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Anti-Whites Insist That Integration Must Be Enforced Everywhere Because Whites Don’t Want It

Posted by Bob on January 29th, 2013 under Coaching Session

As I pointed out in “You Are not Denying Genocide, You are Justifying It,” we can take advantage of the fact that we know exactly what the enemy’s replies will be. That article stated that we know most of them are going to say how horrible whites are.  photo imagesCAWSHJ05_zps4eb4ef2b.jpg

The reply to this is, “So you are justifying genocide.” They are admitting the program is to rid the earth of whites, but that is OK because whites are so awful. Which sounds a lot like what Hitler said about the Jews.

Then there is the “Nobody forces you to intermarry” bit.

This leads us to an interesting insight into their views they never mention. I leave it to you how to use it AFTER you have made the Mantra clear.

The whole white genocide movement is based on the assumption that if there is any white community anywhere, all whites will go there. Integration must be forced, because always no country can be white.

  1. #1 by Wm White on 01/29/2013 - 9:51 am

    One answer to the “Nobody forces you to intermarry” is Beefcake’s #11 podcast:

    “. . . Forced assimilation is recognized worldwide as genocide, as in the case of Aborigines in Australia and China’s forced assimilation imposed on Tibetans in Tibet.

    And to ensure further that whites don’t preserve ourselves, our schools, churches, government, and media all preach that opposition to INTERMARRIGE is “racist,” and no contrary message is allowed to have influence or even be heard. If a young White woman’s parents should try to talk some sense to her, their brainwashed daughter and anti-Whites like yourself will batter her with the R-Word!

    Television is especially used to press INTERMARRIAGE…TV sells to White women the falsehood that black men are strong, capable, responsible, intelligent husband-material that White women desire in preference to the bumbling White men that are shown. Just think how many commercials you see that pair a blonde White woman with a black man who is helping her choose the right product…him.”

    *** *** ***

    Any other interesting insights or rebuttals about their views they (anti-whites) never mention.

  2. #4 by Daniel Genseric on 01/29/2013 - 11:45 am

    Using “Do you make it a habit of DENYING all genocide or just when the victims are white children? Isn’t that what your side accuses Hitler of doing with the Jews” works too. But only when they flat out say, “White genocide isn’t happening.”


    Assimilation and forced integration….. How they do it:

    School busing
    Open enrollment
    White privilege
    White flight
    Affirmative action
    Equal opportunity employment
    Diversity and Tolerance workshops

    • #5 by markwn on 01/29/2013 - 9:49 pm

      I am slightly nitpicking to an already excellent post, but I would add

      Section 8 Housing
      Head Start
      Title 1
      Sub-prime mortgages

      • #6 by Daniel Genseric on 01/30/2013 - 12:00 am

        Making Home Affordable (citizen bailouts – if you’re non-white)
        Festival of Cultures (kindergarten multicultural indoc)

      • #7 by Black Swan on 01/31/2013 - 1:44 pm

        I would add an anti-White school curriculum starting with children’s books in pre-school (I am a teacher and parent) all the way through forced ‘multiculturalism” classes at the university level.

        The entire school curriculum is decidedly anti-White and the White Race is being dehumanized. Non-Whites are explicitly taught to hate Whites. Photos in these textbooks show educated, intelligent non-White males, such as scientists or mathematicians teaching White women and children.

        I see it in high school textbooks every single day.

        • #8 by Daniel Genseric on 01/31/2013 - 1:48 pm


          We saw this up close and personal with the University of Minnesota Duluth’s sponsorship (with community resources, might I add) of the Unfair Campaign’s “It’s Hard to See Racism When You’re White.”

          These jackasses helped birth one of the best pro-white one-liners to date. IT’S HARD TO SEE WHITE GENOCIDE WHEN YOU’RE ANTI-WHITE. That is a MILLION dollar slogan right there. It cost us nu-thinggggg…. Then, they pulled their sponsorship of the campaign once they realized all the alumni who donate are WHITE…LOL

          These anti-whites are their own worst enemy.

  3. #9 by mandela on 01/29/2013 - 2:03 pm

    If you click on THE BUGS SWARM, then select ‘Replies to anti-Whites’, you will see replies to the intermarriage arguement under the heading ‘race mixing’

  4. #10 by mandela on 01/29/2013 - 2:19 pm

    As well as Danials excellent list, there is also the case of Sarkozy saying Whites have no future and must interracially marry.
    When anti-Whites tell me who am I to stand in the way of love I say they are justifying GeNOcide and have the morals of a Pedophile (as they think love justifies anything). Seems to work so far.

    • #11 by Dick_Whitman on 01/29/2013 - 10:30 pm

      I don’t think it’s a good idea to tell people not to love who they wish. When they try the love argument I usually say something like:

      “I wouldn’t deny two adults the right to love and marry each other but I guarantee you would deny Whites the right to have our own countries, communities, or organizations.”

      The point I’m trying to get across is that people can chose to marry or breed with whoever they want, but are they in turn open minded enough to respect my right to free association with people who don’t chose to marry or breed outside their race?

      This is a subject I think we should really spend more time discussing our approach to.

      • #12 by OldBlighty on 01/29/2013 - 10:56 pm

        The SILLY anti-Whites can send themselves to hell for all I care, the problem is they want to make that decision for BOTH of us.

        There are Native Indians up in Canada, that allow their tribe to marry non-Indians, but if they do that they must accept the consequences. They are not allowed to return to tribal lands.

        The anti-Whites have no problem with that policy (because Indians are not White), but everyone knows they would declare WAR, if Whites wanted to discuss doing something like that.

      • #13 by dungeoneer on 01/30/2013 - 7:18 am

        “I don’t think it’s a good idea to tell people not to love who they wish”

        Oh really Dick? And how in the hell are we supposed to maintain our white existence if we don`t tell our fellow white group members starting with our own families we won`t accept intermarriage as an acceptable life choice?

        All those whites throughout history who had a color bar are the reason we exist today.

        All those non-whites in non-white countries not accepting mass immigration and “assimilation” have their color bar.

      • #14 by dungeoneer on 01/30/2013 - 8:14 am

        Are you telling us you won`t call whites who engage in interbreeding anti-white?

  5. #15 by Conrad on 01/29/2013 - 9:37 pm

    “When anti-Whites tell me who am I to stand in the way of love…”
    Who are they to tell us NOT to love our race?
    Jack’s War

  6. #16 by mandela on 01/29/2013 - 10:13 pm

    I will add these ideas to the ‘debate style’ thread. Cheers

  7. #17 by Dick_Whitman on 01/29/2013 - 10:19 pm

    Nobody is forcing anyone to smoke cigarettes either but once cigarettes ads were removed from TV smoking dropped drastically.

