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Of Course “Racist” is Now a Hate Word!

Posted by Bob on May 29th, 2013 under Coaching Session

The most routine things in our history, in our Traditional Values, is that the Christians who preached Love and Brotherhood and were persecuted were burning heretics alive when they took power.

Protestants took power in the name of True Love and Brotherhood and some Papists were dangling from the gallows.

The French Revolution took over in the name of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. They promptly adopted the Guillotine and began the Terror.

Communism killed at least sixty million people in the name of Love, Brotherhood, and Equality.

We all learned all that in grade school. photo chalkboard_zpsa26708f3. jpg

Yet not one single person on our side has pointed out that it is not a surprise that Love and Brotherhood in the name anti-racism has become a terror campaign. As with the Mantra, the most obvious truth that any literate person would have foreseen gets a universal “DUHHH!” from pro-whites.

OF COURSE racist is nothing but a hate word now. As soon as the Christian Institution took over Rome, “heathen” became a death sentence shouted by sadists.

Please absorb this simple reality. Please do not make comments on Martin Luther’s big toe.

Please try to see why pro-whites have been stagnant for two generations.

Racist is a hate word.

  1. #1 by Fred_Richthofen on 05/29/2013 - 7:47 am

    “Racist” is a Hate Word will soon become obvious to even those with the thickest skulls.

    One of the ways I gauge effectiveness is from seeing the reaction to it in person.

    When you hear the word “Racist” turn around and say “Racist is a Hate Word.” Usually they will look confused and they’re probably wondering if they heard you correctly. I would be curious to hear what sort of reactions this brings. I don’t know about everyone else here, but I like to gauge effectiveness by seeing a reaction.

    When I was given “Racist is a Hate Word” I felt like the smith (Bob) had hammered a steel edge onto my Viking shield. I’ve been using it along with “Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White” and it works well.

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White
    -Reaction: “you’re calling white people racist….” etc and many other complaints.

    “Racist” is a Hate Word
    It’s used to target a specific ethnic group.
    -No one asks me which ethnic group because they know who they’re using it against.

    “Racist” is a Hate Word
    It’s used to silence any White person who mentions White geNOcide.
    That’s why “anti-racist” is a codeword for anti-White
    -No one seems to argue with this yet.

    • #2 by Fred_Richthofen on 05/29/2013 - 7:55 am

      The reason I used the Viking shield analogy is because an anti-White actually accused me of using “anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White” as a shield to protect myself from being called “racist.”

      So the anti-White has admitted that “racist” is a weapon. I suppose he was complaining that his enemy now has a shield.

      I’m happy because my shield now has a steel edge.

  2. #3 by Asgardian117 on 05/29/2013 - 8:09 am

    According to the MSM and ACADEMIA, only whites can be racist. It carries heavy penalties such as loss of job, possible incarciration (god save emma west) and physical assualt (yes ppl feel justified in attacking someone merely accused of racism) pile all that on with it only being applicable to ONE race its no wonder they love to use it. Thats why racist is a HATEWORD.

  3. #4 by ErwinRommelRabbit on 05/29/2013 - 9:13 am

    Makes sense. What ELSE would you call a word that’s targeted at ONLY ONE group negatively? Nowhere else on earth that I can think of, has people targeted one group to call a Negative word and it NOT be considered a hate word. Except for whites when they are called “Racist”

    “Racist” is a hate word used against my race.

  4. #5 by Sentinel on 05/29/2013 - 9:36 am

    All that anti-Whites say about White people is Hate Speech. But we don’t demand their silence. We expose them to the audience.

    Anti-Whites demand Silence because they are liars.

    ”RACIST,” reads an inscribed tablet handed down from the Papacy of the Ivy Leagues. Mommy Professor’s glowing aura is actually just fluorescent lighting.

    ”You only say that because I’m White. Racist is a Hate Word.”

  5. #6 by Simmons on 05/29/2013 - 10:08 am

    Most people mistake the latest wordism for god, even our side.

    • #7 by jo3w on 05/29/2013 - 12:51 pm

      When we make significant progress, the cause will probably be consumed by people practicing wordism. We will still get the things we want, but they will have missed bobs whole point of wordism and universalism. It will be the latest wordism that benifits us. I think the masses are hard wired to think in such rigid terms that are many times spelled out for them.

  6. #8 by Asgardian117 on 05/29/2013 - 12:17 pm

    @simmons, what is the latest wordism?

    • #9 by Simmons on 05/29/2013 - 2:57 pm

      “Anti-racism”, equality ect. ect. And so our intellectuals participate in a how many angels on a pinhead debate when in truth it is all bunk and stupid

  7. #10 by Europe4Europeans on 05/29/2013 - 1:25 pm

    Indeed, the term ‘racist’ is a discriminatory term that is only directed at Whites and is therefore racist.

    Anti-whites say, “European colonialism was evil and racist!”

