A professional boxer knows dozens of punches he doesn’t use in nineteen out of twenty bouts.
New boxers begin to learn about such once-in-a career punches when they are talking.
But the rookie boxer who lets go of his basic discipline and tries to USE one of those special punches early in his career can end up in a wheelchair.
So the boxing coach has two jobs which seem to be contradictory.
First, he must teach The Kid in his early bouts to go through the same routine, bout after bout.
Considering how hard even the newest pro boxers hit, it is a wonder that there aren’t more paraplegics who tried to get fancy too early.
Second, the coach must also do what seems the very opposite: He must prepare his man for when he is competing to become a contender . That part of the training has to start early, talking about great fights or special moves
while not using them.
Try to understand that your questions to me about how the future will be, are answered here.
I have made it clear, over and over and over, that predicting the future is a laughable idea. “Inevitables” are hogwash.
All that you can really do about the future is learn a way of thinking. You will be doing the negotiating, you will be changing course when needed, and you have already found that getting your ideas around the censors and despots requires constant rethinking.
Take the whole theory of “historic inevitables.” Our whole political dialogue has “progressives” on one side and “conservatives” on the other. It’s absurd.
A progressive believes that history has to move “forward.” This is exactly the same as saying that the good guys always win.
A Mantra Thinker would reduce it to that. And a Mantra Thinker wouldn’t go off on a thousand-page dissertation about this error.
He would simply reword the statement, “In history, those who win are always the good guys.”
So when I write about issues you can’t address while you are under Mantra Discipline, I am trying to give the answers you will need later, and may even be able to slip in when a real debate occurs — with third parties watching.
Actually, as you will read what I say carefully, I can see this sort of thinking coming more and more to the pros here. Just don’t race to think of the Latest News when I show you an approach. Keep your mind on the kind of thinking that is going on HERE, not what would impress membership orgs.
#1 by Asgardian117 on 06/15/2013 - 3:13 pm
Since ive joined Bugs i have noticed that many others like myself have one thing in common: STRAIGHT FORWARD THINKING, we see things for what they are and dont get caught up in a 1,000 word description to explain whats happening. In the world we live in today that is considered rude in western culture from my experiences, it makes ppl uncomfortable. Just like the mantra makes people squirm in their seats, our thought process does the same. We call a fish a fish while others debate its weight and age. The reason we dont go off on scientific tangents is because some of it from my observation has been intentionly leveraged to help the anti white agenda. We keep it SIMPLE Flooding white countries with millions of non whites a year. Thats not oriental thinking.
#2 by Daniel Genseric on 06/15/2013 - 11:48 pm
There’s no time for fluff when you have half a dozen or more people reporting to you.
The inherent power in the ability to explain a thing in great detail is awesome. The added ability to succinctly explain it (break-it-down) is what Bob got paid to do in The Big$.
Watch closely. Listen carefully. Read it TWICE. And you will never leave here disappointed.
He would simply reword the statement, “In history, those who win are always the good guys.” – Bob
To the victors go the spoils. History is a spoil of war.
#3 by Daniel Genseric on 06/16/2013 - 12:38 am
You may want to rethink your cryogenic plans: http://www.cnbc.com/id/100817288
#4 by Dave on 06/16/2013 - 12:54 am
Power is very concentrated. But the way it is concentrated has nothing to do with what the conspiracy theorists think.
For example, in my State, population over five million, there is ONE GUY, and only ONE GUY, who understands our tax State tax system. He alone carries the institutional history of the tax system and he alone is the only person in the State who can untangle and make comprehensible the ungodly mess of State tax law. EVERYBODY relies on him. The Legislature would be lost without him. Every judicial officer in the State relies on him. The State Board of Tax Appeals could not function without him.
I once told him, “You have the weirdest career of anybody I know. What the hell is going to happen if you die?” He said, “Tell me about it!!! This world of ours is bizarre, isn’t it?’
That is the way that Mercedes mechanic in Russia must have felt. For a long time there was one guy in Russia, and only one guy, who had the tools, parts, and knowledge to fix Mercedes automobiles.
My message is that being a Mantra thinker is a very big deal. If you don’t realize that is actually puts you in power, you don’t understand it and you are not a Mantra thinker.
Mantra thinking is a ticket to power. It is that simple.
#5 by Asgardian117 on 06/16/2013 - 1:16 am
Side Note: I always thought Horus’s name was a gimmick, after sometime spent here ive come to realize that it is NOT a gimmick.A couple posts back a bugser told me we arent only fighting for the future we are avenging those who could not escape the fate that was forced upon them, that bugser couldnt have been more right.
