One of BUGS biggest accomplishments is our vocabulary development.
“Tailgating” is not just a word, it provides us with a whole way of thinking about discussion.
As more than one commenter has pointed out, Mantra Thinking is a whole education in itself.
When I discuss The Silence, it is not just an abstract or a partisan tongue. Until you start thinking specifically about The Silence, you are completely unaware of at least half of what one has to know to have an educated view of information: the half that is NOT brought up.
Without looking straight at the Silence, half of your intellectual life is not only neglected, but left out of your awareness entirely.
We have a list of these terms that needs updating in, I suppose, “Whitakerisms.”
In fact I can now state flatly that a person who does not have a BUGS vocabulary really has no knowledge about how at least half of our intellectual life is actually governed.
We in BUGS should be especially aware of another term, The Fear.
It is a truism that one who is developing a vocabulary like this is not yet sure exactly what the terms he is using mean. As in the development of all intellectual concepts, you have to use it and discuss it to define it.
So I am introducing The Fear as something everybody who discusses anything lives with, but doesn’t identify. With us, it is specific and constant: What can They do to us for discussing White Genocide under our own names?
One thing a young person must be concerned with is that BUGS will be handled like all dissent is handled on racial issues: BUGS will be labeled a racist group, a Hate Group. Then someday with a computer will disgorge a list of people who go on to a blacklist.
For all ages, personal violence is permissible to our enemies. But in my life I have had only one or two instances of being attacked, and those very, very minor.
Nowadays anyone who does not carry pepper spray is a fool. That takes care of anything up to a bear or somebody on meth.
The point of this article is, as the journals say, “To bring the terms The Silence and The Fear up to the level of theoretical awareness.”
That’s what a seminar is for!
#1 by Jason on 08/01/2013 - 10:53 am
One of the great things about BUGS is that what it advocates is fully legal. Not on the edge of the law, but fully within the law.
I have a heightened concern over anyone who wants to associate BUGS with anything “edgy”. And I wonder if some of the Fear we feel doesn’t come from what other, less thoughtful groups have done in the past? I won’t name all the pro-White groups who have imploded, but a lot of their problems were self-inflicted.
I suspect most of us have a free floating anxiety, a generalized fear of what “they” could do to us. And our enemies use it to keep others from joining us. I guess this is what every heretic feels. My big hope is that we are on the cusp of having a lot of Normal Whites speak out.
The worst part of being a heretic is feeling isolated. If we can get even a small subset of society to be openly pro-White, that will change everything. It’s not so much burning at the stake that bothers me, it is burning without anyone saying they will avenge me or carry our work on.
#2 by Asgardian117 on 08/01/2013 - 12:30 pm
There will always be others jason, I am quite sure that MILLIONS of whites feel the way we do. But its THE FEAR that silences them…….for now 😉
#3 by OldBlighty on 08/01/2013 - 10:55 am
I was thinking about this when reading about the EDL’s Tommy Robinson this week. Among many things, he was almost kicked to death by his political enemies and the only reason he isn’t dead, is because a bystander stepped in and saved him.
I don’t agree with his politics, he claims he is “anti-racist”, but I do respect his courage in coming back, over and over again. Perhaps his fear of what is coming, is greater than “The Fear” Bob speaks of.
#4 by Bob on 08/01/2013 - 11:26 am
Jason is right: my last book had the Mantra in it repeatedly and it is legal everywhere.
I understand it only takes a single bureaucrat to declare anything “unsuitable” under those Bolshevik Hate Laws in places like France and Germany, and most of you are unaware of how out of touch I am.
Has the Mantra itself been banned anywhere?
#5 by Daniel Genseric on 08/01/2013 - 8:32 pm
“Has the Mantra itself been banned anywhere?” – Bob
Do American Renaissance and TOO count?
#6 by Bob on 08/01/2013 - 11:28 am
Jason is right: my last bad the Mantra in it repeatedly and it is legal everywhere.
I understand it only takes a single bureaucrat to declare anything “unsuitable” under those Bolshevik Hate Laws in places like France and Germany, and most of you are unaware of how out of touch I am.
Has the Mantra itself been banned anywhere?
#7 by Asgardian117 on 08/01/2013 - 12:24 pm
ANY ATTEMPT to ” out” ANY of us who are anonymous for now will be the anti whites SWAN SONG…and they KNOW IT. Any attempt to draw attention to it and denounce it WILL bring traffic to the web sites. THEY DO NOT WANT THAT. The second they do that they will probably reach more people than we have in 5 years.
Strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you could have ever imagined.
#8 by jimmy blue eyes on 08/01/2013 - 1:12 pm
Old blighty
Please explain the fear you were refering too in reguards to tommy robinson.
#9 by OldBlighty on 08/01/2013 - 6:16 pm
I saw Tommy talk about his fear of the war torn future, that is coming to the UK if he fails. Obviously if the man returns after facing death, he really believes it.
As for me, I know the anti-Whites are not going to just stop their incitements against Whites, if they make us a minority. Incitement on that scale cannot be turned off like a water tap. The new non-White rulers will take up the anti-White torch and the Hillary Clintons of this world, will not be able to reign them in. When Bob warns the world of White Genocide, he isn’t kidding around.
#10 by Asgardian117 on 08/01/2013 - 9:33 pm
Oldblighty…I concur with your statement, IF we are brought to total negation in the future it will not be pretty. Regining anti whites in at that point will not be a option. That is why we cannot fail.
#11 by beefcake on 08/01/2013 - 1:59 pm
One thing I KNOW is FEAR. I have felt FEAR. I agree it is powerful, it can grip you, and it can be used as a weapon. Fear is also finite.
One thing I know about our race is that we overcome fear. It does not last forever.
The FEAR is diminishing with every day.
I’ve noticed in a lot of news comments sections, Whites who are NOT part of the Swarm are becoming increasingly bold when talking about racial matters.
Lots of the St.Travon and Zimmer the Slayer stories have a lot of comments getting over a thousand thumbs ups, comments that look like they have been on stormfront just 6 years ago.
People openly commenting on the amount of crimes commited against whites that never make it past the local news.
The word Anti-White is becoming common in describing the major media. It has transcended the Swarm.
Whites WANTING to talk about RACE is a suppressed energy, and we are seeing the energy starting to come out.
Obviously they have no discipline. They just sound like they have all sorts of things that come to mind when talking about Race.
I’m even being told these things in person when I say the Mantra.
Like all of the sudden they are feeling SAFER to talk about Race.
THIS is where WE must HOLD THE LINE.
As the enemy retreats it can feel great to chase them. Right into Tailgating.
When non-Swarm Whites want to talk about Race they will be all over the place. Sure they might sound more openly Pro-White, BUT they are do NOT know how to CONTROL a MESSAGE.
So again, when it seems easier to talk about Race, we MUST keep the Discipline we have learned.
Keep the focus on White Genocide.
#12 by mandela on 08/01/2013 - 3:38 pm
“The Fear” is an importaint concept, I hope it develops. “The Fear” that is importaint to me is an irrational fear that makes me ashamed for our people. It is why we can be ruled by the few. As an organiser for our people I would describe “The Fear” as supernatural, illogical, all powerful, a God. It must have been bred into us from thousands of years of bowing to society. I dont have “The Fear”, it is not in my genes, but I see it OVER AND OVER AGAIN, without reason, on the faces of other Whites.
#13 by Frank on 08/01/2013 - 3:50 pm
“The Fear” is the most powerful weapon of the enemies of Whites. It is used to keep Whites inside the “respectability corral”, it is the fence of that corral.
All people seek some semblance of social respect, so by using FEAR of not being respected by one’s peers as a weapon, THOUGHT itself is silenced.
Most people are far more afraid of losing the respect of their social group than of being “right”, or even discussing the Genocide of their People openly.
Now I’m thinking a bit about how, once “The Fear” is developed a bit in this space, we can USE it in our raids.
Calling someone “scaredy cat” also has an AFFECT on a person. How can we use “Fear” as a mantra concept that will tear down fear walls?
Discussing “the Fear” intellectually would be a waste of time if we couldn’t also integrate it into our weapons cache, and make it an effective tactic to use in RAIDS.
#14 by mandela on 08/01/2013 - 5:09 pm
You anti-Whites are ruled by The Fear. Because Mummy Professor will smack your bum if you are nice to Whites.
