The discussion is at:
Please note that all of the three or four commentators on White Genocide at MSNBC were colored.
Also please note that MSNBC used our best phrases up front, starting with Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans and White Countries for Everybody.
You have noticed that when white anti-white announcers talk about us, they scream the whole litany of hatred for pro-whites like a drunk Klansman with his to robe on inside out. The first part, which is all that interests me, was made by smiling colored announcers.
It didn’t smell of hatred, as white anti-white announcers would.
One of the announcers compared the Genocide Petition to other white reactions to race policy in the past, including the anti-busing movement.
In other words, this story cannot be compared to one put out by an anti-white white, left or right.
Those smiling coloreds are their replacements.
And they’re coming fast and are as unwilling to wait as the white traitors are to be replaced.
Race front and center terrifies and infuriates the sellout whites, so it is not at all unwelcome to the colored guys and gals coming along.
Like turncoat Southerners, the market has been vastly overloaded with whites selling hatred for whites for a long, long time.
How could one note this reality when he sees an all-powerful, perfectly united conspiracy?
#1 by cecilhenry on 03/10/2013 - 12:27 pm
How is this good for cause??
How can you have no whites on an issue that involves whites.
Its absurd actually.
Can you imagine that for an issue with blacks or other ‘minorities’.
#2 by FirstTube11100 on 03/10/2013 - 3:07 pm
“cecilhenry”, you are right that, a show segment discussing Whites that has no White people is a milestone indicator of how much White people have been marginalized in the last several decades.
#3 by dungeoneer on 03/10/2013 - 6:02 pm
Sorry, I must have misread your comment earlier, I don`t remember it being so pessimistic.You need to read the BUGS archives to appreciate where we`re coming from.
The tide of history is whites will be the powerful minority doing deals with self-interested non-whites, and the white traitors will be firmly under our thumbs. What`s not to like about that situation?
Even if it feels bad to you,since this is the reality we will be dealing with, should`nt we make the most of it by planning for it instead of crying into our beer or pretending it`s not happening?
#4 by FirstTube11100 on 03/10/2013 - 7:32 pm
I found this comment to be interesting. That is a valuable perspective.
#5 by dungeoneer on 03/10/2013 - 12:46 pm
“How could one note this reality when he sees an all-powerful, perfectly united conspiracy?”
Yes, and in that context the message “being allowed” to seep into the discourse is just a handful of bones nonchalantly thrown from the anti-white dining table for entertainment and ridicule value.
The cumulative effect of the seepage on the remaining white population is of no importance because we`re doomed!
#6 by dungeoneer on 03/10/2013 - 6:05 pm
This post of mine was sarcasm of the AMPW response to the MSNBC petition broadcast.
#7 by FirstTube11100 on 03/10/2013 - 3:36 pm
If I read between the lines, Mr. Whitaker, you are saying that non-White anti-Whites make for better opponents to debate, as they are not as angry. That would be a better environment for getting talking points out to the audience.
The natural instinct towards modesty might be the reason.
#8 by Conrad on 03/10/2013 - 4:53 pm
That this is mentioned ANYWHERE by anyone is good for our efforts. It’s another example of how our detractors or enemies cannot touch this without spreading it. This message should be everywhere, like the leaves of autumn.
After reading my little book, JACK’S WAR, one of the people that comments at this site, has asked me to continue adding the link for the book, so here it is.
Jack’s War
#9 by Bob on 03/10/2013 - 5:07 pm
The comments here show commenters are too used to Johnny Feelgood Fundraisers and attracting memberships.
What I tell you is the way things really are. You can moan about it or say it means All Is Lost.
Or you can live in the real world.
Go listen to the professional mourners and full-time optimists. Come on back if and when you are ready to get real.
#10 by dungeoneer on 03/10/2013 - 6:27 pm
I showed the broadcast to an elderly relative (she`s a bit older than you) who knows about my BUGS work.
She`s pleased with what we`re doing and her eyes lit up at the hearing of Africa for the Africans…but like the rest of her beaten down generation comes back to “But it`s too late”.
