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Mantra — Second Stage

Posted by Bob on May 30th, 2013 under Coaching Session

One of our working pages members was scared off by somebody following his Internet comments up by screaming Nazi and using swastikas.

I would imagine this is the same TTGH who has been conducting a monologue to my Skype in which he interprets everything you and I say here as part of a plot against him.

He then said we obviously wanted a war with him and we could say goodbye to our working page.

I didn’t expect anybody to fall for it.

Hadding and the other anti-mantra pro-whites and our own TTGHs are the usual sign that a second stage has been reached in one of my years-long campaigns to get past the bureaucrats and talk to the ground troops about how to actually win.

It would take many pages to explain how hard it was for me to get hard propaganda advice to samizdat around the Ivy-League bureaucracy that ran CIA and other Intelligence agencies. Try to figure it out for yourselves.

That is the reason I have repeatedly pointed out that Reagan had to bypass his hundreds of generals and call newly promoted Lt. Col Ollie North into the White House to do his Contra operations.

The first stage is always long and hopeless. That’s the period in which I try for a long time to get someone to understand what the POINT is and how to state it.

As the second stage approaches, some people begin to see the power of what I am doing.

Here is where a bit of irony comes in. It is the people on MY side who see what I am doing being more effective than what they are doing. They have sent years becoming Names, but they have not had the slightest impact out in the real world. photo block_zpscc16b7e7.jpg

It was the stronger anti-Communists in the CIA who went all out to block me from the advising the samizdats.

The open anti-whites are still hopelessly clinging to the all-powerful Silence to stop me in the second stage.

This is routine.

To repeat, it is at this stage that those who have never had any real effect on my side begin to realize that something is happening, while the regular Ivy League CIA types are still telling each other how this red-neck nonsense can be ignored.

Historians are still ignoring it.

As I have told you repeatedly, it is the TTGHs who have to be dumped.

The only reason I presume to lecture you is because I have down this road before.

  1. #1 by Jason on 05/30/2013 - 8:06 am

    Very encouraging! I had no idea some of the most fierce, but ineffective, anti-communists put up strong opposition at the end.

    I remember seeing a clip of a conservative saying “Reagan has become a useful idiot for Soviet propaganda”. Google says it was Howard Phillips in 1987 who was apparently a hardcore conservative. Not sure if he was an example of what Bob means, but that was about 3 tears before the USSR completely collapsed. Oops.

    In a weird way, I feel like there is NO resistance from that side. The Mantra is the most fundamental threat to their whole game and they aren’t even trying to formulate a response. They are just hoping they can keep imposing the Silence – in the age of the internet!

    The power of a plainly stated simple truth amazes me.

    And sure enough, the AMPWs are our most vocal critics. And those who wanted to be Names above all else are refusing to be seen with us. And that is great; just don’t let them jump on board when the Anti-White System collapses.

  2. #2 by Jason on 05/30/2013 - 8:18 am

    Oh, and the swastika guy hasn’t made me stop posting the Mantra, I just quit reporting the links for a few days. But if everyone thinks I should report as usual, I will. I will soon anyway.

  3. #3 by Jason on 05/30/2013 - 9:53 am

    Snce Bob has so much experience in successfully publishing un-PC books, winning political struggles against great odds, working with the CIA, and all the rest, I do want to ask:

    Tell us your advice for going public. I do fear that when a sudden change comes, and leaders are needed, we won’t be prepared. I know you are giving us information all the time, but please keep giving us more, especially on that topic.

    We need people to be thinking about it (unless I am way premature).

    • #4 by H.Avenger on 05/30/2013 - 10:37 am


      If you read this blog, you will realize that everyone comes into power unprepared. Our opponents will be even more unprepared. That is our advantage and always has been. There is no perfect way to prepare for war or coming into power.

      Most people THINK that the powers that be are always prepared. Not so. They are just convincing actors.

      FWIW, Bob has extensive experience in unprepared groups coming to power. He even has experienced in dealing with the unprepared and shocked enemy. And we have several different spokespersons and potential spokespersons across the globe. We are going in a direction. We have a template of action. But we do not have a google maps shouting out “turn right at the next road”.

