If only Communists condemn exploitation, then I am a Communist; so if only Nazis oppose White Genocide, I am a Nazi.
If only extremists oppose the establishment, then I am an extremist; so if only White Supremacists are not anti-white, then I am a White Supremacist.
If only Politically Incorrect people support free speech, I am proud to stand beside them.
A label is the weapon of one who has lost the argument.
#1 by Daniel Genseric on 10/15/2013 - 11:34 am
Then I guess I’m a politically incorrect, commieNAZIextremist speaking out in defiance of the anti-white establishment’s sanctioned program of silence and genocide against my race, the white race.
#2 by The Asgardian known as Michael on 10/15/2013 - 11:39 am
We will have time to consider the morality of our actions when this WAR IS WON.
#3 by finn cati on 10/15/2013 - 12:22 pm
Anti-Whites will call us “racist”, “white supremacist”, “Nazi”, “extremist” in a way they call someone “gay” or “retarded”. When you call someone gay, you hardly ever mean it. When Anti-Whites call us “racist” even they know it means nothing.
Labels are words which have no definition, and at this point I do not give much a damn about Words On Paper (WOPs).
#4 by shari on 10/15/2013 - 2:40 pm
“We will have time to consider the morality of our actions when this war is won.” What’s to consider? The genocide of our race, the white race is IMMORAL.
#5 by The Asgardian known as Michael on 10/15/2013 - 3:43 pm
Thats my point.
#6 by The Asgardian known as Michael on 10/15/2013 - 5:11 pm
My cousins.
#7 by jo3w on 10/15/2013 - 6:20 pm
I can and will use all 4 of those lines in a conversation/post. Thanks!
#8 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/15/2013 - 6:28 pm
We have nothing to fear from labels. The proponents of White genocide, on the other hand, are firm believers in the efficacy of labels, have everything reason to fear them.
That’s why they scramble around like vampires at dawn when they see “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White”.
It labels them, and they can’t deal with it.
#9 by Peter Cottontail on 10/15/2013 - 8:49 pm
Bob, this piece could have been written by a respectable conservative…”if being racist is means treating every person with respect, then I am a racist.” Ever heard that one? How about this? “Racist is the weapon of one who has lost the argument.” Respectabots LOVE that line.
The mantra is destroying the term racist because anti-Whites don’t want to be labeled anti-White. Mantra thinking will destroy terms like White supremacist and Nazi precisely because words are effective. This entire article goes against what you have written to date.
Consider me confused.
#10 by Henry Davenport on 10/16/2013 - 10:16 pm
Otoh, I really like Gar5 and Simmon’s inventions below, as useful things to say.
Maybe in this blog Bob isn’t offering us things to say, but is portraying an attitude that he hoped would provoke us to come up with some things to say, like Gar5’s and Simmons’ rejoinders?
#11 by AnotherOne on 10/15/2013 - 11:11 pm
“Just a White boy looking for a place to do my thing… and it wouldn’t do an ounce of good to call me names.” – Merle Haggard
Name-calling is all that the Anti-whites can do to us, legally. And what good is that doing for them? Nothing. They’re not Mantra thinkers.
#12 by Jason on 10/16/2013 - 4:12 am
Everyone here LIVES with being called names. Anyone on this board has been called a Nazi at LEAST a thousand times. Most of us have been called a Nazi in person. I’ve been called worse.
I’ve been called an inbred hillbilly quite a bit in my postings. It doesn’t stop me or any of you. But, I am not sure I would say, “if only inbreeds oppose genocide, then I am an inbreed”. It strikes me as off as do the other phrases, but maybe I am missing something.
Sometimes it works to rather ironically embrace whatever term of insult gets thrown at your people and turn it around and strip the term of its power.
#13 by Gar5 on 10/16/2013 - 10:42 am
In response to the “inbred” slur:
Hitler believed genetics mattered, and that Whites and non-Whites could never live in the same world. Anti-Whites agree with Hitler, but they just disagree with WHO should go.
#14 by Jason on 10/16/2013 - 5:22 pm
Nice response, and I had never realized that those who talk about “inbreeds” are acknowledging the importance of genes.
#15 by Simmons on 10/17/2013 - 1:57 pm
I have said for years we have the “Nazi card” to use on the anti-whites, but this drives the WWII re-enactors bonkers. Hitler wanted to off the jews, the jews want to off Whites.
#16 by GregP on 10/16/2013 - 5:03 am
I think the point is to expose what anti-Whites really mean by these labels. It’s not something a respectable conservative would say because it explicitly refers to White Genocide. A respectable would refer to some egalitarian, race-blind nonsense in an attempt to appease and appeal to liberal principals, not something that exposes these labels true meanings and thus the whole anti-White world-view as simply that of White Genocide.
Therefore, I see this as Mantra Thinking.
#17 by GregP on 10/16/2013 - 5:11 am
My only point of confusion is that instead of “label,” wouldn’t “name calling” make more sense in the last sentence? Humans need to label everything for communication. “Name calling” is more specific.
Also, we “label” or name call anti-Whites as anti-Whites…is the difference that what we’re calling them is actually accurate and truthful?
#18 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/16/2013 - 8:00 am
“Also, we “label” or name call anti-Whites as anti-Whites…is the difference that what we’re calling them is actually accurate and truthful?”
We’re also consistent in our labeling.
Concision, consistence. Concision, consistence. Concision, consistence.
#19 by Simmons on 10/16/2013 - 9:57 am
At the link on an article about White genocide in SA an “anni” uses the ever reliable “ignorant” to try and trip me up. Now you folks have a life time of seeing the “ignorant” label trip up our smarties, and you have a lifetime of reading their splendorous essay responses to the anti-whites calling them “ignorant.”