My response: “Don`t you worry, the white anti-white traitors are all washed up”
#11 by FirstTube11100 on 03/10/2013 - 8:28 pm
“Johnny Feelgood Fundraisers and attracting memberships”
Is this intended to be derisive? More bees are attracted by honey, sir. It’s silly to downplay memberships. I might agree with the Johnny Feelgood fundraiser part. If you have been reading my comments, you will see a more balanced perspective, not entirely un-attatched to the fact that I have finally found something that directly works against my people’s geNOcide.
If you want to put your footdown like that, far be it from me to say otherwise. But I won’t be quiet when the leader of this website goes against “attracting memberships”. That sounds like loose cannon talk, Mr. Whitaker. Attracting memberships to the consistant message is what we want.
#12 by OldBlighty on 03/10/2013 - 9:00 pm
Are you going to respond to every single comment here?
Why not write just one well thought out comment, that is not entirely reactionary in nature?
Or do you enjoy chasing cars, barking loudly?
#13 by OldBlighty on 03/10/2013 - 9:30 pm
“Attracting memberships to the consistant message is what we want.”
You are obviously new here.
Bob has consistently said for Years, Every membership organization ends up Existing, only to perpetuate itself.
Membership Organizations are about collecting money and doing whatever it takes, to keep that money flowing in. Whatever it takes, means changing their message to become “politically correct”/anti-White.
BUGS is not a membership organization, it is about a Message and it will never change that message because of money.
#14 by Lord Nelson on 03/10/2013 - 6:28 pm
So the usual White Anti-White media professionals got thrown under the bus by MSNBC. What’s not to like?
#15 by FirstTube11100 on 03/10/2013 - 6:57 pm
Yes, and it’s probably because they would be too shrill on the topic, or, unpredictable.
But, it is a sign of how much that one side of the American politicial spectrum has been co-opted by non-White ethnic interest groups. It’s a sign or a symptom of an unhealthy nation, and that poor health is the reason for the oppression of normal White people.
“What’s not to like?” would only make sense if you were a “let it burn” type. Which I didn’t know if you were or weren’t.
#16 by FirstTube11100 on 03/10/2013 - 7:33 pm
On second blush… yours and “dungeoneer”‘s comments have a similar theme. Hmmm….
#17 by OldBlighty on 03/10/2013 - 9:34 pm
I think I have misunderstood you. Ignore my previous insults. I am used to talking to anti-Whites.
#18 by OldBlighty on 03/10/2013 - 9:05 pm
White Anti-Whites, getting Exactly what Bob has said they would always get – Being kicked to the curb, by the non-Whites they champion, is “just awful” in your opinion.
So an old guard perennial loser like yourself, is mourning the demise of our enemies right now…
Just when you guys were beginning to win them over. The White anti-Whites were just beginning to love and respect you. Sure they were… lol
#19 by daedalus on 03/10/2013 - 7:19 pm
What is highlighted is that -as noted by Whitaker some time back- Tonto does not need Lone Ranger.
Tonto believes he be owning tha wurrld.
Forget Occidental this and Storm that, pay attention to people in your world and plan what things to do. My street block is filled with Tontos.
#20 by Jason on 03/10/2013 - 11:44 pm
Yep, Tonto is demanding not only a seat at the table but to hold the reins. This is what the old school WNs could never understand.
#21 by Dave on 03/10/2013 - 10:31 pm
You can call it sociopathic or psychopathic it doesn’t matter. It is simply the deformity of the criminal perspective that can’t see others in accurate relation.
The characterization of “deformity” is correct, but a thoroughgoing description would necessarily be voluminous. Then there is the crucible of hatred and resentment that can cause criminal deformity, but sometimes not.
Criminality does not necessarily rise from resentment and hate. Being lured into committing crimes is ordinary, especially when wrongful conduct is clothed in mainstream acceptability. Wrongful conduct and wordist justification go hand in hand, but often it is even more banal, people doing what they perceive they have no choice but to do.
Ordinary people plagued with dread are more trustworthy. Those who understand the implications of their dread are the most trustworthy. Dread is an antidote to wordist justification.
To witness real justice is rare for there is rarely real justice. But real justice does transpire and when it does it is roundly condemned. In fact, I have never witnessed one instance of real justice that wasn’t condemned. Not once.
