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The Paycheck Conservative Line

Posted by Bob on March 3rd, 2013 under Coaching Session

William Rusher was publisher of National Review and he did the Foreword to my first book. Not only did he refuse to accept any payment for it, but he gave me a lifetime subscription to National Review. So I get the full respectable conservative treatment every two weeks.

And National Review has followed the course I predicted for it almost forty years ago in the book, and before the book.
I stated in that book the routine political forces that make NR an integral part of the ongoing system, and it was not Jews meeting by candlelight in the capitol at 3 am.  photo newright_zps8198ccde.jpg

Once again, as liberals lost absolute control of al them media all the time, they chose their token conservative spokesmen.

If anyone doubts how solidly liberal the media were, he should have been in Washington right after the 1980 election. A lot of conservatives like Buckley and Buchanan, who then called for open borders, had been token conservatives for a long time.

But in 1980, my strategy worked big time and an entirely new set of people had taken over the Republican Party and won the presidency and the Senate for the first time in a quarter of a century.

And the national press didn’t know any of us!

I went through this phase when Reagan was elected. My picture was on the front page of the New York Times, I did editorials on National Public Radio and was on NPR discussions.

That stopped when they found other Reaganites who didn’t put them on the spot.

And most readers will miss the point here:
A country’s national media were totally ignorant of the people who had just won power!

“Professional journalists,” my ass!

  1. #1 by BGLass on 03/03/2013 - 7:31 am

    Idk if I’m getting it, but one meme is The Ex-Soviet WARNING Meme, and they seem to repeat this every generation.

    At most of the “tea parties” I was exposed to, there’s the Figure of the ex-Soviet, telling us we may “Become Communist!” They can “see it happening,” they “cannot believe it,” the Americans who have had it so easy do not understand, etc, etc, etc.

    In the 80s it was Solzenitzyn, (“Warning to the West”) or Milan Kundera novels, or Yuri Bezmenev, or whatever. Every generation is given this invitation to be a managed “reactionary,” to “speak out!”— as Paycheck conservatives.

    It will not occur to the “tea party,” that many Americans have been sitting in what used to be “their” country since the 1600s. And in that time, they might have noticed something, lol.

    Or that the new wave of people born-and-bred under Generational Stalinism (or other such systems) might NOT BE THE BEST PEOPLE to run the u.s. government.

    Maybe they are NOT THE BEST POSITIONED to be lecturing Americans about what “freedom” is.

    They have not experienced freedom, their parents have not, their grandparents have not— and so it’s a bit arrogant to come lecturing about it, and through your position AS A COMMUNIST RAISED PERSON, to take (as an immigrant who hasn’t even traveled in the country yet) positions of power.

    Only arrogant people in those shoes would not question why exactly such easy rises to power were available to them, LOL, (white though they may be).

  2. #2 by jo3w on 03/03/2013 - 7:58 am

    Recently at a party I was engaging in practical politics when I observed a very interesting situation. I was discussing immigration and the ONLY and EVERY portion of the mantra when the Obama supporter in the group says, “I appreciate your unique perspective”, and “The double standard is unfair”. The only way I could describe his behavior is as a respectable liberal. A respectable conservative, who was also involved in the discussion, could not agree with my points and immediately labeled them as racist. The only thing I could make of this behavior was that their brains must be made of pudding.

    • #3 by dungeoneer on 03/03/2013 - 10:21 am

      jo3w: ” the Obama supporter in the group says, “I appreciate your unique perspective”, and “The double standard is unfair”. The only way I could describe his behavior is as a respectable liberal”

      Stick around jo3w, you will see other instances of “limited hang-out anti-whites” who will say: “Yes the racism narrative is overplayed” or “Yes immigration is a problem”.

      But like the paycheck Conservatives, as long as their funding and patronage continues they will never accept group rights and group survival for whites so they will still be “respectable” and won`t be kicked out of the anti-white cult,

  3. #4 by FirstTube11100 on 03/03/2013 - 10:53 am

    Interesting blog entry, Mr. Whitaker.

  4. #5 by Conrad on 03/03/2013 - 12:39 pm

    There are so many games being played. Maybe the person saying be careful or we’ll end up like the old USSR is just running a screen so that no one will notice that we ARE on our way to being the new Africa. Maybe the Obama-bot is moving in our direction, even though they don’t know it. There may even be “pay check whatevers” that know the score and are just waiting for the chance to break free.

    Don’t get discouraged, just keep fighting. We won’t know what’s what until the fur hits the fan.
    Jack’s War

  5. #6 by Jason on 03/03/2013 - 11:42 pm

    Imagine it is many years from now and suddenly our message breaks through or we get some actual political victory. Suddenly, the media wants to talk to someone.

