Archive for June, 2013
BUGS is Work and Study
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 06/15/2013
A professional boxer knows dozens of punches he doesn’t use in nineteen out of twenty bouts.
New boxers begin to learn about such once-in-a career punches when they are talking.
But the rookie boxer who lets go of his basic discipline and tries to USE one of those special punches early in his career can end up in a wheelchair.
So the boxing coach has two jobs which seem to be contradictory.
First, he must teach The Kid in his early bouts to go through the same routine, bout after bout.
Considering how hard even the newest pro boxers hit, it is a wonder that there aren’t more paraplegics who tried to get fancy too early.
Second, the coach must also do what seems the very opposite: He must prepare his man for when he is competing to become a contender . That part of the training has to start early, talking about great fights or special moves
while not using them.
Try to understand that your questions to me about how the future will be, are answered here.
I have made it clear, over and over and over, that predicting the future is a laughable idea. “Inevitables” are hogwash.
All that you can really do about the future is learn a way of thinking. You will be doing the negotiating, you will be changing course when needed, and you have already found that getting your ideas around the censors and despots requires constant rethinking.
Take the whole theory of “historic inevitables.” Our whole political dialogue has “progressives” on one side and “conservatives” on the other. It’s absurd.
A progressive believes that history has to move “forward.” This is exactly the same as saying that the good guys always win.
A Mantra Thinker would reduce it to that. And a Mantra Thinker wouldn’t go off on a thousand-page dissertation about this error.
He would simply reword the statement, “In history, those who win are always the good guys.”
So when I write about issues you can’t address while you are under Mantra Discipline, I am trying to give the answers you will need later, and may even be able to slip in when a real debate occurs — with third parties watching.
Actually, as you will read what I say carefully, I can see this sort of thinking coming more and more to the pros here. Just don’t race to think of the Latest News when I show you an approach. Keep your mind on the kind of thinking that is going on HERE, not what would impress membership orgs.
You Are the Cavalry to Ole Bob!
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 06/13/2013
We have reached a new stage in BUGS.
At the beginning I was the Source, and every person who got into action with the Mantra WANTED me to be the Source, the Boss, the Final Word. There was one single reason for this, and only one:
I had invented and developed the Mantra, but That was NOT the reason you looked to me as the Authority. You looked to me as the Authority because I was the only person who had USED the Mantra.
Those of you who used it found that it was dynamite, but that, like dynamite, you had to learn to handle it. But it was exhilarating for you when you DID use it right.
AT LAST, using this magic formula, you could slam dunk the truth right down their throats.
But you got sidetracked and lost out when you went into your old mode.
You greatly preferred winning and so you decided Bob could tell you how to keep winning.
Over the years a dream has come true for me. There is now a core of BUGS stalwarts who have won with the Mantra out there in the real world many, many times.
A few years back I was the only one who had ever used the Mantra. I single-handedly cleared out the accusations of “Racism” and the regular apologies and denials of “Racism” in the Opposing Views section of Stormfront.
Everybody admitted that.
But, until Lord Nelson finally came along, nobody else USED the Mantra!
Yes, I invented the Mantra. Yes, I developed it and I was the only expert on it.
But being the only one was NOT fun. I HATED it. It was suffering to be the only one who was out there using this wonderful weapon. These were years of suffering with which you can easily identify. Back then EVERYBODY on our side was an anti-Mantra pro-white(AMPW).
You have had far more than enough dealings with the AMPWs to fully realize what it felt like when EVERYBODY was AMPW and I had to deal with them alone!
It was every bit as bad as you think!
If you empathize with my long, lone campaign, you will realize that this “change” in our relationship is an absolute joy to me.
I don’t WANT to be the only Mantra expert, or even the chief Mantra expert, any more.
This is a celebration.
You cannot easily imagine what a pleasure it is for me to bitch when you don’t come up with the right answer that we have learned in the field to some standard anti-white argument!
You can see how bad it was to be alone with the Mantra.
But now I want you to fully understand what a joy it is for me to read YOUR experiences, for me to be corrected by you, as fellow professionals.
The cavalry has arrived!