The authenticity of the anti-white ideological commitment is suspect, particularly among anti-white whites. If the moral commitments of anti-whites were authentic, anti-white whites would be easier to cope with.
But anti-white whites are part of the much larger problem of criminal conduct as a whole. I have known vicious criminals who lived their entire lives, believing, believing without doubt, that they never committed even one crime, ever. Amazing, but true. These are the worst kind of criminals and they are everywhere. Count the anti-white whites among them.
#22 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/10/2013 - 10:56 pm
I haven’t had a working TV in many years, so I’m hoping someone will answer these questions for me (I didn’t get far with them googling)
What kind of show is the show that that clip is from? It seems to be a “News discussion” show. What is the name of the show? Is that (looks white to me (?)) woman always the host? What is her name? is she white or black? Is it a show for the general audience (I assume it is), or beamed more toward blacks? Is “The Twilight Zone” an ongoing segment of the show? What is the relevance of the name “Martin Bashir” that was printed on the screen for all or much of the show?
This clip may as well have come from Mars to me, for all the context I was able to see it in.
In addition to Bob’s helpful comments, anything anyone can tell me about that show would be appreciated.
#23 by Jason on 03/10/2013 - 11:20 pm
It is Martin Bashir’s hour long news political show that comes on every day on MSNBC. He is Arabic I think (born in London perhaps). But he was not there that day.
The lady talking is Karen Finney, half black, half white. She used to work for Hillary Clinton. It’s MSNBC so the audience has been liberal White, but they’ve been having to put on a LOT more colored hosts, so the browner audience is demanding it.
If you’ve ever seen Hannity, this is kind of the Leftwing version of that. Chris Matthews has a show that comes on right after it. It’s a string of liberal shows.
They are no where near Fox’s audience but they are bigger than CNN in ratings.
#24 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/11/2013 - 12:28 am
Thanks, Jason, that helps a lot. So the show is a bigger deal than I realized…the segment was so incredibly shallow that I assumed the show was not top of the line.
(And that lady sure looked white to me…now I’m curious to go back and look again!)
I’m hoping the same kind of folks are running We the People. But I want to see how (or if) the media reacts if we can get many thousands of initials added monthly to the “petitions.” I’m thinking that would make this a very large story, either in regular media or at least on the Net. Despite the co-existing urge to ignore it.
Hopefully we’ll get to see.
#25 by Gar5 on 03/11/2013 - 12:35 am
Great work on the petitions HD, I’ve been keeping up with your threads on Stormfront.
You’re bugging the anti-mantra people, but you are sure getting the message out there 🙂
#26 by dungeoneer on 03/11/2013 - 12:51 am
Agreed, I may have some issues with your presentation and style sometimes HD, but your work rate on the petitions has been exemplary.
#27 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/11/2013 - 1:04 am
Lol! Substitute “swarming” for “petitions,” and I would say the same about you, dungeoneer. We have some sort of personality clash, or style clash, but we’re both on the same team, and that’s what matters. Cheers, and onward!
#28 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/11/2013 - 1:32 am
Thanks, Gar5. I think at last I’m worn out with SF, as far as any sizable emotional involvement. There’s just so little there for us. I’ll keep two petition threads going there though, one that promotes our main petition #1 that will be repeated every month….some bugsters have said correctly I think that just ONE petition has some appeal that several at the same time don’t have…and a second thread that promotes all the petitions.
I want to get out into the mainstream and make spreading the petitions part of normal swarming posts, if that seems to be doable. I’ll be on the hunt for sites with very large white audiences. I figure whites there won’t be as soaked in fear and paranoia as pro-whites are, and won’t be afraid of being sent to the Petition Signers FEMA Camp
The two permanent SF threads:
#29 by dungeoneer on 03/10/2013 - 11:02 pm
HD: ” Is that (looks white to me (?))woman always the host? ”
If Ole Bob with his eyesight can see that`s a non-white what`s your excuse HD?
Is it the medication you`re on? (which type of medication is that you`re taking?)
Your other questions are easily googled.
#30 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/11/2013 - 12:07 am
What the hell is wrong with you lately? Screw you, dungeoneer. Get yourself straightened out, and until then leave me the fuck alone. I don’t like crazies.
