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Is Morality Self Hatred?

Posted by Bob on February 19th, 2013 under Coaching Session

One remark in a traditional Oriental exchange when business men met was the standard asking about the wife: “How is the flower of your household?”

The husband would reply: “That pig is in good health.”

The whole exchange consisted of one man asking about the other and in each case one would praise the other highly and each would reply in terms which consisted of modesty gone berserk. It is considered polite to put yourself down and compliment everything about the other person.

Whenever we deal with foreign countries, it is considered polite, when all else is equal, to praise the other country.
This can be overdone. It has been overdone to the point of a fatal societal disease. That is why it is so important that we emphasize how bad treason is. photo dorian_zpse55f32d5.jpg

Over the years I have noted a great change in anti-white whites’ reply to the Mantra. When the Mantra began to be used, fully half of the time it was answered first with the words, “But I am white.” This reply has all but disappeared. This is an enormously important signal. It means that, even if they haven’t seen the Mantra directly, our tiny crew has had enough effect on the entire country that “anti-white” is no longer justified by “I am white.”

At the same time, it is important for us to realize that this is where this anti-white disease began. Mommy Professor makes denouncing one’s own people sound like the highest possible virtue. This is one reason I warn against “traditional values.” For almost two thousand years the highest virtue has been self-hatred and self torture. We are just now looking closely enough to notice how Christianity came to regard self-torture as a higher good than helping others.

The result has been a society which treasures self-hatred. If you don’t understand where anti-whites came from you don’t know your own history.

  1. #1 by Nordoxen on 02/19/2013 - 7:23 am

    I’ve noted another signal from the anti-whites here in Sweden as well lately. They seem to be very confused about how to argue against those that don’t agree that Whites should die out.

    In an earlier stage they would try and attack like they were debating typical nationalists. They were used to that. But when they noticed that the people they were “debating” with wasn’t punching bags, but instead had powerful weapons of their own it’s like they just ran for cover. And there they are still.

    Sometimes they carefully stick their heads out to see what’s going on, sometimes they even try to blind shot back but of course in vain. Nowadays it’s like they’ve just given up. I can see them preparing the white flag (but of course we don’t take hostages). If not it’s a last desperate attempt.

    Instead of “debating” like before, they tend to pretend that it’s like some biiiig secret that BUGS and the mantra exists. They link various articles written from anti-white sites “exposing” what they call “the mantra movement”. They go ahead and try to lay out the “agenda” and tactics straight away instead of answering any questions or statements when cornered. Their goal is to “expose” our plan to other readers in the comment sections. It’s very funny!

    I say thank you, for the free publicity, here are the actual links you can read up on since you’ve obviously been living under a rock these couple of years (of course linking to whitaker’s blog and We’ve been trying to tell everybody what we are doing and what we want for years now, it’s not a big scoop I’m sorry to say. Pay more attention. And it’s not a “movement”. It just happen to be random white and normal people that don’t agree that Whites should die out speaking their mind, and now they have a verbal defence and a powerful weapon. That’s pretty much it. I thought it was kinda funny. Have you experienced the same thing in the states?

    They just seem very, very lost. Imagine the football players in one team trying to stop the other team by trying to explain the rules of football and “exposing” the obvious goal of the other team.
    I know which team I would bet all my money on.

  2. #3 by Dave on 02/19/2013 - 10:29 am

    How did politicians get the idea that “elected” means the right to preach?

    Their behavior is bizarre. Their brains are bizarre.

    We are ruled by an Established Religion and wordism, modes of thought that are crippling.

    Self-hatred is religious doctrine, pure and simple.

    When politicians preach, you know they are clueless. They are weak and vulnerable.

  3. #4 by beefcake on 02/19/2013 - 11:01 am

    Some of this can be used to respond to the Anti-White accusation of “hate”. Besides what is already being used, flipping the script etc…


    Anti-White Reply: “Blah Blah You are full of Hate Blah, Ad Hom, Blah”

    Bugser: “Why do YOU treasure Self-Hatred to the point of supporting OUR Genocide?”


    “So in other words, what you’re saying is that even point out the Genocide of my Race is hateful?

    Is that because the only way you know how to show you’re not full of Hate is to Hate your own people?

    That’s why Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White.”

  4. #5 by mandela on 02/19/2013 - 2:38 pm

    Nordoxen – Yes, I too find the White anti-Whites are fading. Because they see their ideas are failures. Becuase they have achieved their goal of diversity. Because of BUGs.

