BUGS Radio with Truck Roy, Jeb and Adelheim.
I would like get your opinion on using the term antiwhitism.
1. we have begun using antiwhitism in Sweden. we have also seen people take the term an use it in the same way antisemitism is used.
2. many people use the term “anti-white racism”, in this case it would be better with antiwhitism in my opinion.
Is there any reason not to use the term antiwhitism?
#1 by WhiteTeamSpirit on 06/17/2013 - 5:28 pm
Didn’t Horus say something about the use of “ism’s”?
#2 by JPOutlook on 06/17/2013 - 5:57 pm
I would like to see “anti-whitic” (just like anti-semetic) to be used as the adjective.
Anti-white – used to describe the anti-whitic person
Anti-whitism – used to describe the anti-whitic philosophy
Anti-whitic or maybe spelled anti-whiteic – to describe something that is not a person
Do you prefer the spelling anti-whiteic or anti-whitic?
#3 by JPOutlook on 06/17/2013 - 6:02 pm
Also, I like “Jeb”‘s example of anti-whitism.
#4 by Hexadecimator777 on 06/17/2013 - 6:21 pm
I have no objections.
#5 by Undercover Lover on 06/17/2013 - 6:21 pm
Well… it’s definitely better then “anti-white racism” but to me, “anti-whitism” just sounds funny. I think we should stay away from “-isms” and “-ists” anyway, so we don’t get absorbed into their “-ism” database. I think it almost legitimizes all those other “-isms.” I mean, are we going to start calling our enemies anti-whitists? However I can’t think of an alternative right now so I’ll role with it until I do.
EDIT: I went through a list of different suffixes and found an alternative. What about “anti-whiteness?”
#6 by WhiteTeamSpirit on 06/17/2013 - 6:37 pm
Wouldn’t “new” terminology defeat the purpose of a “consistent” message?
#7 by Nordoxen on 06/17/2013 - 7:09 pm
Of course it sounds funny, it’s a funny word. But so was “diversity”, “melting pot”, “antisemitism” and “racism” too.
I think people need to be able to categorize different things and phenonemen, that’s why there are so many “isms” out there. And that’s why people are using “anti-white racism” because they have nothing else to go with. As Adelheim puts it, antiwhitism is just a natural respons to that.
Here in sweden it’s already established along with the rest of the terminology. Not even anti-whites are questioning it now lol.
#8 by Conrad on 06/17/2013 - 7:21 pm
FYI – http://www.amren.com/news/2013/06/protesters-denounce-genocide-of-white-farmers-in-south-africa/
Stop the genocide.
#9 by Joe Bug on 06/17/2013 - 7:35 pm
That is brilliant! So simple, yet so effective.
Anti-Whitism ruins lives.
Unite against anti-Whitism.
Anti-Whitism makes me sick.
Keep calm and stop anti-Whitism.
Anti-Whitism can be hard to see.
Anti-Whitism is wrong.
Anti-Whitism is taught.
Act now against anti-Whitism.
Say no to anti-Whitism.
Ban anti-Whitism forever.
Students united against anti-Whitism!
Anti-Whitism, it stops with me.
#10 by jo3w on 06/17/2013 - 8:04 pm
I also like antiwhitism. If the phrase anti-white is coined, its just natural to use it to form antiwhitism. When our opponents try to ridicule the term it will just alienate more normal white people. Say the word and I will start putting it in my posts; it must be consistent!
#11 by shari on 06/17/2013 - 8:06 pm
Anti-whiteness is very vague, not specific. How could you use that?
#12 by Cleric Preston on 06/17/2013 - 8:41 pm
Shari, good to see you !
Antiwhitism is vague, that’s the point. It’s whatever we say it is.
What is antiwhitism ? EVERYTHING !!!!!
Miss out on a job after an interview with a non-White human resource officer ? Antiwhitism
Non-Whites mix up your order at fast food restaurant ? Claim it was deliberate and scream Antiwhitism.
City cuts back on bus routes to White suburbs ? Antiwhitism
Advertising company features mixed race couple ? Antiwhitism
Somebody looks at you sideways ? Antiwhitism
Kid misses out on playing Shaka Zulu or Malcolm X in school play ? Antiwhitism
Somebody complains because Preacher starts up a church for Whites only ? Antiwhitism
In my mind I can already see some radical pro-White screaming down a Holdomor denier with “9 MILLION’, 9 MILLION !!! Your filthy antiwhitism killed 9 MILLION !!!”
Oh yeah I’m going to enjoy using this 🙂
#13 by Joe Bug on 06/17/2013 - 8:49 pm
#14 by Undercover Lover on 06/17/2013 - 9:06 pm
Well I don’t think anti-whiteness is any more vague then anti-whitism.
I think anti-whiteness could basically be used anywhere where you could use anti-whitism except you’re not adopting the “-ism”
Isn’t part of our struggle in trying to move away from wordism? And there’s a lot of wordism is “-ism”
#15 by Old King Cole on 06/17/2013 - 8:14 pm
I, for one, like it. It’s simple and to the point, and it is lent credibility by our enemies already-established buzz word “anti-Semitism”.
