We all know what it feels like when a joke falls flat, but there is room for analysis here.
This is critical stuff for a professional writer, but it is also critical for the professional explainer, which we are training to be.
We are all painfully aware that the joke is not only dead, but stinking, when we have to explain it. We must be in the audience’s shoes when we tell a joke. Which brings us to professional explanation. When you tell a joke, you are formulating what will happen IN THE HEARER’S MIND immediately after he hears it. This means you have to be intimately aware of what he knows and what will pop into his mind when he hears it.
The above paragraph is also a perfect description of a professional explainer.
In joking and explaining, what is critical is that all the information your listener needs is right there at the end. We all know that the second after a joke is critical to a comedian. It is just as critical to the explainer.
When I write a piece, as when a comedian tells a joke, what I says can get your mind working or it can shut your mind down.
A stand-up tells a joke about his uncle when he went to Heaven. There will be people in the audience whose beloved uncle recently died. Many of them will not respond to the joke, simply because they are quite naturally thinking of their uncle.
This is a work-study outfit. It is all about explanation. You know how a stand-up feels about people who think of their dead uncle when he tells a joke.
My feelings are very similar when members of a work-study group react like members of a membership organization.
When I say something, I do not want you thinking about how it correlates with the big news item. I do not want a listing of the way others have said the same thing.
I do not want you to see a key word like “Communist” or Nazi (God knows!) and freeze your mind on that. I am trying to explain to you what I did for a living. It is difficult if you pay close attention.
It is impossible if your mind locks on something else.

#1 by Epiphany on 06/22/2013 - 6:51 am
The term “American” has lost all meaning. Pursuant to the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, anyone born within the borders of the U.S. is termed a U.S. Citizen– NOT AN AMERICAN! Also, in the new lexicon, such terms as Irish American, Italian American, and Polish American etc. shall not be implemented anymore. It is truly ignorant to refer to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as “America”. Again, we shall no longer implement the term “American” either.
Please, we need to stop calling ourselves Americans anymore, and to refer to ourselves as U.S. Citizens. “American” is not a synonym for U.S. Citizen, but rather a term of empty extent. Americanism is a Social Construct, and a rather cruel one at that.
#2 by c-bear on 06/22/2013 - 10:58 am
Are you completely in outer space, or are you just running East to West?
While I understand the point your comment it trying to make (whether I agree or disagree is completely besides the point), it is entirely off subject.
You have been asked this before: please keep your comments to the subject at hand.
#3 by jo3w on 06/22/2013 - 8:28 am
When a comic tells a joke, the joke must match the audience to get a laugh. The comic must know something about what appeals to the group he is telling a joke to. I would like to see more analysis on our target audience. I already know what makes BUGSters “laugh”, that information is useless to out cause though. If I know their motivations, values, how they think, I can make them “laugh”. If I make them “laugh” enough they will return to the show.
#4 by c-bear on 06/22/2013 - 11:38 am
I have a bad habit of telling jokes that are “too smart”. Most people don’t get it. BUT it is not the people that are hearing the joke that have the problem. Their level of sophistication, intelligence, or knowledge of inside information is completely irrelevant. If it was up to the audience to “get it” every time a comedian told a joke, there would be no need for talented comedians.
I feel like I’m just re-stating, in different words_ what you just wrote. I mean no offense. It is how I learn, and also how I let people know that I am either paying attention and understanding the subject matter, or completely out in outer space.(laugh)
There is no worry about brain freeze here, by the way. My brain is usually going in several directions at once. As for my conversations online and in my private life I usually stray away from buzz words. They are good conversation killers though, if that is what you are after. I hold myself to a different standard than many: I never say anything online that I wouldn’t say in real life. It is just a good practice for me- it keeps me honest. So, many of my conversations online carry over into my personal life. In this practice, I have seen the physical effect of buzz words. The subject’s eyes glaze over, as if in a trance. In getting out the Mantra, this is what I try to avoid. The Mantra in itself kind of puts people in a trance. Anyone here who has used it in their personal lives knows exactly what I’m talking about. This trance is good when using OUR terminology – not so much when we theirs.
#5 by daedalus on 06/22/2013 - 6:36 pm
“the Mantra itself kind of puts people in a trance.”