I Dare You to Google “Starvation”
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 06/11/2013
I am one of the very few people, all of them old, who have ever seen and, which is not known to those who haven’t had the experienced, SMELLED actual starvation. My doctor brother explained that pervasive smell when I thought I had imagined it.
But you don’t need all that. Mothers may still tell their kids who leave food on the plate that, “There are children starving in India who would love to have that.”
Or at least you know of that statement from older people talking about hearing it from their mothers endless times. I know every young person I say “When I was a boy I had to walk twenty miles to school.” is well aware of that old saw.
And all of us knew what the word “starvation” meant. It did not mean a lack of vitamin D.
Nobody has picked up on it, of course, but I have said many times here that in all the world, built by whites, for the first time in history no one starves.
If you go to a search engine to confirm that, you will learn another BUGS lesson, “Why is this information produced?”
You can’t FIND “starvation.”
All the information on starvation is produced by those who make a living of dealing with whatever they choose to call “Hunger.”
You can’t FIND starvation because no one gets a dime out of stating that no one actually starves.
The end of Polio, starvation, blood poisoning, smallpox, diphtheria and an endless list of others are examples of the fact that the white man’s sins are common, but his achievements are unique.
It is important for you to look up “starvation.” Any serious researcher should realize, and few do, what information simply will not come out. Outside BUGS, they would look for an exception to my rule and totally forget the point of it.
Though I will say that many times the desperate search for an exception makes all the people listening to the argument newly and totally aware of the truth I am speaking. That “ALL white countries and ONLY white countries” has resulted in endless numbers of opponents giving figures from something they so desperately try to make an exception that the audience absorbs the reality completely.
My statement was, “No one, outside the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea, starves in this white-built world.” Please Google it, because the frustration will give you first-hand experience in the critical area of “Why is This Information Produced?”
The Unique Joy BUGSERS Give Me
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 06/09/2013
Like the old man I am, I have told you how I suffered before anybody else would use Mantra Thinking.
God love you, since you have had to do a lone job of fighting, you sympathize with all those years I showed people how to win and push the point and they refused to DO it. You’ve experienced it.
But there is another side to this, a fascinating side.
A GOOD side.
William Shockley, a dedicated pro-white who led the team that invented the transistor, told me how fascinating it was for him to read about the new uses to which the transistor was being used.
He got a Nobel Prize, and he liked the praise. But what kept him going was the daily invention of a new use for his invention.
There is a special feeling about seeing what used to be your private project get used that is a happiness only the creative get to enjoy.
Imagine being a diagnosed schizophrenic for decades. Then, suddenly, you find real people saying what you thought only Your Voices were telling you. The only thing that kept me from feeling schizophrenic when others ignored The Mantra was that my out of the box kept WINNING.
But when the enemy runs and you stand there on the hill you took away from them, again and again, waving your sword for your other troops to come on, and they just stand there, you can’t help but begin to suspect that you are the nut in the crowd.
BUGS discussions are fascinating to me because you are my Voices now.
Discussions that I only had with myself, and discussions BEYOND those that I only had with myself, are right here, new uses to which you put my thinking are FASCINATING to me!
Oh, yes, you can keep patting the Old Man on the head because you understand his past Sufferings. Hell, I was in a Jewish-culture country where self-pity as a sport outranks baseball.
The point of this piece is that I want you to realize the unique joy, joy I have earned, that your writing gives me.
When They Say Racist, You Say “Heretic”
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 06/07/2013
The tiny group of stalwarts in BUGS are now practitioners going on pros. I used to dictate how to use Mantra Logic without compromise, and I think you agree that was necessary at the time.
But you are not the beginners you were, so this is a suggestion you may try and report on.
I start by explaining that there is one thing the anti-whites are RIGHT about!
They say that if people start thinking about White Genocide, their minds are going to rethink a lot of other things.
That is the excuse that every form of tyranny over the human mind has always used.
Bur heretics immediately or people will start thinking dangerous thoughts.
Every tyranny over the mind has always called heretics “anti-religion” or “extremist” and now “racist.”
But the labels all boil down to the same one: Heretic!
That is a word that might wake me people up.
They have always had the goal of white genocide in mind, but no one else would TALK about it.
Racism is this generation’s word for Heresy.
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