Archive for June 15th, 2013
BUGS is Work and Study
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 06/15/2013
A professional boxer knows dozens of punches he doesn’t use in nineteen out of twenty bouts.
New boxers begin to learn about such once-in-a career punches when they are talking.
But the rookie boxer who lets go of his basic discipline and tries to USE one of those special punches early in his career can end up in a wheelchair.
So the boxing coach has two jobs which seem to be contradictory.
First, he must teach The Kid in his early bouts to go through the same routine, bout after bout.
Considering how hard even the newest pro boxers hit, it is a wonder that there aren’t more paraplegics who tried to get fancy too early.
Second, the coach must also do what seems the very opposite: He must prepare his man for when he is competing to become a contender . That part of the training has to start early, talking about great fights or special moves
while not using them.
Try to understand that your questions to me about how the future will be, are answered here.
I have made it clear, over and over and over, that predicting the future is a laughable idea. “Inevitables” are hogwash.
All that you can really do about the future is learn a way of thinking. You will be doing the negotiating, you will be changing course when needed, and you have already found that getting your ideas around the censors and despots requires constant rethinking.
Take the whole theory of “historic inevitables.” Our whole political dialogue has “progressives” on one side and “conservatives” on the other. It’s absurd.
A progressive believes that history has to move “forward.” This is exactly the same as saying that the good guys always win.
A Mantra Thinker would reduce it to that. And a Mantra Thinker wouldn’t go off on a thousand-page dissertation about this error.
He would simply reword the statement, “In history, those who win are always the good guys.”
So when I write about issues you can’t address while you are under Mantra Discipline, I am trying to give the answers you will need later, and may even be able to slip in when a real debate occurs — with third parties watching.
Actually, as you will read what I say carefully, I can see this sort of thinking coming more and more to the pros here. Just don’t race to think of the Latest News when I show you an approach. Keep your mind on the kind of thinking that is going on HERE, not what would impress membership orgs.
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