  8. #18 by Dick_Whitman on 01/29/2013 - 10:42 pm

    Then there is the “Nobody forces you to intermarry” bit. (Bob)

    I’m glad Bob brought this point up. I’ve been thinking about this point for a while now, as I think it’s our most vulnerable point. Some out our weakest replies have been to this argument and to the “love” argument that anti-White use.

    I’m writing an article about it which will be out soon. We need to discuss this more and Bob needs to ad his insight.

    When they anti-Whites try to take on our message (instead of just ignore us, insulting us, or calling us names) I believe this is the point they will attack.

    My article will be out no-later-than this weekend.

    • #19 by dungeoneer on 01/30/2013 - 7:27 am

      It`s not “love” to impose genocidal blending on all whites which eliminates white children.

      It`s obvious genocidal blending is being forced only on whites when the rest of the global population is allowed to refuse it without demonization and reprisals.

      Show me the “weakness” Dick.

      • #20 by patrickwhiterabbit on 01/30/2013 - 12:27 pm

        I have to agree with Dick here. I have always thought that our responses to the so called “love” argument need to be razor sharp. Even my own Mother (and she’s not anti-White, just a very nice woman thinking she’s doing the right thing) has used the “love” line on me. It’s this sentimental thinking a lot of people have.

        As i said before my short sword is:

        So called “love” in a Black/White relationships is really just LUST for WHITE GENOCIDE.

        Seems to work, but we need more!

        • #21 by OldBlighty on 01/30/2013 - 12:39 pm

          Always, the anti-White tries to shift the argument to the individual, while we are talking about the Genocide of an entire RACE.

          We are talking about 100’s of millions of people and they want to change the subject to individuals.

          It is a diversionary tactic. They are saying the Genocide of Whites is “nothing”. It is unimportant.

          They would never use individuals to justify genocide against an entire RACE, if non-Whites were the target.

          Don’t be afraid to call your Mother, anti-White. If she justifies genocide against Whites, she is anti-White.

          • #22 by patrickwhiterabbit on 01/30/2013 - 12:49 pm

            “Always, the anti-White tries to shift the argument to the individual”

            Spot on OldBlighty and I always pick them up on that.

            “Why are you trying to get us to focus on the desires of an individual here anti-White when we are discussing GLOBAL TRENDS that lead to WHITE GENOCIDE?!”

  9. #23 by kiwi on 01/29/2013 - 11:00 pm

    Good analogy with the cigarette ads. Also I agree that we are vulnerable on the “Nobody forces you to intermarry” bit.

    Anyone know French? In a 2009 speech to a student group, Sarkozy was supposed to have said that intermarriage must be forced. The debate turns on the word metissage. If someone can translate his speech confidently then I think we might have direct evidence of a western elite calling for genocide. See the YT below.

  10. #24 by AnotherWhiteRabbit88 on 01/29/2013 - 11:59 pm

    This is a mantra response I sometimes use in reply to the “Nobody forces you to intermarry” gag reflex:

    The system of the west is now implicitly Anti-White. Sure people can choose who they pro-create with but that does not take into account all the social, political, media, and educational brainwashing that is taking place.

    It has now got to the point where some White people have begun hating their own race!

    The educational system is Anti-White, The media is Anti-White, The political ideology of the west is Anti-White.

    Popular opinion is Anti-White.

    Anti-Racism is a CODEWORD for Anti-White.

    Maybe its a bit long winded but it has worked so far.

    • #25 by patrickwhiterabbit on 01/30/2013 - 12:32 pm

      The other option with this is something like:

      So lets say we have a town with 100% White boys and 100% White girls.

      Who are they going to marry?

      Now flood it with non Whites and FORCED integrate everyone.

      Over time we have 40% White Boys, 60% non White boys and 40% White girls and 60% non White Girls………………who are they going to intermarry?

      This is ONLY happening in EVERY White area!

      Its genocide

    • #26 by patrickwhiterabbit on 01/30/2013 - 12:33 pm

      double post!

  11. #27 by Simon on 01/30/2013 - 12:33 am

    Hello everyone first Bugster post, started listening to the White Rabbit podcasts a couple of weeks ago and want to do my bit as an undercover lover.

    re: the intermarriage bit this isn’t tested but I think that you have to go down the road of comparing it to forced association in a prison which turns red blooded heterosexuals into homosexuals. i.e. what people would do naturaly if they were given a real choice.

    ‘Nobody is forcing you to intermarry’

    Nobody would say that all men in prison are natural homosexuals, yet when you forcibly separate these men from women some will choose to settle for sex with each other, even though on the outside they would only be interested in women. Its about second best.

    By forcing mass third world immigration and assimilation your separating whites from each other and forcing them to make do with limited options so some whites will settle with sex with a non-white if thats all thats on the table.

    And if anybody object to this they’ll be called a racist, nazi who wantstokill6millionjews!

    Nobody’s flooding Africa with millions of non-Africans and forcing them to assimilate into a blended humanity, Nobody’s flooding Asia with millions of non-Asians and forcing them to assimilate into a blended humanity, just white countries.

    Its genocide!

  12. #28 by Jason on 01/30/2013 - 12:58 am

    And remember, all these programs – affirmative action, quotas, fair housing laws, nondiscrimination laws, diversity training – all of it is FORCED at gunpoint.

    If you tried to set up a White neighborhood, through free contractual agreement, you would bring the force of government down on your head. If you tried to have a White business, or White employees or a White school, they would send federal troops to force you to change. We know they would because they already DID.

    If we flooded Kenya with Whites and said that there could be no black-only schools, businesses or neighborhoods, everyone would see what we were doing. If we then flooded the media with images of intermarriage and called anyone who resisted a “racist”, and used government to make sure no other voices were heard, everyone would know it was genocide.

    This is genocide. White Genocide.

  13. #29 by Karlfried on 01/30/2013 - 3:14 am

    The question of race mixing marriages is difficult from many viewpoints. I suggest not to overemphazise this topic. I think that it is not a winner-subject for us. We should concentrate at the main point: the evil side wants to kill or exterminate the white race!

    If weself speak about “forced race mixing” and the truth is, that not each and every race mixing is by force of the guns (for example two people of different races fall in love to each other and subjectively think that was their own free will) than we have made a sentence that can be easily contradicted by some obvious examples. Weself have overplayed our cards and we have presented a cheap point to the evil side. — We have the truth at our side. There is no need that we say to much or that we give a chance to the evil side that they can contradict us.