#15 by Thecimmerian on 08/01/2013 - 7:58 pm
the problem with the “Fear” is that its not of minorities (majorities) it’s not even of our Genocide. it’s of traitors. Those white “anti-white amongst us that Hate their own and wish to hurry on our demise. If the average white thought that speaking his mind on all these subjects would be listened, to that he wouldn’t end up on headline news as a “NAZIWHOWANTSTOKILL6MILLIONJEWS” Then there would be no fear. its not the non-whites they were given power its the traitors. they are the ones we target with the mantra to tear down and show the man behind the curtain to the world, I’m not going to lie or sugar coat it. the average white I meet in my every day life is as anti-white as any TV show but then they’ve been programmed by such shows. Judging by the amount of miscegenation in my area I frankly have no hope for the uk. However I believe that the mantra can work towards saving and protecting other countries not so far gone and oust the anti-whites in their nations. Sad to see my British/Scottish people go? ofc but I long ago realised we are not all going to make it but ill be damned if I go down with ought trying to fight at least.
#16 by OldBlighty on 08/02/2013 - 12:47 am
Paul Western of Liberty GB is at it again:
He said the left are trying to destroy the British people. They know exactly what they are doing and it is the biggest crime since the Holocaust. He used genocide.
Audrey Russo’s Second Interview with Paul Weston
He hits them with the charge at 15.30. I was losing hope when he was using, “I am a racist” and was talking about integration.
#17 by Frank on 08/02/2013 - 3:43 pm
OB, thanks for that link to the Weston interview. At about 23:00 they are talking about The Fear. Audrey Russo quotes Churchill at 23:26 …
“FEAR is a reaction, COURAGE is a decision”.
Not to go all Wordist by pointing to an “authority” and his set of words, but …
Perhaps this distinction could be made into something useful?
“You anti-White white people are just cowering reactionaries who have no courage, but only speak against your own people due to the FEAR of being called a naughty name.”
Basically, call them cowardly pussies who are afraid of a word, and have neither courage nor conviction.
#18 by Frank on 08/02/2013 - 3:52 pm
Forgot to mention: In the above talking point add something about GENOCIDE.
“You anti-White white people are just cowering reactionaries who have no courage, but only speak against your own people due to the FEAR of being called a naughty name.
You would rather sit in a corner cowering in FEAR of being called a naughty name, rather than discussing the ongoing program of White Genocide being carried out against your own people.”
#19 by Frank on 08/02/2013 - 4:19 pm
More on that Weston interview:
I’m struck by how Weston is mirroring Bob’s Mantra tactic of going THROUGH the name calling by repeating it and making it sound ridiculous.
In the Mantra, it’s “I’m called anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews”.
Weston constantly repeats, “I’m called “a nasty racist facist bigot (etc, etc.)” Over and over, “I’m called …. anastyracistfacistbigot.”
By putting these words together into something which sounds ridiculously and impossibly “Evil”, and ALWAYS saying “I will be called …”, he takes the fangs out of these words. He makes it all sound ridiculous.
Fighting “Seriousness” by making it sound ridiculous.
#20 by OldBlighty on 08/02/2013 - 5:05 pm
I saw a movie called Lawless a while back. In this movie, the main character shows how they maintain rule over their area. They do it by controlling the Fear. If anyone gave them trouble, they would use over the top violence and the entire community would fall into line. He also explained, if they lost control of the Fear, they were as good as dead.
Anti-Whites in authority are the same. They are *small in number*, but they use the Fear to control the masses.
I was arguing with a left wing peanut yesterday, about a topic unrelated to gencoide, and I noticed the argument turned in my favor, when I stopped taking this person and their idea seriously.
I started agreeing with them, but at the same time ridiculing them and their idea. The leftist gave up as soon as they understood what I was doing.
Ramzpaul employed this trolling tactic against the anti-Whites here:
Can it be as simple as pointing out the ones that control the Fear and making fun of them?
#21 by OldBlighty on 08/02/2013 - 5:22 pm
Just found a short clip that explains the Fear.
How anti-Whites control the Fear.
I’m sure one of our video makers, could have fun with this idea.
#22 by Scythian on 08/02/2013 - 11:01 pm
I say Simmons write the White House Petitions and HD put them thru. We’ll have a “vote”, those in favor are pro-white, those against are anti-white.
#23 by Harumphty Dumpty on 08/03/2013 - 1:32 am
(Down to the dashed line is off-topic; is about petitions)
Don’t like the August ones, Scythian? 🙂 I thought they were especially good.
Does Simmons want to write some? If Simmons or anyone wants to write some, I’d welcome them…I don’t relish writing the 40 I hope we’ll eventually need every month…but I reserve the right to use my best judgment which ones I use the resources I have to put up. I’m always open to persuasion though, as in the case of one August petition written by a Stalwart that got a thumbs up from a couple of you.
