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Sunday Meander

Posted by Bob on April 29th, 2013 under Coaching Session

Hate — The other side’s “motivation.”

Immigration — All nations are created by immigration.   All nations are destroyed by immigration.

Temperance — The opposite of both heavy drinking and teetotaling. photo immigration_zpsbf635988.jpg

Bravery = Recklessness + Luck

Reporter – A person whose whole goal life is spent trying to get information first that the whole world would have known within a hour if he had never been born.

Idealists — The fanatics on your side.

Modern — Becoming dated

Paranoid — Something that people keep calling me behind my back

Perfection — One hundred on a second grade spelling test.

Judicial matters — That which ignorant people constantly mislabel as “constitutional issues.”

Secession — A right which saved the Soviet Republics and might have saved the American States.

Right — Something one can do despite the fact that it bothers others and is dangerous.


  1. #1 by Jason on 04/29/2013 - 2:53 am

    Immigration — All nations are created by immigration. All nations are destroyed by immigration.

    Yes! Depends on who the immigrants are.

    Secession — A right which saved the Soviet Republics and might have saved the American States

    Next time someone tells me the legality of secession was settled in 1865, I’m going to tell him he is outdated. A new, more civilized precedent was set by the USSR in 1991.

  2. #2 by Asgardian117 on 04/29/2013 - 6:20 am

    Bob in your definition of secession you said it MIGHT be something that could HAVE saved the american states…the words MIGHT and HAVE. That seems like a past tense reference in your opinion is america to far gone?

  3. #3 by Jason on 04/29/2013 - 9:18 am

    My Sunday meander if I may. I found Bob’s article on why Ayn Rand and Robert Welsh were such a big deal back in the 1950s very interesting. This was a time when there were nothing but liberals on TV. Bob compared Buckley getting on TV (Jack Paar) to David Duke being on O’reilly.

    Change has been dramatic. Ayn Rand is everywhere. Conservatives to the right of Buckley have long since been on TV (mostly sellouts, but still more conservative).

    The idea of having an entire “conservative” network like Fox was unthinkable (as cruddy as it is). Back in the 80s and 90s, CNN was the most conservative thing on (I remember watching crossfire in high school and being thrilled at ANY strong attack from the Right). So, things do change.

    As shocking as it is to imagine, someday there will be major TV personalities that are pro-White. And maybe a White TV network.

    The challenge will be to make sure they aren’t a Hannity version of a pro-White. By the way, “conservative” doesn’t really describe me these days.

    • #4 by Asgardian117 on 04/29/2013 - 11:57 am

      I like optimism, however fox news,cnn,msnbc its all pre scripted it gives the masses that are asses what they WANT to hear. If fox news were TRUE conservatives they would speak the truth. Fox news was created to quell the displaced majority of whites it makes whites feel good, it was meant to pacify people like us.

    • #5 by jo3w on 04/29/2013 - 1:18 pm

      Just like conservatives have allowed thier position to be moved on immigration, yours has been moved with your statement,”maybe one day there will be a white tv station”
      For immigration the question is not legal vs. illegal immigration. It’s legal immigration vs. no immigration at all. The question shouldn’t be “should there be a white tv station”, the question is why is there anything other than white tv stations in a white country. Please don’t settle for a white tv station and think something has been won. A white tv station would be your consolation prize if you lose.

  4. #6 by shari on 04/29/2013 - 11:38 am

    “right-something one can do despite the fact that it bothers others and is dangerous”

    Despite its not being a good sunday school boy or girl and they think you are wrong.

  5. #7 by Asgardian117 on 04/29/2013 - 12:20 pm

    Can anyone imagine where we would be as a race in america if fox news never came to be? We would be in a VERY different place. They have blinded and confused many normal white people as to what has really happened. Hanninty comes in like a white knight on his steed and ppl fall for it, they dance, shuffle and juke and jive around the problem but they NEVER get to it NEVER. All they do is deflect any real questions they would rather focus on rappers and marco rubio. This channel is a farce it gives whites the impression tht tht thy have a voice when all its doing is leading them down a dark dark road

    • #8 by jo3w on 04/29/2013 - 12:44 pm

      In one of my recent non mantra posts I compared the GOP with the Washington Generals basketball team. Who is that you ask! It was the fake opponet for the Harlem Globetrotters. The things the Globetrotters do would be considered insane if you tried to employ them in a game of basketball, but the Washington Generals fell for every trick and made the Globetrotters appear very effective. That was the whole show; if there was no opponet then the tricks would be mildly entertaining at best.