    • #30 by Jason on 01/30/2013 - 4:44 am

      We don’t like the term “race mixing” because there is not a mixing of the races going on, it is just the White race being bred out of existence. All the other races will continue to exist.

      Genocide does NOT require outright killing. That is a key point of the Mantra. The UN Treaty on Genocide makes that clear, as did the man who drafted the genocide laws. It’s important that we not fall into the trap the other side sets for us. They will say, “Well, if it is genocide, where are the death camps?”. That is NOT required for it to be genocide.

      Forced assimilation is a key component of genocide. If you flood a population with oceans of immigrants and then pass laws that force assimilation, to the point the original population is dramatically reduced, that IS genocide.

    • #31 by dungeoneer on 01/30/2013 - 7:36 am

      “The question of race mixing marriages is difficult from many viewpoints”

      With respect Karlfried, a mantra thinker should see it as a simple matter of ensuring white survival.

      If whites can`t refuse to accept it and all that entails without demonization and reprisals there is no “freedom to choose”, it is just another anti-white lie to facilitate genocide.

  14. #32 by Jmcaul on 01/30/2013 - 4:32 am

    Bob says: “The whole white genocide movement is based on the assumption that if there is any white community anywhere, all whites will go there. Integration must be forced, because always no country can be white.”

    I am going to go out on a limb here, and butt heads with Bob (sort of.) While I AGREE that all Whites will go to the first all White community, that assessment does not go far enough IMO. It does not answer the question of WHY it should matter to anti-Whites if we all pick up and leave one day if we’re as horrible as they say?

    Perhaps this can become a new line of attack ‘well mr. anti-White, if we Whites are so horrible there shouldn’t be any problem with us having our OWN neighborhoods, cities, counties, etc. that are not force integrated.’ Or ‘if we’re so horrible, why is everyone always suing to live in our communities, neighborhoods, countries, etc.?’ Or is that tailgating? It seems to be a fine line sometimes.

    Unless I am missing something, Bob is saying that the program of White Genocide is in place to cause us to vanish so we don’t all leave?? You see my quandary here? Or is it no more complicated than that’s how BLINDLY INSANELY IRRATIONAL the anti-Whites ARE? (I have a feeling I am being EXTREMELY (but delightfully) White in my thinking right now.)

    I see MORE to this story than the fact that we would FLOCK to a White homeland given the choice. I see a seething, grasping, craving resentment of what we do, have and ARE when we are united in explicit celebration of our race.

    The fact that WE EXIST AND DO NOT NEED NON-WHITES is, in my opinion, the REAL issue that fills the anti-White heart with murderous rage.

    In the end, White Genocide seems to be a demand on the part of non-Whites for validation from our race. They seem to be motivated by a deep conviction that unless WE say so, they do not matter. The problem is, no matter how much we give them, it’s never enough.

    I think I just realized what I have seen others post here recently; it’s not HATRED by non-Whites that is killing us, it’s their desire to BE us that is the biggest threat we face.

    • #33 by Jason on 01/30/2013 - 5:01 am

      The point you make about us Whites not being considered horrible to non-Whites has validity (Dave made a similar point a few days ago). But, I think we need to be careful. Please remember, we are NOT here to argue about whether we are a good people (as far as Mantra work is concerned). We are not here to prove ourselves valuable to anyone. This is like the old pro-White approach of talking about our IQ and crime stats (yes I did that long ago!). That doesn’t work. Instead, we are really only concerned with one thing: exposing White Genocide.

      I think you are right about the motives of many anti-Whites, but I have found speculating too much about their motives can be a distraction. And absolutely should not be in Mantra work because, again, all we need to do is expose White Genocide. Period.

      Oh, and don’t forget, the most dangerous and vicious and unforgivable anti-Whites, in my opinion, are White anti-Whites who act as traitors. If we were just battling non-Whites, this wouldn’t even be a fight.

    • #34 by dungeoneer on 01/30/2013 - 7:42 am

      Non-whites are tools, background scenery.

      To discuss them is to play into the hands of the white anti-whites.

  15. #35 by Jmcaul on 01/30/2013 - 5:09 am

    How can you REALLY ‘love’ someone who does not share your heritage and the most important things that have made you who you are? How can you REALLY ‘love’ someone who cannot give you children that look like either one of you in any meaningful way? How can you REALLY ‘love’ someone knowing that the children you produce will face far more problems in life as a result of YOUR ‘love?’ Isn’t that a rather self-centered, short-sighted type of ‘love?’
    When *I* see a mixed race couple, I KNOW that THEIR ‘love’ does NOT include the bond of shared heritage, it does NOT include the bond of producing children that will carry on that shared heritage, it does NOT include the bond of knowing that their children are an investment in the future of a shared heritage. So what, exactly is that ‘love’ based on? Fashion and status maybe, but lets not confuse those with actual love which entails commitment, selflessness and a view to the future.

  16. #36 by Simon on 01/30/2013 - 7:29 am

    @Jmcaul you could also ammend it to basically say that whites who date non-whites are basically self-hating white loosers who either do it for attention or nobody else would have them.

    ‘Apart from whores who do it for money and fame,

    Everybody knows that most white women who date black men are self-hating whites who can’t get a white man because they are too ugly,

    Everybody knows that most white men who date Asian women are self-hating whites who are such loosers that they can’t attract a white woman.

    off topic – I tried to post part of the mantra on the Daily Mail online but my comment seems to have been deleted by the moderators – anybody else have this problem?

  17. #37 by John White on 01/30/2013 - 8:05 am

    Priceless reminder.

    Anti-whites pretend, on one hand, that all this is “just happening” so if we do something about it (or SAY something about it) we’re a bunch of naziswhowanttokillsixmillionjews.

    On the other hand, they ruthlessly support every forceful policy to make sure White people aren’t allowed to have anything all-White.


    – No one is forcing you to accept X.
    – I’ll get Y, then.
    – What? Are you anti-X? Do you think Y is superior? What an uneducated moron! It’s so awful that in the 21st century people like you still exist.
    – No, I’m not anti-X. I just prefer Y.
    – That’s racist! You are a Y supremacist!
    – No! I said that I prefer Y, that’s all.
    – Again? You are spreading hate! The government should shut you down.
    – I don’t have a right to free speech?
    – You’re talking like a right-wing extremist!
    – No, I’m not an extremist. I just said I prefer Y to X for me, and would like that my children also chose Y.
    – Whaaaat!! You are a cave-dwelling bigot! You speak like a nazi! I will put you on my “Y Supremacists” blacklist, and I will try to put you behind bars for the terrible Y Supremacist ideas you’re spreading, and I’ll make sure that your children get a good education about diversity, and about how awful Y has been through history, and will force all your children’s institutions to accept X students so that your children don’t end up being Y supremacists like you; and I’ll call your boss to have you fired from your job. Anyway, like I said, nobody is forcing you to accept X.