I haven’t had time to get to your drafts yet, but I haven’t forgotten them.
There’s an old comment from you concerning the petitions that I’ve wanted to go back and read for some time, because I’ve forgotten the content. You’d called them a “joke” in an earlier comment (if my memory is distorted, please forgive), and I hadn’t understood in what way you meant that, and you explained, and I think I felt mollified, but I recall that that comment had some real content in it and I’d like to reread it. If you recall where it was, or want to just repeat your point, that would save me time. And then we could maybe have a good argument! 🙂 I’m thoroughly convinced that the humor in them…I think that may have been your objection…which I recognize is humor, even though I’m very serious about those things…is one thing that grabs media attention…the Motherboard article and various commenters have seemed quite outraged by it, and act as if I’m really expecting those things to happen…possibly they can’t stand the obvious fact that I’m enjoying myself. Or they don’t really care and are just happy to have something to talk about.
I haven’t had time to read, but I think the ideas of Frank and others to get fear into the Mantra comments is a good idea. Fear itself is often lost in the silence of manliness. The fear of committing blasphemy against the Holy Church of PC is definitely held in the Silence.
The August petition on the Church of PC will be rewritten next month to include Blasphemy. I wrote it at the last minute.
#24 by Harumphty Dumpty on 08/03/2013 - 1:40 am
“The fear of committing blasphemy against the Holy Church of PC is definitely held in the Silence.”
Anyone here read Catch-22 and remember the chapter where Lt. Scheisskopf exhorts his soldiers to please, please tell him anything they need to or want to, he really wants to hear, etc. etc., and one soldier is warning another that he’s about to screw himself royally if he takes Schiesskopf seriously.
I always think of that when Obama and Holder call for a conversation on race.
#25 by Harumphty Dumpty on 08/03/2013 - 2:14 am
(off-topic, on petitions)
I can’t find the comment of yours I’ve forgotten, Scythian, but I found the first one, and this one by Simmons under it:
#15 by Simmons on 05/19/2013 – 10:47 am
I suggested they more relate to “real world” issues such as Holder not prosecuting hate crimes if they are committed against whites as proof of group harm. Less abstract sounding and more intune with people’s political vibes.
I hadn’t seen the earlier one he’s apparently referring to…from some things people have told me, I’ve missed a lot of comments here on the petitions…but I replied to this one:
Look, you guys who have ideas for petitions need to write those! I can’t do it. I just barely know what’s going on in the world day to day, week to week…I don’t keep up with that, and I don’t have sufficient knowledge of “real world” issues to write about them.
That’s still my reply…nothing inside myself answers the call for a petition like Simmons describes there, but I think that if he or someone else would write it, it’s one I’d like to have. The “real-world” issue has to clearly support our White Genocide message rather than distract from it though.
And godd@man it Scythian, could you please be a little more f*cking courteous in things you say to me or about me? I’m godd@mned f*ucking tired of coming to this godd@amned sh*tsucking motherf*cking site and then having to go pound a godd@maned sh*tsucking motherf*cking wall before I can go to godd@mned sh*tsucking motherf*cking sleep!
Okay? Just have an ordinary person’s decent consideration for another’s feelings, unless you’re an aspie and simply can’t, in which case I’ll try to be prepared and not get blind-sided.
Cheers! We’re in the same fight.
#26 by Harumphty Dumpty on 08/03/2013 - 2:54 am
(on petitions)
I suggested they more relate to “real world” issues such as Holder not prosecuting hate crimes if they are committed against whites as proof of group harm. Less abstract sounding and more intune with people’s political vibes.
My mind is open, and I might be wowed by a particular petition, but a priori I’m dubious of petitions that launch off of political issues. From several years of posting at the website of Knoxville’s newspaper, I know that for much of the masses, it’s all about Republicans and Democrats, “liberals” and “conservatives.” Get into anything that’s political, whatever else it is, and many readers will just go into their political mode and distort any other features through that lens. Using something from politics as an entrée to Mantra seems to me like using sex as an entrée…the entrée will turn out to be the entrée.
But I’m going to think about it more, and my mind is open if someone wants to give it a whirl. Maybe I’ll pick something and research it and try it myself. Also, we still want petitions on different White countries, which is something else I don’t feel very qualified to write.
#27 by Harumphty Dumpty on 08/03/2013 - 6:06 am
I did find your later post I wanted to re-read:
And back then I did end up eliminating the pledge of allegiance from,
(Jun #2 of 3) Have Public School Children say the Pledge of Allegiance and the White GeNOcide Mantra each morning!,
…so maybe our discussion was useful there. That title was intended to be serious and humorous both, but adding the Pledge finally seemed to trivialize the other somehow.