      We strive to ask the right questions. And that takes humility. No one can have all the right answers. But if you ask the right questions….the answers will in time present themselves.

      • #5 by Jason on 05/30/2013 - 6:33 pm

        It is reassuring to realize our opponents are also unprepared, thanks for reminding us of that.

        Google Maps! Yeah, I think amateurs in a field like me tend to want something like that. Bob mentioned Attitude and Direction being what is important a while back, and that helped clarify things for me.

        Thinking in terms of Google Maps is very static, not dynamic. I do like the idea of shocking the enemy and making them even more uncertain.

      • #6 by Daniel Genseric on 05/30/2013 - 9:49 pm

        “Most people THINK that the powers that be are always prepared. Not so. They are just convincing actors.” – H

        To H:

        And sometimes they are even rational actors.

        To others:

        Coming into power is an eye-opening experience. Watch [listen] for your call. You might be shocked where it originates from.

  4. #7 by Simmons on 05/30/2013 - 10:28 am

    Who was this TTGH? I’m sorry I don’t have much time for the office minutae and I miss most of the intercine warfare.

  5. #8 by Bob on 05/30/2013 - 10:50 am

    Simmons, a TTGH is not a who, it’s a what.
    I have had these same paranoid rants and stabs in the back for over fifty years.
    The point is to get rid of every TTGH ASAP.

  6. #9 by Bob on 05/30/2013 - 10:55 am

    Jason, the whole point was that at this second stage, the establishment depends on its power to keep blocking any serious attack.
    But the Intelligence crowd who had been seriously anti-Red, like pro-whites now, see that they are being sidelined and real progress is being made by my peasant approach.
    The point is that THE SECOND STAGE stage is when most of the serious blockage comes from unsuccessful people on our side.

    • #10 by Daniel Genseric on 05/30/2013 - 10:06 pm

      The AMPW’s are status quo opposition. Or, to be more blunt, they are Respectable Pro-Whites.

      Some of them have even figured out how to get the paycheck that typically goes with Respectablility, I call them the Pay Check Pro-whites. They claim to be and even think they are “edgey”, “anti-establishment”, etc… They are not and they are paid handsomely to act this way.

      That “winning” formula of theirs goes away when BUGS arrives on scene and invoices NOTHING for real world results that even an 8 year old can comprehend. And that is precisely why I treat the vociferous AMPW the same way I treat a bread-and-butter anti-white.

      That’s a large serving of humble pie with simple truth à la mode.

  7. #11 by Asgardian117 on 05/30/2013 - 12:16 pm

    Forget the” shwasticka” fellas, lets stay on message and ask the right questions. The mantra is the rock that they will break themselves on.

  8. #12 by Skippy 01 on 05/30/2013 - 1:41 pm

    The guys who are showing the most fear are the Take Toys Go Home types who say:

    This Mantra thing (which we just noticed) is cute, and now that it’s done its work we can move on to the next stage. You can still use the Mantra as a preface if you like, but whenever you post it be sure to add the real message: “this wouldn’t be happening if we had a country of our own”.

    This “country of our own” is a white separatist state in the North-Western United States of America, which people have been pushing for many years and getting nowhere with.

    That is their “next stage” that they think everyone posting the mantra needs to move on to immediately: forward, to the past! If we don’t “move on” to focusing on their old message, they’ll continue to be left behind, and that scares them.

    “We” in the context of their imagination means “whites”. They appear not to realize that there are white people outside the United States of America, for whom their message serves no purpose.

    The "forward to the past" types also have not thought that a key message needs to be worked out by real experts, tested for effectiveness, evaluated, tinkered with and then tested and evaluated again before it is ready and you can tell the troops: "this is it! Go with it!"

    They can't pause to think about that tedious stuff. No time! They're being left behind! Oh no!!