  18. #38 by BGLass on 01/30/2013 - 9:11 am

    @ “When *I* see a mixed race couple, I KNOW that THEIR ‘love’ does NOT include the bond of shared heritage…”

    that sentence seems effective, and is based in making people feel lack.

    —cigarettes are a very good example. Aren’t these endless Campaigns effective? Isn’t that why we pay for them? Get daily reports on their effectiveness?

    Why would you think only propaganda you agree with is effective, lol?

    —mixed couples must rely on the Proposition Nation (for a “heritage”) whose “proposition” is clearly that they are creating a new (and not-white) race. The point of the ‘new race’ is that it is not white, (in the Proposition Nation whose “heritage” they share). While the progeny may not be quite “asian” or quite “black” or quite whatever, EITHER— countries with “pure” asians and africans (and even maintained sub-groups of those identities still exist in the world. So, the “heritage” SHARED by such a couple is the commitment to Genocide.

    So— it’s not that they don’t share a Ideological Propositional “heritage”. They do. It is a commitment to Genocide, right?

  19. #39 by Daniel Genseric on 01/30/2013 - 11:16 am

    @Kiwi, DW and dungeoneer

    I’ll say it again. This what you ask them:

    If whites are “FREE to marry whoever they want”, then why aren’t we allowed to live and work together?

    • #40 by dungeoneer on 01/30/2013 - 11:37 am

      Anti-white response: “You are free to live and work together”.

      It`s the same “Genocide is not forced on you” canard.

      • #41 by OldBlighty on 01/30/2013 - 11:48 am

        Anti-Whites have “freedom of speech”, while Denying it to Pro Whites.

        Anti-Whites say, we are “free to do as we wish”, then Demand ONLY White lands be flooded with non-Whites and everyone inside Force integrated and brainwashed with 24/7, anti-White propaganda.

        Everything the anti-Whites say about the White GENOCIDE issue, is SILLY, contradictory, BS and it is all for one purpose.

      • #42 by Daniel Genseric on 01/30/2013 - 12:04 pm

        You use this word free as if it applies to us whites. We’re so free that forced busing was used to ASSIMILATE our children with non-whites. We’re so free that they wrote housing laws to prevent us from living together. We’re so free that anti-whites wrote labor laws preventing us from hiring our own people.

        Tell me, do you always try and justify genocide or just when the victims are white children? Just how sick are you?


  20. #43 by OldBlighty on 01/30/2013 - 12:03 pm

    “The whole white genocide movement is based on the assumption that if there is any white community anywhere, all whites will go there. Integration must be forced, because always no country can be white. ”

    Another GEM for the armory. Thank you Bob.

  21. #44 by patrickwhiterabbit on 01/30/2013 - 12:22 pm

    My short sword for the “love” argument is this:

    ‘So called “love” in a Black/White relationship is really just LUST for WHITE GENOCIDE’

  22. #45 by shari on 01/30/2013 - 12:32 pm

    A white country anywhere would make those repeating, ” I’m not racist, but” sound idiotic. Those, adopting non-white children, would not be able to pretend it’s a very fine thing, ESPECIALLY if they are christians. Young white women could not be so easily fooled. A white country anywhere, would shine like a beacon on anti-white genocidal lies. Oh, and also phd’s would have to actually be thinkers, and not get by with preaching political correctness, while imagining nothing will ever come near them.

    • #46 by OldBlighty on 01/30/2013 - 12:44 pm

      A country founded on the proposition, ‘Whites Should be Preserved’, would mean White anti-Whites could not legally reside there.

  23. #47 by Scythian on 01/30/2013 - 12:52 pm

    Did I miss the vote that asked White people if they wanted their countries constantly flooded with 3rd world immigration? FORCED desegregation/integration isn’t forced? Affirmative Action isn’t forced? OUTLAWING a ‘Whites-only’ ANYTHING isn’t forced? The ongoing program of White GENOCIDE is ENFORCED LAW! and now YOU anti-whites are going to justify GENOCIDE by saying “oh, you can’t stop two people from falling in love”? Segregation by ENFORCED LAW is a small price to pay to save a GREAT RACE, no?

  24. #48 by minervia on 01/30/2013 - 1:24 pm

    It has been my experience with this ‘nobody forces you to intermarry’ line, to respond similar to Dick_Whitman.
    I don’t deny two adults the right to love and marry each other but you deny Whites the freedom of association around ONLY Whites. YOU advocate flooding ALL and ONLY White countries with millions of non-Whites. Thats genocide for the White race.
    You anti-whites say, that ‘nobody forces you to intermarry’ to justify the genocide of the White race. Do you think this would be a topic of conversation for the average Chinaman? NO, because nobody is FLOODING China with millions of non-Chinese, so they have NO reason for justifying intermarriage.

  25. #49 by Scythian on 01/30/2013 - 2:31 pm

    Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, Aryan countries for EVERYBODY?
    GENOCIDE is infinitely worse than Discrimination. It’s going to take one HELLUVA ‘Affirmative-Action’ program to REVERSE the ongoing program of EUROCIDE!
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    • #50 by Scythian on 02/03/2013 - 4:18 pm

      I’ll tell you what’s HILARIOUS: the NAACP insisting that blacks be called Negros with a capital ‘N’! “because black is just a color, Negro is ‘sophisticated”!….ahahahahaha!

      Political Correctness is pile of horseshit. How do Liberals and respectable conservatives look at themselves in the mirror everyday?!

      This must be reiterated as it’s an absolute gem (part of Beefcake’s comment on pg 2 of this article): ‘Saying that intermarriage isn’t being forced is trying to conceal the fact that the conditions which lead to it ARE being FORCED.’

  26. #51 by Jmcaul on 01/30/2013 - 3:31 pm

    patrickwhiterabbit :
    I have to agree with Dick here. I have always thought that our responses to the so called “love” argument need to be razor sharp. Even my own Mother (and she’s not anti-White, just a very nice woman thinking she’s doing the right thing) has used the “love” line on me. It’s this sentimental thinking a lot of people have.
    As i said before my short sword is:
    So called “love” in a Black/White relationships is really just LUST for WHITE GENOCIDE.
    Seems to work, but we need more!

    I am going to try and put this ‘love’ issue as succintly as possible. To ME there IS no challenge at all. It’s very simple, really:

    “Love” between two people of the same race is based in a large part on their shared heritage and commitment to their races future. “Love” in a mixed race marriage is based in large part on a shared betrayal of both people’s ancestors and the future of their race. ONLY a Genocidal anti-White cannot see that the first situation OBVIOUSLY has the moral high ground here.