#6 by Bob on 06/16/2013 - 8:35 am
Daniel, a very subtle point I would never try on anyone but a BUGSER:
There isa very crucial split second after you read something.
This is a good case: you and I can see “In history, winners are the good guys.” We can then let our minds dwell on half a dozen ways that has been said, “History is written by the winners” or “To the victors go the spoils. History is a spoil of war..”
Or we can think about the IMPLICATIONS of the statement.
What I m saying is that repeating stuff in your mind gets you off in that crucial split second. It’s not as bad as news items, but it’s in that direction.
#7 by Daniel Genseric on 06/16/2013 - 10:31 am
No doubt it can, coach.
Synaptic leaps, or as you say, “Bit leaps.” Others might say “connecting the dots”. That dwelling helps me (and others) arrive at the possible implications or (cui bono?) benefits of a thing in a certain framework, but from a slightly different angle. Kind of like space shuttle reentry, that angle can be the difference between success and catastrophic failure. But, you already knew that.
It has been my experience that the same rule applies when composing or writing. In my case, ESPECIALLY when writing.
Rewriting. That’s how you arrived at naziwhowanttokillsixmillionjews, isn’t it?
Think of the implications….. Now of “We’d all be speaking German had the Nazis won the war.” I speak German well enough to get into trouble. How about you?
Would we be unemployed propagandists? Is there such a thing?
#8 by Bob on 06/16/2013 - 10:15 am
My last comment was because Genserics SECOND statement reminded me to coach on that point.
His first and main comment was excellent, up to Genseric’s standards.
Lord it’s good to see our people turning into pros!
#9 by Simmons on 06/16/2013 - 10:39 am
View the WNs’ efforts as the South Park “Underpants Gnome” strategy, silly but it has relevance. It has a three part strategy and every WN seems to skip step 1 and tries to fill in the ? of step 2 so they can go to step 3 Torchlight Parade.
Mantra is Step 1, the liberation of the minds of whites to think as whites, the removal of the PC fear block in whites’ minds, and the stripping of the anti-whites’ fraudulent notion of moral superiority.
The NWF is basically this step 2 move to the NW step 3 hold parade. Essayists like Jared and Co, step 2 endless intellectual papers, step 3 turn back clock, hold parade. But none of these efforts frees the minds of whites and that is step 1.
#10 by Conrad on 06/16/2013 - 10:04 pm
An interesting story about an ancient empire, maybe involving our race. You need to get to the middle part to see what I mean.
#11 by dungeoneer on 06/16/2013 - 10:55 pm
Speaking of BUGS studies including amongst other things, Mommy Professor`s anti-Aryanism, at the 30 min 45 sec mark:
“Hittites spoke an Indo-European language…..they were not from the Middle East but from some part of Europe”.
#12 by dungeoneer on 06/17/2013 - 12:03 am
Another thing that sounded a bit suspicious to my interrogator ears was:
“These were not the Hittites of the Bible”
No explanation as to why they had the same name but were different people….
#13 by c-bear on 06/17/2013 - 1:10 am
As a pro-white in an anti-white time period, I am certain I’m not alone here when I say that the only reason I have survived thus far is my above-average intelligence. It’s definitely not an affinity for calamity [lol]. We arrived here “thinkers”. When we arrived here many of us even tried to re-think the Mantra! I can compare it to an old street fighter showing up to a top-notch martial arts studio. What happens to the street fighter is the same thing that happened to us when we tried messing with the Mantra. Like martial arts, Mantra thinking is a discipline. If it wasn’t for Bob, we would still be out there throwing blows, getting nowhere in life. Old habits die hard. It is only through repetition that we can move past our old tactics (that never had any lasting effect).
#14 by Bob on 06/17/2013 - 9:34 am
Archeologists have to have our interrogators’ mind set. They found the Hittites were Indo-European when they found a Hittite word in an alphabet they could already read:
That word was pronounced “waater.”
#15 by Asgardian117 on 06/17/2013 - 3:06 pm
Bob I never knew that. They didnt teach me a damn thing in school.
#16 by shari on 06/17/2013 - 5:34 pm
Asgardian, Imagine, your young, and they didn’t teach you a damn thing in school! True! But they didn’t teach a damn thing in school when we old folks were young either. Couldn’t be because whites were meant to be GENOCIDED, could it?