All the buzzwords sound a little funny, at first, until everyone starts using it.
#16 by Peter Cottontail on 06/17/2013 - 8:25 pm
Anti-white racism is a huge no-no.
My concern would be the use of antiwhitism instead of genocide which would be as bad as using anti-White racism. If we aren’t correlating anti-White and White genocide, then we aren’t doing our job.
#17 by Joe Bug on 06/17/2013 - 8:45 pm
I won’t use it instead of White genocide, I will use it as an addition to White genocide.
#18 by dungeoneer on 06/18/2013 - 12:23 pm
Necessary reminders that are right on the edge of an insult.
#19 by Joe Bug on 06/17/2013 - 8:47 pm
Anti anti-Whitism is a code for racism.
I don’t think that would be very effective if they tried to use that against us haha.
#20 by timeforfreedom on 06/17/2013 - 8:47 pm
The term “anti-Whitism” has been around for a long time now; If you google it you’ll find numerous references to it in the White nationalist area. I think we can give the the credit to the people at VNN(2007) for first using it in the manner in which we intend to utilize it. It has also been in use by White nationalists over at Stormfront for some time. Of course, I have found it very usefule for some time now in my youtube posts. I believe it is a psychologically devastating accusation, and, we all know how important it is to always remain on the offensive in this cause. Here is the link to the VNN forum post which uses it:
Great program, please keep these up.
#21 by timeforfreedom on 06/17/2013 - 9:07 pm
The best way to normalize the term “antiWhitism” is to use it as an accusation towards those who oppose us in any way, shape, or form. Then antiWhitism can then be defined, or contextualized, in terms of the specific opposition that you are receiving at that moment. It’s a very malleable term.
#22 by dylan on 06/17/2013 - 9:22 pm
Im not sure, becuase the term “antiwhitism” would Imply that these people are opposed to “whitism”, but really they are opposed to White People, they push our genocide, they dont stand against an ideology called “whitism”
#23 by Harumphty Dumpty on 06/18/2013 - 10:07 pm
“ism” here is a suffix to “anti-white,” not to “white.”
#24 by Truck Roy on 06/17/2013 - 11:32 pm
Using the term “anti-Whitism” attacks an existing “ism”.
#25 by Bob on 06/18/2013 - 3:40 am
I am a convert to using “anti-whitism,” and I needed this radio show to make me one.
#26 by Jason on 06/18/2013 - 5:42 am
Great discussion.
But remember, the ONLY way ANY term gets mainstreamed is if we POST it. A lot.
#27 by Bob on 06/18/2013 - 6:25 am
My first reaction to “antiwhitism” was exactly what I have lectured you about for years: “Antwhitism sounds odd.”
But we would like nothing better than to have the anti-whites making fun of it!
My discipline of thinking was hard for you to learn.
It is also hard for ME to keep up!
#28 by Bob on 06/18/2013 - 6:26 am
RIGHT, Jason!
#29 by dungeoneer on 06/18/2013 - 8:36 am
I`m just about to listen to the show.
My first thoughts:
1. Anti-whitism has been in use here and there for some time.
2. It`s use has been responsible and appropriate.
#30 by dungeoneer on 06/18/2013 - 9:18 am
Yes, when anti-whitism is used the anti-whites think they`re being sophisticated in mocking it.
BUGS Radio: “Use it often”
I will put it in where I can.
#31 by Simmons on 06/18/2013 - 9:42 am
I would use it in a mocking tone, such as, “So Mr. Mommy Prof. your whole life’s outlook could be summed up as anti-whitism.”
#32 by dungeoneer on 06/18/2013 - 9:45 am
I just did:
“Thats the book where Jared says Papua New Guineans are the smartest people on Earth.
You anti-whites are not good thinkers. Too much anti-whitism”
#33 by Simmons on 06/18/2013 - 10:02 am
IMO “isms” are jokes, theology for atheists who still want to join a cult and endlessly debate minutae of an ideology that is going to save the world.
Before we ourselves get off into magic lala land of “isms” we should engage our problem solving skill set (and truthfully we are about the only problem solvers in white politics) and come up with something we can sell to the membership orgs that will remove the PC mindblock from the minds of millions of whites we/they need to reach.
#34 by Bob on 06/18/2013 - 11:27 am
Simmons, whitism is wording, which is our specialty.
#35 by Bob on 06/18/2013 - 11:33 am
dungeoneer, you will be dealing with claims that everybody used the Mantra before, everybody used all our terms before we did.
I may not get around as much as you do, but I have never seen the word “anti-whitism” before Adelmeim wrote me.
#36 by dungeoneer on 06/18/2013 - 12:11 pm
I did say “here and there” and you or anyone else can`t be expected to see everything that happens on the field.
