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Posted by Bob on October 11th, 2013 under Coaching Session

I understand that the Chinese media often refer to Chinese-Americans or those living in other countries as “Chinese Living Abroad.”

What we call “Hispanics” vote as Mexicans Living Abroad. On this question neo-Marxism speaks perfect Double Think. When Republicans started denying illegal immigrants welfare and other public benefits, the media announced gleefully that Republicans had lost the Hispanic vote forever.Image Hosted by

At the same time anyone who said that “Hispanics” voted largely on favoring immigrants over American Anglos was instantly called anaziwhowantedtoillsixmillionjews. They were denounced first and loudest by National Review and the rest of the rest of the paycheck crowd.

One study showed that half of the Hispanics responding said they might consider voting Republican if the Party changed its immigration stance. Half of them specifying that issue would seem to show special interest in it on the part of Mexicans Living Abroad.

But, as those long years when conservatives banned anyone pointing out that every Communist country had to shoot escapees, saying what I said in the above paragraph is the first step to getting fired as a paycheck conservative.

Another Pubic Secret: There is no “Hispanic vote.” There are Mexicans Living Abroad, Central Americans Living Abroad, but no “Hispanics.”

  1. #1 by Asgardian on 10/11/2013 - 8:21 pm

    I havent met ONE mexican that does NOT support amnesty.

    Politics ARE becoming racialized and all the double speak in the world will NOT be able to HIDE it.

    Which is a good thing for US.

    • #2 by FinnCati on 10/12/2013 - 7:23 pm

      Where I work I have received a response from an immigrant of Mexico who does not support S.744 or the DREAM Act. I was shocked, but it is a relief to hear that others share our views when there is even a conflict of interest.

  2. #3 by mandela on 10/11/2013 - 9:33 pm

    Asgardian, are you free to skype? I was trying to get hold of you

  3. #4 by Asgardian on 10/11/2013 - 10:02 pm

    Mandela…if you can contact hd or minerva via email show them this post and they will give you my email.

  4. #5 by mandela on 10/11/2013 - 10:21 pm

    I can get hold of no one.

  5. #6 by Jason on 10/12/2013 - 1:09 am

    So I’m White, where is my nation?

    I guess it is going to take several more years until Whites understand how urgent the situation is. So, I don’t know what the Next Step should be, other than keeping on.

    But I will say the Next Step is going to be Future Oriented, not Past Looking in its symbols, imagery and slogans.

    I remember long ago in high school, there was a White Power hotline you could call. I enjoyed their messages and one day I asked an older female friend of the family to listen to it. The end of the message had marching music. She noted that it ended with militaristic marching music, and it was obvious she disapproved, while otherwise being pretty pro-White.

    The marching music turned her off. To me it was trivial, but to others, such things end all thought. That was long ago.

    Someday, marching music may be in vogue! But we can’t copy and paste the rituals of past political movements and think they will work the same way.

  6. #7 by Simmons on 10/12/2013 - 10:37 am

    What Bob is describing is cult speak, especially that of the Cons. And if all you have to combat it are essays, you literally will get nowhere, doubt this go read any WN blog which is basically a selling point for essays.

    No cult member can withstand an interrogation, but they can play dueling essays till the money runs out. No cult member can withstand being held responsible for the actions of the cult. People don’t join cults to accept responsibility they join to evade responsibility.

    Bob has a line, “in YOUR opinion” the most important word being the personal pronoun that places responsibility upon the cultists, and not dueling essays of dribble, personal responsibility.

  7. #8 by FinnCati on 10/12/2013 - 7:22 pm

    How do I make a post on “The BUGS Swarm”? It says I cannot create new topics.

    I am new to the site but am a user of the Mantra for long amounts of time. I have an idea that I want opinions on but this is not the appropriate thread.

    Thank you 🙂

  8. #9 by JD GENT on 10/13/2013 - 1:27 am

    Here in Texas it looks like the University of Texas will be going back to federal court because the elites are saying the university ISN’T DIVERSE ENOUGH which is just code for TOO MANY WHITES. Like ya pointed out DIVERSITY just means Less Whites. Either way their goal is WHITE GENOCIDE

  9. #10 by LinuxLewis on 10/13/2013 - 6:37 am

    “ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is WRONG! We must genocide white kids through LEGAL IMMIGRATION”.

    Way to take a stand respectable conservatives

  10. #11 by mandela on 10/13/2013 - 9:08 pm

    finncati, if I scroll down in the bugs swarm page there is a place for me to start a new topic. You should find the same if you log in. ignore the comments closed message, it always says that.

    (he found it sys op)

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