    That’s the point in time I am concerned with. The media will still be in enemy hands. They will naturally gravitate toward milk toast types who are more “reasonable” than the White Genocide protesters – or – they will find freakish cartoon characters to call pro-White.

    I imagine the specter of the “Respectable Pro-White” is the bigger threat. The typical game would be to tone down the rhetoric, and even then to just pay lip service without actually fighting for action.

    I am not sure what we can do except never, never, never soften the message. And if we get a Reagan for our side, don’t let him pick someone like Bush.

    The rule should be, whoever breaks through on our side as a political leader should pick successors MORE aggressive than they were.

    • #7 by Daniel Genseric on 03/04/2013 - 1:22 am

      And yet you and [more specifically] others repeatedly say that >I< am too aggressive. Interesting… Please tell me more.

      'The' rule should be, should we adopt such a thing, "Hold NOTHING back when speaking the truth about white genocide."

      The way you can measure if your work is unfinished is if you look around the room and see that there is one person – yes, just one person – who still feels "comfy" after making your points. Seek that man out and put him on his heels.

      Until then you have miles to go before I sleep.

      • #8 by Fred_Richthofen on 03/04/2013 - 2:56 am

        “Too aggressive,” eh?

        I recall a story from a History of Scotland I read years ago. Someone can correct me if they know the details. It was the Covenanters defending Scotland against England. The Covenanters were a group being led around by ministers who felt that it was their duty to “interpret the Covenant between Scotland and Jehovah.”

        These ministers started purging men from the army who were not Godly enough or too aggressive. The more they lost in battle, the more they purged their army of these “bad” men. They figured that it was the wrath of God for not being pious enough.

        The way the book phrased it “they were left with minister’s sons, clerks, and such other sanctified creatures.” Needless to say, Scotland was conquered.

        As long as we’re not destroying our own, I don’t think we can ever be too aggressive with our work.

        • #9 by Jason on 03/04/2013 - 3:43 am

          I am for actually BEING aggressive rather than just LOOKING aggressive. How aggressive you APPEAR should be determined by your goals at the time. In some situations it can be to your advantage to look more formidable then you actually are. Other times you want to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Just depends.

          I’m reminded of the Trojan Horse. It looked friendly, right? Not remotely aggressive. But that “gift” was the most aggressive act in that that war.

      • #10 by Jason on 03/04/2013 - 3:34 am

        For me, this line from Bob a few days ago sums it up:

        “… there are points that are very important for us to KNOW but which our discipline does not allow us to discuss.”

        I am for effective propaganda .

        Right now, the Mantra is enough. Creating a public discussion of White Genocide is THE goal … right now.

        I have seen tough talk with regard to race, especially when it was just a group of Whites alone. But none of it accomplished anything. It was “venting” as Bob says. The anti-Whites just kept on winning in the real world, while the pro-Whites blew off steam, acted all scary and LOST.

        THAT is my problem with it. I think it is counter-productive propaganda. It isn’t a desire to spare the feelings of anybody on the other side, it is a desire to REACH Whites and get past their brainwashing.

        Whites should see us (or future pro-White spokesmen) as people they can look up to, trust, depend on … see as protectors. As people who are level-headed.

        Right now, when Whites see a klansman or a neonazi, they see someone who is likely to HURT THEM! Few White women say, “I am in trouble, if only there was a skinhead here to help me”. May not be fair, but there it is.

        Some of this is the fault of these various groups from the past. They went out of their way to CULTIVATE a scary and intimidating image, I assume because it was a thrill. I understand William Pierce bought Resistance Records and brought a lot of skinheads in, but then found them totally unmanageable. Pierce didn’t wind up with a favorable image of the “1488” crowd.

        When given a choice of doing something productive versus getting drunk and looking scary, they went for the latter.

        Let me be clear though, I understand how a young White person could drift into whatever organizations were around that said they were pro-White. Radicals on the Left have been associated with actual terrorists and they have been forgiven. So, I am not for putting some scarlet letter on them.

        I AM for us remaining disciplined and intelligent, which is far more dangerous to our enemies than putting on a good show.

  6. #11 by Daniel Genseric on 03/04/2013 - 1:33 am

    “A country’s national media were totally ignorant of the people who had just won power!

    “Professional journalists,” my ass!” – Ole Bob

    It is no different now as they are totally ignorant of the fact that we are imposing terminology and slowly TAKING power.

    Baby steps.

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