#37 by dungeoneer on 06/18/2013 - 12:26 pm
I thought the use of “anti-whitism” was smallish beer and not worth rethinking or reporting.
Like the Coach, after hearing the discussion I see more potential.
#38 by Sunlit Iceberg on 06/18/2013 - 2:36 pm
It is not adopting an “-ism” for ourselves.
It is accusing our opponents of having an “-ism”.
Though I still need to listen to the podcast before I can say more…
#39 by Simmons on 06/19/2013 - 10:17 am
Thanks now I see it more clearly.
#40 by Asgardian117 on 06/18/2013 - 4:07 pm
No no no, Rac-ism is SUPPOSED to be plural (even though we know its not) racism makes allllll the masses that are asses feel good “stomp out racism” because its supposed to be a 2 way street but WE know its not. ANTI WHITEISM is singular and applies to only one people WHITE PEOPLE, this term will not be accepted the way anti white was due to the simple fact that there is no other anti except anti semitism there is already another ism RACISM anti whiteism will be rejected
#41 by Harumphty Dumpty on 06/18/2013 - 6:44 pm
The R-word carries the fundamental lie that racial feeling is a learned pathology rather than an innate human trait that evolved to protect the survival of human groups.
We affirm that lie whenever we use the word.
So even if the word were used only against other races and not against whites, it’s use would still affirm a lie that erases the genocide from White Genocide.
As for “anti-whitism,” the objections you make against it seem to me to fit “anti-white” just as well. (?)
#42 by Asgardian117 on 06/18/2013 - 6:59 pm
1. Anti white is easy to say rolls out easy
2. You have to see the parallels between racism and anti whitism
#43 by Daniel Genseric on 06/18/2013 - 4:58 pm
Terrible idea.
Where is the underscore function? I would use it under TERRIBLE.
#44 by dungeoneer on 06/18/2013 - 5:33 pm
Why do you think it`s terrible?
Remember, you are the Eurocide guy.
#45 by Daniel Genseric on 06/18/2013 - 9:26 pm
It’s comforting to see that EXERCISE didn’t completely escape you.
But not very, given the condition of this thread.
#46 by dungeoneer on 06/18/2013 - 5:28 pm
Looking through the google results for anti-whitism I found:
“7/31/2012 at 9:43 pm #28475
Everyone join this group instead. It will replace the “Crush anti-whitism” group. Appearently you can’t change the group name when it has over 100 members so made a new one instead to replace it.
#47 by Nordoxen on 06/19/2013 - 3:33 pm
Yeah I’ve actually been using antiwhitism for a pretty long time lol.
#48 by Asgardian117 on 06/18/2013 - 5:56 pm
Racism is SUPPOSED to be plural even though whites are the only ones that can be accused of it. Antiwhitism is singular putting the blame on non whites.
One problem though racism like i said before appeals to the masses that BELIEVE that racism applies to anyone. They LIKE that its a feel good thing, anti whitism suggests whites are being discriminated against by non whites.
And to be honest it does not roll off the tounge easily, believe it or notword-flow matters.
#49 by Harumphty Dumpty on 06/18/2013 - 7:12 pm
“And to be honest it does not roll off the tounge easily, believe it or notword-flow matters.”
I think the reason it’s not rolling off the tongue easily at first is because we’re carefully pronouncing the “t” as a “t.”
After using it a bit, a person will pronounce the “t” almost as a “d” (as we do with the middle “t” in “elitist,” especially if it’s followed by another word. Try, “He’s an elitist through and through.”)
I think our pronunciation changes to accommodate such words.
#50 by Harumphty Dumpty on 06/18/2013 - 6:24 pm
I’m all for it! There’s been a natural need for a noun in addition to the adjective, and “anti-whitism” actually came to my own mind a couple of times, but I rejected it immediately because the term sounds a little awkward at first.
Not smart, but I’ve gotten smarter, because my immediate reaction yesterday was the same as Bob’s, “But we would like nothing better than to have the anti-whites making fun of it!”
The radio discussion was super…I especially enjoyed Truck Roy’s remarks on the value of having a name for something.
#51 by Scythian on 06/18/2013 - 8:47 pm
I’ve used ‘anti-whiteism’ a few times in the field and have seen it used by others a few times. I wish I could remember exactly how I used it – the sentences I used it in. I can only recall that I used it b/c ‘anti-white’ didn’t fit the flow of the sentence. It may have been something to counter “racism is a disease”, whereby after making the point of white genocide, I said ‘anti-whiteism is the real disease.’
Regarding the “R-word”; I actually think I may have been the one who coined that word, I’m fairly certain at least that I used it before seeing someone else do so. I remember the debate btwn Genseric and Harumphty about it as well. After said debate, after extensive practice in the field, I came away agreeing with Genseric – to use anti-whites own words against them / not back down in any way; quote it, or mock it – ‘raaayciss’. Of course it has to be done properly: in a way that shoves it right back into their faces and exposes anti-racism as just being a code word for anti-white. Of course never use “anti-white racism” or use “racist” in lieu of anti-white when calling out an anti-white.
