It was routine for respectable conservatives and especially libertarians to denounce enforcement of immigration restrictions at the Mexican border as “just like the Berlin Wall.”
I embarrassed an entire editorial staff by saying that there must be no difference between inside or outside the DC Jail, because you could get shot breaking in or breaking out.
Do not fool yourself by saying, “There is no answer to that.”
It can be answered, as mine was, by simply refusing to allow it to be repeated.
And it is answered the moment you allow the other person to say ANYTHING before he admits he was WRONG and SILLY.
Every AMPW can tell us how he “handled a question.” He looked GOOD, and that is all he cares about.
No AMPW has ever told us what happened AFTER he gave his answer.
We all KNOW what happened, the flow and counterflow of horse hockey continued.
We all know that the only answer anti-whites have is to silence us or change the subject.
Those tactics ARE answers if you allow them to be.
#1 by Pragmatic on 09/26/2013 - 4:42 pm
“…My liege, and madam, to expostulate
What majesty should be, what duty is,
Why day is day, night is night, and time is time,
Were nothing but to waste night, day and time.
Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit,
“More matter, with less art”
The Mantra and the minis work because they are brief, full of matter without the art. They are identifiably the soul of wit and so can be more easily remembered and repeated. Wit attacks the Achilles heel of anti-whites and progressives, their inability to be criticized with laughter.
#2 by Skippy01 on 09/28/2013 - 8:42 pm
Thank you! “Those tactics ARE answers if you allow them to be.” I’ve fallen for that many times, but I didn’t see it till you said it.
The simplest things are hard and inobvious unless you are used to them. Asking the questions, taking and keeping the initiative – these things aren’t part of everyone’s natural conversational style. They must be practiced. Everything takes practice.
I use BUGS Buddy ( ) to improve my work by comparing what I did that went wrong with what I should have done. Even so improvement only comes slowly.
I have a small suggestion. “Anti-white” and “anti-White” are good, but I think “antiwhite” gives a small advantage – enough to make it worth using. The point is, it is already a legitimate, established word in dictionaries. For example:
“Antiwhite” is a bit more “challenging” than “anti-white” or “anti-White” because anyone can glue words together with a hyphen, but with “antiwhite” you are insisting that this is an actual word. And it is! So when anyone challenges you (e.g. “you’re a white supremacist using made-up words”), you tell them to look it up in the dictionary – you can even give the links.
This doesn’t happen often. Just often enough to make using the dictionary word worthwhile.
That sort of thing is easy to figure out with experience – it’s a specific detail.
“Do not fool yourself by saying, “There is no answer to that.”
It can be answered, as mine was, by simply refusing to allow it to be repeated.”
That’s a “not seeing the forest for the trees” thing. Stuff like that is harder to figure out on your own by trial and error.
#3 by Jay on 09/29/2013 - 8:27 pm
“It was routine for respectable conservatives and especially libertarians to denounce enforcement of immigration restrictions at the Mexican border as “just like the Berlin Wall.”
Russians aren’t migrating to Germany enmass. The Berlin wall was simply to divide Germany of unification and the U.S. Troops still occupies Germany.
#4 by Bill White on 10/06/2013 - 5:07 pm
We are trying to save our race, the white race.
Not look good.