That is not what I encounter. Rather there is a second, or two, stop. And often a “Huh?!” expression.
Not trance-like.
#6 by Simmons on 06/22/2013 - 11:39 am
Face it few people are educable, but many are trainable. Our membership orgs are comprised of nearly all trainable individuals, some with impressive educational achievements (think the AmRen crew with Taylor, Derbyshire and the other essayists). This means we are dealing with a people who were given a script and damned if they will deviate from it.
Take Mindweapon’s blog, a great well meaning white man who wants to jump straight to Step 2 of planning the white utopia. Can’t fault him but his training for Step 1 is all the old fail, the crap that does nothing to remove the PC mindblocks that have been put into whites’ heads. To suggest to these well meaning men and women to use BUGser logic and training for removal of PC mindblocks is near hearsy against all their authority figures (all fails BTW). They would rather be called a “racist” in public instead of calling an anti-white an “anti-white.” And if he reads this he will probably block me from posting at his site.
#7 by daedalus on 06/22/2013 - 6:41 pm
If “few people are educable…”,
exactly what are you about? Finding a remnant, the
lucky few that aren’t living with frozen brains.
We appear to be guilty of ‘brain freeze’ here, clutching every new phrase like “membership orgs” and then pasting it on every situation that befuddles us.
Use phrases. Interact. ‘Thawing’ may happen long
after you have left.
#8 by Simmons on 06/23/2013 - 10:15 am
WN 1.0 stems mostly from George Lincoln Rockwell’s template. Even our intellectuals’ work deviates only slightly from his observations.
Look at how our internet tough guys handled the Paula Dean blubberfest. As Glass wrote yesterday the anti-whites have a trillion dollar weapon with the word “racist”, we WN offer nothing except suffering, our suffering and we want other whites to suffer like we have.
#9 by Harumphty Dumpty on 06/22/2013 - 8:06 pm
They would rather be called a “racist” in public instead of calling an anti-white an “anti-white.”
#10 by Blanchevictoire on 06/22/2013 - 12:01 pm
Who is this “Kyle Chambers”? Is he that Anti-White that you tried to censor(Which was most funny my friend)
No sir, I advocate for a future FREE of non-White children, like you, so our precious white children may live in peace!
I will make sure this is accomplished at all costs, regardless of supposed “Logic”, and by censoring at all costs.
I must say, I observed your show with Jack Brutal and his Crew. Much obliged.
#11 by Asgardian117 on 06/22/2013 - 7:31 pm
Nice Try.
#12 by Blanchevictoire on 06/22/2013 - 8:47 pm
Asgardian, please use the listening skills.
We advocate a future FREE of Non-White children, in White countries…
#13 by Asgardian117 on 06/22/2013 - 10:16 pm
That is NOT what you wrote. You left out white countries, THAT MATTERS, the comment you left can and will be ripped to shreds do NOT put words in our mouths.
#14 by Blanchevictoire on 06/22/2013 - 10:37 pm
I am sorry. Honest mistake. So we ARE in agreement that non-whites should be removed from White countries.
#15 by Asgardian117 on 06/22/2013 - 11:26 pm
My request is for their to be a public discussion about white genocide.
If you have come looking for a fight you will not find one here we put you down in PUBLIC.
#16 by Cleric Preston on 06/23/2013 - 8:47 pm
10 days ago ‘Blanchevictoire’ couldn’t tell who was non-White…..
I like the way ‘Blanchevictorie’ uses ‘we’ while not actually posting the Mantra.
Who is ‘we’ Blanchevictorie ?
#17 by Blanchevictoire on 06/23/2013 - 8:54 pm
You know, with this open hostility, I’ve come to a realization.
I AM NOT like you.
I do not associate with individuals who cyberstalk a CHILD for speaking an different opinion.
I do not associate with individuals who believe that a time when Blacks were openly KILLED was a good thing.
I do not associate with individuals who wish to remove by any means the Non-Whites in our countries!
I do not associate with people who ONLY care about Europeans.
After listening to this supposed “Anti-White” crowd and about walking Paris, I’ve realized.
I am not a racist.
I sincerely apologize to All who I’ve hurt with this fraternization.
I will leave gracefully, goodbye, and may you all reach the same realization.
#18 by OldBlighty on 06/23/2013 - 9:31 pm
“I am not a racist.”