    • #52 by Dick_Whitman on 01/30/2013 - 5:35 pm


      I think we all share your sentiments, but that answer isn’t going to cut it when the White Rabbit is invited on “Meet The Press” in the future.

      Based on the amount of replies this thread got after my comments, it appears we needed to have a discussion about this. My article will be sent to the BUGS queue by Saturday or Sunday but this discussion needs to take priority. It is our most vulnerable point.

      Also someone suggested that only ugly White girls get involved in racial amalgamation. This may have been the case 40 years ago, but today I have seen attractive White girls with non-Whites. So that won’t cut it either.

      I’ll have that article out by the weekend, but please continue the conversation.

      • #53 by dungeoneer on 01/30/2013 - 5:46 pm

        Dick: “I don’t think it’s a good idea to tell people not to love who they wish”

        Dungeoneer: “Oh really Dick? And how in the hell are we supposed to maintain our white existence if we don`t tell our fellow white group members starting with our own families we won`t accept intermarriage as an acceptable life choice?”

        I`d like to discuss your answer to this question seeing as you`ve “thought about this for a long time”

        • #54 by Dick_Whitman on 01/30/2013 - 8:26 pm

          “Oh really Dick? And how in the hell are we supposed to maintain our white existence if we don`t tell our fellow white group members starting with our own families we won`t accept intermarriage as an acceptable life choice?”(dungeoneer)

          Go ahead and tell Whites that you don’t accept intermarriage. But what are you going to do if they refuse to listen?

          “Are you telling us you won`t call whites who engage in interbreeding anti-white?”((dungeoneer)

          Does race mixing make someone anti-White? Of course. But who is more anti-White, the race mixer who respects our right to freedom of association to form communities, polities, and institutions with other Whites? Or the White who has a White spouse and kids but insists that Whites accept the on-going program of genocide targeting our race?

          The major point to take away is that we can’t stop someone from marrying or having sex with non-Whites. The only way you can greatly reduce this is by seeing to the creation of White spaces and institutions. This still won’t totally end White amalgamation, but it will reduce it to a point where the effects are not an existential threat.

          There will always be Whites who will White-race mix. The point is to not focus on their activities. Instead, focus on creating the conditions that make race mixing attractive. This of course is the creation of White spaces and institutions which are designed for the interests of Whites (just as Africans, Asians, Jews, Arabs, etc have).

          There are two ways to fight weeds. 1) Pulling weeds. 2) Planting grass. Planting grass it better.

          • #55 by Peter Cottontail on 01/30/2013 - 8:42 pm

            If people are forced to mix, they will breed with each other. Unless there is some way of creating a genetic barrier, it is impossible to avoid it. That is why genocidal policies of forced immigration and integration are a far bigger enemy than individuals who intermarry. There is nothing wrong with a place where mixing is allowed, it just shouldn’t be in every White nation and ONLY in white nations.

          • #56 by Dick_Whitman on 01/30/2013 - 8:47 pm

            Correction above:

            “Instead, focus on creating the conditions that make race mixing attractive.”

            should say

            Instead, focus on creating the conditions that make race mixing LESS attractive.

            • #57 by dungeoneer on 01/30/2013 - 9:19 pm

              It`s not attractive, that`s why most whites don`t do it and it has to be forced on whites on a global scale just to get a few percent of whites ensnared in the “interbreeding libertrianism” that you`ve carried water for on this thread, and which is fatal long term for any white society to approve of.

          • #58 by dungeoneer on 01/30/2013 - 9:05 pm

            “The major point to take away is that we can’t stop someone from marrying or having sex with non-Whites.”

            So negative feedback and negative life consequences has no effect on interbreeding?

            Are you sure about that Dick, because the total testimony of white history stands against you. All those whites who did`nt interbreed as a result of healthy societal racial norms enforced with…negative feedback and negative life consequences!

            “the creation of White spaces and institutions”

            But you said whites must`nt be telling other whites not to interbreed did`nt you Dick, so how would those white spaces be created and maintained if we followed your “interbreeding libertarianism” to it`s logical conclusion?

          • #59 by Jmcaul on 01/31/2013 - 2:48 am

            “Go ahead and tell Whites that you don’t accept intermarriage. But what are you going to do if they refuse to listen?” (Dick Whitman)

            It’s called shunning. It’s been used throughout history by ALL societies to preserve their integrity. It’s used in our current anti-White system to punish we Whites who are concerned for and committed to the future of our race. Shunning works.

          • #60 by Jmcaul on 01/31/2013 - 3:06 am

            “who is more anti-White, the race mixer who respects our right to freedom of association…Or the White who has a White spouse and kids but insists that Whites accept the on-going program of genocide targeting our race?” (Dick Whitman)

            Dick, tell me I didn’t just hear you ask “who is guiltier, the trigger man who charitably (?) allows us our final words, or the person who although they did not actually pull the trigger, took away our ability to defend ourself from the actual killer?” Because that is what it SOUNDS like you were asking.

  27. #61 by Jmcaul on 01/30/2013 - 3:46 pm

    Simon :
    @Jmcaul you could also ammend it to basically say that whites who date non-whites are basically self-hating white loosers who either do it for attention or nobody else would have them.
    Everybody knows that most white women who date black men are self-hating whites who can’t get a white man because they are too ugly,

    Simon, sadly I have a sister in law (my husband’s sister) who is one of the most BEAUTIFUL blonde White women you will ever see, STILL turning EVERY head when she walks into a room at the age of 53. She apparently did not have a healthy racial self image and so was easy prey for first, an Arab who knew EXACTLY how to play her “why won’t you date me, are you racist?” After she escaped from his beatings with barely her life intact she ran straight into the arms of a common street n*gger who used the SAME approach to get his arm candy. He fathered two daughters with her before she fled HIS beatings as well. She cannot, WILL not admit what she allowed to be done to her because the ONLY thing she thinks she has to hold on to NOW (in addition to her looks which she has always relied on to open doors,) is her supposed moral authority as a blonde beauty who was willing to breed with a black man.

    When I married into that family many years ago I was very uncomfortable with the choices she had made and the families seeming endorsement of them, but not really able to articulate it well and so I glossed over it. I CAN say with all honesty, I never DID had any respect for my father-in-law who everyone else saw as a saint, as a result. He was a pathetic wimp and I will ALWAYS hold him responsible for failing to properly train and protect his daughter. There is NO WAY IN HELL, NO way I would have EVER considered a non-White as a romantic interest. EVER.

    She’s self-hating alright, but plenty of men of any race would have her, still.