#52 by Daniel Genseric on 06/18/2013 - 9:37 pm
List of Mantra failures:
and now Anti-whitism
You guys had better unfuck this situation or we’re gonna have to find it a dance partner.
We can’t have “anti-whitism” limping around out there all by its lonesome, now can we?
Jimminee Christmas!
#53 by Skippy 01 on 06/19/2013 - 11:02 pm
It’s a response when someone goes to “isms”. We already have a response to “anti-racist” which is “that’s code for anti-white” but we need a response to “anti-racism” such as “that’s really just anti-white-ism”. It seems to work: you keep the discussion pinned to the consistent message, and you don’t have to fall silent for lack of something to say that will fit in an appropriate sentence.
#54 by ElectricWhiteRabbit on 06/18/2013 - 11:26 pm
NO!! non guys!!! We’re are getting SO much success from the word “anti-White” WHY would you all of a sudden change it??
Seriously …I can’t believe I have to explain this. STICK to “anti-White” and lets keep bashing them with that same word over and over again. Changing it would be a suicide.
#55 by Harumphty Dumpty on 06/18/2013 - 11:53 pm
I don’t think any of us are contemplating changing our use of “anti-white.”
#56 by Skippy 01 on 06/19/2013 - 2:51 pm
#53 by Harumphty Dumpty: “I don’t think any of us are contemplating changing our use of “anti-white.””
Heck no, that would be suicide.
#57 by Europe4Europeans on 06/19/2013 - 2:04 am
Now I normally use ‘Europhobia’. It’s similar to Islamophobia — the fear of Muslims.
They initially got anti-Semitic and Islamophobe in their lexcions, now we have anti-white and Europhobia. I use the latter of the two, but still often use anti-white.
i) Why are you so Europhobic?
ii) Anti-whites suffer from Europhobia, a mental disorder characterised by the advocacy of multiculturalism, ethnic diversity and massive non-European immigration into Europe, and only Europe. (Hence Europhobia — these people suffer from a condition whch ONLY targets White Europeans).
“Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white”.
“Groups who call themselves as ‘anti-racist’ and who advocate mass non-European immigration under the mythological idea that ‘diversity is our strength’ suffer from a terrible mental condition called (anti-whitism?), also known as Europhobia”.
#58 by YankeeRebel on 06/19/2013 - 7:03 am
I prefer the “t” in “Whitism” to be pronounced as a “d” like “elitism” as HD mentioned in post # 47. I think that if it is a useful term it will get used, regardless.
#59 by Harumphty Dumpty on 06/19/2013 - 10:43 am
I think that’s how the term will inevitably be pronounced if it achieves currency, however anyone pronounces it now.
#60 by beefcake on 06/19/2013 - 10:21 am
Anti-White points the finger at the Person justifying White Genocide.
Anti-Whitism points the finger at their ideology.
#61 by Nordoxen on 06/19/2013 - 3:37 pm
#62 by Frank on 06/20/2013 - 4:48 pm
Precisely Beefcake. I made that point below as well.
We do need to FIT the charge to more than just an individual person, when it’s possible.
Anti-White INSTITUTIONS should be pointed at as carrying the disease of anti-Whitism, a diseased ideology.
Smear the institution with an “ism”, then associate all who are involved with the institution with the charge.
You could just say the institution is anti-White, which is true enough, but by tagging it with an ideological disease, you drive the sword deeper, and cover more territory.
The key would be to link “anti-Whitism” to “Ideological Disease”, in a manner which is repugnant to most people, on an emotional level.
#63 by Gar5 on 06/19/2013 - 12:54 pm
In the graph we can see that “anti-semitism” is more used than “anti-semitic”, however, “racist” is more used that “racism”.
Anti-White is our main word; the word that we hiss at anti-Whites to get them on the defensive. Anti-Whiteism is more a way of describing them, it’s less of a direct accusation, which means it has less verbal power.
#64 by Skippy 01 on 06/19/2013 - 2:35 pm
I always use anti-white-ism, I never use anti-white racism. “Racism” is the enemy’s weapon. (And I practically can’t use it since I spend so much time hammering “anti-racist is a code word for anti-white”.)
Anti-white-ism is clearly understood and is useful. People don’t even pretend not to understand what that means, in my experience.
I go one step further. After hitting “mass immigration plus forced integration equals white genocide” (so I’ve got the context clear) I start to hit “eliminationist anti-white-ism”, since the goal of mass immigration plus forced integration isn’t just to disadvantage us but to end us. This too seems to be clearly understood. I would be very reluctant to stop doing it, because it works.
The thing I need help with is: should it be anti-white-ism, or antiwhite-ism, or antiwhiteism? I know this is important. You have to get key words right.
#65 by Nordoxen on 06/20/2013 - 10:16 pm
You either write it “antiwhitism” or anti-whitism”.