Well maybe I’ll feel the same about some of August’s titles in a couple of months, but they look fine to me now.
Look, at one extreme we could do what some of you want, just run that same #1 main petition every month alone, and try for a buildup of signatures that will be sufficient to draw media attention ongoing.
I don’t think that will work, because where are you going to get the signatures? You might be able to get a sizable number of signatures from pro-whites to NOT run a “white genocide” petition, but not to run one.
I’m thinking 40 petitions, but with more variety than we’ve had, and forget about signatures per se. With chinese in china using the site and getting 150,000 signatures in just a few days, I don’t think we’ll shine in the signature dept.
#28 by Harumphty Dumpty on 08/03/2013 - 6:24 am
(on petitions)
Well this idea by Simmons seems excellent, and I either didn’t see it or forgot it. I finally decided I wasn’t up to taking on the splc head on in a petition, at least when the returns didn’t seem worth it, but this is a little different. Simmons, would you be interested in writing it? I’d be happy to let you put it up too! We’d coordinate, and do it through the Stalwarts along with the other petitions. I’ll think about this idea the next couple of days. If you’re on SF, you could PM me there.
#35 by Simmons on 07/01/2013 – 11:09 am
More tough guy advice from me, I think Dumpty should ask for a Beer Summit with Obama to discuss white genocide. Maybe those rich influential people who work or contribute to the SPLC can arrange this well publicized meeting?
I mean the SPLC is against genocide is it not? Some say they advocate harm against whites as a racial group, and I say it doesn’t have to be this way, what nice rich person would contribute to any org that advocates group harm? Come on can anyone actually think the SPLC would violate the UN Convention on Genocide by denying a group a group defense, and who would contribute to such a dastardly undertaking?
This is a very appealing idea. I’ll probably see what I can do with it, and Simmons, maybe you’ll want to too.
#29 by Harumphty Dumpty on 08/03/2013 - 6:41 am
Okay, I’m sleepy now, but searching “Simmons” and “petitions” on this site, I see I’ve missed entire blogs, and apparently lots of good ideas from Simmons. I’ll read through those the next day or two…right now I’m stilll getting petitions up. And if someone else can do this better than I can and wants this job, believe me, I am ready to turn it over! But I’ll insist on some help with the drudge work too, because that part is still flattening me.
okay, good work, Scythian, you got my attention to something important.
#30 by Bob on 08/03/2013 - 8:58 am
The Petitions are BUGS Work, and BUGS Work is never off topic here.
#31 by Scythian on 08/03/2013 - 2:27 pm
First, the “vote” comment was a joke to make a point; it seems everything in the U.S. is S.U. lite: although there might not be a ‘party member’ standing behind the voting booth curtain seeing how you voted, we have “judges” overturning ballet initiatives only when they don’t go the “right” way; our only “choice” is voting for two wings of the same religion that won’t allow only White people group defense, etc. And ironically on a positive note, the “right to vote” will be even more worthless when whites become just another minority, and plurality.
Anyway, I mentioned Simmons b/c he’s given specific ideas for petitions AND b/c he along w/ Lord Nelson and a few other BUGSers seem to be the best at one liners – our best K.O. artists if you will.
I’m glad I posted that comment now, b/c I’d forgotten about the beer summit idea as well, and the denial of ‘group defense’ for white people must be kept in the light also – b/c that’s a main tenant of genocide.
And HD, calm down, my post was probably a subconscious attempt at provoking ideas. Plus I did some raiding after said post. I have at least a couple more things to say/suggestions regarding the petitions that I’ll get back to you later on.
#32 by Harumphty Dumpty on 08/03/2013 - 3:44 pm
No problem now at my end…I get extra irritable when it’s my time of the month (petition time)! 🙂
I’m actually invigorated by the possibilities this conversation is presenting.
I’ll see if I can establish contact with you right now so that hopefully we can exchange a few messages in a couple of days. In the meantime, I’ll keep more of an eye open for anything more you or others have to say here.
The availability of this White House site for our use is a golden opportunity for publicity that must be made the most of.
#33 by Jason on 08/03/2013 - 10:46 pm
I had never heard of COINTELPRO, which was an FBI operation to discredit groups deemed subversive. Supposedly most targets were communists, but some targets were pro-White groups.