Racist is a hate word.
#19 by Jason on 06/23/2013 - 9:32 pm
-Nobody here ever “cyberstalked” anyone.
-There has never been a time in history when it was okay to randomly kill Blacks – LOL.
-All your other points are wrong too.
You were a troll from the start; you just made that obvious.
#20 by Cleric Preston on 06/23/2013 - 10:18 pm
In post 5 of this thread you posted
“No sir, I advocate for a future FREE of non-White children, like you, so our precious white children may live in peace!”
In post 7 of this thread you posted
“Asgardian, please use the listening skills.
We advocate a future FREE of Non-White children, in White countries…”
Now you post
“I do not associate with individuals who wish to remove by any means the Non-Whites in our countries!”
So which of your personalities am I speaking with, the one who wants a ‘future free of non-White children, in White countries’ or the one that refuses to associate with those that advocate that ?
Your comments are schizophrenic to say the least.
You make the ‘accusation’ that we are guilty, not of ‘Hate’ for other races but are now charged with the CRIME of actually caring for Europeans ?
You are not leaving gracefully.
You leave here publically humiliated.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
#21 by patrickwhiterabbit on 06/24/2013 - 5:00 am
When Blanchey boy aka Kyle Chambers talks about ‘stalking’ a child, he is referring to how a couple of poster on YT called Axel Heretic and KaptainLogiK have joined him as fellow anti-racist (anti-White) ‘debaters’, using logic and superior ‘debating’ techniques to argue with KKK Nazi White people (White and normal people to everyone else) on Youtube videos. Seems to me they are a good friend and colleague to him.
I don’t see what his problem is. Axel and KaptainLoigK seem to be doing a good job of correcting Kyle when his thinking becomes illogical and he deviates from correct ‘debating’ procedure–Kyle is getting his panties in a bundle about it though. LOL
#22 by Blanchevictoire on 06/22/2013 - 12:02 pm
I am sorry for the confusion.
#23 by A Smiling Weirwood on 06/22/2013 - 10:20 pm
I’m one of the most easy-going, “give the judgment of charity…” people that there are on here. That being said, I am 99.9% sure that “Blanchevictoire” is one of those “Stop White Rabbit Radio” twats.
Go die in a fire, fuckwad.
BTW, while you are at your game, can you *please* EXPOSE the evils of AntiRacist Hitler, my video, et al.? This cancer NEEDS to see the light of day!
PLEASE post URL’s to our videos on ALL forums, and explain our sinister agenda (which advocates for a future with White children)!
All the best, douche-wad.
#24 by Blanchevictoire on 06/22/2013 - 10:39 pm
You do know that Anti Whites cannot even refute Anti-Racist Hitler, for it is monitored….
Has this Chambers been here before?
So much hostility towards a member that has not done ONE thing wrong.
Why don’t you attack those who HAVE broken the rules, eh? Like the ones I saw tailgating.
I concede I have never been posting, as I still be in observation.
And my friend…there is a thing such as bad publicity. Remember that when we combat the evil anti whites.
#25 by Jason on 06/22/2013 - 8:38 pm
This article practices what it preaches! We want the person listening to GET the point. This requires understanding their context at the time. There really is something similar between telling a good joke and getting a point across. The line, “if this is a workers’ paradise, why do they shoot us when we try to leave” has that quality. So does the Mantra and the Minis.
Some of us Aryans may think all we need to do is “state the truth” in a brave way. But we need to always have an eye to the audience. WHO are we communicating with, WHAT do they know, what MOOD are they are they in, what else are they dealing with, etc.
Does anyone here have a different sense of humor with different people? I do. I will have an ironic sense of humor with some and then enjoy totally “non-ironic”, blunt humor with others.
We will need this skill more moving forward. Keeping the message consistent while crafting it for different audiences is a real art form.
#26 by jo3w on 06/23/2013 - 12:23 am
How do you get people who are very comfortable to get up and demand a change? I think the mantra wins debate, but does not necessarily motivate the “sleeping White giant” to act. What SPECIFICALLY was the thing about the whole Treyvon Martin event that seemed to at least nudge the “sleeping giant”? What does it take to elicit that type of emotional response from our people?