#66 by Harumphty Dumpty on 06/20/2013 - 10:27 pm
Might “antiwhitism” be better, to avoid the misinterpretation that cropped up here somewhere that there’s something called “whitism,” and “anti-whitism” is opposed to that?
#67 by Skippy 01 on 06/19/2013 - 2:43 pm
Undercover Lover: “Well… it’s definitely better then “anti-white racism” but to me, “anti-whitism” just sounds funny.”
Firmly establish mass immigration and forced integration as genocide, and then go to eliminationist anti-white-ism and see if they are still laughing.
#68 by Daniel Genseric on 06/19/2013 - 6:58 pm
Oh. my. god….
Bob, reel them in.
Focus. Consistency. Focus. Stop introducing margin for error. Focus. Focus. Focus.
#69 by dungeoneer on 06/19/2013 - 7:09 pm
We still see no proper explanation for your negative opinion on anti-whitism.
Some cryptic stuff about needing dance partners is not good enough after all the thought and discussion everyone else has put in.
#70 by Daniel Genseric on 06/19/2013 - 9:18 pm
Right. A wordy explanation is in order. haha
Yeah. Soooo cryptic a kindergartner could get it. Consistent Message. I have seen the light. “Eurocide” is looking good now too.
LOL! Oooooo.. Tell another one.
Tell me why I should stand by idly while a few people try to fuck up TENS OF THOUSANDS of man hours of Mantra work. CON-SIS-TENT MESS-AGE.
#71 by H.Avenger on 06/19/2013 - 9:54 pm
Europeans Bugsters have been using this for quite some time. This term is all over the place in Sweden etc. I always thought it sounded strange. If Bob uses it and likes it …..we’ll see ….
whatever works
I believe it was Adelheim that pulled this out of a translation issue they had regarding the Mantra. AntiWhitism is not new for European Bugsters. I have not seen where I could use it. But to the defense of Adelheim over in America ….I have not needed to think about the mantra much in regards to translations.
I never say AntiWhite Racism. I always replace that with “AntiWhite’s Promoting Genocide”.
#72 by Frank on 06/20/2013 - 4:55 pm
Anti-Whitism is the ideology that promotes White Genocide.
Anti-Whites promote White Genocide, and fall back on institutionalized anti-Whitism to rationalize White Genocide.
#73 by dungeoneer on 06/19/2013 - 10:36 pm
Genseric, If you`d read the thread properly, you will see there is no danger of BUGSers replacing or diluting existing mantra points, that we are on guard to make sure that does`nt happen.
“I have seen the light. “Eurocide” is looking good now too.”
Now THAT was an attempt to dilute the message, and you argued for it VERY forcefully.
#74 by 4MyNation on 06/19/2013 - 9:36 pm
I’ve actually used this just a few times when the structure of a sentence called for it, but I spelled it “Anti-White-ism”. In fact I mentioned this with a buddy the other night. Now that I rethink it, I was just doing that because I thought it looked weird as “Anti-Whitism”, but now I think this way is more grammatically correct and that sounds like a winner. I’ll start using it more.
#75 by Skippy 01 on 06/19/2013 - 10:34 pm
4MyNation: “I’ve actually used this just a few times when the structure of a sentence called for it, but I spelled it “Anti-White-ism”.”
That’s the same reason I started using anti-white-ism: it’s a response to needing to be able to use the word anti-white in different kinds of sentence and thus more often.
“Genocidal anti-white-ism” or “eliminationist anti-white-ism” is a verbal bridge that lets me shift from “mass immigration plus forced integration is white genocide” to “anti-racist is a code-word for anti-white” or vice versa, using either to set up the other.
#76 by Skippy 01 on 06/20/2013 - 12:53 am
“Anti-white-ism” is good for unmasking other “isms” as mystifications and ideology. For example. . .
Anti-white: “Stop crying about mass immigration, that’s just globalization.”
Me: “When ‘globalization’ is used as a rationalization for mass non-white immigration into all white countries and only white countries, that’s a mask for anti-white-ism.”
That’s a practical example. I can’t say it worked that time, because I got booted for arguing too hard, but it often does work.
When anti-whites are fogging the argument with abstractions and isms, you can’t cut the fog with a sword (something concrete and specific) you need to dispel the fog with something equally general, like sunshine, and unmasking things like “multiculturalism” as “anti-white-ism” does the job.
Plus it’s true. The intellectual content of “isms” like “multiculturalism” really is trivial and incoherent, and just a mask for anti-white institutional practices. So unmask it as what it is: anti-white-ism.
#77 by Bob on 06/20/2013 - 8:43 am
I noticed that in the Scandinavian comment, I saw “antivit” a huge number of times, it being a word I could recognize.
Every language, every dialect has its own concept of what “fits.”
I am sure everybody knows this, but if the Coach doesn’t remind you of the obvious, who will?
#78 by Bob on 06/20/2013 - 8:47 am
Speaking of the obvious, I would like to recommend more of this sort of talking to each other recorded for public use.