One of their favorite techniques was to infiltrate organizations. This is why association with weirdos should be avoided. It provides entree to those who wish to discredit.
#34 by Karlfried on 08/04/2013 - 6:36 am
Make a simple sentence, for example:
„I am a part of my people (in my case German), I am a part of the European peoples and I am a part of the white race. If we do nothing, all these three things will be extinguished by the flood of Third World mass invasion.”
— Say it aloud for yourself and later aloud to a listerner. If the listener agrees, that is fine. If not, you can call him a mass murderer, because he likes the killing of an entire race by the means of flooding with masses of Third World people.
The fear to be publicly called a perpetrator and a social outsider will be on his side then, not on our side.
If we attac with the help of the plain truth, then we will win. If we make a compromise with their lies and their “good-feeling-mind”, then we loose. Because they build up their “castles in the sky” with the help of good-sounding words like “human rights”.
If we start to discuss the problems of the Third World instead of saying that “our own surviving as a people and a race ist our task number one,” then we make a very big mistake.
#35 by Harumphty Dumpty on 08/04/2013 - 9:13 am
On White GeNOcide Project this morning:
So many posts, so many frightened, ignorant people.
Yes, the anti-white propaganda system that constantly screams “commit White Genocide” does keep a lot of good White people ignorant.
And it certainly does keep other Whites too frightened to speak up.
Good work, anti-white. You and the other anti-whites who support White Genocide have become successful tyrants of exactly the sort every age has known.
#36 by Asgardian117 on 08/04/2013 - 10:13 am
HD that was a amazing line at the end….BIG FAN of that one.
#37 by Harumphty Dumpty on 08/04/2013 - 11:08 am
Thanks. Frank’s idea of using fear immediately grabbed me, and I wouldn’t have thought of replying in that comment as I did without his suggestion…thanks, Frank!
I did extend that comment immediately into a more standard Mantra comment.
#38 by Harumphty Dumpty on 08/04/2013 - 11:12 am
This Anti-White Dictionary may have some useful bits in it. I may add to it if I think of more things or receive suggestions…feel welcome to add suggestions in the thread.
#39 by Bob on 08/04/2013 - 12:56 pm
That Anti-White Dictionary deserves more attention.
I also need suggestions for Whitakerisms invented since that section was added.
But RAID! is first priority.
#40 by Jason on 08/04/2013 - 8:18 pm
HD, one of the valuable things you add is a knowledge of real world activism. Please keep that in mind when talking to most of us who come from “the Right”. We are not naturally gifted in the arena of politics, in my opinion. Certainly, most conservatives would rather tend their own garden.
People on the Right have all sorts of excuses to do nothing. Mainly they revolve around waiting for “the system” to collapse- LOL. Then, by golly, they will spring into action! There is a certain blindspot about activism and how social change happens among most folks from the Right.
So, speaking for myself, don’t ever hesitate to go remedial and mention the basics.
#41 by beefcake on 08/05/2013 - 12:58 pm
I attempted to post this a couple days ago, and it stayed in moderation… ————
One thing I KNOW is FEAR. I have felt FEAR. I agree it is powerful, it can grip you, and it can be used as a weapon. Fear is also finite.
One thing I know about our race is that we overcome fear. It does not last forever.
The FEAR is diminishing with every day.
I’ve noticed in a lot of news comments sections, Whites who are NOT part of the Swarm are becoming increasingly bold when talking about racial matters.
Lots of the St.Travon and Zimmer the Slayer stories have a lot of comments getting over a thousand thumbs ups, comments that look like they have been on stormfront just 6 years ago.
People openly commenting on the amount of crimes commited against whites that never make it past the local news.
The word Anti-White is becoming common in describing the major media. It has transcended the Swarm.
Whites WANTING to talk about RACE is a suppressed energy, and we are seeing the energy starting to come out.
Obviously they have no discipline. They just sound like they have all sorts of things that come to mind when talking about Race.
I’m even being told these things in person when I say the Mantra.
Like all of the sudden they are feeling SAFER to talk about Race.
THIS is where WE must HOLD THE LINE.
As the enemy retreats it can feel great to chase them. Right into Tailgating.
When non-Swarm Whites want to talk about Race they will be all over the place. Sure they might sound more openly Pro-White, BUT they are do NOT know how to CONTROL a MESSAGE.
So again, when it seems easier to talk about Race, we MUST keep the Discipline we have learned.
Keep the focus on White Genocide.