Archive for April 22nd, 2013
Sunday Meanderings for My Day of Rest
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 04/22/2013
My Sunday Meanderings
Definitions from the Martian Dictionary:
“Fascists call all disagreement Communist. Communists call all disagreement Nazi.
“Oriental – noun – a member of one of the non-green races.”
“Female — A pleasantly lumpy human.”
“Dictatorship — noun — “one man, one vote,” where the man is specified.
“Hard vacuum — noun — The softest thing in the universe.
Rush Hour — A time and place where nobody rushes.
“Democracy — A society where the people think they rule.
“Franks — A people who had a lot of Gaul.
“Objectivity — The opinion of the one guy in the room who has a gun.
“Truth — See “Objectivity.”
“Defeat — A noun for losers, a verb for winners.
“Jewish — Something a little bit red is called reddish, something just a bit blue is bluish. So calling an Orthodox Rabbi “Jewish” is really strange.
“Religion — Either Ultimate Truth or the world’s largest and oldest protection racket.
“Englishman — A German trying to be a Frenchman.
“Prophetic — Ben Franklin said that the proper symbol for America was the turkey, and he died when the Federal Government was only a year old.”
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