS.
#23 by Nordoxen on 01/21/2013 - 7:54 pm
What I actually meant was (of course), once they stop BELEIVING they have the moral high ground, they become so demoralized.
#24 by Karlfried on 01/22/2013 - 3:33 am
Hallo Nordoxen,
Congratulations to your work and the good results. I like your letter. You have given a link to a film. I have used this film and the letters from the viewers to make a Swedish-English-German-Language-Web-Site.
My idea for this is:
a) To give the information what Swedes did say about this film.
b) To show how similar the English-Swedish-German languages are.
c) To encourage people to learn foreign languages using the easy way as shown at that site. It is fun and it gives inner strength to you.
d) As a planned and hoped for side-effect: Maybe some people who want to learn Swedish may find that site by chance and then at the very same time they will also learn about Bugsters and the white race.
Please have a look, maybe you will like it. Grüße aus Deutschland.
#25 by Nordoxen on 01/22/2013 - 1:26 pm
haha I like it. At the very least, it’s useful to Bugsters that want to spread the message/terminology in foreign videos/articles using the native language.
With your site I COULD easily go to german speaking sites/clips and push the mantra in german without having to look up the translations myself. And vice versa of course. Cheers.
#26 by Undercover Lover on 01/22/2013 - 11:50 pm
This is AWESOME!!!!