Archive for March 13th, 2013

Ioannes Gets Us Back to the Point


In discussing the MSNBC commentary, we started far from the point and it got worse.

I did too.

But Ioannes turned the tide by  reminding us this was a hard-earned victory for our methods:

“While I do post the manta along with minis and record once in a while in the swarm sections; I do not post much in the comments section of Bob’s blog.
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“But reading the above comments inspired me to make one.

“I have been posting the mantra for what I am guessing is four or more years now. When I first posted the mantra, there were anti-whites that would try to use the obvious tricks but they would go away. In other sites, posted mantra response would get cricket sounds.

“After watching the MSNBC Video, I knew that what we were doing is working. We are kicking the anti-whites in the groin and in their anti-white brains; at the same time pointing out the results of their anti-white religion.

“Just recently, I went back to a newspaper site that I had posted mantra concepts 3 years earlier. On racial stories, the LTE’s and the comments were not about smearing the whites. The LTR’s and comments were about smearing the political correctness officer. The anti-whites were rabid, bringing out new smear words that were even new for the anti-whites. They (anti-whites) were asking the question, ‘Where is all the cutting and pasting was coming from?’

“Detractors of the mantra can say all they want. We are Legion.”


