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Conservative MEANS Failure!

Posted by Bob on March 25th, 2013 under Coaching Session

One commenter pointed out that every type of “conservatism” has failed.

Great deduction, Dick Tracy!

Calling oneself a conservatism means supporting the side which opposes change.   It also means you claim to know what you are opposing, i.e., the changes that are GOING to take place.  If you get your nose out of philosophy books and look at the basic logic, it is oxymoronic that a “conservative” is by definition holding on til he loses.

If the present staff of National Review were sitting at a table with the magazine’s own founders and a group of liberals, they would outliberal the liberals.  As I keep repeating, the official stand of all paycheck conservatives is that everything liberal was glorious, especially integration and immigration, until on or about January, 1971.

The only difference is that they denounce “reactionaries” and “racists” more loudly than do liberals and they demand all disagreement be shouted down or outlawed.    The only national columnist to praise long sentences in Europe for Holocaust deniers was William Buckley. photo buckley-vidal_zps480e9eb4.jpg

The media have naturally become used to this oxymoron, that “conservative” means loser, just delaying progressive politics.   After blocking any openly “conservative” discourse, useful idiots with this label became part of the system: A “progressive” program becomes unquestionable in the media when “both sides” endorse it.

Nonetheless, it is important to note that the Hate Laws Buckley endorsed are now being questioned despite his deathbed veto on all opposition.

  1. #1 by Dave on 03/25/2013 - 9:37 am

    Conservatives are dogs who chase after sticks.

    They worship the sticks they run after. They praise the sticks they run after. They are utterly obsessed with the sticks their masters throw for them to run after.

    And just like nonwhites, they think a baboon king, who worships the sticks thrown their way the way they worship the sticks thrown, will be their salvation.

    They are not only “useful idiots”. They are just plain idiots in the true sense of the word.

  2. #2 by Asgardian117 on 03/25/2013 - 11:12 am

    Ya know it KILLS ME tht these talking heads like o’reily and hannity KNOW wht is happening and THEY know they could expose it n blow the whole thing sky high, but they dont they ignore it all for a paycheck…very disapointing to say the least.

  3. #3 by Dave on 03/25/2013 - 12:09 pm


    You are missing a point here: O’Reilly and Hannity are ORIENTAL thinkers. It isn’t that they are “selling out” for a pay check. They truly believe the heavens “favor” the progressives.

    The paychecks they receive are proof of that favor.

    We are fighting a Religion. That Religion is guided by a prophecy and that prophecy is the litany of “inevitables” that are the orthodoxy of our times regarding “human progress”.

    O’Reilly and Hannity believe in this prophecy wholeheartedly and there is nothing cynical in them at all. They merely dispute the details of the “inevitables” with their fellow believers. When O’Reilly and Hannity carry on about the Left, this is the “Left wing” of the same Congregation and the same Church and the same Religion they wholeheartedly endorse and fervently believe in. It is THEIR CHURCH, make no mistake about it.

    Robert Whitaker, in contrast, is a heretic. He doesn’t believe in “human progress”. He sees prophecy for what it is: a tool of real politics. Robert Whitaker’s political astuteness is miles ahead of Hannity or O’Reilly who are blind. Hannity and O’Reilly are truly stupid people. In the field of real politics they are dead. They don’t have a chance. They don’t have a clue as to what is really going on.

    • #4 by Asgardian117 on 03/25/2013 - 4:50 pm

      Ahhh i get you…they actually believe this crap…no wonder why they are swinging from israels sack hmm thnk u for making it clear im still new at this

  4. #5 by daedalus on 03/25/2013 - 3:32 pm

    Check out Mindweapons blog, seem to use Whitaker’s
    ‘pacheck conservative’ meme, with an added
    twist of the knife: ‘Conservatism, Inc.’

    And the ‘professional, incorporated White Anti-Whites are ticked off!’

    The gravy train is ending.
    And Slate mag thinks White Men are for squeezing money from … waahhh!! … and it ain’t gonna work much longer … the Incorporated Conservatives are drowning.
    And they want to conserve White Hatred.

    • #6 by FirstTube11100 on 03/25/2013 - 4:02 pm

      Thank you for bringing up those developments…

      “Pink rabbits gotta go!”

  5. #7 by Jason on 03/25/2013 - 6:12 pm

    By the way, Bob and others, we need the best answer to the following question we keep getting. The anti-Whites will say:

    “Who is behind this White Genocide? If you can’t point to specific perpetrators, then it isn’t a crime of genocide”.