  6. #9 by jo3w on 04/29/2013 - 12:54 pm

    I think that one of the best arguments for our view is the world showcase at Epcot in Disney World. If you have never been, it’s a huge loop with about a dozen diffrent countries represented in architecture and culture. One of the best things is that in the Chinese area, there are actual Chinese! In Italy, Italians, Germany has real authentic Germans and so forth. It is a worldwide attraction BECAUSE the people and cultures are segregated. Frankly I’m surprised some leftist group hasn’t tried to protest this. People commonly can’t understand that France is not French because its in the land of France. It’s French because of the people!!!!!

  7. #10 by Asgardian117 on 04/29/2013 - 2:01 pm

    This is way off topic but i am very interested in bobs opinion on golden dawn.

  8. #11 by c-bear on 04/29/2013 - 11:09 pm

    Not only are brown countries poor, but they are also corrupt and dangerous. America is becoming poor, corrupt, and dangerous at the exact same rate that it is becoming brown. When I hear an anti-white politician blab on about “terrorism on our own soil” it makes me want to vomit.

  9. #12 by BGLass on 04/30/2013 - 9:10 am

    @ “By the way, “conservative” doesn’t really describe me these days.”

    You have to ask questions like WHAT EXACTLY does a person want to “conserve.”

    Most “Conservatives” (in caps) are trying to conserve an establishment paycheck, (which they live on, on other people), and OFTEN their faux “morality” (anti-abortion, “pro-family” and whatever little platform they are told to repeat so they can feel moral while they live on other people).

    The faux morality of the “Conservative” (in caps), is due in part to trying to cover up that they live on other people, (statistics show this is against the other people’s will, which used to be called theft).

    So, they are always defaming “the left” (since they want the money the left gets, too, which shows just how greedy they really are). And they backhandedly defame the Creative, productive, innovative souls (since they create the money that they have to get AWAY FROM THEM to live).

    Paycheck Conservatives are embarrassing. Just by exiting, they are announcing they had no personal mojo or juice. They are always copying other people.

    They are at their funniest when they are moral “homeschoolers” and such— sitting around moralizing about the stupid public school people they, themselves, impoverish. Or when “oh-so-morally” adopt blonde intelligent children from the very people they impoverished, and so on.

    They are real “pieces of work” these Conservatives.

    So, it’s very important to ask each time, WHAT EXACTLY ON EARTH do you think you are “conserving?”

    And if you live on others to make your own little life cushier, and impoverish people who were smarter, more creative, innovative, productive (etc), then you’re just a Shyster, aren’t you?

    The Cognitive Dissonance involved in the “pro-War” party being the “pro-Life” party—- is the biggest joke on the face of the earth.

  10. #13 by BGLass on 04/30/2013 - 9:19 am

    War is life! Death is life!

    Both the Warfare Paychecks and the Welfare Paychecks have many PSAs (public service announcements) to convince themselves and any others that they are SOOOO necessary and important.

    Good question: Um… does you JOB get lots of t.v. commercials, and adverts before movies showing the “public” how necessary you are, how much others should pay for you, that you also rate getting lots of volunteerism too?

    There are no commercials for poets, lol.

    Nor commercials for “truth radio!”

    No commercials saying that the Public Paycheck for honest people has been really nice, but now we’re doing a FOOD DRIVE for them too!!! Or collecting coats!!! Or putting together fancy boxes of do-dads!!! Or making little colored plastic bracelets!!!

    If someone has done these things for you, maybe you should take a look in a mirror (and don’t be too hard on yourself, as there’s not much else to do, lol)

    Warfare-Welfare Paychecks see adverts about how great they are all day long…

  11. #14 by Harumphty Dumpty on 05/01/2013 - 4:31 am

    You can add initials today to the May STOP WHITE GENOCIDE “petitions” that will be on public display at the White House as soon as they get 150 sets of initials:

  12. #15 by Bob on 05/01/2013 - 11:19 am

    Asgardian, what is Golden Dawn’s position on white genocide?

    • #16 by Asgardian117 on 05/01/2013 - 12:55 pm

      Well, they seem to have had enough of the displacement of their people in their ancestral homeland via forced non white immigration. That is what i get from their campagins and rallies, i have seen them speak and write of genocide of their people.

    • #17 by Asgardian117 on 05/01/2013 - 2:33 pm

      That was a dumb question i should not have asked it, i know they do not articulate our plight properly and that is all that matters, my apologies coach.

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