#31 by dungeoneer on 03/11/2013 - 12:44 am
Simple questions HD, you admitted elsewhere to needing medication for psychological reasons yes or no?
So I`m entitled to ask if your eyesight is maybe affected by that as a consequence as it could be critical information the team needs to know.
#32 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/11/2013 - 1:15 am
I’m not prescribed any medication for psychological reasons, but I have some medication prescribed for a physical condition that I sometimes take for psychological reasons if I get too far gone. It doesn’t affect my eyesight. I get colds if I take even a sip of alcohol, so that’s off limits to me when I need a little chemical help.
I was just looking at some images of Karen Finney…in most she looked completely white to me, but in a few she was as brown as Obama. I was surprised when I came to those! I assume that for that TV show they make her look as white as possible so that it won’t look like the blacks have completely taken over? Who knows, I sure don’t. Any exposure to all of those people make me feel like I’m viewing Idiocracy II.
#33 by Gar5 on 03/11/2013 - 1:03 am
To be fair dungeoneer, I flipped through the youtube video quickly and didn’t pay much attention to who was saying it, as more to what was said. I have reasonable eyesight and forgot who they were, it was just a lapse in short term memory.
When I looked back at the video I saw the woman was a high-caste looking Indian or somewhere there.
Anyway, let’s leave this discussion for now because it probably will turn into a “who’s White” argument.
#34 by RobRoy on 03/10/2013 - 11:53 pm
Tonto is no longer the Lone Ranger’s faithful colored companion.
#35 by backbaygrouch on 03/11/2013 - 2:32 am
This belongs in the context ofthe secession petitions. It did not do very well outside of the MSNBC piece. It did not meet the threshhold of 25,000 signatures by a long shot, a very long shot.
There were secession petitions from all 50 states. Many reached the 25,000 level and a small number got over 100,000. I can not find the promised WH responses on the site. Down the Ol’ Memory Hole I guess.
This piggyback on the secession movement was welcome, however. It likely helped the panic in the the anti-White camp. Their real answer is: Shut Up. You’re not allowed to speak, and you didn’t.
Before the January petitions WH policy was:
“AS OF OCTOBER 3, 2011:
To cross the first threshold and be searchable within, a petition must reach 150 signatures within 30 days.
To cross the second threshold and require a response, a petition must reach 25,000 signatures within 30 days.”
After the petition WH policy has become:
“AS OF JANUARY 15, 2013:
To cross the first threshold and be searchable within, a petition must reach 150 signatures within 30 days.
To cross the second threshold and require a response, a petition must reach 100,000 signatures within 30 days.
The Terms of Participation were updated on January 15, 2013.”
Anti-Whites are scared. All they can say is, “Shut up.,” or “You don’t exist.” The Silence. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia airbrush. They are running scared. Make them more afraid. Post the Mantra today.
#36 by ioannes on 03/11/2013 - 9:21 am
While I do post the manta along with minis and record once in while in the swarm sections; I do not post much in the comments section of Bobs blog. In reading the above comments, inspired me to make a comment.
I have been posting the mantra for what I am guessing is four or more years now. When I first posted the mantra, there were anti-whites that would try to use the obvious tricks but they would go away. In other sites, posted mantra response would get cricket sounds.
After watching the MSNBC Video, I knew that what we were doing is working. We are kicking the anti-whites in the groin and in their anti-white brains; at the same time pointing out the results of their anti-white religion.
Just recently, I went back to a newspaper site that I had posted mantra concepts 3 years earlier. On racial stories, the LTE’s and the comments were not about smearing the whites. The LTR’s and comments were about smearing the political correctness officer. The anti-whites were rabid, bringing out new smear words that was even new for the anti-whites. They (anti-whites) were asking the question, “where all of the cut and pasting was coming from?”
Detractors of the mantra can say all they want. We are legion.
#37 by Jason on 03/11/2013 - 10:12 am
Yes, thank you. I am awestruck in admiration for you Early Adopters of the Mantra. If it wasn’t for you, the rest of us wouldn’t have got here.
#38 by seapea on 03/11/2013 - 12:26 pm
I would have to agree w/ Jason. To the early adopters, THANK YOU.
– seapea
#39 by Bob on 03/11/2013 - 9:26 am
Thank you, ioannes!