I know she is a cultists with a party line, I know she can answer no questions, and so what do I do? I asked her to explain how her being an anti-white can be considered brilliance. I did this in one sentence, not an essay.
#20 by timeforfreedom on 10/16/2013 - 3:46 pm
Hi Simmons, here is what I posted at the same comment section of that story:
“Your virulent anti-White-ism is not only tragic but horribly shocking. You have done nothing here except argue virulently for the justification of the ongoing murder, rape, and slaughter of White people and our children.
You are a vicious anti-White Genocidal freak.
What you need to understand is that ANTI-RACIST IS A CODEWORD FOR ANTI-WHITE.
I doubt if it will get by the moderator however.
#21 by Bob on 10/16/2013 - 1:37 pm
I think the correct word is “cow.”
#22 by rabbit rebel on 10/16/2013 - 6:32 pm
How many times haven’t we heard respect-o-cons jumping at the throat of anything suspect of the ‘ol nazisupervillain scarecrow. They say when we “get rid of the nazis” THEN the enemy will respect us and become reasonable and all will be a damn fairy tale.
Maybe Bob means that we need to overcome and work away the fear of the labels in our minds. Rather than embracing the label.
“In your opinion Nazis&White Supremacists are the only ones opposing White geNOcide. What does that say about you, anti-White?”
Or maybe im just waay of target..
#23 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/16/2013 - 6:40 pm
“Or maybe im just waay of target..”
Nope. I don’t think so. Anti-Whites will only stop calling us Nazis when we cease running away from that label.
Phrase it anyway you like, but NEVER, NEVER, NEVER deny that you are a Nazi, or you will get your ass handed to you.
Anti-Whites watch where their bullets land.
#24 by Undercover Lover on 10/16/2013 - 8:02 pm
There seems to be an obsession with respectability lately. I don’t like it. It’s defensive when we’re on the attack.
We need to keep condemning anti-whites. Make THEM worry about their “image.” Make THEM say “If opposing racism makes me anti-white then I’m anti-white.”
On an additional note, I seem to be unable to post in any of the threads. I don’t know what’s going on. It says Comments are closed but a bunch of others are posting regularly.
#25 by Henry Davenport on 10/16/2013 - 8:37 pm
Suddenly I can’t post on the working thread.
I haven’t heard yet, but I think a couple of bugsters may have been in this action. Check out the banner and the sign in the photos.
I think we should take every opportunity to post Mantra on Matthew Heimbach’s TradYouth site, not swarming it, but just enough that the audience gets a continuing exposure to it, since TradYouth is out there on the street.
Someone who can may want to copy my comment onto the working thread.
#26 by Jason on 10/16/2013 - 9:08 pm
I can’t post on working thread either.
Yeah, seems like mild posting works best on pro-White sites, just occasional reminders.
#27 by Henry Davenport on 10/16/2013 - 10:01 pm
I just posted a few comments there on the thread I linked. There’s an anti-white that hangs at that site, and combating him gives ample opportunity to display Mantra. Matt Parrot and the other responders to the anti-white there are writing long essays to him on the other threads!
I’ll put that site on my chore list. I think I can do a pretty decent job of exhibiting a better way to respond to anti-whites, and it’s something I enjoy. Jason, if you have a moment, check out what I posted so far! 🙂
#28 by Henry Davenport on 10/17/2013 - 10:51 am
The White House’s million watt megaphone has been turned back on, so please resume adding initials to the October “petitions”…we got about 40 of the 150 sets of initials needed to make them visible during the few hours the site was open. Thanks!
Since the petition clock stopped ticking during the shutdown, these will expire 30 days from now, and so we’ll submit no new ones for November.
(Oct #1 of 3) Stop lying! Immigration IS about race! It’s about the GENOCIDE of the WHITE RACE.
(Oct #2 of 3) Be progressive in the 21st century and learn from the peoples of Africa.
(Oct #3 of 3) Admit that Channon Christian & Christopher Newsom torture and murders were a by-effect of WHITE GENOCIDE
Short URLs for the “petitions”:
1. http://wh.gov/lTGNz
2. http://wh.gov/lTGRX
3. http://wh.gov/lTGRQ
#29 by Jason on 10/17/2013 - 11:02 am
It’s the masses that are cowed. They fear the PC Gods more than they fear genocide (at the moment).
A Fox anchor just said it was unfair to tarnish the whole Tea Party because of one Confederate flag at a recent rally. The tone suggested that “of course” that flag waver was crazy, but most weren’t like that “kook”. The Tea Party Boy being interviewed eagerly agreed.
It did feel stale. But still, young people are especially bitten by fear of PC from what I can see. At least in the big city I am near, young Whites are VERY timid about it. And I am not in NYC.
I hope PC is a dead corpse that is about to collapse, but I gotta remember, I’ve thought it was “over” a few times before. But when it falls, none of this will matter.
#30 by AnotherOne on 10/18/2013 - 12:08 am
There are many young Pro-whites out there. More than you think. There would be even more of them if more young people understood what death really is. If I hadn’t understood what it meant to die before I was exposed to the Mantra, I probably wouldn’t be posting here. So it’s actually a very good sign how many young people we have on our side. 🙂
#31 by c-bear on 10/18/2013 - 1:11 am
I absolutely LOVE poking fun at anti-whites when they throw lables like it’s some sort of trump card. I’ll usually come back with:
“RAY-SIS is IGNUNT!” Is that all you got anti_white? ROFLMAO!!!
It really BUGS the hell out of them.