You don’t need a lot of listeners, and we at BUGS are fascinated by listening to our own language.
The main point, though, is that the only way to learn how to speak out is to speak, just as you can only learn writing if you write.
#79 by jo3w on 06/20/2013 - 12:08 pm
Antiwhitisim is the same as saying the system or practice of being against White people. To me the message is the same. The question is do we want to add a variation in the language? Is the new language more effective at communicating the message? Does the new language interfere with the already established repitition and familiarity of the current language? At this point in samizdat, would a change or introduction of new language have been considered? I only know of one person who can answer that last question.
#80 by Simon on 06/20/2013 - 2:43 pm
My initial gut reaction is that whitism sounds like an ideology someone can join or leave rather than describing a pattern of oppression,
If you combat anti-whitism are you therefore pro-whitism. What is whitism?
I will experiment if the opportunity presents itself, but I expect 19 out of 20 accusing someone of being anti-white is a better fit than saying somone is guilty of anti-whitism.
Its like Bob says boxers have to train for a punch that will only be used 1 in 20 times, I figure anti-whitism is akin to one of those fancy boxer moves. Anti-white is the work horse punch.
#81 by dungeoneer on 06/20/2013 - 4:02 pm
Simon: “I expect 19 out of 20 accusing someone of being anti-white is a better fit than saying somone is guilty of anti-whitism”
What about responses using anti-white/white genocide + anti-whitism?
Very effective in your opinion?
#82 by Skippy 01 on 06/20/2013 - 4:54 pm
#76 by Simon: “My initial gut reaction is that whitism sounds like an ideology someone can join or leave rather than describing a pattern of oppression,
If you combat anti-whitism are you therefore pro-whitism. What is whitism?”
What is Semitism? There’s no such thing. Therefore shouldn’t it always be “antisemitism” (one word) rather than “anti-Semitism”? But isn’t the bottom line to be effective, and if a usage like “anti-Semitism” is established shouldn’t one just go with it? Rabbis discuss this. And while the discussion goes on, Jews have continued to be effective with this word.
I would also like whites to be effective at resisting genocide, since in the 21st Century it’s white genocide that’s the practical issue.
To be effective we need the right words.
We already have “anti-white”, which is roughly equivalent to “anti-Semite”. (Not completely; “anti-White” would be completely equivalent.)
But we have not (officially) had “anti-white-ism” (or “antiwhiteism” or whatever) as the matching equivalent of “anti-Semitism” (or “antisemitism”).
Why not? It doesn’t make sense to me to say that this word can’t be modified by prefixes and suffixes the way normal words are to fit into different sentences.
(Like: “how can we combat institutionalized anti-white-ism?” That’s an excellent sentence and one that should eventually be asked for real, not just to make a point about how one can use language.)
If we say “you can’t do that!” well, one, how would you enforce that?
And two, aren’t you tacitly agreeing then that “anti-white” is an artificial construction and not a legitimate new word that describes an actual phenomenon? Which is not true.
And three, isn’t the goal to have Mantra language be pervasive and the received language in which discussions about policy are conducted in historically white countries, the way “anti-racist” (meaning anti-white) language is now?
For that goal to be reached, people have to be able to use language like: “the department will forthwith execute a top-to-bottom review with the aim of identifying anti-white practices and eliminating institutionalized anti-white-ism.”
#83 by Truck Roy on 06/20/2013 - 11:08 pm
” My initial gut reaction is that whitism sounds like an ideology someone can join or leave rather than describing a pattern of oppression” -Simon
A pattern of oppression comes from an ideology. The key point is that an anti-White can lose his faith and he can change is pattern of behavior.
A great quote that I got from Jeb the other day is: “We oppose our enemy because of their actions, but they hate us because of who we are. This is a very important difference”.
We fight White Genocide because we are loyal to our people. Anti-Whites attack us because they belief in Anti-Whitism.
We fight for our survival. They fight for an ism. Big difference.
#84 by Skippy 01 on 06/21/2013 - 2:42 am
#83 by Truck Roy: “A great quote that I got from Jeb the other day is: “We oppose our enemy because of their actions, but they hate us because of who we are. This is a very important difference”.”
I love that. It’s something I’ve felt for a long time, but I never realized it was important to spell it out concisely and clearly like that.
Once I saw it made explicit and concise, I realized of course you have to say that explicitly, sometimes. And now I know how to say it whenever it’s needed. Thanks!
#85 by Truck Roy on 06/20/2013 - 11:14 pm
“If you combat anti-whitism are you therefore pro-whitism. What is whitism?” -Simon
This is the idea that if you oppose an ism, you must support it’s opposite ism. False dynamic that they want us to buy into.
If you combat anti-Whitism you are pro-White, not pro-Whitism. They fight us because of what they believe. We fight them because of what they do (White Genocide). Big difference.
#86 by Sunlit Iceberg on 06/20/2013 - 4:08 pm
Mommy Professor of Anti-Whitism?
As a way to mock something presented in a fashion of science and anti-white in nature?