    I say, “Using your logic, wouldn’t that make post-colonial Asian/Muslim/African/Indian immigration and occupation of Europe/Canada/Australia/US evil and racist too?”

    Anti-white, ‘that’s different…”

    “You just said that European colonialism was evil and racist, but when Africans/Asians/Muslims/Indians immigrate to and occupy Europe it’s suddenly okay? That sounds as if you want Eurocide! European Genocide!”

    • #11 by Sentinel on 05/29/2013 - 1:59 pm

      ”…is only directed at Whites and is therefore racist.”

      I get the point, but you are engaging in wordism by re-using the very term you just deconstructed.

      They are anti-White. Period!

  8. #12 by Asgardian117 on 05/29/2013 - 2:28 pm

    The TRUTH is not wordism.

  9. #13 by ElectricWhiteRabbit on 05/29/2013 - 2:35 pm

    A good example of this would be in South Africa where the Black people would literally throw the word “racist” at you for ANYTHING.

    For example my dad caught this one Black guy littering out of his car, of course being my dad he approached him and asked him politely to pick up his trash, the Black guy got out his car including the group of his friends and proceeded to scream “racist” at my dad. Luckily my dad never got attacked, Usually they would stab or beat you to death in SA for being “racist. (They are anti-racist)

    They also seem to target one group and ONLY one group, White people. This proves that “anti-racist”=anti-White.

    In the US its seems to be the White anti-White throwing that hate word around.

  10. #14 by Cleric Preston on 05/29/2013 - 7:51 pm

    What I took away from this mornings seminar was that “Once power is attained the high minded ideals used to gain power go out the window”

    The end is often inconsistent with the means used to get there.

    Understanding that can be the difference between life and death.

    Don’t get caught on the outside of the ‘in group’, if you do then don’t count on the ‘in group’ to play by ‘the rules’ because ‘the rules’ are whatever the ‘in group’ says the rules are.

  11. #15 by Jason on 05/29/2013 - 11:30 pm

    Yes, I think it’s related to Wordism.

    My stab at it is this: those whose highest loyalty is to enforcing a certain set of “ideals”, religions, or philosophies on others are always traitors to actual human beings.

    This can even be true of Nazism. Look at WWII. Most White governments were officially racial – at the very least in some aspects. Certainly Nazi Germany was. The US still had segregation. Great Britain still had a culture that reflected the philosophy of White Supremacy.

    Yet, all these Nazis, White Supremacists and Segregationists proceeded to kill 50 million White people in the worst killing field ever.

    Yes, it’s more complex than that, and obviously there was manipulation, but the sad irony is still there.

  12. #16 by DennisK on 05/30/2013 - 6:20 am

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. In any equation, you can remove the common terms in both sides. Perhaps the term ‘anti’ could be removed, and the equation still makes sense?

    Is racist is a code word for white?

    “There is no room for racism” makes more sense. “Black people cannot be racist”, makes perfect sense. “Racism is a throwback to past time” mirrors their attitude to white nations.

    The more I think of “anti-racism is a code word for anti-white”, the more I see that Liberalism USE Racist in place of White. They ALSO use White in place of Racist. “White privilege” is about inherit racism of whites, who have it because they are whites.

    The “Race” problem (racism) is the “White” problem.

    “Racism will end when we intermarry” means whites will end.

    Their world is simple. Simple read Noel Ignatievs or Tim Wises rants about white. Read any Liberal rant about racism and you’ll see, that the white race and racism, are almost, almost in their mind, the same thing. Their sickness has evolved to the point where “white” and “racist” have merged into one.

    Liberals are working hard to make sure that white countries aren’t inhabited by another generation of racists…

    • #17 by Gavin on 05/30/2013 - 1:21 pm

      The point of the “anti-racist is a code word for anti-White phrase” is basically just to point out that “racist” is just an attack word anti-Whites use against any White person who stand up for their race. I wouldn’t get too much into making equations out of it or anything.

      • #18 by DennisK on 05/31/2013 - 6:00 am

        I get what the mantra is for, I’ve been using it since 2006. It was just a thought that occurred to me after reading a bunch of articles written by the Liberal media about “racism” in response to an incident that happened in Melbourne. They were going on and on about racism, and racists, and white people and whites. It occurred to me, that the term ‘racist’ and ‘white’ was used almost interchangeably.

        It might not sound like much, but nothing which is significant sound like much when you hear it. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white doesn’t sound like much. Its when you start thinking about it, when you start to go down the rabbit hole.

        Next time you read an other diatribe “Against racism” or critical of whites, just think about it. You’ll see that the idea of “racist” and “white” almost seems as if its melded into their mind as one and the same.

  13. #19 by POLARBEAR87j on 06/04/2013 - 8:25 pm

    When someone says,
    “I want more diversity”

    They really mean,
    “I want less white people”

    Diversity is a code word for white genocide.

    Racist is a hate word.

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