    We had one Anti-White go off into a technical argument about Crimes against Humanity VS Genocide, and how Genocide requires the acts be directed by someone, so WHO is directing it.

    Everyone on our side did a great job of avoiding that, but I feel like it’s a temptation for some of us to pick up and tailgate on if we don’t have a good solid, general answer to dismiss the question.

    Maybe it’s already been developed.

    Sorry for interrupting the thread.

    • #8 by Asgardian117 on 03/25/2013 - 7:31 pm

      Hmmmmm thats a good question. I usually reply with “white politicians are enabling these anti white policies”

    • #9 by jo3w on 03/25/2013 - 7:55 pm

      I got that question once and answered, “White Politicians…Russians (Stalin) genocided Russians, Chinese (Mao) genocided Chinese, now White Politicians are genociding whites, it’s a pattern.” The anti-white never brought it up again. Without White anti-whites, there would be no need for BUGS.

    • #10 by OldBlighty on 03/25/2013 - 10:42 pm

      Posted in wrong place.

    • #11 by OldBlighty on 03/25/2013 - 10:45 pm

      “Who is behind this White Genocide? If you can’t point to specific perpetrators, then it isn’t a crime of genocide”.

      Come on Jason, you should know the answer to that one. Of course the answer is Responsibility.

      Here’s an example of what I say to the anti-White:

      What? You are saying YOU don’t support massive immigration and forced integration, for all White countries and only White countries? You don’t support all White countries turning into non-White countries? You are campaigning for this every day and then you have the gall to ask, WHO is Responsible?

      Of course anti-White, YOU are responsible for your own actions regarding White GENOCIDE and you will be made to answer for them one day.

      Jason, the Key Word here is Responsibility.

      “Liberals” have the mental maturity of children and the word Responsibility is Garlic to them, so use it.

      • #12 by Jason on 03/25/2013 - 11:33 pm

        That’s good. I like turning it back on them. I am just unsatisfied with my responses today on that issue.

        Maybe it’s an off day for me, but somehow I sense a couple of the anti-Whites thought they had something to run with that we totally shut down. Actually, we did – I would just like a more succinct response.

        Those short sword thrusts are the best.

        Usually anti-Whites go away or change the subject, but this one would not shut up on the same line – he THOUGHT he had something.

        On the Mantra Girls video, they did something similar – they bombarded it with tons of technical questions. Of course, it is obvious what they are doing, but we need a sort response to crush it.

  6. #13 by FirstTube11100 on 03/26/2013 - 2:06 am

    The headline is quite brazen, though I don’t find myself disagreeing.

    “Conservative vs. liberal” is really using the Leftist’s vocabulary. “Conservative” suggests boring or recalcitrant. And, “liberal” suggests generous and free. You can look in the Bible, “liberal” is considered positive.

    For one, I don’t use the terms often, and only as a filler word if nothing else is coming to mind. I like “classical liberal” for those who would paint themselves as Constitutionalists, which derails the whole Democrat’s claim to the term. What I have seen, Mr. Whitaker, is that those on the Right who know how to sell their ideas will refer to themselves as right-wing, or as they say at the immensely pleasurable AlternativeRight website, “traditionalist” and “radical traditionalist”.

  7. #14 by Jason on 03/26/2013 - 4:46 am

    I overheard o a conservative this weekend who said there was nothing to be done about the flood of non-Whites coming into the country. He said we just need to learn to adjust to this “new reality”.

    His tone was one that suggested he could figure out how to play this new game and we should quit worrying about it.

    I was reminded later of Bob’s statement about reservations for Indians, and how the Anti-Whites CANNOT allow us to have our own space, anywhere on earth. That is what Whites need to understand. The ongoing program is genocide and the endgame is the total end of Whites.

  8. #15 by Jason on 03/26/2013 - 7:06 am

    By the way, for those who haven’t yet, GET Bob’s last book. It’s on Amazon and for less than $9 plus shipping. That costs less than 4 gallons of gas.

    And if you are new, have a field day with the search function on this site. Look up God, Jesus, Lincoln, Rome, Satan, whatever, and you will find a wealth of information from a perspective you’ve never seen.

    Search the site and Buy the book. It puts a LOT in proper perspective and actually teaches you HOW to think about these issues.

  9. #16 by Daniel Genseric on 03/26/2013 - 7:37 am

    Boy 1: What’s that?