  28. #62 by mandela on 01/30/2013 - 6:23 pm

    I admire you jmcaul, thanks for your story

  29. #63 by minervia on 01/30/2013 - 7:07 pm

    I don’t really think there is any ‘weak’ point to discuss. In my opinion we are getting off topic, tailgating.
    It’s not up to us to deny White people, if they choose to go off and mix with another race. This is unnatural for most White people, as the majority want to stay within their own group. So if a few decided they wanted to live in a multiracial place like Dubi, so be it, it is their freedom of association.
    But they will not be amongst our people or our freedom of association.
    This is why I believe in defusing the whole argument by saying “I don’t care who you marry, or if 2 people from different races fall in love, but when you flood ALL and ONLY White countries with millions of non-Whites, force assimilate them, thats genocide for the White race”.

    • #64 by Dick_Whitman on 01/30/2013 - 7:50 pm

      Yes, good response.

      • #65 by dungeoneer on 01/30/2013 - 8:06 pm

        Still waiting for your answers to two important questions Dick.

        Dick: “I don’t think it’s a good idea to tell people not to love who they wish”

        Dungeoneer: “Oh really Dick? And how in the hell are we supposed to maintain our white existence if we don`t tell our fellow white group members starting with our own families we won`t accept intermarriage as an acceptable life choice?”

        Dungeoneer (asking Dick) :”Are you telling us you won`t call whites who engage in interbreeding anti-white?”

        There`s no need to wait for your article, we can deal with this here and now.

        • #66 by Dick_Whitman on 01/30/2013 - 9:03 pm

          Your answer is above and I’m still writing my article.

          There are 2 discussions going on here. 1)One is about the best reply to the “nobody is forcing intermarriage” and the “love” arguments.

          At this point I think the best answer is

          “I’m not going to deny people who claim to be in love the opportunity to be together, but I also expect not to be denied the right to live among those who don’t chose to “love” or “marry” outside my race.”

          I think this is much better than trying to argue that race mixed couples can’t be in love. Because if you pull this I guarantee the anti-Whites will find thousands of mixed couples to come on TV and tell the world how much they just love each other. They’ll make a big spectacle about it and make out in front of the camera just to show you how great their love is.

          2)The other discussion is about the general topic of race mixing and what do to about it.

          If you’re concerned about White race mixing, stay on message and smash the anti-White system to dust. Don’t waste your time crying about some relative who chose to White race mix.

          dungeoneer, if you have a better reply for the “nobody is forcing intermarriage” or “love” arguments, please post them. I have to back to writing my article.

  30. #67 by dungeoneer on 01/30/2013 - 9:28 pm

    Let`s settle this with the following easy formula:

    1.We need an open debate about white genocide which is more important than arguing the pros or cons of interbreeding with our fellow white citizens and anti-white genocide supporters.

    2. We would like for whites to have the choice of living in all-white communities where interbreeding would be outlawed so as to maintain our existence as a group.

  31. #68 by dungeoneer on 01/30/2013 - 10:06 pm

    My response to ““nobody is forcing intermarriage”

    It`s obvious genocidal blending is being forced on whites because we have demonization and reprisals inflicted on us if we refuse.

    This is the way it is dealt with by BUGSers, so there is no “weakness” to speak of.

  32. #69 by daedalus on 01/30/2013 - 10:45 pm

    I don’t believe this is ‘unimportant’.
    As I move and speak around about, seems to me
    that the supposed ‘heritage’ that is a bedrock between
    white people is generation by generation being ‘obsoleted’.

    consequently, even your own children are becoming propositional people … and since everyone is alike what is the deal.

    Anyone that has ideas and methods of actually interacting with those under 50 clue us all in…

    • #70 by Scythian on 01/31/2013 - 12:19 am

      “I don’t believe this is unimportant”

      You’re letting us know after 62 comments, that this question of Whites not being forced to marry non-whites while whites are forced to live around a never ending influx of non-whites in our own countries is important? Thanks.

      “As I move and speak around about, seems to me that supposed heritage that is a bedrock between white people is generation by generation being obsoleted.”

      You are telling us their is an ongoing program of White GENOCIDE which has relied on “anti-racist” (i.e. anti-White) propaganda? Thanks.

      “consequently, even your own children are becoming propositional people … and since everyone is alike what is the deal.”

      I don’t follow, you are saying race doesn’t exist? Then why is massive third world immigration and “assimilation” for EVERY and ONLY White countries?

      “Anyone that has ideas and methods of actually interacting with those under 50 clue us all in”

      You’re saying the only people receptive to the Mantra are old? haha, isn’t the pro-white movement actually very young? We’re not the tea party ya know. Of course there’s the other end of the spectrum – mommy professor’s trained punks.

      Are you pro-White or anti-White? I only ask b/c can’t make out the meaning of your post.

  33. #71 by Daniel Genseric on 01/31/2013 - 3:15 am

    “You can’t stop two people from LOVING one another.”

    So, you’re not only attempting to justify the genocide of whites the world over and DEMANDING we be forced to live together, but you now want to attach the word “LOVE” to the genocide of my people?

    Just how sick are you anti-whites?

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  34. #72 by OldBlighty on 01/31/2013 - 3:22 am

    “Then there is the “Nobody forces you to intermarry” bit. ” – Bob

    “You can’t stop two people from LOVING one another.”

    lol This is the old “freedom” argument, they have been using against Whites FOREVER.

    Bob has already given us good minis to deal with this line of attack. Look under “freedom” in your notes.

  35. #73 by Cleric Preston on 01/31/2013 - 3:34 am

    It is claimed that we needed to have non-White immigration so (insert name here) could marry (insert name here)
    The truth is non-White immigration hasn’t ended even though (insert name) and (insert name) are now married
    This continued flooding of White countries with 3rd Worlders is directed to prevent me from marrying WHO I WANT by making it increasingly difficult to find a suitable White woman in the social circles I move.
    ‘Anti-racist’ is a codeword for Anti-White

    Comments guys ? I want some peer review, as I rarely see my own errors.

    • #74 by OldBlighty on 01/31/2013 - 3:45 am

      I like the first half, Cleric. Its good, because you made fun of the anti-White’s low intellect and the fact they are using the wants of a few individuals, to justify the genocide of an entire race.

      “It is claimed that we needed to have non-White immigration so (insert name here) could marry (insert name here)
      The truth is non-White immigration hasn’t ended even though (insert name) and (insert name) are now married”

      • #75 by Cleric Preston on 01/31/2013 - 4:56 am

        ‘I like the first half, Cleric. Its good, because you made fun of the anti-White’s low intellect and the fact they are using the wants of a few individuals, to justify the genocide of an entire race.’

