That July 2 SPLC article attacking White Rabbit referred to me as “A genial Forrest Gump,” so on July 4 I wrote them: I am a Forrest Gump?
Thank you!
To you Forrest Gump is a retard with the Southern accent you associate with that.
To me Mr. Gump is a Medal of Honor winner and, more important, a man of loyalty and honor.
I’ll never live up to the title, but thank you anyway.
An hour later, my screen said the site was longer available.
You would be ASTONISHED at how often that has happened.
#1 by Asgardian117 on 07/05/2013 - 8:20 am
Hahaha thats quality comedy coach, the sound……. of silence.
When the silence breaks it will be the loudest noise the world has ever heard.
#2 by Linux Lewis on 07/05/2013 - 8:50 am
I like how they try to correlate people to the mantra… as if we can’t do the same to their cause
For example, Jefferey Dahmer was a devout anti-racist. The fact he would agree with the vile anti-white hatred coming from the SPLC – just turns my stomach.
#3 by Bob on 07/05/2013 - 9:27 am
To me that’s what the whole movie was about.
His love had Fashionable Opinions and a high IQ. He had a retarded IQ, but he had loyalty, a solid Old South outlook, and endless courage.
She died of AIDS. He raised their normal son.
SPLC just saw a funny moron with a Southern accent.
#4 by OldBlighty on 07/06/2013 - 3:27 am
“To you Forrest Gump is a retard with the Southern accent you associate with that.
To me Mr. Gump is a Medal of Honor winner and, more important, a man of loyalty and honor.
I’ll never live up to the title, but thank you anyway.”
Bob Judo!
#5 by Feu denfer on 07/05/2013 - 10:48 am
I did some mantra thinking on the SPLC article.
First read:
BUGs consists of recovering addicts and people living with their moms.
First rethink:
Ryan Lenz says BUGS consist of recovering addicts and people living with their moms.
Second rethink:
Ryan Lenz wants us to think BUGS consist of recovering addicts and people living with their moms.
Third rethink:
Ryan Lenz wants us to think BUGS consist of recovering addicts and people living with their moms and that this is a bad thing.
Fourth rethink:
Ryan Lenz looks down on recovering addicts and people living with their moms.
Fifth rethink:
This article was approved by the SPLC editor.
Sixth rethink:
The SPLC looks down on recovering addicts and people living with their moms.
Seventh rethink:
The all-loving and all-tolerant SPLC believe they are superior to recovering addicts and people living with their moms.
#6 by Linux Lewis on 07/05/2013 - 10:58 am
@Bob I know it’s easier said than done – but I wouldn’t read into it too much… we all know if that Lentz guy had to debate you, he’d be crapping his pants.
Talk is cheap…
Here is my favorite retard btw
#7 by Dave on 07/05/2013 - 11:17 am
Leave it to an organization with the name “Southern” it to attempt to denigrate Robert Whitaker, one of the few left standing that uphold the outstanding intellectual traditions of the American South.
I am certain that the SPLC would like to see those intellectual traditions obliterated being the fanatical book burners they are. “Civil rights” has long been an excellent cover for book burners.
Too bad for the SPLC that the Internet makes it exceedingly difficult to obliterate knowledge using the method of book burning. Even the NSA has got in the act to make sure that the knowledge contained on the Internet is properly and redundantly backed up.
It is an irony of totalitarian systems that they fail to obliterate most real knowledge simply because they are too stupid to recognize real knowledge, which brings us back to SPLC and their take on Robert Whitaker.
#8 by Wm White on 07/05/2013 - 2:21 pm
Special “kudos” to all those brave Bugsters mentioned in the splc article.
The Samizdat dissident approach is our process but anonymity may not always be possible. Stay the course and always keep our goal in mind: we are here to bring awareness to what is happening “now” to our people “White Genocide.”
And we do this by making it an everyday topic of conversation.
#9 by Iceknight on 07/05/2013 - 3:11 pm
Yes, I would also like to add my sincere gratitude to all of those brave BUGSters!
Can’t be pleasant being on the receiving end of such vindictive personal attacks, but you should also take great personal pride in being the spearhead of what is set to become a world changing movement.
#10 by Epiphany on 07/05/2013 - 2:33 pm
Well, soon the anti–Racists will forget all about the Second World War. Or, they will stab themselves in the back, destroying their whole argument, by pointing out how racist America, under Roosevelt was, at that time. Either way, it will be the end to this Good War nonsense!
#11 by markwn on 07/05/2013 - 4:04 pm
@Bob –
In spite of all our progress, I believe we lack a sense of urgency and do not realize how dire our situation is in demographic terms.
Given our percentages, here is an (admittedly crude) oversimplification that does not even factor in non-whites:
The world’s population is 1,000,000. More white people now die than are born every year.
Less than 8% (only 80,000) is white people. Less than 2% (only 20,000) is child bearing age white women who have a CATASTROPHICALLY LOW BIRTH RATE.
EVERY YEAR, the 20,000 white women of child bearing age will continue to shrink. Our future depends on this TINY % of the earth’s population.
We are now at a point where EVERY YEAR, more demographic damage is done to our people than multiple previous years combined.
In order to motivate our people, perhaps you could crank out some daily columns to better articulate this point.
Our situation is DIRE !
One final note – I am deeply saddened by the lack of traffic on the “anti-racist” Hitler video. Only 180,000 hits.
I was hoping for traffic in the MILLIONS by now. Hopefully, BUGsers mention it in their postings.
#12 by OldBlighty on 07/05/2013 - 11:54 pm
#13 by JD GENT on 07/05/2013 - 7:01 pm
“…It is still better if the enemy attacks us wildly and paints us as utterly black and without and without a single virtue; it demonstrates that we have not only drawn a clear line of demarcation between the enemy and ourselves but ACHIEVED A GREAT DEAL in our work.” Yes i know I’m quoting Mao. The left will say nothing about this quote out of reverence for Mao. Respectable conservatives will say “He’s a communist you know.” Mao talks from winning experience.
One other thing. I dont blame Mr Whitaker for getting upset about the SPLC’s latest tactics because after all, enemy Banzi charges coming straight at you are pretty dammn scary. But Banzi charges r often last option choices. The SPLC r battle hardened combat veterans of ideological
warfare. The only reason a hardened veteran would break both their silence and cover is if they found their present position untenable because of incoming fire.
#14 by Wm White on 07/05/2013 - 10:47 pm
Uh-oh. I see my first post has been deleted.
I suspect my attempt at parody was a failure?
If I unintentionally insulted anyone, my sincerest apologies.
The goal was to ridicule “splc” not to cast aspersions upon anyone here at BUGS.
#15 by Bob on 07/06/2013 - 8:27 am
mrkwn, you don’t win a fight by panicking.
All that stuff is in the news and is used all the by AMPWs.
Nothing wrong with giving WRs YTs a nudge.
#16 by Simmons on 07/06/2013 - 3:01 pm
Maybe that genius at the splc should explain the Gump reference in further detail. I myself had a high opinion of the character, not so much of the girl’s lifestyle, but if I was wrong I’m quite sure a logical explanation as to why Gump should be scorned would change my mind.
Please explain splc I really value your opinions.