    Boy 2: Some cereal, ‘posed to be good for you. Let’s get Mikey. He won’t eat it. He hates everything. He Likes it! Hey, Mikey!

    Wonk: What’s that there?

    Wonk 2: Social Engineering. ‘Posed to be good for you.
    Give racistnaziholocau$tdenier to Buckley. He hates everybody.

    Wonk 1 and Wonk 2: He really LIKE$ it!


  10. #17 by Bob on 03/26/2013 - 2:01 pm

    Jason, answering who is responsible is pure tailgating.

    • #18 by Frank on 03/26/2013 - 11:55 pm

      Bob, what you just said is a revelation.

      Naming who stole the goods you left on the table doesn’t deal with the problem; but just gets one involved in more words.

      When the guy in front of you taps his brakes, the solution isn’t to follow him more closely, to tailgate him, but to hit the gas and pass him.

  11. #19 by Alice Teller on 03/26/2013 - 4:49 pm

    My I offer both an example of who is doing it to us and an excellent example of our future? Tavis Smiley on PBS ran an interview with the head of the LA school district in which he openly predicts our future.

    The kids in L.A. are not competing for jobs with kids in Compton; they’re competing with kids in China. They’re not competing for jobs with kids in Inglewood, it’s India. This is very much a global society. Not only just entrance into post-secondary, but simple job market.

    The economic viability of this state and this country are inextricably linked to public education. I don’t joke when I said L.A. is America, only sooner. We are coming to a hometown near you. We look like this country is going to look, and we had best figure this out, and figure this out on the rights of kids first.”

    transcript here:

    • #20 by Frank on 03/26/2013 - 11:24 pm

      Nice to see you here, Alice. I realize you can no longer comment at TOO. Nobody can. What led you to come to the only place where White Genocide is actually being dealt with in real terms?

      • #21 by Alice Teller on 03/27/2013 - 11:55 am

        Thanks, Frank. I admit that I was initially skeptical about the mantra. I am, however, pragmatic and rarely argue with success. You guys have done a wonderful job. I learned to respect Jason’s judgement and good sense as displayed at TOO and followed his lead.

        I also read an interesting piece by anthropologists which pointed out the the vast majority of people do not examine everything intellectually, they simply accept the clues given by the culture on the assumption that the culture wishes them well. Obvious once stated but I can be dense at times. Bob is far wiser than I.

  12. #22 by Peter Cottontail on 03/26/2013 - 8:38 pm

    Jason :
    By the way, Bob and others, we need the best answer to the following question we keep getting. The anti-Whites will say:
    “Who is behind this White Genocide? If you can’t point to specific perpetrators, then it isn’t a crime of genocide”.

    Jason, insert the name of any crime in the place of the word genocide and think of how silly that question is. (Imagine cars disappearing from a specific parking lot every day and someone saying, “Who is behind this auto theft? If you can’t point to specific perpetrators, then it isn’t a crime of auto theft”.)

    Tailgating is beneath us.

    • #23 by OldBlighty on 03/27/2013 - 5:27 am

      Peter says:
      “(Imagine cars disappearing from a specific parking lot every day and someone saying, “Who is behind this auto theft? If you can’t point to specific perpetrators, then it isn’t a crime of auto theft”.)”

      What is funny, is it is exactly the same as a car thief saying that, while they are in the act of stealing our car.

      Anti-Whites are very stupid people.

  13. #24 by Frank on 03/26/2013 - 11:20 pm

    While in this broadcast, there is tailgating in the sense of “answering who” … it’s good to see many, many mentions of White Genocide, Anti-White and even Robert Whitaker.

    But they aren’t letting Bob get in the way of the message.

    Around the 2-hour mark, thereabouts, but everywhere …

    • #25 by Frank on 03/26/2013 - 11:31 pm

      @ about 2:09:00 into the above linked program, referring to BUGS site: “It’s too bad he doesn’t have a more navigable website, but he has the right idea”.

      Funny, I’ve never had a problem navigating this site. But of course, “Back on planet earth … ” those engaged in EFFECTIVE practical politics never let “navigation” interfere with ACTION.

      • #26 by Jason on 03/27/2013 - 12:15 am

        Yes, to the extent that this site isn’t flashy, that keeps the non-serious away. If that is barrier to them being here, then they would be more trouble than they are worth.

        Which relates back to a point Bob made a while back about flooding a group with members as a technique to water down the influence of the truly informed (if I remember the point correctly).

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