        I listened to the silence about the 2nd half, I think the second half, while true, is a little tailgating.

        I think I might make the second half my normaly used ending so it reads,

        It is claimed that we needed to have non-White immigration so (insert name here) could marry (insert name here)
        The truth is non-White immigration hasn’t ended even though (insert name) and (insert name) are now married
        The attempt to destroy, in whole or in part, EVERY White country through 3rd World immigration and ‘assimilation’ is GENOCIDE
        ‘Anti-racist’ is a codeword for Anti-White

  36. #76 by patrickwhiterabbit on 01/31/2013 - 3:46 am

    We haven’t had this many replies to a post in a long time. That’s got to be saying something!

    Having thought more about this i think the correct response to “people should be free to marry whoever they want” BS is something like this:

    ‘And we also should have the right to a living space for the posterity of my people, White people. But you anti-Whites won’t allow that will you! Why? Because you know if there is any white community anywhere, all whites will go there.

    We just want to be left alone with our people. Freedom right? Why do you anti-Whites insist we can’t have this freedom? You know damn well it’s because it is contrary to your GENOCIDAL position of flooding EVERY White country and ONLY White countries with non Whites! Who do you think you are kidding here anti-White?!”

    I think Bob nailed it in the first post and we got side tacked.

    • #77 by OldBlighty on 01/31/2013 - 3:51 am


      Anti-Whites have the freedom to be anti-White, but they know damned well, we do not have the freedom to be Pro White.

  37. #78 by patrickwhiterabbit on 01/31/2013 - 4:07 am

    …………If (and its a BIG if we get an anti-White to agree that we can have a living space (they’ll probably suggest the North Pole) is it worth hitting them with:

    “So let me get this right. Now you are saying we CAN have a White living space? So if that’s the case then why are you anti-White sociopaths trying to make the countries we currently live in non White?!”

  38. #79 by Karlfried on 01/31/2013 - 6:07 am

    To all who like it.
    Picture one is Uta von Naumburg, the life-realistic sculpture made in the year 1200.
    Picture two shows many girls from Naumburg in the year 2010.
    Be astonished and be glad about this.
    This is our past and present as a white race and very similar will be our future.

    I like Bob´s Blog and I have made some comments on my own site (as a service for you in the English language):

  39. #80 by Jason on 01/31/2013 - 6:52 am

    Well this thread exploded.

    On the “two people loving” each other bit. I think Bob has already said, how can a black man claim to love a White woman, if the act of mating with her destroys forever the very thing he loved? He loves that she is a beautiful blonde. By interbreeding, that is destroyed in her line FOREVER. That’s not love. Real love wouldn’t be so narrowly self-centered.

  40. #81 by c-bear on 01/31/2013 - 8:08 am

    Anti-white: “Nobody forces you to intermarry”
    Pro-white: “Nobody is forcing genocide on you. <Does this sound familiar? So you WANT a blended humanity for all whites? You believe this is ideal? Why can't you see that what you are advocating is genocide?"

  41. #82 by BGLass on 01/31/2013 - 8:13 am

    The ‘freedom-love’ argument is a total contradiction.

    People should be free to marry who they want— but if Whites announce they want an “all white family” and will teach all white perspectives, history, narrative, that they will move in circles where their children will meet all whites to date, or do as non-white couples the public is often shown covered in major newspapers when they announce they are doing business only within their own race, so that they control the influence of their lives in that direction, and if the whites did that…

    They would go to jail, lol.

    So only certain people are “free” to marry, right?

    What is more likely to get you on t.v.— an “all white commitment?” or a commitment that proves “diversity.”

  42. #83 by Nordoxen on 01/31/2013 - 9:31 am

    Nobody forces me to intermarry, but anti-whites DO force me to integrate with all those non-whites and try to make my people a minority in their own country. It all leads to the anti-whites ultimate goal: White genocide.

  43. #84 by Wm White on 01/31/2013 - 10:08 am

    This is such a visceral topic because it strikes at the very center of our existence. It’s deeper than any intellectual discussion and goes to the nature of what it is to be human and white. It stirs the primitive instinct of continuation that is inherited and drives us as humans to reproduce and propagate ourselves (and people) through our woman.

    As whites we have survived many hardships and challenges. Our cavalier attitudes have many believing, as a people, we can overcome any barrier, even massive immigrations. And why not, since being a minority has been the norm for our people wherever we have explored or conquered.

    But deep in our hearts we know there is no survival of our people if we lose our woman. And the sight of this, for many (even those who smile glibly at black and white couples) ferments a pang of ending that dolorously stirs us at an “ancient and intuitive gut level” –a level that lies restrained but (untamed by our intellect), at the very roots of our being.

    (ancient Aryan proverb)
    From the corruption of women proceeds the confusion of races;
    From the confusion of races, the loss of memory;
    From the loss of memory, all understanding;
    and from this — all evil.

    (my addition) *and it all begins from the carelessness of men.

  44. #85 by minervia on 01/31/2013 - 10:35 am

    So you JUSTIFY the genocide of White people, through massive immigration and assimilation because, “Nobody forces you to intermarry”?

    Do the Japanese discuss the topic ‘nobody forces you to intermarry’? NO, Japan is not being flooded with millions of non-Japanese.

  45. #86 by shari on 01/31/2013 - 11:41 am

    Actually, if the program of genocide against my race, the white race, is not halted now, by this generation, white children WILL be forced to intermarry.

  46. #87 by savethechildren on 01/31/2013 - 12:32 pm

    The weakness is that they are taken seriously. I suppose the brainwashed White masses do also.
    Dick is pointing out an interesting contradiction that can be useful.

  47. #88 by savethechildren on 01/31/2013 - 12:47 pm

    Often anti-whites will get personal about this and say they are mixed race. What I’ve said with no further response from them on this issue is, “Oh, should Whites be bound by the reproductive choices of your parents. Whites should just abdicate their right to be White? Whites should just embrace their own genocide? What kind of love is this? Love in the service of White genocide?”

    • #89 by Scythian on 01/31/2013 - 12:59 pm

      Call them Walking Genocide, isn’t that how the Amerindians named people.

      I just left this comment under an article Simmons posted in the Swarm (they are censoring the Mantra)

      ‘In the article Heidi Bierich from the SPLC says “they (WN) would like to live in a segregated environment, they want to live in a white world”. Well, we can’t let white people have their own environments, because then all white people will move their! How in the hell are we going to genocide the white race if we don’t force integration!’

      I just can’t understand why white law enforcers don’t raid SPLC offices, arrest the people who work there, charge them with advocating the GENOCIDE of white people in our own countries, get lawyers to go thru all their files, put them on trial and take their money to be used to reverse the ongoing program of EUROCIDE.

