Archive for May 29th, 2013

Of Course “Racist” is Now a Hate Word!

The most routine things in our history, in our Traditional Values, is that the Christians who preached Love and Brotherhood and were persecuted were burning heretics alive when they took power.

Protestants took power in the name of True Love and Brotherhood and some Papists were dangling from the gallows.

The French Revolution took over in the name of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. They promptly adopted the Guillotine and began the Terror.

Communism killed at least sixty million people in the name of Love, Brotherhood, and Equality.

We all learned all that in grade school. photo chalkboard_zpsa26708f3. jpg

Yet not one single person on our side has pointed out that it is not a surprise that Love and Brotherhood in the name anti-racism has become a terror campaign. As with the Mantra, the most obvious truth that any literate person would have foreseen gets a universal “DUHHH!” from pro-whites.

OF COURSE racist is nothing but a hate word now. As soon as the Christian Institution took over Rome, “heathen” became a death sentence shouted by sadists.

Please absorb this simple reality. Please do not make comments on Martin Luther’s big toe.

Please try to see why pro-whites have been stagnant for two generations.

Racist is a hate word.
