Archive for June 25th, 2013
DUHH! Again
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 06/25/2013
When I was on Capitol Hill, the Capitol Hill Police Force had about 1100 officers. This armed force protected about one hundred and sixty acres of territory.
Mayor Blumberg of New York has just given a hundred million dollars to fight for gun control. Needless to say, he has a large contingent of armed guards around him at all times.
Any member of the congress or the legislature who wants a gun permit can get one.
I remember when Alan Dershowitz, famous for defending Free Speech was on a talk show. His opponent said he was consistently on the side of the criminal. Dershowitz answered, “You had better put your house in your wife’s name before you say that.” He shut the other guy up with bullying him. Only rich people could afford to be sure he was not right.
One in every hundred men, women and children in this country is a lawyer. Our society has what any earlier generations of Americans would have considered a state of at least semi-despotism.
National Review and other respectable conservatives are STILL asking why academia is leftist. I explained that in my 1976 book, which the NR review recommended. Under Marxism “intellectuals” rule the world. If you know that you can either understand why academia likes this idea or you are simply hopeless.
The more lawyers anything requires the more powerful those who have them become. Meanwhile, for the average person, a lawyer is a ruinous expense.
So the very rich favor more regulations. Those regulations are despotic to others, but they have lawyers and politicians at their beck and call. So the very rich are for more regulations, or at least they couldn’t care less about them.
Another interesting aspect of our society is that billionaires bully millionaires. For a millionaire today, when millions are merely upper middle class, the cost of regulations is devastating. They have to pay lawyers by the hour, instead of owning a few dozen like a billionaire does.
This is the sort of observation any intelligent person, much less any “pro,” does not need explained.
All this seems obvious to me, but respectable conservatives will never know it.
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