    • #90 by Daniel Genseric on 01/31/2013 - 1:40 pm

      Love in the service of White genocide?”

      See, THIS^ is exactly what I am getting at. How very succinct of you to say so.

      It is a bit different than their standard, “You are FREE(dumb) to [fill in the blank] as you wish.” Which is WHY I wrote:

      “So, you’re not only attempting to justify the genocide of whites the world over and DEMANDING we be forced to live together, but you now want to attach the word “LOVE” to the genocide of my people?

      Just how sick are you anti-whites?

      Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”

      Who in the HELL said we are required to have an answer to each of their questions? WHO? Please remember, WE are doing the interrogating. Not the other way around.

  48. #91 by Black Swan on 01/31/2013 - 1:58 pm

    Anti-Whites are also tossing this one out all over the net:

    “Well, you/we Whites just need to start having more children/ breeding more!!”

    This is a silly excuse to blame the victims and justify the ongoing genocide of the White Race

    Anti-racist is code word for anti-White

    • #92 by Daniel Genseric on 01/31/2013 - 2:15 pm

      It’s an oldie, but they think it’s a goodie. This is EASY.

      {Nobody is flooding Africa with TENS OF MILLIONS of non-Africans, forcing assimilation (i.e. intermarriage and sex) with all those non-whites, and SCREAMING, “It’s NOT genocide! You/we Whites just need to start having more children/ breeding more!” Are they doing this in Mexico or Asia?

      Of course not. They ONLY say this in white countries and about white people. They say they are anti-racist. What they really are is anti-white.

      Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.}

      In fact, you can do this^ with ANYTHING they say (any quote) because they aren’t inflicting their Humanitarian Policy on or Social Engineering anyone else but us. This particular device has been dubbed The Mantra Machine of Simple Truth

    • #93 by OldBlighty on 01/31/2013 - 2:39 pm

      Asian countries have lower birthrates than the West, yet they are almost 100% Japanese, 100% Korean, etc, and will always remain so, because they there are no anti-Japanese or anti-Koreans Demanding they be flooded, with the entire third world and force integrated.

      The “anti-racists” only do this to White people.

  49. #94 by Scythian on 01/31/2013 - 2:50 pm

    Annihilation by Assimilation method #1: Hitler sends all the male Jews to a West African nation, and sends all the female Jews to an East African nation; said Jews are “free” to “fall in love” and marry who ever they wish.

    Annihilation by Assimilation method #2: FLOOD EVERY and ONLY Aryan countries with 3rd-world immigrants, FORCE desegregation/integration, OUTLAW a ‘whites-only’ anything, make “anti-racist” and “diversity” messages omnipresent for over a half Century! while outlawing and suppressing ALL pro-white messages (why do companies spend BILLIONS on marketing? Because it doesn’t work?); and give Aryans “freedom of choice”.

    It’s the same shit in a different package.

    I haven’t used this exact version, it’s probably too long; however, I think this ‘Hitler sending Jews to Africa’ mini is one of the greatest and I’ve used various versions of it quite successfully.

  50. #95 by Nordoxen on 01/31/2013 - 3:23 pm

    Or to make it shorter:

    Nobody is forcing intermarrige, but they are condemning everyone who is opposing it.

  51. #96 by Daniel Genseric on 02/01/2013 - 12:09 am


    You’ve groomed quite the infantry here. Just look at the battle-tested troops! Job well done!!

    Now, give me back my writing privileges you old cuss! I’m trying to give you a friggin’ day off.


  52. #97 by dungeoneer on 02/01/2013 - 5:02 am

    Re: Using the Anti-white “Nobody is forcing interbreeding on you” to point out that it has to be forced on us on a global scale because whites don`t want it

    Could we not also do a similar thing with: “There are no mass killings of whites” by saying:

    “How can we trust you anti-whites to oppose mass killings of whites when you support the ongoing anti-white terrorism and death imposed on whites as a by product of your mass immigration and “assimilation” genocide agenda?”

  53. #98 by mandela on 02/01/2013 - 2:59 pm

    Race mixers are parasites feeding on White communities

    Parasites kill their host if their host has no defence

    Anti-Whites allow no defence against Race mixing parasites

  54. #99 by Bill White on 02/01/2013 - 3:59 pm

    (Miscegenation) — The Final Solution to the White Problem.

  55. #102 by Bill White on 02/01/2013 - 4:05 pm

    “The Devil’s Dictionary”

    MULATTO: (noun)
    1. A child of two races, ashamed of both.
    2. The sad byproduct of miscegenation.

    • #103 by Daniel Genseric on 02/03/2013 - 12:55 am

      Your middle name wouldn’t be Alexander, would it?

      • #104 by Bill White on 02/04/2013 - 8:31 pm

        No it would not.
        Who is Alexander White? Does he contribute to the “Devil’s Dictionary?”
        As an aside, I understand Bob came up with the Mulatto definition –very clever and probably true.

  56. #105 by Dick_Whitman on 02/02/2013 - 8:14 pm

    My article is in the BUGS queue and ready to go. It should be out soon.

  57. #106 by beefcake on 02/03/2013 - 1:24 am

    “Nobody is forcing anyone to Interrmary”


    Anti-Whites insist Whites cannot be allowed anywhere exclusive for our race, and they enforce conditions which lead to interracial marriages intended to destroy our race.

    Nobody is insisting that Blacks need to be prevented from having anything exclusive in order to inflict conditions which lead to intermarriages intended to destroy Blacks as a race and then telling them “nobody is forcing you to intermarry”.

    Saying that intermarriage isn’t being forced is trying to conceal the fact that the conditions which lead to it ARE being FORCED.

  58. #107 by Jmcaul on 02/03/2013 - 1:34 pm

    Outstanding, Beefcake. THANK YOU!!

  59. #108 by Peter Cottontail on 02/03/2013 - 2:34 pm

    Here is Beefcake’s take on “Is Intermarriage Forced?”

  60. #109 by Peter Cottontail on 02/03/2013 - 4:49 pm

    Anti-Whites don’t have to force intermarriage because the conditions that lead to intermarriage are being forced. ~ Beefcake.

    • #110 by Karlfried on 02/04/2013 - 8:54 am

      #12 by Peter Cottontail on 2/3/2013 – 4:49 pm
      I think that your comment has shown the core of the thing.
      Thank you very much for that.

    • #111 by OldBlighty on 02/04/2013 - 12:58 pm

      “Anti-Whites don’t have to force intermarriage because the conditions that lead to intermarriage are being forced”

      Brilliant! Thank you.

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