  9. #13 by Old King Cole on 05/30/2013 - 4:14 pm

    Guys, I just wanted to report that the “swastika” posters have followed a great many of my postings of the real mantra with messages designed to sound like the mantra but riddled with “my race, the master race” swastika-filled stuff. This could turn into a real issue when people who don’t know any better begin to see these types of posts. They’re very likely to “deduce” the same old song and dance, that we are “neo-nazi’s or whatever else. This person or persons have the potential to cause a lot of damage to the momentum we are gaining. We need to figure out how to deal with this tactic they are using don’t we?

  10. #14 by Old King Cole on 05/30/2013 - 4:17 pm

    Example of swastika post:

    Kevin Culver 2 hours ago

    “Anti-Racists” refuse to acknowledge that all inventions of significance came from the master race, my race, the white race

    “Anti-Racists” demand that whites co-exist in a world with inferior races.

    They SAY they are “Anti-Racist”. What they ARE is Anti-White

    卐Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White卐

    Reply · 5 Vote UpVote Down

  11. #15 by H.Avenger on 05/30/2013 - 4:39 pm

    old King Cole,

    I do not know of any case in the History of consistent messages were something like this proved effective. Maybe early on …but the Mantra has been out too long to be messed with in such a manner. The only thing this does is reinforce the message itself that is all over the place.

    People do not remember a whole lot. That is why advertisers repeat the message over and over again. What people remember is the consistent message not some swastika version. Even if they had thousands of antiwhites doing this. People will still only remember the message. Many would become curious as to the variation. They would in turn find out the reason.

    BUGS is not a National Socialist outfit. Bob is not a National Socialist. I am not a National Socialist. But many AntiWhites wish we were……just keep posting. We are just ProWhites and are fighting AntiWhites. If you are not an National Socialist don’t worry about someone trying to type cast you. And if you are NS grow some balls and be proud.

    And the party out there trying this stunt wants to get us off track fooling with them instead putting out a message. If you own a Youtube channel, mark it as spam and block the culprit. That is what many ProWhites have been doing over the last few months.

    • #16 by Skippy 01 on 06/01/2013 - 4:45 am

      H.Avenger: “I do not know of any case in the History of consistent messages were something like this proved effective.”

      Thanks. That’s rationally reassuring.

  12. #17 by Peter Cottontail on 05/30/2013 - 4:55 pm

    Old King, the average person will see it for what it is…an anti-White troll posting, nothing more. For every one of them you see, post our stuff x number of times more than you planned.

  13. #18 by Asgardian117 on 05/30/2013 - 5:07 pm

    “shwastickas” “smashtickus” all they are doing is rolling in and flingin grey goo…all roads lead to the mantra. The fear of being irrelevant or left behind is a MASSIVE driving force. Like Horus said its to late in the game for tht, they are trying so hard its actually to obvious.


    John has had a well kept lawn for years.

    Johns new neighbor moves in and has professionals manicure and design architecture for the front lawn.

    Next week…john has professionals at his house.

    John didnt attempt to change ANYTHING until..

    1. Someones product was more attractive.

    2.After years of doing the SAME thing john only changed when he saw something else worked better.

  14. #19 by Old King Cole on 05/30/2013 - 5:13 pm

    OK, guys. Thanks for the responses. I’m fairly new so I guess I fell for it and let it distract me. Thanks for putting me on track. I will most definitely continue posting. I’m glad to be a part of this.

    • #20 by Asgardian117 on 05/30/2013 - 7:32 pm

      Dont feel bad, its a normal reaction to have. Just dont let it derail all the hard work you put in, its not worth it.

  15. #21 by ErwinRommelRabbit on 05/30/2013 - 7:42 pm

    So what else can we do besides block their channels and mark as Spam? I like calling them Pro-White Posers but is that a waste of Time? Engaging in pointless Wordism I suppose?

  16. #23 by Bob on 05/31/2013 - 9:21 am

    Beautifully put, Asgardian, and the essence of BUGISM.

  17. #24 by Asgardian117 on 05/31/2013 - 10:19 am

    Thank you coach. Excuse my language, but for what they have done im gonna gonna ram our CONSISTENT MESSAGE so far up their asses they will be reciting it on christmas eve when they light the tree.

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