  5. #7 by Nordoxen on 02/19/2013 - 3:45 pm

    mandela :
    Nordoxen – Yes, I too find the White anti-Whites are fading. Because they see their ideas are failures. Becuase they have achieved their goal of diversity. Because of BUGs.

    I think it’s mostly because no one wants to be on the losing side. People are attracted to the winners.
    Most people have been anti-white, not because of strong anti-white beliefs, but because of a sense of belonging and a feeling of having the moral highground. Now that they have lost that and begin to hear different voices, true voices, it’s no longer fashionable to be anti-white. And of course that’s thanks to BUGS. 😉

  6. #8 by Jmcaul on 02/19/2013 - 6:01 pm

    Nordoxen :Their goal is to “expose” our plan to other readers in the comment sections. It’s very funny!
    I say thank you, for the free publicity, here are the actual links you can read up on since you’ve obviously been living under a rock these couple of years (of course linking to whitaker’s blog and We’ve been trying to tell everybody what we are doing and what we want for years now, it’s not a big scoop I’m sorry to say. Pay more attention. And it’s not a “movement”. It just happen to be random white and normal people that don’t agree that Whites should die out speaking their mind, and now they have a verbal defence and a powerful weapon. That’s pretty much it. I thought it was kinda funny. Have you experienced the same thing in the states?
    They just seem very, very lost. Imagine the football players in one team trying to stop the other team by trying to explain the rules of football and “exposing” the obvious goal of the other team.
    I know which team I would bet all my money on.

    Nordoxen your comments are HILARIOUS! What a great strategy, I am going to have to file that one away in my notes for when I come across that situation. It sounds like you have been at this awhile in order to make such observations. I am newer to this and don’t have a lot of time to devote to it but I get in there wherever and whenever I can. I just love it when you tell them to ‘pay more attention!’ LOL!!! I think even though we are talking about a dead serious issue, White Genocide, we can certainly have fun with most of these people because they are so CONFUSED and BRAINWASHED that it IS funny the stuff they post thinking they are landing blows against us. Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. #9 by Jason on 02/19/2013 - 7:38 pm

    This trait of self-hatred being considered the heart of morality is a huge flaw that we Whites have to face in the long run. This is what our enemies are able to exploit.

    I was just reading about how in the Middle Ages people used to abase themselves their whole lives in order to prove how “good” they were. I don’t know how common this is among other races, but Whites have a version that has focused on how evil “Man” is (where “Man” means White Man). All our religions drone on about how evil “Man” is. And since little brown people don’t really seem like “Man” to us, they become good. The humiliation of “Man” is seen as a good thing.

    Movies like Avatar are about the same thing. The subtext is that beautiful non-whites live in peaceful harmony until Mean Ol’ White Man invades and ruins everything with his “greed”. White Men are condemned for their greed, i.e. ability to envision a future and exploit resources to achieve it – that is, their ability to be successful at the game of life. This is “evil” to virtually every ethical and religious system on earth.

    I don’t know how much of it is cultural and how much is genetic. But even if it is genetic, at least we could learn to correct for it. The conservative and traditional values types preach their own version of it as well (don’t be too “proud”, don’t be lustful, etc.), which is why in the long run, they are not the answer.

  8. #10 by Jason on 02/19/2013 - 7:53 pm

    Dave :
    How did politicians get the idea that “elected” means the right to preach?

    It does seem like there is a principal-agent problem here! They’ve pushed the idea that elected politicians are akin to parents and we are the kids.

    When we get to the point of having pro-White spokesman, we need to make sure they don’t get the idea that they are “statesmen” who are entitled to act against our self-interest, in the name of some Glorious Ideal.

    Bob’s statement that traitors always act in the name of a Higher Cause has stuck with me.

  9. #11 by seapea on 02/19/2013 - 11:30 pm

    “Mommy Professor makes denouncing one’s own people sound like the highest possible virtue.”

    I’ve started mixing in…
    Being anti-White doesn’t make you MORAL or ENLIGHTENED, it just makes you anti-White.

  10. #12 by Conrad on 02/20/2013 - 7:20 pm

    Speaking of Christians, self hate & those that are willing to commit treason against their own – read Wilderness Empire. It was one of the first books that the anti-whites removed from our schools, and for a good reason, they feared it.
    Jack’s War

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