“White Genocide” is more powerful and more promising than “Anti-Whitism”.
“Anti-White” is better than Anti-Whitism coming back as “Anti-Whitist”.
I think I can replace “Anti-Whitism” with “anti-white behaviour” , “anti-white activity”, “anti-white attitude”, “anti-white ideology” and more depending on the context. Does it make it a kind of a shortening? Perhaps even derogative? Like “Racism” vs. “Racialism” or “Nazism” vs. “National Socialism”?
As for translating into foreign languages, it can be tricky depending on the unique flow and vocabulary of each language. I assume that simpler things must be easier to translate.
#87 by Frank on 06/20/2013 - 4:35 pm
“Anti-Whitism” can be attached to an institution.
An “ism” that is floated and attached to an institution, paints all that touches that institution with a big gooey brush.
Those attached to the institution are thereby “tainted” by their association with it.
We all know that in damned near EVERY institution, it’s “fashionable” to say or do things which are anti-White.
So why not paint that institution with a broad brush, the brush of “anti-Whitism”, and then let them worry about cleaning that gooey paint off of themselves. Let’s leave THEM with a problem.
I’ve used “anti-Whitism” before, and like it because it describes a diseased IDEOLOGY. It also gives the impression that it’s a disease that can be “cured” by the afflicted giving up their anti-White behavioral patterns.
While I have little faith that those afflicted with anti-Whitism will do what’s necessary to cure their disease, at least we can identify the disease …
#88 by Skippy 01 on 06/20/2013 - 5:01 pm
#80 by Sunlit Iceberg: ““Anti-White” is better than Anti-Whitism coming back as “Anti-Whitist”.”
I wouldn’t support “Anti-Whitist” at all. For one thing, it’s 100% redundant with “anti-white”.
#89 by Frank on 06/20/2013 - 5:05 pm
(slight editing of the above … after edit time elapsed)
“Anti-Whitism” can be attached to an institution, as the IDEOLOGY which informs institutional behavior.
An “ism” that is floated and attached to an institution, as the ideology which informs its behavior, paints all that touches that institution with a big gooey brush.
Those attached to the institution are thereby “tainted” by their association with it.
We all know that in damned near EVERY institution, it’s “fashionable” to say or do things which are anti-White.
So why not paint that institution with a broad brush, the brush of having “anti-Whitism” as an ideology, evidenced by their anti-White behavior.
#90 by Daniel Genseric on 06/20/2013 - 9:30 pm
Why not just call it what it is?
The anti-white establishment’s commercialized promotion of WHITE GENOCIDE.
#91 by Daniel Genseric on 06/20/2013 - 9:25 pm
Yeah. Let’s start calling “anti-racism” anti-whitism. Brilliant.
Next thing you know, we will have people calling the JUSTIFICATION of WHITE GENOCIDE “anti-whitism” or just “anti-whitist”. I can see it now, “You’re engaging in Anti-Whitism.” instead of “What you PROMOTE is white genocide.” Yep, consistently misguided we will be.
If I have to explain the nuances of that, then you need a free frontal lobotomy. There is nothing I can do for you.
The ONLY instance in which I can see it adding value is in this context, “You say you’re all for anti-racism. What you really are is anti-white.
Anti-RACISM is a code word for anti-white.”
Wait. Nope. Doesn’t work there either.
#92 by Truck Roy on 06/20/2013 - 11:46 pm
What are they? anti-White
What do they believe? anti-Whitism
What do they do? White Genocide
#93 by Daniel Genseric on 06/21/2013 - 2:38 pm
Okay. Then, allow me to play Vandal’s advocate:
I’m not really for white genocide, per se. I’m just a vociferous anti-whitist. That is, I simply don’t like all the evil things we whites have done to minorities.
They are going to key-in on the idea that there are graduated TIERS of “anti-whitism”.
1. (Garden-variety) Anti-white
2. (Devout) Anti-whitist
3. Proponent of White Genocide
You’re giving them an out. Not good.
#94 by johnnywhiterabbit on 06/21/2013 - 3:06 pm
We are all here because of THE MANTRA.
Anti racist is a codeword for Anti White.
I dont see the need to use an “ism”
#95 by dungeoneer on 06/21/2013 - 3:38 pm
Good point, we will all still be here even if some BUGSers are using anti-whitism.
“No need” is lower than effectiveness.
#96 by Daniel Genseric on 06/21/2013 - 4:05 pm
More specifically though, I am here because of the effectiveness of the Mantra.
“Anti-whitism” seems to be the very antithesis of efficacy in stating the truth about white genocide.
No half measures.
No excuses.
No surrender.
No retreat.
No quarter.
Anti-whites’ days are numbered. And not because of our hard work in stating the truth about “anti-whitism”.
#97 by dungeoneer on 06/21/2013 - 4:21 pm
State your case Genseric, you say anti-whitism damages the mantra, but it`s just another rendition of anti-white.