#27 by Asgardian117 on 06/23/2013 - 12:43 am
The white public actually SAW the media portray zimmerman as a white, they went a little to far with that one and ppl caught on, it was not circumventual or blatant but was swept under the carpet.
#28 by Daniel Genseric on 06/23/2013 - 8:43 am
Show them (not those in destitute or the wealthy) there is MORE to be had. Give them a taste of hope and our movement will never grow hungry.
The American Dream is a lie. STOP white geNOcide worldwide.
#29 by Asgardian117 on 06/23/2013 - 9:10 am
I agree with you that it is now a lie, I dont think it always was but it is now.
#30 by Jason on 06/23/2013 - 12:06 am
Whites have accepted self-hatred, a deep guilt, right down to the bone. Communication that doesn’t factor that in, fails.
Even among many White conservatives, if you dig a little, they accept the Anti-White Narrative (Anti-Whitism?). They often think their ancestors were Evil. I’d boil it down this way:
They believe Whites are the biggest BULLIES in history. If you don’t start with that knowledge, you can’t reach them. Basically, they think Whites are criminals on probation; that Whites deserve special monitoring.
This belief is so alien to most of us that we don’t factor it in. If reckless, we immediately sound like NazisWhoCraveBlood to them and they stop listening. Recently I saw a White conservative cringe with shame when the topic of lynchings came up (I was trying to dispel some myths). She wouldn’t listen.
That doesn’t mean we kowtow to those sensibilities, but we must be aware of them. What often looks like a lack of courage among Whites is this self-hatred that goes to their core. A self-hatred apparently borne of the idea Whites carry some special Evil.
#31 by jo3w on 06/23/2013 - 12:36 am
Bob addressed some of this one sided thinking in one of the untrained eye sessions. He was referring to the way leftists think of dark skinned people as animals. Animals of course are morally pure, they kill because it is their survival instinct etc. In the US there is also a cultural bias for the underdog. Think of every 80’s movie of a rag-tag group who stands up to smart and rich guys and gives them a taste of their own medicine. The underdog is always honest and pure and the rich kids will lie steal and cheat to win. The world craves putting the White male on his ass and the underdogs to emerge victorious. JT falls into that role so well that it’s almost sickening! When I post I try to place myself into the position of the underdog. I feel I am more likely to get into peoples ear that way.
#32 by Asgardian117 on 06/23/2013 - 12:44 am
The white public actually SAW the media portray zimmerman as a white, they went a little to far with that one and ppl caught on, it was not circumventual or blatant but was swept under the carpet.
#33 by Epiphany on 06/23/2013 - 1:08 am
The Left is motivated by hatred of White Men. That is precisely what unites the Radical Feminists with the Multiculturalists. They really do not love Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, or others. And one fine day, such minorities will know that they have been used. Besides, the very phrase “women and minorities” is a bad joke, when one takes into consideration how badly Blacks, in particular, treat women.
#34 by Blanchevictoire on 06/24/2013 - 9:43 am
So PatrickWhiteRabbit A.K.A: Axel Heretic and KaptainLogiK, why is it that since my advent, you have accused me of being Chambers? What makes him so special that you wish to consistently harass him, which is not allowed? You seem to have plenty of unresolved anger towards him, what did he do, beat you in an argument? So not ONLY do you possess a superiority complex, you are paranoid towards a CHILD who haunts your dreams, and would be willing to commit a crime to annoy… I cannot believe I was against this kid… Don’t even bother replying, go to hell, you have shown me nothing but hostility
#35 by Gar5 on 06/24/2013 - 11:03 am
It appears that you have mastered English in a few days.
You said as you were French you didn’t speak it very well- you are too modest 😉
When will you master actually DOING something to HELP?
#36 by Cleric Preston on 06/24/2013 - 7:04 pm
2nd Time,
In post 5 of this thread you posted
“No sir, I advocate for a future FREE of non-White children, like you, so our precious white children may live in peace!”
In post 7 of this thread you posted
“Asgardian, please use the listening skills.
We advocate a future FREE of Non-White children, in White countries…”
Now you post
“I do not associate with individuals who wish to remove by any means the Non-Whites in our countries!”
So which of your personalities am I speaking with, the one who wants a ‘future free of non-White children, in White countries’ or the one that refuses to associate with those that advocate that ?