#98 by Daniel Genseric on 06/21/2013 - 9:50 pm
I have stated my case and clearly.
Stop polluting and diluting the potency of the message.
I’m not going to waste any more time searching for different ways of explaining it so you might understand.
#99 by Gar5 on 06/21/2013 - 4:26 pm
I think when we take power, anti-Whiteism could be one of our concerns. WHEN WE TAKE POWER.
At the moment my main concern is anti-Whites.
We have just enough manpower to spread “anti-White”, “White genocide”, and “anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White”.
#100 by Gar5 on 06/21/2013 - 4:36 pm
To elaborate, using anti-Whiteism is for the day when NOBODY wants to be anti-White.
Right now, we have a hard time getting people to call a fish a fish.
Steady yourselves guys and gals, we’re still taking baby steps.
#101 by Daniel Genseric on 06/21/2013 - 9:54 pm
VERY GOOD! Another way of breaking it down. You have highlighted a main facet or nuance of propagating propaganda.
Maybe this will help cement it in the minds of knuckle-draggers.
Baby steps indeed.
#102 by Undercover Lover on 06/21/2013 - 5:34 pm
Well after going through this discussion, I’m not quite sure where I stand.
1. “Anti-white racism” is a very serious problem. It makes sense we use a different term to replace it.
2. I don’t like “-ism.” I think by adopting “-ism” we are almost legitimizing all other “-isms” and isn’t part of Bugs goal to get past wordism?
3. I’m worried that by adopting “anti-whitism” that we might end up pushing other terms to the side like “anti-white” and “white genocide”
That’s all for now.
#103 by Bob on 06/21/2013 - 7:27 pm
Thanks for continuing this discussion.
This became a major point for a truly BUGS reason: anti-whitism is being TRIED and it WORKS in Sweden.
I encouraged comments here, but comments should also come from USING the term.
#104 by Daniel Genseric on 06/21/2013 - 9:43 pm
“It works in Sweden.”
Really? So far, all I have heard is bluster about “Anti-whitism quote working unquote in Sweden.”
Show me the money honey. Where are the news stories? Where is the anti-white outrage? Any sources we can point to in order to verify this claim?
While I might not speak the language, I still have this nifty tool called google translate. It is imperfect, but it gets me close enough to understand the gist of it.
Thanks in advance, BUGSter with the proof.
#105 by Jason on 06/21/2013 - 7:53 pm
I’m going to try out Anti-Whitism online and maybe in person, but in a non-Mantra context to see how people react.
So far, the initial responses I get say things like “no such word or concept exists”, which could give us a launching point to give our talking points.
I’d suggest people try it out, by itself, without incorporating it in Mantra or Minis to see how it flies.
#106 by jo3w on 06/22/2013 - 1:02 pm
I like to use this stuff in person. When I do it I always try to use a, everyone else on the planet has heard these terms a million times, where have you been, kind of attitude. Fun
#107 by Sunlit Iceberg on 06/21/2013 - 10:27 pm
I am sorry, maybe I am the only one who thinks this way so correct me anyone if I miss something.
But I have a feeling that the formula “Anti-Whites believe in Anti-Whitism and commit White Genocide” borders on a closed system. Soon we will have mechanics of the world all explained by Anti-Whitism. Very flexible to fit whatever Anti-White there is and omnipresent because those who act Anti-White either believe in it or are trained by it.
Racism is a windmill and Horus calls the present system a closed one and says that they all fall. But for now the concept of “racism” works. Does it not? In a similar way Marxism was alive and kicking for about 70 years in one certain place in this world. It “worked” too.
So I wonder what will happen in the long run if the windmill of racism will be replaced with, in my opinion, identical windmill of anti-whitism? (I think it is a windmill when it is so vague and omnipresent). Will it set a foundation for a system that will work now (if it indeed works in Sweden) but will have to fall sooner or later too because of its nature?
Or does it not matter right now if it can help to survive right now?
The word itself seems to be a kind of catchy actually. Maybe it can spread.
But what if one believes in money and fame he is going to get for his anti-white actions? Or in green aliens telling him to wipe whites out? Who knows and who cares? One is Anti-White if he speaks and acts Anti-White. And if one commits White Genocide he should be held responsible for it no matter what his beliefs are.
Or do I miss something?
#108 by AtlosTeutā on 06/22/2013 - 2:02 am
Many good pro&anti-theses for both sides here, but as i myself being a somewhat regular user of anti-whitism, and being a White rabbit from Sweden, im partial to the ‘Yes we can’ side!
Some here say that anti-whitism dilutes the message, but the mantra has evolved, and will evolve in some ways as we gain more and more power. It’s only natural id say. And it’s not neccesarily what word we use that matters, as long as it relates to the feeling of Whites being threatened and from thereon, as horus says; problem, reaction, solution.
Id say use it, Moderately! When we own and create institutions after the takeover, we’ll need some “official” term for certain morally abhorent behaviour, anyways. And also something for the armchair intellectuals to toy around with.